Night of Seduction (14 page)

Read Night of Seduction Online

Authors: Iris Bolling

Tags: #music, #family relationships, #brothers and sisters, #iris bolling

BOOK: Night of Seduction
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Jason lowered
his head and smiled.

I met this woman a
little over a month ago in Virginia and we have been spending a lot
of time getting to know each other.

“Mainly because
Jason has not gotten rid of Latoya,


“Smart girl, I
like her already.

Jason glared at

Do you mind?

“Not at all, go

“As I was
saying, her name is TeKaya Kendrick. She

s a photographer
with a small studio of her own.

He sat up.

Mom, remember when you used to say, you will know when you
meet that someone. Well, TeKaya is that someone for me.

s beautiful Mom, inside and out.

s intelligent, caring and she don

t take no
bull from me. Whether we

re together or not,
she is always foremost in my mind. She made me see that what I
thought was a stable environment for Sierra, was a ruse, and as she
grows older she will see it for exactly what is. It was at her
urging that I consulted an attorney that specializes in custody
cases to see exactly what rights I have as a father. I have known
her for a short period of time, but she has had a huge impact on my

A stunned
Miriam looked from one son to the other. She had never heard her
son speak so passionately about a woman before, not this one. Eric,
yes. He was the romantic, but not Jason.


s not objective. Is
she that beautiful?

she asked Eric.

“Yes, she is.
She is very real, down to earth. I actually think she could whip

s behind and ask what

s next. Miriam
and Jason laughed.

But she is not as
beautiful as her sister,

Eric added. Both
stopped laughing and stared surprisingly at Eric. Looking back at
the two he repeated,



Jason grinned
as his mother turned her attention slowly from Eric, back to

So when do I get to meet this

“We are trying
to keep her a secret a while longer. When the media get wind off
her, that will set off a whole chain of events and to be honest, I
just want her to myself for a while before that

“I understand
that son. But I

m not the media,

m your mother and when a woman has this type of
influence on one of my sons I want to meet her in person and judge
for myself. Set it up before I leave the

Jason looked to
Eric for help.

You might as well get
her blessing and move on. You are going to have enough to deal with
when Latoya finds out. You might as well get Mom out of the

“Thank you, I

Miriam replied.

Jason stood,
pulled out his cell and looked at his brother as he placed his

You are going to need me one day soon, and I will
repay your brotherly loyalty.

He walked out of the
room as his call connected.


s sights now went to
her baby boy. This one she could read like a book. Yes, he was the
quiet one, the one that never talked about himself, or his
feelings. He just put them in a song and it told the story.

Tell me about Heaven


She watched his suppressed surprised expression
and smiled. She had not lost her touch.

He sat forward
and smiled.


t yet.


s a beautiful

“For a
beautiful woman,

Eric replied as he nodded his


s the one, she just

t know it yet,

he said in his quiet
confident manner. He stood and walked over to the window of his
family room that allowed a spectacular view of the back of his ten
acre estate. Before Siri, the scene was the only thing that helped
to create his music.

I purchased a small
place in Richmond to be near her.

He turned back to
his mother,


s dealing with a lot
and I want to be there for her. When she

s ready,

ll be there.

Miriam looked from one son to the other. She
had to meet these two sisters that had completely captured her

Jason walked
back into the room as he closed his cell phone.

We have
been invited to Sunday dinner tomorrow. Anyone up for a quick trip
to Richmond?


Chapter 8

Kerri and

lthough they spoke
every day, it had been two weeks since TK had seen Jason. After
their last visit Eric had shows in New York, Washington, DC and
Charlotte, North Carolina. Eric had requested shows only on the
east coast for the next year and they were all limited engagements.
For that TK was eternally grateful. Her studio was picking up
business and spending time with Jason was next to impossible,
unless it was in Richmond. However, this was not a usual visit. He
was bringing his mother to meet her and her nerves were on edge.
Normally she would not care, but this was Miriam Davies, one of the
classiest vocalists there ever was. Her style was as legendary as
her voice. Jason was clear on his mother

s position in
his life. He not only loved her but he respected and valued her
judgment. A bad rating from her could end their relationship before
it really got started.

They had an
intimate relationship without being intimate, but that was her
doing. Jason was gracious enough to accept her position on his
situation and had not pressured her in any way. She knew sometimes
when he visited he left in need and she felt guilty about it.
However, the reality of it was, she did not truly know his
situation at home, only what he told her. The role of a fool was
not one she wanted to partake in again. Been there. Done that.

t want to do it again.


Siri asked as she brought in her diamond earrings
Carl had given her as a wedding gift.

TK reached for
the box and dropped it.


she replied as she picked it

Why do you ask?

“Oh, I

t know. Maybe the fact that you still have a big
roller in the top of your head might have something to do with

TK turned back
to the mirror and snatched the roller out. A thick strand of hair
curled perfectly down the side of her face. The remainder was
brushed sophisticatedly into a ball of curls that hung leisurely
down her back stopping right at her shoulders. She stood and turned
to her sister.

How do I


She looked in
the mirror again as she put the earrings on, and then smiled
brightly at Siri. A frown of fear creased her forehead.

Tell me this is going to work out, Siri.

Siri took her
hand and smiled.


s going to
be fine TK. She is going to love you as much as Jason

“Do I really
look okay?


Siri insisted.

“Oh, you

t know. You will say anything to make me feel

The doorbell chimed and TK just about jumped out
of her skin.

Siri smiled. It
was good to see TK excited about a man. Squeezing her baby

s hand to ease her fears Siri assured her.

You are right I would, but trust me on this you are


re here. I just have to work it.

“Oh, I know you
will. Come on, I

ll walk with

Kerri opened
the door to great Jason, Eric and their mother. Jason embraced

Hello Mrs. Kendrick.

“Hi Jason,

Eric kissed her

Mrs. Kendrick, it

s good to see you

“Mrs. Kerri
Kendrick this is my mother Miriam Davies.



s wonderful to meet the mother of two of the finest
men I know. Welcome to our home.

She extended her

“Thank you and
I agree they did turn out rather well.

She returned
the warm smile that greeted her. She stopped and looked at Eric,
who was making his way into the kitchen.

Where are you

Miriam asked.

“In the

he replied as if it was a foregone


t you smell that

“Boy, where are
you manners? I taught you better than that,


Kerri laughed
and decided she liked Miriam. There was nothing pretentious about
the woman and that pleased her. The girls coming down the steps
captured everyone

s attention. Kerri
turned in the direction of everyone

s eyes.

It took you long enough,


“It was well
worth the wait,

Eric murmured.

Miriam looked
at Jason and noticed his eyes were glued to the first exquisite
young woman coming down the stairs and from the look of things she
was certain that was TeKaya. She then noticed Eric had not taken
his eyes off of the second woman as she descended the stairs.
Interesting, she thought. Jason stepped forward and took the young

s hand as Eric stood his ground and watched the

s every move.

“Mother, this
is TeKaya.

Miriam extended
her hand.

Well, my son was not
exaggerating. You are gorgeous.

“Thank you,

s nice to meet you Mrs. Davies,

said nervously.

“My name is
Miriam. Is that band too tight on your head?

shoulders relaxed as she exhaled.


“Take that
thing off and relax your brain girl. We are just here for

brightly, TeKaya complied, releasing the curls to flow freely down
her back.


Siri stood quietly in the background, as did
Eric, both passing glances and smiling politely.

“This is my
sister Siri.

Siri stepped
forward and extended her hand.

Hello Mrs.

“Siri. What a
beautiful name for a beautiful woman.


she blushed.

“Ahhh you are
the bashful one,

Miriam stated as she looked in

s direction.


Siri smiled. Would you all like to
have a seat while I get some refreshments?

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