Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Never Look Back (Coming Home Book 2)
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“What’s that?” I ask, pointing to the sheet.

My grandfather stutters his words as though caught off guard. “Oh, it’s just a little something I’ve been working on. Nothing special.”

“You and your projects.” I laugh lightly and shake my head. “I guess you can use some of your new tools on it.”

“You’ll see. Once I reveal my masterpiece you’ll be sorry you didn’t think to do it yourself.”

We walk back outside to the truck as the garage door shuts. Jennifer comes back out and gives my grandfather a hug. “It’s been fun this afternoon, but I am exhausted. I could sure use a nap right about now.”

“I like that idea.” My grandfather tells us both.

“Mom wanted me to make sure you’re still coming over for dinner tonight. Jennifer’s parents should be arriving in a couple of hours so you both have time to get in your naps.” I say while looking at them both.

“You bet’cha. I’ll see you two later on this evening.” My grandfather turns to walk inside then gives us both a wave before he shuts the door behind him.

Backing out of the driveway, I ask if it’s okay to roll the windows down. Jennifer doesn’t say much on the way home but I can tell by the expression on her face that, although she’s tired, she enjoyed the trip to the flea market. Her hair is blowing in the wind and I can’t help but notice how peaceful and at ease she looks now. When I first met her, there was so much tension built up inside her, I’m surprised she was able to function properly. My eyes drift over the scar on her cheek that is just below the rim of her sunglasses. I quickly turn my head back to the road not wanting to be caught staring at her.

I drop Jennifer off at the guest house and thank her for coming along today.

“I had a really great time with you and your grandfather. He is something else.” She says. “We’ll have to go back again.”

I smile and nod my head. “He’s a mess, that’s for sure.”

“I think I’m going to take that nap. Oh, and I might even use some of that foot cream.” She jokes as she drops the cream down into her purse before stepping down from the truck.

She shuts the truck door and walks towards the front porch. I wait until she has opened the front door before I back out of the driveway and head over to my house.




I walk inside and lock the door behind me. I really do feel safe being here in this little town but the last thing I need to happen is for Brian to figure out I’m here. Todd’s family doesn’t need any trouble and I’m pretty sure Brian wouldn’t hesitate to start some kind of drama just to get back at me.

I lean back against the front door, take a deep breath, and look around at everything. Although this isn’t my furniture from the apartment, I couldn’t ask for anything better. I really love this cabin and can see myself staying here to raise my daughter. But at the same time, I don’t want to wear out my welcome either. Both of Todd’s parents have assured me I’m welcome to stay as long as I need to even after the baby arrives. They have sort of adopted me into their family and I’m thankful to know there are good people still out in the world.

I place the books I bought today on the kitchen table and pour myself a glass of lemonade. I’m really not hungry but my throat is parched. I didn’t do anything strenuous today, but being out in the heat for those couple of hours really drained me. I take another swallow from my glass then sit down at the table for a few minutes. I pick up one of the new books and reread the back cover. I’m so glad I picked this one up because it sounds so good. I think about starting it but I know if I do, I’ll get so engrossed in the story and won’t be able to take my nap. I pull my phone out of my purse and also place the bottle of foot cream on the table. Todd’s grandfather was so serious about using this stuff and I can’t help but be humored by his comment about using it.

I turn on the phone to set my alarm and see I have missed a couple of texts. My body tenses almost immediately and my stomach feels like it’s in knots. I tell myself to breath. I click on the messages and see I have one from my parents telling me they are right on schedule and should arrive before dark, one is from Rebecca just checking in with me, and the other two are from Brian. I want to throw the phone across the room and not read them because all they do is upset me, but I know that’s not the something I can do. It’s not worth damaging my phone for some stupid text messages from him. Rather than read his hateful messages, I decide to respond to one from my parents telling them I’m anxious for them to get here.

I really want to call Rebecca to tell her all about today but I know if I get her talking on the phone, I’m never going to get her off in time to take my nap. So I end up sending her a text instead.

Hey girl. Miss you like crazy.

I put my empty glass in the sink and scoop up the paperbacks. I head back to the bedroom with them to put them on my nightstand when I hear the phone chirp indicating I’ve got a reply. I hurry back to the kitchen and switch on the phone.

My face drops when I see it’s from Brian and not Rebecca. I go ahead and decide to read them even though I know they aren’t going to be nice.

You need to call me asap.
I know you are ignoring me but you need to call me NOW!

The first two messages are typical of all the other messages he has sent, but this last one really alarms me.

Bitch I know u r home. Answer your fucking texts.

I break out in a sweat and contemplate calling Todd. No, I tell myself, this is just another one of his ploys to upset me. I cannot let him get to me.

I go into the living room and double check the locks on the door and the two windows. I can’t believe I’m falling into his trap.

My attorney advised me, no matter what kind of message he sends or leaves on voicemail, I am not to reply. I do not need any contact with him whatsoever. Doing so, even if it’s not nice on my part, will only give him false hope. But if I just keep ignoring them, the conversations are only one-sided and he can’t misinterpret my words. That’s easier said than done though.

Did you enjoy your day? Call me please.

The messages just keep coming.

Just when I’m at my breaking point and ready to scream, I slide the phone on and type “LEAVE ME ALONE!!”

Almost instantly, I have a response but it’s not Brian who messages me back.

What is going on? Please tell me that text was not meant for me and that you are okay.
OMG. I’m so sorry. I thought your text was from Brian. He’s at it again.
  I miss you and have been worried about you. How have you been?
  I’ve been doing fine. Visited a flea market today and taking it easy. Mom and Dad coming in tonight. Doing dinner with Todd’s family.
Tell them I said hello. I miss them.
Sorry about that text. Not meant for you. 
  B stopped by my house the other day. Same crap as always. He thinks I’m going to tell him where you are, but he’s got another thing coming. He seemed a little angrier than usual. You would think he would settle down some now that he knows you aren’t coming back.
  I’m so sorry he’s still bothering you. My dad has already talked with an attorney here and the divorce paperwork is being drawn up. The lease is up for renewal on the apartment and my dad feels it’s a good thing to serve the divorce papers while we still know where Brian is staying. Once he’s made to leave the apartment, it’s going to be harder to find him and get the papers to him.
  Great thinking. You deserve so much better than this, girl. I hate the BS he’s putting you through.
Well, who’s going to want me now? I’m getting fatter by the day (laughs). Besides, the last thing I need is to get involved with someone else. No one is going to want to date a pregnant girl, especially since she’s carrying someone else’s baby.
  Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s not like you were asking for this to happen. Good people make mistakes all the time.
  I know.
  What about Todd? Has he shown any interest now that you’ve been there for a couple of weeks?
  Are you crazy? We are just friends. He’s a great guy with a bright future ahead of him. The last thing he needs is to get involved with me. Right now, I’m just thankful for his friendship. He’s an amazing guy.
  Just remember, lots of relationships start off being just friends.
  Yeah, but I’m not going to rush into anything so soon. I need time to heal.

We end our chat and I realize the messages from Brian have stopped. Rebecca’s texts came at the right time. I miss my best friend and hate I can’t share this special time in my life with her. I need to see if she’s willing to take a trip here one weekend soon for some much needed girl time. But I can’t help but worry about Brian somehow finding out and following her here. I don’t put anything past him. Thank goodness I accidently sent that text to her instead of Brian. I’ve got to be strong and not reply to him.

I take my shoes off before heading to the bathroom and I stop to look at my reflection in the mirror. My hands surround the tiny bump of my little girl and I hold back the tears of happiness that suddenly fill my eyes. I lift my shirt and turn to the side. My parents are going to be so surprised to see how much their little girl has turned more into a young woman.

I return to the bedroom and climb in the bed pulling the extra pillow close to me. I’m no longer able to sleep on my stomach anymore, but I have found that laying on my side with the pillow tucked under my arm and my leg draped over the bottom is comfortable. I roll from one side to the other, unable to get my mind off of Brian. I’m sure the latest texts from him are to blame for my discomfort, but I’m so tired. My body is begging for a nap.

Finally, after what seems like forever, I finally drift off to sleep. It only takes a moment for my body to relax and I find myself having a very vivid dream.

Brian and I are back in my apartment and it’s the same night he threw the glass bottle across the room. I’m begging and pleading with him to please put the bottle down. It doesn’t matter how much I try to convince him, he’s still gleaming at me with pure hated in his eyes. I see the bottle in his hands and he’s swinging it back and forth in the air, screaming at me about something Rebecca said.

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