Naughty Rendezvous (4 page)

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Authors: Lexie Davis

BOOK: Naughty Rendezvous
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"You need to get dressed, Chase. I mean it.” She wrapped herself in the robe, tying the belt in a tight knot.

"You really hate after-sex conversations, don't you?"

She turned around, looking at her boss relaxing in the middle of her bed, gloriously naked without one care in the world. His cock lay half hard against his thigh while the dreamy look in his eyes did nothing but turn her on more. He has bedroom eyes, she thought, knowing full and well even with her best intentions, her defences were weak when it came to Chase.

"I hate it when men invite themselves to stay in my home, fuck me repeatedly then press me for information afterwards when I told them to get dressed."

Chase's lips curled upwards. “What's the hurry? I barely know anything about you outside of work, and what little I do know, I've had to press the issue to get the info. I'm just trying to make conversation."

"I don't have time for conversation. I have two hours before my mother comes in, and I have to shower, eat and clean up this room—"

"Why do you have to clean up this room?"

Grace groaned. “Because it smells like sex. It smells like you. My mother has the nose of a bloodhound and she will literally nag me to death if she knew I slept with you."

"Honey, you worry too much. It's a wonder you don't have an ulcer.” He sat up on the edge of the bed. “Am I really that big of a jackass?"

How did she answer that? “Chase, you have a reputation of getting what you want, when you want it. The first three months of my career you had me running all over town to get you a mocha latte and then complained about it when I came back."

"Then why work for me?” He stood, searching the room for his clothes. “Why come to the bar after my girlfriend dumped me and fuck me in the parking lot? If I'm such a jackass, why did you do it, Grace?"

Grace didn't plan on this conversation turning into a fight. And the anger in Chase's motions clearly told her he was pissed. But why? “Chase, I don't have time or strength to discuss this with you now."

"Yeah. You can't wait to get my scent out of your room, off your body. Glad to know I'm despicable to you."

"You're crazy. You talk about me, but you're the one that is totally loo-loo."

Finally remembering where he left his clothes, he stalked into the bathroom, ceasing conversation. He pulled on his clothes while Grace opened the shower door and flicked on the water as hot as it would go.

"You're not despicable, Chase. I would have never let you touch me that first night if I thought you were."

He made no comment, leaving the bathroom fully dressed. Annoyed, she slid the belt from the robe, and hung it on the knob next to the shower before climbing inside.

The water felt good against her skin, though it did nothing to ease her arousal. She reached for the soap, working a good lather between her hands and began rubbing them over her heavy breasts. Grace recalled Chase's mouth on her earlier, licking and sucking her nipples until she wanted to scream. She closed her eyes at the sudden images, gliding her hands down her flat belly, the way his mouth moved before.

At the apex of her thighs, she continued her journey, sliding her soapy fingers into the slick folds of her sex. She stayed wet for him. It didn't matter the time of day or the actions that took place between them. A mere thought of Chase Cooper and her pussy flooded, making whatever she wore very uncomfortable.

Right now, thinking of Chase she felt uncomfortable. She'd had him three consecutive times and still wanted more. Her body ached for him, desire flowing in her bloodstream, hot and wild. She never imagined having a man make her feel this way. The past held so few lovers, none of them making her body burn with a single touch. None of them made her scream when she came. None of them made her ache for their touch. None of them remotely worth comparing to Chase.

She rubbed her clit in fast little circles, arching her back so the cascading water hit her breasts at the perfect angle. She was falling hard for this man, and falling fast. Why did she put up with his shit? She could have said no a million and one times today, yet she didn't. Even with her hurt ankle, she carried at least twenty boxes up nine flights of stairs for the man. She did the most mundane errands for him on a daily basis, anything from picking up his dry cleaning to having his car washed. And for what?

In Grace's mind she saw Chase's lust-filled eyes and his sexy smile. Her breaths became short and shallow as the pleasure her fingers created built. Even mad at him, she still got off. Five seconds after he'd walked inside her apartment, she'd gone down on her knees and sucked him off. What was the power this man held over her?

The door to the shower opened, startling Grace from her pleasure-induced haze. She didn't even have time to gasp before Chase's mouth came down on hers, his naked body taking up more than its fair share of the tiny shower stall. His hands went around her, squeezing her ass before lifting her up. She felt his cock brush against her sensitive clit and moaned into his mouth. And then he pressed inside her, everything else in the world ceased to exist.

He had her coming within seconds from each thrust of his cock, her screams echoing in the shower stall. His mouth trailed little kisses along her neck, his tongue darting out to taste a few droplets of water gathered there. Grace lay limp against him, knowing she gave in too easily. She hated the fact Chase tore down every defence she built over the last five years to protect her heart—all with a simple kiss or touch.

"Gracie,” Chase groaned when he came, finding Grace's mouth with his own.

* * * *

Sometime after the water began to cool, Chase finally disconnected his body from Grace. She looked thoroughly debauched with her wet and wild hair, plump rosy lips and whisker scratches all over her neck and a few along her breasts. Her eyes were a bright blue, shimmering with satisfaction.

"What made you come back?” she asked her voice hoarse and scratchy.

Chase flicked the water off, and then popped the door open to grab the two towels conveniently placed on the rack next to the shower. He slid one around Grace, tightening it around her breasts before tying one around his waist.

"Gracie.” He kissed her hair, cupping each side of her head as his mouth moved to her lips. “I want more with you. I don't want to be some sex toy that fucks and runs. I want to know you, everything about you."

He saw her hesitation. “Chase, you're my boss."

"Yeah. So?"

"You just got out of a bad relationship. You're grieving the loss of your relationship with Libby by having sex with me.” She met his eyes. “That's two strikes against us. Three and we're out."

She pushed past him and stepped out of the shower. Chase knew the circumstances for sleeping with Grace started for all the wrong reasons, but he honestly wanted a relationship with her. She'd been his assistant for two years and had done nothing but be there for him, encouraging him when no one else did. Maybe she was just doing her job, but he thought it was more. They had a spark between them that he hadn't felt with any other woman. Half the time he worked late and took long business trips was for the knowledge of Grace being by his side.

Yeah, he'd loved Libby, but nothing deeper than sex and companionship. Her family was rich and belonged to the same country club his family did. They'd met and dated because of their families, and she'd broken up with him because she found someone new.

He didn't need to confront her about it. He'd seen the evidence in his own home. Busy with work, he hadn't bothered to care. So when he'd gone to Mac's bar to nurse his wounded pride, Grace had mistaken it for a broken heart. Yeah, he'd probably taken advantage of her feelings, but at least he'd found out she had feelings for him. For that, he wasn't sorry.

"I went to that bar last night to nurse my wounded pride.” He stepped out of the shower, taking a seat on the garden tub. “I knew Libby had cheated on me more times than I care to count with any of the hired help she could get to fuck her. We only dated for social reasons, our families thought it best for our status or whatever."

He met her eyes before adding, “I didn't nurse a broken heart last night. You didn't give me a pity fuck."

Her bright blue eyes widened before she could contain her reaction. “What are you saying?"

"I don't know.” He ran a hand through his hair, looking for the right words. “I like you, Grace. I mean, being with you is more than sex for me."

"Chase, I don't want a boyfriend.” The words stung, but Chase knew he needed to hear where she was coming from. “I didn't even plan on going to the damn bar until I saw your car there."

She leaned against the vanity, crossing her arms over her chest. “I didn't plan on doing anything but be there for you, Chase. It's in my job description."

"But sex isn't, Grace. Why the hell did you fuck me if it meant nothing to you?” His anger fumed and Chase tried his best to rein it in. “Even if it was just a pity fuck last night, Grace, what was it today? Why the hell did you go down on me five seconds after we entered your apartment or spend two hours in bed with me thereafter? Why the hell did you just let me fuck you in the shower if it meant nothing more than pity?"

"My mother's going to be home soon.” Grace avoided his eyes as she retrieved her robe. “Since it's Saturday tomorrow, I'll be here all day for you to move your stuff out. I'm sorry that you don't have a place right now, but it's for the best you don't stay here."

"Yeah.” Chase shook his head and stood to retrieve his clothes for the second time.

After they both dressed, Grace walked him to the front door. “I fell down the steps this morning, thinking about last night. That's how I sprained my ankle."

Dressed in jeans and Chase's large orange tee she confiscated, she stood with one hand on the doorknob waiting for his reply. When he didn't say anything she continued, frustrated.

"I don't know why, Chase. I don't know why I lifted my skirt and let you take me. I don't know why. I have no answers for you.” She brushed a stray lock of hair from her eyes, frustrated at it as well. “I don't know what you want me to say.” When she finally met his eyes, she saw hurt within them.

"I'll be here around eight to get my things. Hopefully, I'll be out of your way by noon.” With that, he stepped through the door and out of her life.

Grace leaned back against the door and wondered how the hell this happened. How life got twisted around and thoroughly fucked up.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Five

Chase wouldn't speak to Grace while they moved his belongings into a U-haul. He didn't so much as look at her. He arrived promptly at eight, with Evelyn answering the door. Grace still wore her pyjamas but he didn't even bother saying hello as he came in and began carrying his boxes out.

Somehow Evelyn knew something was wrong. Grace had seen her meddling mother interfere more times than she wanted to count and knew something was on her mind.

"Where's he going to live?” Evelyn asked her daughter as both she and Grace sat on the bench in the lobby, taking a break.

"Haven't got a clue.” Grace watched Chase work, his tight jeans conforming to his ass and wrecking havoc on her libido. “He won't talk to me."

"Did you two have a fight?"

"You could say that.” Evelyn's friends carried boxes to the moving van along with Chase, at least three of them flirting with him each chance they got.

"You like him, don't you?"

Like? Yeah, but Grace wasn't about to admit it. Instead she pleaded the fifth, keeping her mouth shut.

"Oh, honey. When did you fall in love with him?"

"Love?” Grace turned in her seat to see her mother's eyes filling with tears. “What the heck are you talking about?"

"That's why you have tiffs, honey. Lovers’ quarrel."

Grace held back her groan. She did not love Chase Cooper. Like? Unfortunately—but that was as far as it went. She stared at the man in question as he switched boxes with Betsy Myers because he knew the one she carried would put a strain on her back. She couldn't possibly love him, having spent little time getting to know him. Yet, watching him interact with her mother's kooky friends who tried grabbing his butt every chance they got and laughing about it as if he didn't mind, she felt something different inside.

"I know you're old enough to take care of yourself, but can I give you one last bit of motherly advice?” Evelyn didn't wait for Grace's response but continued on, “A man like him is very rare. Go fix whatever came between the two of you because you'll regret it for a lifetime if you don't."

Grace chewed on her bottom lip and watched Chase disappear again to retrieve more boxes. “I thought you hated him."

Evelyn laughed. “I did. But when I saw how you look at him, he grew on me."

They sat watching as Betsy tried pinching Chase's butt again, and he did nothing but dodge her and laugh. Evelyn elbowed Grace before nodding her head towards the commotion. Suppose she did talk to him? What was she supposed to say? What would he say?

Grace stood and wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans. Now or never. “Chase?"

The laughter stopped as he turned, eyes meeting hers.
Oh, God.
She hadn't gotten past this far in her mind and didn't have a clue as to what she should do now.

"Can I talk to you?"

He hugged Betsy with a smile and she smacked his butt before he pulled away. Finally he came over to Grace, face serious again, hard and cold as stone. “What?"

Annoyance filled her. “Will you stop being pissed at me for one second?” She grabbed his wrist and led him up the steps, not stopping until they were in her apartment, door locked behind them. “What do you want from me?"

"Nothing, Grace. We made that clear yesterday.” He tried moving past her to the door but she shifted, bracing herself to prevent him from leaving.

"Stop it! Okay. I love you. I don't want to but I do!"

His features softened. “Why don't you want to love me?"

"Because I'm not like them,” she said, referring to his past girlfriends. “I'm not a shopaholic who loves nothing more than getting her nails done at the salon every Tuesday. I'm not primped and plucked to perfection. I hate wearing skirts and would rather be in baggy jeans with two holes in the knees than a formal gown looking like a princess at a ball. I prefer flip-flops to heels no matter how each make my butt look. And I prefer the quietness of home as opposed to parties out on the town. I'm wearing underwear with turtles on them, for crying out loud.” Grace stared into his eyes, gnawing on her bottom lip. “I'm nothing like them, Chase."

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