Prodigal Son

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Authors: Susan Mallery

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Jack Hanson knew what he wanted, and it wasn’t a media empire. After his father died suddenly, Jack was forced to leave his law practice and take over his father’s company. And, oh, yeah, pull it back from the brink of catastrophe. The one bright spot in the whole mess was his new hire—an old business-school friend, Samantha Edwards. Samantha was just as smart, fun and vibrant as she’d been in school, but now…she was a hell of a lot sexier.

Samantha Edwards knew what she wanted, and it wasn’t love. She’d already made a mess out of her life once. She wasn’t about to jeopardize the best job she’d ever had by breaking the cardinal rule of business—falling for the boss. And yet, Jack needed her. And she needed him…because if he could put the company back together, perhaps he could heal her, too.

Praise for
New York Times
bestselling author

“Romance novels don’t get much better than
expert blend of emotional nuance,
humor and superb

“Mallery’s prose is luscious and provocative.”
—Publishers Weekly

“If you want a story that will both tug
your heartstrings and tickle your funny bone,
is the author for you!”
—RT Book Reviews
Only His

Praise for
New York Times
bestselling author

“This very talented writer touches your heart
with her
—RT Book Reviews
Her Secret

“Mayberry’s depiction of her characters’ feelings and
motivations is quite realistic…[and] true to life.”
—RT Book Reviews
The Best Laid


With more than 25 million books sold worldwide,
New York Times
bestselling author Susan Mallery is known for creating characters who feel as real as the folks next door, and for putting them into emotional, often funny situations readers recognize from their own lives. Susan’s books have made Booklist’s Top 10 Romances list in four out of five consecutive years.
RT Book Reviews
says, “When it comes to heartfelt contemporary romance, Mallery is in a class by herself.” With her popular ongoing Fool’s Gold series, Susan has reached new heights on the bestseller lists and has won the hearts of countless new fans.

Susan grew up in Southern California, moved so many times that her friends stopped writing her address in pen, and now has settled in Seattle with her husband and the most delightfully spoiled little dog who ever lived. Visit Susan online at


lives by the sea near Melbourne, Australia, with her husband and a small black cavoodle called Max. She is currently enjoying her recently renovated house—complete with gorgeous new kitchen!—and feeling guilty about her overgrown garden. When she’s not writing, she can be found reading, cooking, gardening, shoe shopping, and enjoying a laugh with friends and family. Oh, and sleeping. She is inordinately fond of a “nana nap.”

New York Times
Bestselling Author


Prodigal Son



The Best Laid Plans


by Susan Mallery

by Sarah Mayberry

Prodigal Son

Susan Mallery

Dear Reader,

There’s something very sexy about a confident man. Whether he’s in business or running a ranch or playing football—as long as he has a bit of swagger in his soul (along with a sense of humor and a serious appreciation of all things chocolate) I’m there. It’s not so much about
he does, as
he does it.

One of the advantages of writing romance novels is I get to hang out with sexy, confident men. A lot! Jack is one of my favorites—mostly because he’s trapped in a situation he doesn’t want because of circumstances he can’t control. Yes, Jack is both confident and responsible. He’s the kind of man who will do the right thing and then knock your socks off in bed. Assuming you were wearing socks at that moment in time!

Enter Samantha—a woman from his past and pretty much his opposite. She’s creative and impulsive. On the surface, so different. But at her core, she’s as honorable as he is and that’s what makes their journey so fun.

I hope you’ll enjoy
Prodigal Son.
And, as a special treat, there’s a wonderful bonus book included.

Happy reading,

Susan Mallery

Chapter One

amantha Edwards had never minded the interview process, even when she was the one looking for a job. But having seen her prospective boss naked made things just a little tricky.

The good news was Jack Hanson was unlikely to bring up that single night they’d shared. Not only wasn’t it relevant to her employment application, it had been nearly ten years ago. She doubted he remembered anything about the event.

Well, not just the one event. Her recollection was completely clear. There had been three “events” that night, each of them more spectacular than the one before.

“Ms. Edwards? Mr. Hanson will see you now.”

Samantha looked up at the sixty-something assistant behind the modern metal-and-glass desk in the foyer in front of Jack’s office.

“Thank you,” Samantha said as she rose and moved toward the closed door.

She paused to tug on her suit jacket. Her clothing choices had been deliberately conservative—for her, at least. Black slacks, a cream-and-black checked jacket over a cream silk shirt. It killed her to avoid color, but ten years ago Jack Hanson had been the poster boy for straitlaced conservative types. She was willing to guess that hadn’t changed.

Except he hadn’t been the least bit conservative in bed.

The wayward thought popped into her head just as she pushed open the door to his office. She did her best to ignore it as she drew in a deep breath, reminded herself how much she wanted this job and walked confidently toward the man standing behind his desk.

“Hello, Jack,” she said, shaking hands with him. “It’s been a long time.”

“Samantha. Good to see you.”

He studied her with a thoroughness that made her breath catch. How much of his steady perusal was about sizing up the candidate and how much was about their past?

She decided two could play at that game and did a little looking of her own.

He was taller than she’d remembered and he still seemed to exude power and confidence. She wanted to say that was a natural attribute for someone born to money, but she had a feeling Jack would have been a winner regardless of his upbringing. He was simply that kind of man.

Time had been kind, but then time had always preferred men to women, she thought humorously. Jack’s face showed character in addition to chiseled features. She wondered if life ever got boring for the physically perfect. While he had to deal with things like broad shoulders and a smile that would have most of the female population lining up to be seduced, she had unruly red hair that defied taming, a stick-straight body, small breasts and a butt that could only be described as bony. Was that fair?

“Please,” he said, motioning to one of the chairs. “Have a seat.”


He did the same, claiming his side of the desk. He looked good there—in charge and powerful. But she happened to know he was new to the job.

“I read about your father’s death a couple of months ago,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

“Thanks.” He motioned to the office. “That’s why I’m working here. The board asked me to step in and take care of the company for a while.”

“I’d wondered,” she admitted. “Last I’d heard, you were practicing law.”

“It would be my preference,” he told her.

“But you did so well at business school.” She would know—they’d been competing for the top spot, often by working together. He’d been the detail-intensive, organized half and she’d been the creative member of the team.

“Hated every minute of it,” he said. “I realized I preferred the law.”

Jack thought about the day he’d told his father he wasn’t entering the family business. George Hanson hadn’t been able to comprehend that his oldest son wasn’t interested in learning how to run a multimillion-dollar company. The older man had been disappointed and furious. It had been the only time Jack hadn’t done what was expected of him.

Ironically, today he was exactly where his father had wanted him to be.

But not for long, he reminded himself.

“I guess your father’s death changed your plans,” Samantha said.

He nodded. “I’m on a three-month leave of absence from my law firm. Until then Hanson Media Group gets my full attention.”

“Are you sure you want the CEO act to be temporary?”

“I’m not the tycoon type.”

She smiled. “I would say you have potential. Word on the street is you’re bringing in a lot of new people.”

“That’s true. My father hated to hand over control of anything. He was still the head of at least three departments. With a company this big, no one has the time or energy to run them and the rest of the business. I’m looking for the best people possible to join the team.”

“I’m flattered.”

“It’s the truth. You’re only here because you’re good. I need creative types. It’s not my strong suit.”

She smiled. “A man who can admit his weaknesses. How unusual.”

“Samantha, the only reason I passed marketing was because I was on your team. You carried me through the whole class.”

“You tutored me through cost accounting. We’re even.”

She shifted slightly as she spoke, causing her slacks to briefly hug her slender thighs. The other candidates had been highly skilled with incredible résumés, but unlike Samantha, they’d come in dressed in business suits, looking equally comfortable in a boardroom or law office.

Not Samantha. Despite the conservative colors, she was anything but ordinary. Maybe it was the bright green parrot pin on her lapel or the dangling earrings that hung nearly to her shoulders. Or maybe it was that her long, fiery red hair seemed to have a will and a life of its own.

She was not a conservative businessperson. She was avant-garde and wildly creative. There was an independence about her he admired.

“You left New York,” he said. “Why?”

“I wanted to make a change. I’d been working there since graduation.”

He studied her as she spoke, looking for nuances. There were plenty, but none of them worried him. Per his research, she was coming off a divorce. Her previous employer had done his best to keep her from leaving.

“You have to know this is a dream job,” she said. “You’re offering complete creative control of Internet development, with more than a million-dollar budget. How could anyone resist that? It’s my idea of heaven.”

“Good. It’s my idea of hell.”

She smiled. Her full mouth curved and he felt himself responding. Subtle tension filled his body.

“You always did hate a blank page,” she said, her smile widening to a grin.

“You always did hate rules,” he told her.

“Me?” She raised her eyebrows. “You were happy enough to break them when it suited your purpose.”

He shrugged. “Whatever it takes to get what I want. What I want now is a great staff and the company running smoothly. Let’s get down to specifics.”

He passed her information on several current Internet campaigns. After she’d flipped through the material, they discussed possible directions for growth.

Samantha became more animated as the conversation progressed. “Children,” she told him. “There’s so much we could do for kids. After-school programs on the Web. Not just the usual help with homework, but interactive programs linking kids all over the country.”

As she spoke, she leaned toward him, gesturing with her hands to make her point. “We can also cosponsor events with popular movies or TV shows.”

“Cross-advertising,” he said.

“Yes. Your competition is already doing it, and the potential for you is huge. And that’s just younger kids. I have even more ideas for teens.”

“They’re the ones with the disposable income and the time to spend it,” he said. When she raised her eyebrows in surprise, he added, “I’ve been doing my research.”

“Apparently. It’s true. With more single-parent families and more families with both parents working, teens are often a real source of information on what items to purchase. They actually influence adults’ decisions on everything from breakfast cereal to cars. Plus they’ve grown up on computers, which means they’re comfortable in a digital environment. To them, the Internet is as much a part of their lives as phones were for us.”

“So you’re interested in the job,” he said.

“I distinctly recall the word
coming up in the conversation. I wasn’t kidding. I’d love the chance to grow this part of the company.”

Her excitement was tangible energy in the office. He liked that. She’d always thrown herself into whatever it was she was doing and he doubted that had changed.

He’d been surprised to see her name on the short list of candidates, but pleasantly so. He and Samantha had worked well together at grad school. They’d been a good team. Just as important, she was someone he could trust.

“The job is yours, if you want it,” he told her. “The formal offer would come from my human-resources person in the morning.”

Her green eyes widened. “Seriously?”

“Why are you shocked? You’re talented, qualified and someone I’m comfortable working with.”

“You make me sound like a rescue dog.”

He grinned. “If I could find one that could work a computer…”

She laughed. “Okay, yes. I’m interested. But I have to warn you, I’m very much the creative type. I’ll want control of my staff.”


“We’re not going to be wearing three-piece suits.”

“I don’t care if you wear frog costumes, as long as you do the job.”

She didn’t look convinced. “This isn’t like the law, Jack. You can’t always find an answer in a book.”

“Can I get disapproving and difficult before you give me the lecture?” he asked, mildly amused by her concern. “I get it—creative people are different. Not a problem.”

“Okay. Point taken.”

She rose. He stood as well. In heels she was only a couple of inches shorter than him. He walked around the table and held out his hand.

“Leave your number with Mrs. Wycliff. You’ll be hearing from my HR office first thing in the morning.”

She placed her palm against his. As he had when they’d touched a few minutes ago, he felt a slight sizzle, followed by a definite sensation of warmth somewhere south of his belt.

Ten years after the fact and Samantha Edwards still had the ability to drop him to his knees. Sexually speaking. Not that he would act on the information or let her know how she got to him. They were going to work together, nothing more.

He released her hand and walked her to the door. “How soon can you start?” he asked.

“The first part of next week,” she said.

“Good. I hold a staff meeting every Tuesday morning. I look forward to seeing you there.”

She hesitated before opening the door. “I’m excited about this opportunity, Jack. I want to make a difference.”

“I’m sure you will.”

She looked into his eyes. “I wasn’t sure you’d consider me. Because of our past.”

He pretended not to know what she was talking about. He wanted to make her say it. “Why would knowing you in business school make a difference?”

“Not that.”

He waited.

Color flared on her cheeks, but she continued to hold his gaze. “Because of what happened that night. When we…” She cleared her throat. “You know. Were intimate.”

“Water under the bridge,” he said easily, mostly because it was true. He’d never been one to dwell on the past. Not even on a night that had made him believe in miracles. Probably because in the bright light of day, he’d learned that dreams were for fools and miracles didn’t really happen.

* * *

Promptly at four in the afternoon, Mrs. Wycliff knocked on Jack’s office door.

“Come in,” he said as he saved the work on his computer, then looked up at his father’s former assistant.

“Here are the daily reports,” she said, placing several folders on his desk.

“Thank you.”

He frowned as he looked at the thick stack that would make up his evening reading. In theory, he knew plenty about running a company. He had the MBA to prove it. But theory and reality often had little in common and this was one of those times. If one of the employees was accused of homicide—that he could handle. Right now, a charge of first-degree murder seemed simple when compared with the day-to-day ups and downs of a publicly traded corporation.

“How is the staff holding up?” he asked the older woman. Although he was confident Mrs. Wycliff hadn’t been born into her position, he couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t worked for his father.

She clutched the back of the chair and shook her head in refusal when he invited her to take a seat.

“They miss him, of course. Your father was well liked in the company. Of course he would be. He was a good man.”

Jack was careful to keep his expression neutral. George Hanson had been a man of business. He had lived and breathed his company, while his children had grown up on the fringes of his life. That wasn’t Jack’s definition of

“Several people have stopped by to tell me how much they miss him,” Jack told her. It happened at least once a day and he never knew what to say in return.

She smiled. “We all appreciate you stepping in to run things. Hanson Media Group has been home to a lot of us for a long time. We’d hate to see anything happen to the company.”

“Happen?” He’d only been on board a couple of weeks. From what he’d been able to find out, the only problems seemed to be his father’s need to micromanage departments. Once Jack got the right people in place, he figured the firm would run smoothly.

Mrs. Wycliff smoothed her already perfect gray hair and absently fingered the bun at the back of her neck. “Your father was very proud of you. Did you know that?”

Jack wasn’t fooled by the obvious change in subject, but he figured he would do a little digging on his own before he grilled his assistant for information.

“Thank you for telling me,” he said.

She smiled. “He often talked about how well you were doing at your law firm. Of course he’d wanted you to come to work for the family business, but if the law made you happy, he was happy, too.”

Jack tried to reconcile that description with the angry conversations he’d frequently shared with his father. George Hanson had tried everything from bribes to threatening to cut Jack out of the will if he didn’t come work for the company.

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