Cyrosphere 3:: Lives Mingling Together

BOOK: Cyrosphere 3:: Lives Mingling Together
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Cyrosphere 3:

Lives Mingling Together

























All likeness of characters or personalities is just a coincidence and a work of fiction. None of what you read in these pages is real or based on actual events












































I like to thank my family for always supporting me.

– Deandre











































Cyrosphere 3: Lives Mingling Together


Chapter One:


Sitting outside the brownstone house, Ginger made it to San Francisco. Switched off her phone after leaving messages with her family that she’d be gone and out of town, plus not to worry. Of course they’d all worry about where she was and why she wasn’t answering her phone.


She thought, “I’m here. I made it. Now what do I do?”


Ginger sighed to herself. Took another look around the peaceful middle class neighborhood. This was the ninth time she taken a glance around since arriving thirty minutes ago. Her anxiety had only multiplied and her lack of a actual plan didn’t help matters at all.


No. She wouldn’t leave without answers. Ginger was in a bind, but had to find out the truth. She silently exited the Prius and slowly walked two doors down so as not to scare Jensen. Still having no idea what she was going to say, but guess wing it when time approached.


Standing face to face infront of the door, she quickly knocked and exhaled. Moment of truth, as she brought up her mental barriers unsure of what to expect. Nothing prepared her for this moment, when the door opened to a smiling older lighted skinned black man.


His caramel color skin, muscular frame was offset by his warm blue eyes inviting Ginger to open up. Was the truth the way to go with this? She wanted more time, and her emotions were in overdrive as she felt the pull of her abilities take over. Time has slowed down and she gasps.


Ginger says, “Oh shit!”


A portal begins opening and out steps Spider looking smug.


She sighs and thinks, “Great, just what I needed.”


Chapter Two:


In broad daylight Ginger uncontrollably froze time. She looked down at her watch to avoid meeting Spider’s judgmental gaze. Her stopwatch was paused, this was unreal.


Ginger thinks, “I can’t believe I just did that.”


Spider coughs and says, “So messing with time. I see. Oh, and you found Jensen. You must have panicked.”

Ginger explains, “I was trying to…forget it.”

Spider sighs and asks, “Explain it to me.”

Ginger answers, “I got flustered on what to say so I accidentally unleashed my powers.”


He nods and gently pats her shoulder.


Ginger asks, “What do I do to remedy this?”

Spider replies, “That is for you to figure out my dear. I am going to quickly train you on unfreezing time and perhaps how to maintain control. The secrets of my life.”


Ginger continues, “So what is this big secret?”

Spider concludes, “Close your eyes. This is an ancient ritual to bind me as your Avatar. You’ll be my apprentice and aspirant. All my magic and knowledge will be yours.”


Ginger nods, as he takes her hands. Still with her eyes closed, she didn’t feel magic being used or emulating from him. All she sensed was a need to learn from him and awaiting his words of guidance, or encouragement. Something!


Nothing happened.


Ginger thinks, “Magic is innate. If Stacey is right, I should be able to cast my own spells based off my abilities.”


With that will she pulled all magical spells and incantations from Spider into herself. Let my magic fuse with yours’, allowing wisdom from the past to be given to me. Wham.


Instead of a build up of energy, or any reflection of this taking place Ginger only felt empowered. Magic was her parent’s legacy, it was her birth right. It made her who she was – special and one of a kind. With those thoughts she smiled to herself. When she opened her eyes, she was standing infront of Jensen again and Spider was gone.


Chapter Three:


He stood waiting as if unsure who she was, or why she was there.


Ginger thought, “Was all that a hallucination?”


Something deep inside her said no. Why would it be? She had control, faith in herself and some new awareness that magic will always help guide her.


Ginger smiles and says, “Hi, I’m Ginger Solis. I think you know why I am here.”


The smile on Jensen’s face vanished and was now replaced with shame.


Ginger wondered, “Why does he feel shame? Did he regret his decision to help my parents all those years ago?”


She asked, “I am a powerful psionic, so I don’t want to invade your thoughts or feelings, but we should go in to discuss all this.”


Jensen nods, opens the door wider as she steps inside.


Ginger wonders, “What am I walking into?”


Inside the living room was Dodger blue everything from signed autographs to a glass case with a baseball bat in it. It was beautiful, but a part of her didn’t feel it suited him as if something was off, or missing. She just couldn’t put her finger on it.


As they moved from the living room into the kitchen, because the dinning room was basically a corner with art on its three small space walls. It was like the dining room had been transformed into the living room to expand his baseball paraphilia.


Jensen asks, “Wanna have a seat? Tea or coffee?”

Ginger nods and replies, “I’ll take tea.”

Jensen smiles and it warms up the room. He says, “I enjoy tea as well, so ask me anything you like while we wait.”


Ginger sucks her teeth and wonders, “How do I ask a thousand questions in three minutes?”


Chapter Four:


Sitting next to this stranger with the chance of uncovering her past, and getting answers about her parents that still haunted her. Where to begin?


Ginger asks, “So why did my parents ask you for your blood? What makes you so special?”


He smiles and sits up straighter, taking a second to collect his thoughts. Ginger takes a sip of her tea.


Ginger waits patiently, each second felt like a lifetime without answers. She was reframing from reading his mind out of respect.


Jensen says, “I am happy to be a demon. I am also a half witch-elf hybrid. I am unique, old and powerful. All that combined made me special, so you’re parents wanted demon abilities in your blood in case the prophecy was true about you. An unfair advantage but screw destiny if stole your freedom from you.”


Ginger smiles at that comment.


Jensen asks, “What?”

Ginger replies, “I never heard anyone come out and say the hell with fate.”

Jensen answers, “Its all bullshit. We make our own luck and each decision makes us who we are. Your parents wanted nothing but the best for you, regardless of everything else that life may through at you.”


Ginger nods, unaware she had silently began to cry. She whipped away a few tears, before she could ask for tissue. Jensen conjured it and the man handed some over. He was powerful, and she wondered she was strong and only time will add to her abilities.


She says, “Thanks. Am I powerful because I have your blood or is my magic tied with yours’ to triple mine.”

Jensen replies, “A little of both I guess. I am older so with age come higher magic usage and knowledge, but at the same time don’t sell yourself short. Your parents knew you’d be extraordinary, so with my blood gives you a chance to face unprecedented odds.”


Ginger breathed deeply taking all this in. She wonders, “Am I ready to hear more?”


Chapter Five:


Okay, so I got some answers. They made sense, and helped me better understand my parents reasoning for all this madness. Still I can’t understand how they knew Jensen, or Jensen’s role with Feltus? That last part tugs at Ginger to dig deeper.


Ginger asked, “So how do you know my parents?”

Jensen responds, “They helped me form the Ministry of Peace and
Dark Force University, and we worked together at PHD. Your parents are major contributors to all the races before they had you and vanished. Witches, demons, elves, vampires, and fairies loved them.”


All this knowledge was a bite overwhelming to comprehend. Not only had Ginger heard about Dark Force University, but would be going to school there in the Fall. Oh, and she met the entire council of Ministry of Peace. On top of all that was being trained by its founder Johan Spider Grandhorn.


She wondered, “All this information is too much to handle. I need time to process it all. Oh, and to record it. Damn, I should have brought a journal.”


Ginger gets up quickly feeling a need for flight. Time to go, now!


She began to apologize, saying she needed some time to think everything over. He nodded, they said there farewells. Walking down the driveway, she switched her phone back on.


While waiting for it to power up, all those answers didn’t help alleviate all her pain. But it put some things into perspective. She still had questions, actual twice as many as before going in. Walking to the car, her phone buzzed a few times. She had 17 missed calls, 5 voicemails, oh and 36 text messages from Stacey, Yvette, Aaron, Frost, and Leo.


Of all the texts, Ginger wondered why Leo had texted her twice. She got in the car, allowing herself a few moments of silence to reflect on everything before returning to her world.


Chapter Six:

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