Night of Seduction (17 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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The fifty-eight
year old grandmother of twelve, Gabby looked at the clock and made
a note in her journal while shaking her head wondering why God gave
children to some people. Standing, she closed the journal and put
it inside the pillowcase on her bed. The bellow occurred again as
she walked into the adjoining room to look in on Sierra, who was
down for her nap. Seeing the angel was still asleep, she walked
towards the suites that belong to Ms. Wright to get the woman to
stop yelling through the house. In the twenty years she had been a
governess, she had come across some trifling parents and this one
was no different. But just like the others, she too shall reap what
she sow.

Ms. Wright, Sierra is taking her


Latoya smiled.

I have
some things I need to do. Let me know the minute she wakes

She said while walking towards the other end of the

Gabby learned
early on not to ask questions of this one. But she wondered where
Ms. Wright was going. Mr. Davis did not like her in his part of the
house and that was the only thing down that hallway. Mr. Davis paid
her a rather nice salary to keep his home clean and daughter safe.
A part of that was protecting his privacy, especially from Ms.
Wright. Why was it always the good men that ended up with trifling
conniving women? She shook her head as she entered the door right
off the kitchen. In the security room Gabby watched the

s movements on the monitor. When Latoya entered

s office, Gabby hit the record button and adjusted the
camera to cover the entire room. She then walked out of the room
and continued with her chores. Some women never seemed to have
enough. Here the man had put her in a seven bedroom mansion with
every amenity known to man and she still was not happy. One day she
would learn. Gabby just hoped it was not at

s expense.

Inside the
office, Latoya wasn

t sure what she was
looking for but when she saw it she would know. The man was too
organized. Everything was neatly in its place, so whatever she did
she had to make sure it was put back in its place or he would
notice. Sitting at his desk she opened the center draw, nothing.
She tried the bottom two drawers, they were locked. Turning to the
computer on the side she hit the enter button, just to see if he
left it up


t. Damn, there had to be something. She opened the
planner on his desk and looked at his appointments. He had several
with a realtor, she wrote down the person

s name and
number that might come in handy later. Turning the pages backwards,
she read the appointments for the previous months. Nothing she did
not know about. Going back another week she looked at each date and
came across one that read: Siri


Elementary School. Hmm, I wonder what that could mean. She
dialed a number on her cell phone and sat back in his chair.

Hey girl, what


“Toya? Hey
girl. Long time no hear. You still beating people down in the

Laughing Latoya

Hey a girl got to protect her turf.

s why I


“Oh hell. I
just came from church and you got me up to no good


s all for a good
cause and you know I

ll look out for

“Yeah, yeah,
what do you want and how much do I get?

“A thousand for
some information.

“Wow, Jason got
you on that type of allowance for you to dish out a grand just for

“If my plan
works, it will be a whole lot more zeros behind that

“You got my

Do your computer thing and
see what you can find with this combination.

She gave
the information to her friend, but did not give any specifics, the
fewer people that knew what she was up to the better. Money would
keep some people

s mouths shut, but
not everyone


I need this, like now.


ll see what I can do
as soon as I see half in my account.

“Done, call me

she disconnected the call. Now phase two. She
closed the book took a look around and made sure everything was
back in place.

It was late
when Jason walked into his home. The driver pulled off taking his
mother and Eric home. All he wanted to do was see his daughter then
dream about TeKaya. It was getting harder and harder to leave her.
But he knew he was the one with baggage to clean up. Shaking his
head and smiling, he had to admire the way TeKaya was handling the
situation. She was not giving him an inch. If you care enough about
me to tell my mother you plan on making me your wife, then you will
find a way to clean up your house before bringing me in. The woman
told him to clean up his act. He wondered if she had any idea how
many women would not care about his situation, they would take
whatever he had to give. Hell he was Jason

music executive. TeKaya could care less. To her,
he was the man who claimed to love her and she expected nothing
less than his all. That was what he loved about her.

He froze at the
door of Sierra

s room. Latoya was
there on the sofa with Sierra in her arms asleep. One would think
it was normal for a mother to be holding her child, but not Latoya.
He picked Sierra up to place her in her bed and Latoya woke up a
little disoriented. Once Sierra was settled, he looked at

What are you doing in here?

Stretching she

She wasn

t feeling well. I
think she has a fever.

Jason turned
and felt his daughter

s head, she

t feel warm, but she was still asleep. Usually she
would wake up as soon as he touched her.

When did this


t know, around two this afternoon,

she said
as she stood to look over at the child.


t I called?


t know where you were or how to contact




s late.

m sure she


She reached down and tucked the cover around her

I was a little
worried for a minute. But she

s sleeping soundly

He took off his
suit jacket and placed it across the chair. I

ll stay
with her through the night.


t mind staying.


“You know Jason
our child is not feeling well. It

s not about you or
me. It

s about her. So I

m not going to argue
with you tonight. If you want to stay, stay. I

ll take
the monitor with me and check on her in the

She picked up the monitor.


She walked out of the room. Upon entering her
room, Latoya set the monitor on the night stand and placed the
bottle of brandy she had tainted Sierra

s Kool aide with
inside the cabinet and then crawled back into bed she had vacated
just a few minutes earlier, with a smile.

The next
morning Gabby walked into Sierra

s room and found it
empty. Not seeing anything out of place other then the child
missing, she took a look at her watch. It was a little after six.
She began walking towards Jason

s suite, for she knew
Ms. Wright was not up this early. Tapping lightly on the door, she
called out,

Mr. Davies, are you


he groggily replied.

Come on

She walked into
the suite to find him in the sitting area of the room and Sierra
asleep in his bed.

I came looking for
our pumpkin. Did she con you into sleeping with

Standing with
just his pajama bottoms on he walked into the dressing room and
returned while putting the top on.

What happened with
Sierra last night?

Frowning, Gabby
looked at him confused.

What do you

indicated Sierra wasn

t feeling well. Why

t you call me?

“I have no idea
what you are referring to. Sierra was fine when I put her down
around nine last night.

She went over to the
child and touched her forehead, now quite concerned.

She doesn

t feel warm or
anything. Sierra, sweetie wake up for Gabby.

“Do you think
we should wake her?

“I need to know
my pumpkin is okay,

Gabby replied. When the little girl
stretched in her arms, Jason released the breath he did not realize
he was holding and Gabby smile.

Good morning pumpkin.
Daddy said you don

t feel well. Can you
tell Gabby what hurts?

Now Jason was
standing next to the woman and his daughter close to the

She seems groggy. By this time she would be all over
the place.

He picked up the cordless telephone
next to his bed.


m calling
the doctor

s office to see if
she can see her today.


m sure

s nothing, but it

s better to be safe
than sorry. With a young child you never know.

Jason tenderly
caressed dark curls on Sierra

s head. Concern was
etched so deeply in his face that Gabby had to try to ease his


m sure

s fine.


Jason smiled down at his daughter as he listened
to the recording from the doctor

s office. Sierra
smiled at him, closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Gabby put the
child in her father

s arms.


ll get some clothes to dress

then left the room. Jason hung up the telephone and
then dialed Eric

s house. Before he
had a chance to tell his mother Sierra

s symptoms she
had hung up the telephone. He was sure she would be there within
the hour.

By seven
thirty, Jason, Miriam and Gabby were all in the kitchen watching
the very energetic child chasing her Uncle Eric around the island
with her teddy bear. Eric stopped and turned suddenly scooping the
giggling child up into his arms.


t toss her around like that,

Jason said
still concerned for his daughter.

“Jason, the
child is fine. Who said she was sick in the first

Miriam asked as she smiled up at her

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