Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (10 page)

BOOK: Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Make me come, Queenie, I can’t hold back any more.”

Lifting only slightly
she looked at him. Thea knew her lips would be full and slick, coated with his pre-cum. “Can I climb on top and fuck you until you come?” She dropped her head down and captured his length again.

“No time,” he told her through gritted teeth. Grabbing his balls one last time, she swallowed his length. As she grasped him her fingers ran along his anus. He came immediately
and she swallowed his load, staying to lick him clean.

Thea dropped her head on his belly and licked her lips. She had a passing thought that he’d come when she brushed against his anus. He’d never been that sensitive before. While he often used toys on her in her pussy and ass, he’d never seemed interested in her using them on him. Thea decided it wasn’t anything to be concerned about, if he wanted her to penetrate his ass, he’d let her know. For now, she just wanted to relax and enjoy the afterglow of their actions. She licked the last of his cum from her lips and realized her back was getting hot.

“I hate to say this, but I’m not as tan as you
and I don’t want to get burned.”

“I don’t want you to get burned either.”

They managed to get up and dress in a lazy daze of afterglow. “How about a nap,” she suggested as she pulled her shirt back on.

“I could use a nap
but food first,” he agreed, as they made their way back to the house.

Reality intruded just after one o’clock that afternoon. They’d had a late breakfast
or early lunch
after their morning on the boulders. The telephone call was expected—scheduled
actually—but they both jumped when her cell phone rang. She took a steadying breath before reaching for it.

“Hello?” Her eyes were trained on Dex and his on her. “Yes, we’re fine. Have you gotten settled yet? I can’t wait to see you, Russ
and thank you for taking care of Dexter.”

Thea knew Dex watched her as she talked, probably hoping her body language would reveal the other side of the conversation.


When she eased her shoulders,
finally released the breath he’d been holding. He continued to listen to her side of the conversation, moving to the glass wall that overlooked the lake. Long minutes later
he turned back to her, after she’d said good-bye.

“Everything okay?” he managed, but
had to clear his throat to speak.

He was afraid the call would somehow break the magic they were rebuilding. It was a taste of reality intruding, but at least she’d spoken with Russell. On a strange level, he wanted Thea to understand the bond they’d formed beyond the friendship they’d shared before the crash.

“Want the good news or the bad?”

He didn’t turn back to her
he whispered she should tell him the good first for a change.

Thea went on to tell him, “Russ seemed okay but he sounded, I don’t know, stilted somehow. I guess just being back and having to deal with all this is weighing on him. At least we’ve had a few days away. He was with Alex.”

Dex was relieved. Russ had been with Alex. At least he wasn’t alone. “Now the bad part,” Dex teased.

“We all have to meet tomorrow afternoon. The lawyers and accountants had been working nonstop to check the company records and some discrepancies were found.” He watched Thea pause and take a cleansing breath. “Until the audit is complete, they can only speculat
. By tomorrow, we’ll have a clearer idea of the problems.”

The second thing she told him was that, yes, they
had to head back for the meeting. Their presence there was mandatory. De
understood reality would intrude in less than a day. Thea went on to tell him the worst news.

“Lloyd and his attorney have gone public. They arranged a press conference in his apartment this morning and pressed for his being released from the company
enforced secure location. His attorney has apparently given the press their side of the story, of being held captive until charges could be trumped up because the unstable daughter of the CEO had cancelled their wedding.” Thea’s hands fisted at her sides. Dex didn’t think she realized she was doing it. “Apparently, the press had had a field day with that one.”

“Go on, finish it all,” Dex prompted.

“According to Alex
the story is all over the news. Bits of the press conference, edited
of course
to be more sensationalistic.” Thea hesitated again. “And the worst part of the conference was Lloyd telling the world that you and Russ had been found and apparently had gone off the deep end while
were stranded.” Thea sat heavily on the closest chair to her.

“Alex warned me to tell you that the press will be all over us tomorrow. He advised we stay indoors for the rest of the day or we might find intruders.” If her voice hadn’t cracked as she spoke, he might have believed her almost
brave front. Instead, he found himself going to her, his arms open, swallowing her thin form against
. “They’ve met with the
ttorney and are filing charges against him—assault, attempted rape—and they’re still deciding how to handle the sabotage.”

“It will be all right, Queenie. In a few days, the fuss will die down. We just need something else to happen in the world and we’ll be old news.” He kissed her deeply, thoroughly
until he felt her relax. Now if he could just relax. He knew Russ wouldn’t talk about their time on the island in detail that would embarrass either of them, but he still carried the angst someone would find out and expose them before he and Russ had time to talk with Thea.

“Oh, I almost forgot, Russ said to tell you all your blood work and medical tests came back clean.” He tried to hide the profound relief he felt. “What’s wrong
I knew you guys had a quick checkup before you came up here
do you look so relieved

“There were a lot of strange bugs on the island. We wanted to make sure we didn’t wind up with some kind of Lyme
isease or something from the sand fleas.”

“Well, Russ said everything is okay
so you can relax on that.”

“I suppose the hot tub is out if we’re hiding from the press,” he whispered.

Thea laughed openly with him as they invented headlines for the news stories that would come from pictures of them naked in the bath under the stars.

“How about,
‘Unstable Heiress and Long-Lost Love, Naked Under the Stars.’”

“Or, better yet, ‘Drugged Heiress Loses Her Morals In the Night.’”

“Or more likely, ‘Lloyd
odges the
eiress.’” Dex pulled her to him.

“He’ll smear us to make himself look better, Dex. Anything he can find or remember to
he’ll use.”

“And he’ll probably make up some stuff too.” Dex pulled back and gently took her head in his hands, holding her to look directly at him. “We know what’s the truth. He can’t hurt us anymore. We’re together again.”

“I hope you’re right, Dex.”

“Neither of us has done anything wrong. Except maybe let Lloyd have a little too much rope. Now we just have to figure out how to get him to hang himself.”

Thea choked back a laugh at the image his words created, which brought them both back to laughing. Another quick telephone call informed them that a team of security men from the company would arrive within the hour to make sure they weren’t bothered. There would also be a car waiting to bring them to the office tomorrow. Until then, if possible, they should relock out the world and get to know each other again.

Dex hung up and relayed the message to Thea. She seemed to think about their situation for a while before going around the house and checking windows and locks. Each shade was drawn against the possibility of intrusive eyes. When she was satisfied they were shut in, the house took on a den
like feel. With the glass wall
curtains clos
, the
sun was shut out, leaving her lighting candles all around the room. When she was satisfied with her work, she walked to him, her hand extended.

Dex tried to pull back the yawn he was enjoying and the stretch of his tight upper
arm muscles. He was exhausted
and his mind was hazy.

“Do you think there were any reporters or photographers outside this morning when we were…getting reacquainted?” Thea sounded anxious.

“If there were, they sure got a show.” Dex tried to tease her out of her angst. “Besides
if they print any of them, we’ll sue for invasion of privacy.”

“But they’ll still be out there,” Thea reminded him.

“Good, they’ll make Lloyd realize what he’s truly missing.”

“And will never have,” she added, tugging him close to her.

“Come with me, Dex. A few minutes in the steam shower and I’ll grant you mercy with a quick nap. Then you’re mine, got it?”

Taking her outstretched hand, he told her he understood.

In the confines of the small enclosure, Thea dropped to her knees before Dexter, swallowing his cock. She made repeated passes using her lips and tongue with different pressures, eventually adding her teeth to scrape along his underside on an outward pull. She
his hips, shifting him to her liking. She could feel his thighs start to quake from her attention. She sat back on her heels, watching him through the steam. God, he was so handsome. Thea continued to stroke his cock with her hand.

“How do you want to come, Dex? In me, on me, or do you want me to swallow your cum?” She kept licking at his hardened length when she spoke, as if to punctuate her question.

“I’ve dreamt about licking my cum from your tits,” he told her and let his head drop back against the wall.

Her hand moved quicker against his cock, and she pumped him until he came on her breasts. Dex was quick to reach down and help her up, pushing her flat against the wall. Immediately his hands squeezed her breasts while his lips and mouth licked her clean, pausing to bite her nipples until they were hard and puckered. Thea was exhausted from the loving and the heat. She knew from experience Dex was too. They rinsed in cool water and headed to bed.

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