Naughty by Nature (18 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #African American, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty by Nature
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“Okay, cool. Apology accepted, now get out.”
“Why are you rushing me? You said that you wanted to talk to me and now I'm here. Besides, your bitch can wait. I know you're not leaving this early in the morning to entertain a man. I'd bet any amount of money that a booty call awaits you.”
I opened my car door. “You're damn right it does. And she sure as hell don't play games like you do, so get out of my car.” I reached for Scorpio's wrist to help her out. She snatched her wrist away and looked at me as I bent down and got loud with her.
“Don't make me get ugly out here. You are not in control of a damn thing over here. If you think you can disrespect me in front of another motherfucka, and bring your butt over here like shit all good, then you messing with the wrong brotha. I ain't never been nobody's fool and I never will be! Now, for the last time, get the fuck out of my car so I can go!”
Scorpio reached her hand up and smacked the shit out of me. “Who in the hell are you yelling at!”
Before I knew it, I grabbed her hand; she was about to smack me again. I dove on top of her and she fell back on the seat. I tightly held her wrist above her head and gritted my teeth as I spoke.
“Your hands better not ever make it to my face again! I'm not gon' play this same fucking game you played with Jaylin, Scorpio! If you're looking for somebody to fuck you and fight with you all the time, then you're barking up the wrong tree!”
My heart beat fast and so did hers. I released her wrist and she could still see how angry I was. Her eyes watered as she stared deeply into mine. She then placed her hands on my head and pulled it to her.
“Hell no,” I said, avoiding her kiss. I removed her hands from my head and backed up. “We are not going out like this.”
She quickly rose up a bit and grabbed the collar on my shirt. She pulled me to her and placed her wet lips on my ear. “Fuck me good, Shane. You know you want to feel me and I want you to bust this pussy wide open. I'm sorry for what I said, please forgive me. Let's put it in the past and I promise never to go there again.”
Her soft spoken tone and words turned me the fuck on! And even though my mind was saying, “jet”, my dick was saying, “get wet.”
I couldn't believe I was thinking about giving into her. She continued on being persistent, and that's when I got rough with her.
“So, is that all you want to do is fuck?”
She nodded. “For now, yes.”
I was so displeased with her response that I didn't even give a shit. I ripped down the middle of her jumpsuit and tore it apart. She was naked underneath, so it didn't take long for me to unbutton my shirt and lower my pants. Within seconds, I put my dick inside of her and gave her what she wanted—a hard fuck. I separated her legs far apart, as one rested high upon the backseat and the other touched the front seat. Her head knocked against the door as I made fast and quick entries inside of her.
“Are you getting what you wanted?” I said, pounding with anger. She didn't respond. “If you want me to treat you like a piece of meat, then I will. A slut? I can do that, too. And, while you're at it, just pretend that I'm Jaylin! That's who you want fucking you, don't you!”
She grabbed the back of my head and pulled on my neatly done twisties. She started to work her hips with mine, and when she gave me a hard kiss with her eyes closed, I figured she must have been thinking about him.
That angered me even more, so I picked up the pace and tried like hell to knock the thoughts of him out of her mind.
She was tense and held on tightly to my hips that were in fast action. “Stop this,” she strained her words and squeezed her eyes tightly together.
I breathed hard, “Then what else do you want? You want me to fuck you from behind, in your ass, what? Or would you prefer that I start calling you bitches and hos?” I reached for her arm to direct her in turning on her stomach.
She looked up at me and tears rushed to her eyes. They soon fell from the corner. “You're hurting me,” she said softly. “I don't like the way you're making me feel. I didn't mean for you to fuck me like this and this is not what I wanted.”
I stopped my motion. “Then how do you want it? You tell me. All I want to do . . . all I ever wanted to do was make love to you, but you want to be fucked, you want to be disrespected, and you want a man who treats you like shit.”
She moved her head from side to side. “No, that's not what I want.”
My voice calmed. “Then, what do you want? Whatever it is, I can give it to you. A long time ago, I told you I was the man for you, but you wasn't trying to hear me.”
“Well, I hear you now. I hear you loud and clear and I don't want to hurt anymore.”
“You will never have to hurt as long as you do right by me. You gotta trust me and give me a chance, okay?”
She nodded.
I leaned down and kissed her. My dick had calmed down during our conversation, but it had made its way back up when she slid her tongue in my mouth. I reached for her right leg and wrapped it around my waist. She followed suit and wrapped both her legs around me. We continued to kiss and I rubbed my hand in circles while touching her soft hips, thighs, and ass. I went back inside and it was a different feeling for me. I closed my eyes and dropped my head on her chest. For the first time, I was making love to her. I wanted her to know what I was feeling, but my actions said it all. She lifted my face and made me look at her.
“Now, I love the way you make me feel,” she admitted. “Don't you ever be so quick to give up on me, okay?”
All I could do was nod and hope that things would work out.
rolled over in bed and Shane was not there. We'd been at it all night, and finally settled things down in his bedroom. When he'd brought me into the house last night, he rubbed my body down with oils and lotions, and had me on fire.
Honestly, Jaylin made me feel good in so many ways, but being with Shane, something was different. I wasn't sure what it was, but he knew how to tease, knew how to please, and knew how to treat a woman.
I had to work hard on not comparing the two of them. It was hard not to, especially since they had so much in common. It was obvious that they must have shared notes because Shane knew a lot of my favorite positions. I was still trying to figure him out, and I had a feeling that the pleasure would be all mine.
When I looked at the alarm clock on his dresser, it showed five minutes to eleven in the morning. I hadn't called the house to check on Mackenzie so I looked around for my phone. I couldn't find it and realized I must have left it in the car. When I reached for Shane's phone to use it, I picked it up and listened to him talk to another female.
“But, you still could have called,” she said. “I stayed up all night waiting for you, and now, I can barely keep my eyes open at work.”
“Like I said, I apologize, but I fell asleep. Besides, it was kind of late and I didn't want to inconvenience you since you said you had to get up for work.”
“You've inconvenienced me many times before. Why would you consider last night any differently?”
“I don't know, Amber, I just did.”
“So, am I going to hear from you tonight? The least you can do is make it up to me.”
“Maybe I'll see you later. We'll see.”
“That's what you always say. You need to know that your booty call days are coming to an end. I'm going to simply stop making myself available to you in the wee hours of the morning. You act as if you can't call me at a decent hour. If you have a dispute with Sam, try to get into it with her early so I can stop getting phone calls late at night, alright? Damn!” she hung up.
I quietly placed the phone back on the receiver and got out of bed. I reached for Shane's paisley print robe and put it on. As I walked down the hall to find him, I seriously wanted to know who Sam was, and who the booty call chick was. It was obvious that she didn't have her head on straight because dick ain't no good when it's
available in the wee hours of the morning.
I went to Shane's office, but he wasn't there. I then headed through the kitchen and walked back to his covered patio. He was standing in front of the tall glass windows looking out. His hands were in the pockets of his 501 jeans that were unbuttoned and barely hanging on his butt. As I had a clear view of the side of him, his abs were solid as a rock and the muscles in his arms and chest showed mega bulges. I guess he sensed I was looking at him and he turned his head to the side. He'd trimmed his goatee and the look in his brown slanted eyes said he was happy to see me.
“How long have you been standing there?” he asked.
I inched my way forward. “Long enough to know that my man got it going on. You should've been a model.”
He gave a soft snicker. “So, I'm your man today, huh?”
I wrapped my arms around his waist. He kissed my forehead and put his arms on my shoulders.
“You don't have to be my man, but I thought we cleared that up earlier today. You haven't forgotten what you said, nor did you change your mind, did you?”
“I remember what I said, but first, we need to talk.”
A part of me didn't like where this conversation was going, but I took a seat to listen. Shane sat on the table in front of me and held my hands together with his.
“By now, I'm sure you know that I got some real strong feelings for you. I—”
“I know, and I—”
He placed his index finger on my lips. “Please, let me finish.”
I nodded.
“Anyway, I need to clear some things up with you, okay?”
I nodded again.
“I hope you understand that I can not, nor will I try to replace Jaylin. We are two completely different men who view relationships entirely different. He's a changed man now, but the man who you remember can't be replaced by me or anyone else. I think you're very confused and I don't know if you're searching for something that you'll never get. If you are able to accept me for who I am, then I say let's continue to roll with it. If you can't, then hey, be honest and tell me I'm not what you're looking for. Again, I'm not gon' fuck you because I'm a man who likes to make love to his woman. I'm not gon' fight with you because a man and a woman ain't got no business fighting each other. And I damn sure ain't gon' go around disrespecting you because you deserve better than that. Do you understand what I'm saying?”
“I know where you're coming from, Shane, but I don't expect you to be like Jaylin. I—”
He didn't even hear me out before cutting me off. “Yes you do. You might not notice it, but the same shit—stuff you pulled last night is what you used to do with him. I'm not playing the fuck me, fight me game, baby. I've been there and done that shit before. I don't want to argue with you and then break out into a sweat fucking each other's brains out. That's crazy. It always feels good being inside of you, but the issues are still there once it's over. When we make love I want to go into it stress free. When I pull out, I still want to be stress free. Just allow me that and we won't have no problems.”
“Like I said before, Jaylin is a man of my past. I was hurt, Shane, and seeing him again brought about more hurt. I dealt with it and continue to deal with it the best way I know how. I can't just open up and give to another man what I gave to him. I'm so afraid of getting hurt again. Nobody knows this, but when he left me, I damn near lost my mind. I couldn't think, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and more than anything, my child basically had a mother that didn't exist. He was my everything, Shane, and it was so hard for me to move on without him.”
“Baby, nobody should be your everything, but God. I'm in no position to be your everything and neither was Jaylin, but you've got to trust me. My mama taught me that when things don't work out, that means there's something better in store for me. You might not realize it now, but something good is waiting for you. Eventually, if you want to be happy again, you've got to find it in your heart to trust somebody, so why not me? All men are not after the same thing. We are not all game players and some of us do know how to love a woman the way she deserves to be loved. Women mess up by always putting us into the same category. You are so blind not to see what's in front of you and I hope that you don't miss out on a good thing, like so many others—all because you don't want to open your eyes and see what's there for you.”
I placed my hands over my face to cover my eyes. I hated being this emotional, but it had been a long time since I'd discussed the hurt from my relationship with Jaylin. Shane kneeled in front of me. He rubbed his hand along the side of my face and moved my hand away from my teary eyes.
“I want you to get all of your cries out now. After today, I don't want you to shed another tear over the past. I'm here for you now and that's all that matters.”
I tightly wrapped my arms around Shane's neck and broke down as he held me in his arms. He had me figured out. I thought about all I'd done by giving my body to men who wanted nothing from me but sex. I'd been feeling as if I was the one in control, but in reality, they controlled me. I'd never left any of them feeling as fulfilled as I did with Shane. He had so much more to offer me and his compassion for me was a major plus.
I got myself together, and we lay on the chaise in his patio room. He lightly rubbed my arm, while I rested my head on his chest.
“Would you do me a favor?” I asked.
“Anything,” he said.
“When you talk to Jaylin, please don't tell him what I told you. I never want him to know how much I'd gone through after he left.”
“I had no plans to tell him. Besides, he doesn't want to know about us anyway.”
“Good,” I said. I closed my eyes and felt so much more at peace, now that I'd gotten some of the pain off my chest.
Shane and I took a lengthy nap on the chaise. He woke me up about an hour ago and said that he was going into his office to do some work. Still a bit tired, I continued with my nap. When I woke up, I saw the sketched picture he'd drawn of me that was now an airbrushed picture. It was off the chain and I hurried up to go look at the most well put together piece of art I'd ever seen. Wanting to thank him, I went to his office to do just that. When I walked in, his back was turned, and he looked to be indulged with the design in front of him.
“Ricardo,” I said. He didn't answer. I spoke again. “Shane.”
He quickly turned around and looked at me standing with the picture in my hand.
“Thank you,” I said. “Was this my surprise?”
“Yes. I also had something else waiting for you, but you've already gotten plenty of that.”
I put the picture down and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arm around my waist and swung his chair around to face his design.
“What do you think of this?” he said.
“I think . . . I guess it looks nice. All it looks like to me is several buildings connected.”
“Woman, you don't know nothing about a creative design when you see one. One day soon, you're going to see this building in it's entirety in downtown St. Louis. And when you see it, I want all the credit that is due to me.”
“Okay, I'm impressed.”
“Are you sure? You don't sound too impressed,” I said.
“Shane, I'm impressed with everything about you. I just hope I can get my act together.”
“I hope so, too,” he laughed.
“Now, you need to get some stuff together as well,” Scorpio chimed in.
“Hey, my stuff is together.”
I shook my head. “No it's not,” I said jokingly, as I thought about the phone call I listened to earlier.
“Oh, yes it is.”
“If it is, then what are you going to do with your booty call woman? It seems as if she makes herself available to you whenever you call.”
“Who, Amber?” Shane said.
“Yes, Amber. Are there more I should know about?”
“Naw, it's just Amber. But, she knows what time it is. I've been wrong for running to her like I did, but it's so hard not to when she always makes herself available. Now, though, I'm with you so things . . . things will be different.”
“So, are you sure Amber is the least of my worries? With a man as fine as you are, I can't believe she's been your only sidekick.”
“Well, that's it.”
I looked at my watch and gave him a hint. “You know,
wholesale warehouse closes around ten, don't they?”
“I guess,” he said, still not catching on.
I tried again. “Uncle
be taking all my money. How about yours?”
“Being self employed, yes, he does. He hits me hard every year.”
I continued, “You know, I once knew this brotha name
Shane tightly grabbed my thigh. “If you want to know about Sam, all you had to do was ask.”
“I asked if there was anybody else and you said no.”
“I said no because she and I are O-V-E-R. Not because of me and you hooking up, but I really wasn't feeling her. She tried some freaky shit on me in the bedroom and I didn't like it.”
“Who in the hell is freakier than me? I hope I haven't done anything to turn you off, but I noticed that you're a hard man to please. You'll have to tell me what makes your body quiver.”
He laughed, and then gave me a silent stare. He leaned me back on the floor and kneeled in between my legs.
“How did you know about Sam and Amber?” he asked while looking down at me.
“I'll confess if you tell me what makes you tick.”
“I'm about to show you, once you tell me what I want to know.”
“I listened to your phone call with Amber earlier. You tried to break her down gently, but I didn't like the words, and I quote, ‘Maybe I'll see you later.' I hope her later never comes.”
“It won't,” he said. He separated my legs and pecked down my thighs. When he untied the robe I wore, it fell to my sides. He rubbed his hand on my stomach and worked his way down to touch the minimal and neatly trimmed hair on my pussy.
He made a ticking sound with his mouth.

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