Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2)
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I also called Rebecca since she had placed over a dozen calls to my phone. I had had to turn my phone off just so I could rest. It’s not that I didn’t want to talk to Rebecca, I just needed to be in the right frame of mine before spilling my heart. She was worried sick about me but was glad I was okay.

Also, Brian had started calling my phone that morning, one call right after the other, and I was not able to relax with the repeated phone calls. When I had turned the phone back on later in the evening, between Rebecca’s missed calls and Brian’s, there had been a combined total of over fifty missed calls. There had also been numerous text messages. The messages had started out being apologetic in nature, full of concern. But as the messages continued with no response from me, they had soon turned into hateful, disgusting texts that had made me sick just reading them.

I know my whereabouts are safe with Rebecca, but Brian still tries his best to find out as much information as possible from her. I have to wonder if he will eventually give up.

“Jennifer?” I hear my name.

“I’m so sorry.” I apologize to Todd again realizing I’ve been thinking back to my arrival here.

“Are you nervous about your family coming?” Todd asks.

“I am, but I’m so glad to finally be able see them. I owe a huge apology to my mom and dad. They did so much for me to make sure I was taken care of after they retired, and now I’ve messed it all up.”

Once everything was out in the open with everyone, a huge weight was lifted from my body. I was able to secure a leave of absence with my job, using my pregnancy as the excuse, but I know I won’t be returning, not to the hotel or Morgantown, ever again.

As soon as the lease on my apartment is up at the end of the month, my parents and Rebecca are going to return and either put my furniture in storage or sell it. I really don’t want to see any of those things simply because it would be too painful of a reminder of everything I’ve been through. I know my parents have done a lot for me already and I hate to let it all go, but I need to let the past stay in the past.

Although my parents have paid up the rent until then, I’ve not contacted the leasing office to let them know I won’t be renewing the lease or that I’ve already vacated the apartment. But once I do, Brian’s going to be in for a rude awakening when he finds out he’s going to be evicted with very little notice.

I wonder if he’s even thought to pay the electric bill. That’s something the power company won’t let ride without payment. And if Brian hasn’t found another job by now, I doubt he’s thought anything about paying the bills. He may be taking advantage of the free place to stay right now, but surely he’s considered what his next options are going to be.

I laugh out loud when a thought occurs to me. Since I never gave Brian a mailbox key, he doesn’t have access to the mailbox. It still doesn’t excuse him from owing any bills though. He might not be able to have a paper bill but companies still expect their payment whether you received the bill or not.

And then there’s the car I helped him purchase. I’ve not had any phone calls yet about the payment being late, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time. I seriously doubt he’s going to make that payment either—I’m sure he was counting on me to help him with this as well. Given some time, the car will get repossessed and that will surely piss him off. Such a loser. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who cared so little about themselves or had such a lack of determination.

I rub the spot on my finger where my wedding rings used to be. It didn’t take long to remove them after I arrived here. I wrapped them tightly in tissue and put them away in one of the little side pockets of my suitcase that’s slid under the bed. I figured here, they would be out of sight and not on my mind. I doubt the jewelry store would allow them to be returned now anyways because they had been sized, but they are of no use to me anymore. I’m definitely not going to give the rings back to Brian either only because I’m pretty sure they would just end up in a pawn shop somewhere and he would blow the money instead of using it towards the amount still owed. I hate knowing I’m responsible for this as well, because it, too, was done through a joint account. I could kick myself for going to such lengths for him.

“Todd, have you ever met someone and been so blinded you couldn’t see the truth until it slapped you in the face?” I look over to him as I ask this question.

“We all make mistakes, Jennifer. No one is perfect. You’ve got to stop blaming yourself. It’s not healthy for you or the baby.” He tells me. “You’ve got to stop beating yourself up about this.”

I was so nervous my very first week here. It was bad enough being in a new place and not knowing anyone, but I didn’t know my way around either. I was somewhat hesitant to go anywhere, afraid someone might see me or, better yet, Brian might have figured out where I had gone. That Sunday night, after speaking with my parents and Rebecca, Todd had driven me into town so I could buy a few groceries. He also wanted me to know how to get off the mountain should I need to get into town later on. Even though I doubted I would go anywhere by myself for a while, I’m sure it wouldn’t take long before I got bored staying inside the house all of the time.

Rick and Beth had invited me over to eat dinner with them a couple of times that first week and it felt strange sitting at the table with them while Todd was still at school. We made small talk while we ate and afterwards I would help Beth clear away the dishes. I would then head back over to the guesthouse not wanting to have to make the walk once it became dark. By the end of the week I started feeling a bit more relaxed around everyone and conversation became easier.

Todd had mentioned to me that he would be tied up with school until late pretty much every night during the week but he’d be around more on the weekends and would check in on me then. Todd did text me a few times during the day, but that was mostly it until Friday evening. We took a trip into town, rented a couple of movies, and he even showed me the town library. I planned to return later on so I could check out a few books. I wasn’t used to having so much time on my hands.

Todd has been the perfect gentleman and his parents have been so generous to me, especially since I suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I’m not sure of the arrangement with them and my father, but I’ve been told I could stay in the guest home as long as I need to.

The small guest home is perfect for me. It has one bedroom and one bath, similar to my one bedroom apartment. Everything is completely furnished all the way down to the bathroom linens. Considering I left with nothing except for a few personal belongings, it’s been nice knowing I didn’t have to go out and buy a lot of necessity items. I know I can’t make this my home forever, but it’s a relief knowing I’m not rushed to move out.

The baby starts to move around, and I bring my hand up to place it near the spot. The flutters only last a short period of time, but it’s the most comforting feeling knowing you have a live human being inside you. I’m pretty sure she’s letting me know she’s hungry too.

I look over to Todd who’s rubbing a spot on the wooden rocker and ask. “How’s your grandfather doing?” It’s the first thing that comes to mind and besides, I need to get my mind off of Brian. I first met his grandfather at the Waffle House but our conversation had been brief and not under the best of situations.

Todd loves his grandfather very much and tries to spend as much of his free time with him as often as he can. His schoolwork doesn’t allow him as much time as he would like, but he makes the most of it. I hope that he still finds time to fit him into his weekend time instead of focusing all of his attention on me which has been the case lately.

“My dad suggested we invite him over this coming weekend to meet your parents and to eat with us. My dad is planning to grill steaks for everyone and it will do him good to get out for a while. The more he is around people, the better he is. He needs to get out of his house as much as he can to get away from the painful memories of my grandmother. I’m glad you have the guest house to stay in, but if my grandfather had moved in, it would be easier for my parents to keep a closer watch on him.”

“He seems like a very sweet man.”

“He’s just so lonely without my grandmother. I’m going to take him to the flea market next Saturday morning before your parents arrive that evening. You should join us.” Todd offers.

“I wouldn’t want to interrupt your time with him.”

“Seriously, he would love for you to come along. In fact, he suggested I bring you along.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“I’m not taking no for an answer. You stay here all day long and you need to get out.” Todd insists.

“If it makes you feel any better, I’m planning on going in to town Monday. I’ve got to return some books to the library and I also thought I might see about getting a job.”

“Are you sure you’re up to working?” Todd asks.

“I’m not helpless. I’m sure there has to be something I can still do. I’ve still got a few months before the baby comes so there is no reason not to be trying to make some kind of money right now. The little bit of money I have left in savings isn’t going to last forever.”

“Have you heard anything from Brian?” I can tell he regrets asking me this the moment the words have left his mouth.

Just hearing Brian’s name sends goose bumps throughout my body. “He still calls my phone a couple of times each day, sometimes he leaves a message and sometimes he doesn’t. I never answer and I know that probably makes him angrier. You should hear some of the messages he leaves. They are horrible.”

“I’m sorry. I hate I mentioned his name.”

“If he would just leave me alone and stop calling and texting. I will never put myself through this kind of mess again.” I tell him. “I need to make a decision about his cell phone. Even though I am still responsible for his phone line, I can have the phone disconnected at any time.”

“I can only imagine how pissed off he’s going to be when that happens. But it will put a stop to the phone calls. What are you going to do about your school?” Todd asks.

“Right now, there’s really nothing I can do until after the baby. My scholarship is on hold according to my advisor. I want to finish my degree, but not at that school. I should be able to transfer everything once I decide where I’m going to stay.” I look over to Todd who now has a confused look on his face.

“What do you mean, where you are going to stay?” He questions my previous statement. “I thought you were content staying here.”

“I love it here, but I can’t continue to be a burden on your family forever. They have been kind enough already. Once I get back on my feet again after the baby is born then I’ll start looking at my options. What about your school? You don’t have much longer do you?”

“You had me worried there for a minute. I thought you were talking about leaving within the next couple of weeks.” Todd’s face relaxes. “It’s hard to believe I’m almost finished with pharmacy school. This is my last term and graduation is just around the corner. It seems like just yesterday I was playing high school football.”

“I know your dad is going to be glad to have you helping out with his pharmacy. He brings it up quite often when we’re having dinner. I can only imagine having your own business and not being able to take time off or take a vacation when you’d like.”

“Funny you should mention that. He’s already lined up a cruise for him and my mother in the fall. I just hope I pass all the state boards.” He chuckles. “Or else, my dad’s going to have to look for my replacement.”

“You’re going to do just fine.” I look over at him and smile. Todd is such a pleasant person to be around. I just recently learned Todd was a star football player back in high school and received a full ride scholarship to play at the State University. When his four years of college were up, he decided not to pursue his football career any further, and instead, started to work towards a degree in pharmacology.

I feel the baby moving again and bring my hand up to rest on my stomach.

“You okay?” Todd asks as he notices my hand.

“The baby is just being very active this morning.” I tell him. “Could be because I’ve not had anything to eat yet.”

“Why don’t you come down to the house for some breakfast then? My parents would love for you to join us.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. “I’ve already had dinner with them a few times already this week. If I keep showing up to eat, I’m going to have to start helping your mom buy groceries.”

Todd stands up and offers his hand to me to help me stand. “Come on. I don’t’ want to hear such nonsense. I told you that you’re more than welcome to eat with us any time.”



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