Naughty Rendezvous (3 page)

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Authors: Lexie Davis

BOOK: Naughty Rendezvous
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Pulling up to a dilapidated building, Chase cringed thinking this would be his home for the next couple of weeks. He didn't really ask Grace if he could stay—more or less told her—but spending time with her, being under the same roof with her, she was bound to talk eventually.

He climbed out of the limo, staring up at his new home. Nine storeys tall, the building looked as if it reeked with termites, cockroaches and all the lovely little critters that go bump in the night. He hated thinking this was the best his employee could afford and made a mental note to help her look for a place to live while he went on his own apartment search.

"Sir, are you sure this is the correct address?” Gus asked, cringing as he stared at the building before them.

"That's what Madison gave me."

"No disrespect, sir, but are you sure she wasn't messing with you?"

For Chase's sake, he hoped so. He walked the short distance to the front doors, several kids from the area staring at him from their various locations.

Immediately upon stepping inside, the smell of musty, old wood filled his nostrils. Though dark, he made out a narrow hall lined with five doors. Opposite of the hall sat the staircase and elevator. The wooden floorboards creaked as he made his way to the elevator.

"Speak of the devil."

Turning around, Chase found Grace coming down the steps with five elderly ladies behind her. She looked wonderful in jean shorts and a skimpy tank, with no bra. Between the heat of the building and the sight of her, his temperature rose a couple of degrees.

"Elevator doesn't work, stud. You've got to take the old-fashioned way and use the stairs.” She stepped into the foyer and four of the five ladies said goodbye. “Mom, this is Chase. Chase, this is my mother, Evelyn McBride."

The fifth lady scrunched up her nose at Chase, narrowing her eyes. “So you're the one that my daughter decided to move in?"

"Uh, no, Mom. He's just storing his stuff here for a while. No cohabitating.” Grace looked at Chase, pleading with her eyes.

"Phooey. I know that look in his eyes. He's picturing you naked as we speak.” She pointed a finger at him. “Employer or not, you hurt my baby, I hurt you."

Chase smiled. “I wouldn't dream of hurting Grace, Mrs. McBride. She's an exceptional woman."

He winked at Grace and her cheeks reddened. “Uh, you'd better hurry, Mom. I don't want you to miss your dinner and
on Broadway."

Chase watched as Grace nearly dragged her mother out of the building. Her mother was spunky, he'd give her that. So much like her daughter, he realised.

"Are you sure you can handle him, Gracie?"

"Yes, Mother. I handle him every Monday through Friday, seven to four."

Evelyn met his gaze again, narrowing her eyes even more than before. “Only if you're sure."

"Go have fun with your friends. I'm fine.” She kissed her mother's cheek before shutting the door in her face and turning around. “I should shoot you for making me cart all your shit up nine flights of stairs in the freaking two-hundred degree weather. The moving van rental was pay by the hour—out of my pocket no less."

She stepped before him, climbing the steps and giving him a nice view of her ass as he followed.

"I don't have anywhere else to go."

She stopped dead still and turned so fast, Chase's face pressed against her cleavage before his brain registered to stop. He took a step back, meeting her eyes and seeing clearly how the simple mishap affected her. As much as she wanted to deny it, what happened last night would happen again.

"You can't stay with me, Chase.” Grace crossed her arms over her hardened nipples in a futile effort to keep Chase from seeing how much he affected her.

"Why not?"

"For one, you didn't ask and I don't recall offering. You have rights to tell me what to do at work, but I'm at home where you have no rights, Chase. You're not my boyfriend, you're my boss."

"Really?” He took two steps towards her, putting him against her body in the narrow stairwell. “I thought you wanted to be my friend. This is the friendly-type of thing to do."

He smelt so good, a spicy mixture of expensive pheromone cologne and an erotic scent that belonged to Chase alone. He stood only an inch away, forcing her last functioning brain cells out on hiatus. Even as much as she wanted to hate him, her body responded with a whole different notion.

"Come on, Gracie.” He reached out and stroked a finger along her cheek. “I'm not the big bad wolf."

His finger traced the line of her lips before continuing their journey downward. His touch stayed soft and gentle, heightening her arousal with every sleek motion. She knew last night was a mistake. Cohabitating would be an even bigger mistake. And fucking him again ... off the Richter scale of mistakes.

"We can't do this, Chase.” Though even as she said it, she knew they would. Her breaths came in shallow gasps as he brought both hands into play.

He cupped her breasts and squeezed them in his big hands before lifting them up and pushing them together. She moaned, arching towards him as she closed her eyes and simply felt. Tired of being responsible all the time, Grace let go.

"Gracie.” Chase's mouth came down hard against hers. His hands slid to her waist before reaching around her body to cup and squeeze her ass.

His tongue thrust between her lips, igniting a fire deep inside her body. She braced her hands on his shoulders before sliding them upward to his face and into his hair. A few seconds later, Grace was in Chase's arms as he bolted up the stairs in search of her apartment.

After kicking open the door then pressing her against it, he put her down, mouth still locked against hers.

Without hesitation, Chase pushed his pants to the floor, his cock standing proud and erect from his body.

Grace gasped at the sight, it, being the first time she technically saw him naked. She knew he was big, both in her hand and inside her body. But the sight of his aroused flesh stunned her, made her mouth water.

"You gonna stand there and stare all day?” Chase reached out to brush a tendril of hair from her face.

Grace licked her lips and smiled. “I don't know. I've been through hell today and it's all because of you."

Grace knelt before him and glanced up. Her heart raced with overwhelming excitement. She slid her hand down his shaft, the texture velvet-soft over hard steel. Chase amazed her in more ways than one, though she'd never tell him that. Leaning forward, she licked the crown, tasting the salty essence of him. Chase's eyes glazed over as he watched her, turning her on even more. Eyes locked with his, she took him into her mouth. His deep groan reverberated through the silence that surrounded them as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Grace moved down then up, sucking lightly and tasting the pre-cum that dripped in her mouth. She moved her hand to lazily massage his balls, coinciding with the rhythm of her mouth. Grace was overwhelmed with a sense of power as she drove Chase closer and closer to orgasm. His hands tightened in her hair, soft noises of pleasure left his throat.

"God, Gracie. Don't stop. Please don't stop!” Chase pleaded hoarsely.

Smiling around his cock, she didn't stop. She teased him with her tongue, lashing it across the plump head. A moment later, his cum spurted into her mouth, causing her to moan when it touched her tongue.

Taking a step back, Chase leaned against a nearby wall, praying it held him up. This woman—
woman was amazing. Simply put, he never had someone who left him as completely satisfied as Grace did—every time they had sex.

She teased him a bit more, licking up all his cream before she kissed the tip of his cock in finale. He didn't even have enough strength to open his eyes when she stood, very pleased with herself.

"I hope you're not done for the night, stud."

Without even opening his eyes, Chase cupped her head and pulling her to his mouth for a kiss. “You are incredible."

He opened his eyes to stare into hers. At that moment, Grace became much more than his gofer on an average work day. With Libby, he had worked so hard to please her, he'd never found satisfaction for himself. Being here, with this amazing woman standing before him, gave him the satisfaction he needed. Ironically, he never saw it until now.

"Gracie Lynn! I left my ticket on the coffee table. Open the door!” The squawking voice of Grace's mother broke the sexual haze around them, thrusting them into an all too real reality.

Grace's eyes widened and he laughed at her before pulling her to him for another kiss.

"Go,” she mumbled, sliding her hand along his chest and pushing with good measure.

He watched until she situated her clothing again and smiled, turning to find her bedroom. The apartment itself was rather large given his earlier thoughts about the place. He hadn't suspected the inside of the dilapidated building to be rather nice.

Inside Grace's bedroom, a large queen sleigh bed took up the majority of the room. The sheets were an olive green and soft to the touch. A dresser sat along one wall, matching the bed in colour and design. He noticed the small little knickknacks that covered the nightstand and smiled. Grace loved turtles and five of them sat next to her bed.

He made his way to the small door on the opposite side of the bedroom, noticeably her master bath. Inside the hallway was only a half bath, but from the looks of it, this was Grace's domain.

A garden tub and separate shower sat on opposite walls with a toilet in its own private quarters. Not too different than the master bath he and Libby had shared for the year they lived together. The colours were neutral spiced up with a green shower mat sporting none other than a turtle smiling up at him.

"Hey.” Grace's voice caused him to turn around to meet her curious gaze. “What are you doing?"

"Admiring your home. From the looks on the outside, I wasn't too sure I'd want to stay here.” He turned around, smiling at the stuff that made the room Grace's. “I should have known you wouldn't settle for anything less than the best."

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I rented this apartment for this room alone. Now you understand why I need to keep my job to pay my rent."

He chuckled, shaking his head at her. “Your job's safe, sweetheart."

"You can come out of hiding now. My mother left with her friends and won't be back until well after ten.” A mischievous grin slid across her face. “I can think of a few things we could do to pass the time."

"I thought you were mad at me,” Chase countered.

"I'm thoroughly pissed off at you.” She walked over to him sliding her hands inside his suit coat to pull up his shirt. “Hence why you owe me at least three orgasms."

"Three?” He tried to look astounded by her offer but in reality knew he'd give her more.

She shoved the jacket to the ground. “Yes, three. One for putting up with your shit this morning.” She ripped open the three hundred dollar shirt, buttons flying everywhere. “Two for dealing with your damn ex all day long.” She pushed it to the floor, leaning forward to flick one of his copper nipples with the tip of her tongue. “Three for carting all your shit into my apartment with a damn sprained ankle. In the heat, no less."

Her hands went to his buckle while her lips pressed kisses across his chest, from one side to the other. Chase sucked in a breath when she bit lightly on the tender skin, before she used her tongue to soothe away the slight pain.

"I should probably make it four since all I can think about right now is fucking your brains out.” She slid her hand into his pants, gripping him firmly. “You've got a lot of make up work, stud. I suggest you get to it because ten will be here before we know it."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Four

Grace couldn't remember the last time she felt so good. Chase took her seriously about making up and gave her three orgasms she craved, only to have her beg for more. He teased her with his tongue first, heightening her desire before pushing her into ecstasy. And he gave her no recovery. He slid inside her as she came, thrusting until her body could take no more. She saw stars as she clutched the sheets, arching her back and screaming his name.

But he wasn't through. The third and most powerful of them all came when he smacked her ass as he took her from behind. His tongue trailed up her spine then down again, setting every nerve cell in her body on fire. She didn't think he could possibly make her feel any better than he already had, but Chase Cooper proved her wrong. Again.

Now she lay completely sated, spread-eagle on her bed with Chase by her side, grinning like a fool.

"Be careful what you wish for, darlin'. Because you got it.” His finger swirled around her nipple, her hypersensitive body responding to the light touch.

"Real funny. Now who's the comedian?” She smacked his hand away, her mind trying to convince her body she could die from this kind of pleasure if they went at it again.

"Oh, come on.” He bent forward and flicked her nipple with his tongue. “You taste so damn good."

Grace glanced at her alarm clock, the bright red letters proclaiming it to be eight o'clock. She had two hours to shower, eat and get Chase out of her apartment before her mother and her quirky friends came back from their night out on the town.

"Chase, I really mean it. Stop,” she groaned the last of that when he covered her body with his, sucking her beaded nipple into his mouth.

He teased until she fisted her hands in his hair and forced him to the neglected breast for an equal amount of torture. How this man had the ability to make her forget her own name, she'd never know.

"You know, sweetheart, I've been thinking.” He lifted his head from her breast, smiling. “You never did tell me how you sprained your ankle."

"I never did because I don't want you to know.” She pushed him off of her and stood next to the bed, looking for her robe.

Her ankle still hurt, but she learned to live with the pain after carrying box after box up nine flights of stairs. Her breasts felt heavy and her legs wobbly, but she finally found the emerald terrycloth on the floor. She must have flung in off her bed in their desperate motions to fuck.

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