Naughty by Nature (17 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #African American, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty by Nature
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“Is that right,” I said. I knew there were always two sides to every story, but since I was in the mood for a decent fuck, I really didn't care to hear it. “I'll be there shortly. I have minimal clothes on so don't be alarmed when you see me.”
“Baby, I don't care what you got on. It's coming off as soon as you hit the door.”
We laughed, but I knew Maxwell was serious.
When I reached Maxwell's house in the Hampton's of Chesterfield, it was way after midnight.
“Where are your clothes at?” he asked.
“It's a long story and I'll be happy to share it with you later. For now, just hold me.”
Maxwell didn't have no problem accommodating my request. He walked with me to his bedroom where he had a blanket laid on the floor in front of an unlit fireplace.
I lay down on the blanket and he lay down to face me. I didn't want to hurt Maxwell, but a big part of me knew that eventually I was going to. By all means, he'd put me before his wife, and for me, that wasn't cool.
“What do you want from me Maxwell?”
“I don't know. . . .Why do you ask?”
“Because I don't know what else I can offer you but sex.”
“Then, maybe that's all I want. With all that's going on between my wife and me, I'm not looking for another woman to take her place. I'm kind of looking forward to being free. We've been married for twenty-one years and I need something fresh and lively. I guess she feels the same way since she left me, but we need this time apart. Besides, being with you makes me feel rejuvenated. I've done things with you that I haven't even explored with her.”
“That's unbelievable, but I want you to understand something. I—I don't want a relationship either. If you've ever thought about divorcing your wife for me, don't. This is strictly a sex thing between us, and whether we face it or not, someday it's going to run out. Meanwhile,” I said. I rolled on top of him and pulled my shirt over my head. “I hope you enjoy my company as much as I enjoy yours.”
Maxwell kept quiet. After I dropped a condom into his hand, I eased my pussy up to his face. As usual, he knew exactly what to do with both of them.
Sunday was here before I knew it. Leslie and I were at Tumble Drum with the kids, while sitting in a booth eating pizza. She seemed mad about something, and when I asked what was wrong, she played me shady.
“Fine,” I said. “Then keep your funky attitude to yourself.”
She rolled her eyes. “I don't have an attitude. I'm just ready to move out and get my own place, that's all.”
“Well, Miss Brooks should be out by next month. Once I get the place all cleaned up and inspected, it's yours.”
“I know, but I get tired of you doing everything for us. All I get is a damn welfare check and food stamps. I don't want to get a job because then I won't have nobody to watch the kids.”
“Leslie, why are you stressing? I don't mind helping out, and as much as you help me out with Mackenzie, how can I trip?”
She smiled. “Be sure to remind me to hug you later. You're a decent li'l sister, when you want to be.”
“And you're a decent big sister, when you want to be. Bottom line is, we need to help each other. I got your back and I know you got mine.”
Leslie nodded and we continued to talk and eat pizza. The kids were having a ball and I loved to see Mackenzie's face light up with joy. As I watched her, my phone vibrated. I reached for it and immediately recognized the number. It was Shane. Waiting for this moment, I answered.
“Hello,” I said.
“Hey. Did I catch you at a bad time?”
“No, not at all. I'm at Tumble Drum with Leslie and the kids.”
“Ah, okay. Then, why don't you hit me back when you leave.”
“I'm cool. What's up?”
“I want to see you today. You think you can make that happen?”
“Maybe. What time?”
“It's still early, so how about seven or eight?”
“Seven or eight sounds fine with me. If you don't mind me asking, though, what's on the agenda for the night?”
“It's whatever you want. I got a surprise for you, too.”
I chuckled. “Can't wait. I'll see you soon.”
“Bye, pretty lady,” he said, then hung up.
I slowly closed my phone and looked over at Leslie.
“Who was that?” she asked.
“Girl, how many men you got? Don't you get tired of dealing with them damn fools?”
“Sometimes, but I only deal with them when I want to.”
“Well, I hope you ain't sleeping with
of them. There are too many diseases going around and I hope you ain't putting yourself out there like that.”
“Leslie, stay out of my business, okay? Like I said, I only deal with them when I want to and I do not have sex with all of them. I don't want to see Shane tonight, so he'll have to find somebody else to lay him.”
“Then, why'd you tell him you were going to see him?”
“Cause I felt like it. Besides, I already made plans to meet my new flavah, Latrell, for a drink tonight.”
“Girl, them games gon' get you in trouble. If you don't want to be bothered, then you need to say so. If you don't mind me saying, Jaylin has hurt you in so many ways that I don't think you realize it. You need to get over your hurt and move on in a positive way.”
“Jaylin was nothing but some satisfying dick and a learning experience for me. Nothing more and nothing less. Never, ever will I give a man all that I gave to him. It's just not worth it.”
Leslie kept quiet and so did I. She didn't understand, and as a matter of fact, nobody knew my pain but me. I was dealing with my hurt as best as I could, and standing up Shane for the night was just the beginning.
verything was progressing well. I'd finished my design for the Mayor's Group on time, and after I met with Mr. Mayor, he was more than pleased. The account was all mine, and even though I had my work cut out for me, it was well worth it. This one account was enough to get me on my feet and get things going. I hadn't made preparations to remove my other accounts from Davenports, but all of them would soon follow. Felicia had enough accounts to keep her afloat, and if anything, we were now considered competitors.
It was already 6:15
and I was on my way home from the mall. I took Scorpio's sketched picture to a brotha at the Galleria who could airbrush his butt off. He hooked it up for me, and once I had it wrapped, I couldn't wait for her to see her surprise.
When I got home, I took the picture to my closed-in patio and set it in the corner. I then slightly turned the vertical blinds to cut back on the sunlight that lit the room. Once I straightened the pillows on my wicker loveseat and chaise, I turned on some soft music.
I returned to the living room and picked up the package I'd dropped when I came in. I'd gotten some smell good oils and lotions to massage her body with and carried them back to the patio. I placed them neatly on the table, along with the soft towels I'd gotten to cover her up. I felt good about tonight, and wondered if cooking us something would be a good idea. Instead, I opted for Italian food, but I decided to wait until she arrived before I placed our order.
As Scorpio's arrival time neared, I took a shower and couldn't stop thinking about her. I couldn't wait to see her, and more than anything, I couldn't believe how my body craved for her more than any woman I'd been with.
My shower didn't take too long, and afterward I changed into a pair of dark blue silk pajama pants. There was no need for a shirt because I wanted her to see my cut body that she admired so much. I headed back towards the closed-in patio and took a look at the romantic atmosphere. All I had to do was light the huge round candle I had in the center of the table and the mood would be perfect.
I lit the candle and it filled the room with a soothing strawberry fragrance. I sat back on the chaise and placed my hand behind my head. Trying to get my mind off Scorpio, I picked up the remote and clicked on the plasma TV on the upper wall.
For the next hour or so the basketball game kept me tuned in. Time had flown by, and as I checked my watch for the fifth time, it was almost eight o'clock. I mentioned seven o'clock, but I figured something must have come up and she couldn't make it that soon.
I continued to watch the next game, and as I got into that one, I didn't realize the time had ticked away. By now, my watch showed almost 8:45
and Scorpio was a no show. I wondered where she was, but before I could call her, she called me.
“Hey,” I said, smiling while holding the phone up to my ear.
“So, I guess you knew it's me, huh?”
“Yeah, it's pretty obvious. The caller ID don't lie.”
She gave a soft snicker.
“Where are you?” I asked. “I'm getting kind of lonely.”
“I was on my way, but, uh, something came up. A friend of mine asked me to meet her at CJ's tonight, so I'm afraid I can't make it. How about we shoot for next weekend?”
Shocked by her news, I slowly sat up. “Uh . . . I guess that's cool. But, if you don't mind me asking, can't you meet your friend some other time?”
“I could, but I need to go handle some business at Jay's as well.”
“Business? On Sunday? I thought Jay's was closed.”
“It's closed, but that doesn't mean I don't have to work.”
“Well, would it be asking too much for you to put it off until tomorrow? I really wanted to see you.”
“I really wanted to see you too, but my business can't wait. Just like yours couldn't wait the other day.”
I thought about it and she was right. “Go handle your business. I look forward to hearing from you next weekend, alright?”
“Sure. Sounds like a plan to me,” she said. “Good-bye.”
More than disappointed, I didn't even say good-bye. I had a feeling that Scorpio was bullshitting me, but I wasn't gon' trip. I lifted the candle from the table and blew it out. I stood for a moment, thinking about how I wanted to make love to her so badly. Hell, it had been on my mind all day, but there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I'd even picked up the phone to call her back, but I quickly decided against it. Instead, I tossed the phone on the chaise and went to my room to get dressed. I didn't want to be cooped up in the crib, so I left. I called Brandon to see what he was up to, and ironically, he told me he was at CJ's having a drink with a friend. I told him I was on my way.
When I arrived at CJ's, Brandon and a female companion were seated at the bar. He favored Malcolm X in many ways, and no matter where he went, he always wore a black suit. Brandon introduced his friend as Roshel, and I took a seat to join them.
“I ain't cock blocking, am I?” I whispered while leaning in close to him
“Naw, man, she's my sister-in-law. Her and my brotha having some problems and I've always made myself available for conversation.”
Roshel looked at her watch. “I'd better get going. I'm supposed to meet Christopher at home and I don't want to be late. Thanks for the advice, Brandon. I'm glad I can always count on you.”
“Anytime,” he said, giving her a hug. “You be careful.”
“I will,” she said and told both of us good-bye.
Brandon watched her as she left the bar and so did I.
“She seems like a nice woman,” I said.
“Very nice. It's my brother that got issues. Fool can't decide if he gay or straight.”
“That's fucked up. But in instances like that, there really ain't much to decide.”
“Yeah, I know. That's what I told her. She need to step while she ahead of the game. I love my brotha, but the shit he's put his wife and kids through makes me angry.” Brandon took a swig from the shot of Hennessey in front of him. He looked depressed, as always. That was one reason I hated being around him and listening to his problems often made me feel down.
The bartender sat my glass of Rémy on the bar, and I took a swig from it.
“Why you out tonight?” he asked. “I'm surprised you and Sam ain't hanging out. What about Amber? You still hitting that, too?”
“Every blue moon, but Sam and I are over. During sex, she tried some crazy shit on me and I wasn't having it. I sent her flying faster than a jay bird.”
Brandon laughed and we sat for awhile drinking and talking. I gave him the scoop on Sam, and told him about my departure from Davenports. He was shocked and said exactly what Jaylin said: He knew it was bound to happen.
As we continued on, I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes. It was Scorpio, along with a younger man who could have easily been 50 Cent's twin. He was even dressed in G-Unit clothing from top to bottom. He didn't seem to be her type, but what did I know? A bad boy seemed right up her alley, but what in the hell happened to this girlfriend she was supposed to meet? Brandon gazed at her, right along with me.
“Some brothas have all the luck. He got to be paid to have a broad like that by his side. She is fine, ain't she?”
I nodded and continued to check her out. She wore an orange sheer strapless jumpsuit that perfectly fit her waistline. The bottom of her pants flared out and moved gracefully with her as she walked to a table and took a seat. Her hair was slicked back into a neat ponytail, revealing every bit of her beautiful made-up face. No doubt, I had to let her know that I was there, so I stood up to do just that. Brandon grabbed my arm.
“Man, I know you ain't about to approach her. Her man looks like he'd bust a cap in yo ass with no hesitation.”
“I know her. I'm just going to say hello.”
Brandon let go and I headed to the table where Scorpio sat. From a short distance, she saw me coming and dropped her head to look at the menu. I placed my hands in my pockets and walked up to the table. First, I addressed the brotha she was with.
“I ain't trying to start nothing, but do you mind if I holla at your date for a minute?”
He shrugged. “That's up to her,” he said.
I looked at Scorpio. “Can we go somewhere and talk?”
“No. I'm with someone right now and I'll talk to you later.”
Her response caught me completely off guard. It was as if she was a totally different person than the one I'd talked to earlier. “Let me get this straight,” I said, as the alcohol was working me a bit. “You cancelled on me just to be with him? If you had plans to kick it with him, why didn't you say so? You could have saved me a lot of time and trouble.”
“Shane, I don't owe you an explanation. Now, you're being awfully rude. We'll discuss this tomorrow, okay?”
I snickered and turned my head to the side. I could have messed her up for playing me, but I wasn't that kind of man. I looked back at her and shook my head from side to side.
“You are a piece of work. For whatever reason, I gave you too much credit, but you—” I paused and couldn't get the words to come out like I wanted them to. Instead of continuing, I turned to walk away. I took two steps, before turning back around. “Don't worry about explaining shit to me tomorrow. Make sure that my number doesn't exist in your thick head anymore and have a great fucking night.”
Scorpio didn't say a word. She cut her eyes and looked at the fool sitting with her.
“Would you like to go somewhere else,” I heard him say. I didn't know what her response was because my back was already turned. I went back over to the bar and finished off my shot of Rémy.
“I'm out of here,” I said, slamming the glass on the table.
“You all right, man?” Brandon asked. “Do you need me to drive you home?”
“Naw, I'm cool. I'll holla at you later.”
Before heading out, I gave Scorpio one last glance and left.
On the drive home, I couldn't believe how hurt I was. Damn, it was just some pussy and there I was tripping as if she was the best thing that had ever happened to me. My mind was all fucked up and I was starting to not only see what Jaylin had been through, but what Felicia said was starting to make sense to me as well. How could I let any woman have such an affect on me? I hadn't felt this way in a long time and this was a feeling that I dreaded more than anything. No doubt, I felt pussy whipped.
By the time I made it home, it was almost 1:00 a.m. I had a slight buzz, and of course, I was horny as hell. I reached for the phone on my nightstand and sat on the edge of my bed. I called my ex-girlfriend, Amber, who I'd been seeing on and off for some time. She knew my calls always came late at night and never had a problem answering her phone.
“Are you asleep?” I asked.
“I'm surely not up waiting for your phone call at this time in the morning. Hell, yes, I'm asleep.”
“Do you feel like some company?”
She hesitated. “Shane, these late nights have got to stop. I have to get up for work by six and I be tired—”
“Then, don't worry about it,” I said softly. “I'll catch up with you some other time.” I hung up, and I guess after thinking about what I was capable of putting on her, she called right back.
“How soon can you get here,” she asked.
“I'm locking my front door right now,” I lied. “I'll see you in a bit.”
She hung up and I looked around for my keys. I remembered tossing them on the couch in the living room, so I went there to retrieve them. Afterwards, I locked the door and headed to my car. No sooner had I looked behind me to back up, a car parked at the end of my driveway and blocked me in. When I looked to see who it was, it was Scorpio. We both got out of our cars.
“You need to move your car because I'm getting ready to go,” I said.
“Go where?” she said, walking up to me.
“That's none of your business. Now, move your car and go home.”
She got closer to me. “I can tell you are highly upset with me, aren't you?”
I reached for my car door to open it. “Your game has been played Scorpio. It's played out, and as a matter of fact, I suggest you take your seductive behavior back to the brotha at CJ's. That shit don't work with me.” I hopped inside of my car and closed the door. Scorpio reached for the handle on my back door and opened it. She sat on the backseat and left the door open. I looked at her in the rearview mirror.
I was irritated. “What—what is it that you want?”
“I want to apologize for how I reacted tonight. I was wrong for coming at you like I did and it wasn't a good feeling.”

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