Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (14 page)

BOOK: Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Maybe one day, but right now I don’t have the courage to tell her about us. I feel like it would be the last straw for her.”

“I understand, Dex. If you mention it at all, it will be at your discretion. In the meantime, while we’re here, I’ll keep my distance. If you want me, we’ll go for long walks or wait till she’s asleep.”

“Maybe you should just join us in bed tomorrow night and see what happens.”

“I think sneaking up on her isn’t the right approach. Thea’s a woman who thinks things through. We have to let her make an informed decision if you want to continue. If not, this will end between us.”

“Get some sleep, Russ
I’m mind boggled
and my cock is starting to stir again.”

“You doing me or me doing you?”

“Both, either, fucking each other with one of us inside Thea. Can you imagine? If my cock was in your butt and you were inside her, it would be like I was fucking her.”

“Go to bed, Dex
or I’ll drop back to my knees and suck you again.”

“Night, Russ. Don’t make any decisions about moving for a while. Let’s just see what unfolds in the next weeks.”

“Okay, no snap judgments to move away.”

“Good, sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Don’t forget to wash up.”

Dex was heading toward his bedroom and lifted his arm in acknowledgement.
Back in his room, he checked on Thea. Her breathing was patterned
and he decided she was in a deep sleep. Slipping
nto the bathroom, he washed without turning on the light. Then he slid back into bed beside her and dropped his arm around her waist, tugging her back to rest against him. In her sleep, she grumbled and moved from him. He let her go and scooted closer to spoon her.

Dexter knew his next step was a calculated risk. To tell Thea about him and Russ might have her leaving him. Could she understand
or would she walk out
After tonight’s episode, he acknowledged his feelings for Russ were too great to ignore. Would Thea accept that he’d become bisexual, probably always was and never gave in
to the want. He’d actually made it home to her
and he should be happy and relaxed, not worried about confronting her with his newfound needs.

Finally, he fell asleep, his mind full of problems but his body relieved. His last
thought was what would she do if she found out about him and Russ
and would she leave him or join

Chapter Seven

Dexter had lain there as long as he could. He’d been thinking about fucking Russ last night and stroking his cock. He was on the verge of coming, hoping Thea would come back to bed, but she hadn’t. He threw back the covers and stood tall, stretching to his full height. In the bathroom, he pulled his cock until he came and then washed up. He thought to shave and decided against it.

He pulled on his sweatpants and a flannel shirt, but didn’t button it, going in search of Thea. He hadn’t smelled fresh coffee brewing
so where was she?

Reaching the main living area, he saw she was asleep before the fireplace, the embers dying to nothingness. She was all tucked up on the chair, her head lying on the arm. He decided she’d be sore when she woke, but he’d massage the kink in her neck. Russell appeared from the other side of the house, coming from his bedroom. He caught a glimpse of Dex and said, “Good morning,” for which he immediately got shushed by Dex.

“She’s asleep,” he said, waiting until Russ came into the kitchen area. He automatically began to make coffee.

“When did she come out here?”

“Beats me
. When
I went back to bed she was sound asleep. I don’t know what time she got up.”

“So you don’t think we woke her?” Russell asked.

“I don’t think so.” Dex finished setting up the coffee and pushed the button. As soon as he did, the pot started to warm and the scent of the brewing coffee filled the room. “What are we going to do?”

“About what?” Russ teased. “I’ve told you this isn’t my call. I’ll walk away if that’s what you want and what you need to keep Thea.”

“I know, but after last night, I know I don’t want to stop what we’ve found. And I certainly don’t want to sneak around behind her back. I can’t let our relationship turn into a sleazy affair
. We
both deserve more.”

“So does Thea,” Russ added. “She’s your wife
. It’s
your decision to tell her or not.”

“Thanks, you’re a lot of help,” Dex said sarcastically.

“Tell me what?”



Thea woke to the smell of coffee. Her body was cramped from sleeping in the chair
and she stretched her arms over her head, rotating her head several times to release the ache. At first, she was confused
where she was and if Dexter was really home. Then she remembered finding the two men last night on the deck, having sex. She had no idea what else they
had done
together when she stopped watching and walked away. Anger hit her first
and she tried to pull it back, tried to act as if nothing had happened, or at least she didn’t know what happened.

She stayed where she was
waiting for the men to answer her question, knowing they’d heard her. When they didn’t right away
the next thing that swamped her was being horny. That made her angry. She shouldn’t be getting all hot and bothered thinking about her husband fucking his best friend. It struck her again that she had wondered last night what it might be like to have both men make love to her.

No, she decided for the tenth time, this was all too crazy for her.

She was married to Dexter
and they should be enough for each other. She wondered if they still would have been if not for the crash and the separation. It dawned on her that Lloyd had fucked them all, literally in a certain way, even if it wasn’t his cock thrusting. In the back of her mind, she knew she would never admit to him he’d had the ultimate revenge, whether she and Dexter stayed together or not.

The niggling part in the back of her brain kept forcing forward the initial attraction she’d held for Russ. She’d met them both at the same time and had thought Russ was cute in a certain way. But Dexter was the man of her dreams. Now it seemed he was the man of Russell’s dreams

The men were still quiet
. She
could hear the coffee spitting out the last drops into the pot, the smell wafting toward her. Thea again reinforced to herself that she would not sit back and let someone else run her life and make her decisions for her. But she wanted to make informed decisions, not emotional ones.

“Why not bring me a cup of coffee and you two can tell me what you were whispering about. Dex
what did Russ mean it was your decision to tell me or not
What was the subject of that conversation?”

Thea waited for them to come to her. She shifted in the large armchair and straightened the top of her pajamas that had gotten skewed in her restless sleep. As she sat now, the tops of her breasts were on display. If she’d been alone with Dex, she would have left the top alone, an offer of morning sex. With Russ beside him, she decided to get more information before offering herself to the two of them.

Russell came to her first, dropping a kiss on her forehead and handing her a mug of the warm brew. He chose to sit on the chair opposite her. Dexter seemed to be hanging back.

“Thanks for the coffee, Russ. Dex
are you going to join us?”

It still took him another minute before he joined them. He sat on the sofa, put his cup on the coffee table before him
and brought his hands to his head, rubbing his temples. She noted he didn’t look at her or Russ.

“So what is it, Dex? What decision are you wrestling with about when and how to tell me?” He didn’t answer her or look at her. “Russ
will you talk to me? Before this all happened
I thought we were good friends, almost family
too. One of you needs to talk to me.”

She noted the look of absolute panic that crossed Russell’s face. “It’s not my place,” he whispered.

Thea drew a deep breath and glanced from one man to the other. Finally, she’d had enough of their adolescent ways. If they wouldn’t talk to her, she’d tell them what she saw,
then it would be out and they’d have to talk to her.

“Was it your place to suck my husband’s cock last night out on the deck and for him to fuck your ass?” She’d kept her tone level, not hollering as she wanted to, instead trying to remain the voice of reason. “Considering he fell asleep before making love to me last night, I’m beginning to feel like I’m getting the short end of this deal.”

“Thea…” Dexter said, but didn’t finish his thought, quickly looking away from her.

“Russ, do you have anything to say?” He
kept his gaze downward.

“Fine, tell me this, how long has your affair been going on
Before the crash or since it? And please be honest
. At
this point in all our lives, we’ve all lived with enough lies for the last years. If neither of you has noticed, I’m a grown woman, able to deal with more than I ever thought one person would have to comprehend. But I’m a survivor
too, just in a different way. I’m asking for the truth
I feel I deserve that at the very least.” She settled back in the chair
sipping from the cup, looking from one man to the other.

Russell spoke first, finally looking directly at her. “Never before the island. I’ve always been bisexual but very private about it. Always chose partners who wouldn’t come in contact with anybody I cared about.”

Dexter still hadn’t looked up. “So the strain of being marooned on the island forced Dexter to go gay?” Thea almost laughed but held it back, not wanting to think she was making a joke of the situation. “Because since Dex has been home
he’s been making a good show of loving me. Or was that all for show, all for the public to consume, including me

“No, it just happened when we were on the island. Every night we’d reminisce about what we’d left behind. Every night Dex would tell me about how you two were, how he missed you. If anything, he’s bisexual like me. I love a woman’s body and
on occasion, I like men.” Russ finally looked directly at her.

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