Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (11 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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              “Please don't, just leave it alone.”

Asher's jaw tenses and he looks up at the sky as though he's praying for strength to honor my request.

“Fine, but if he comes around again I
hurt him.”

“Will you stay with me tonight?” I ask hopefully.

“Of course, Angel.”



              I’m doing my best to keep my anger in check. I don’t want to freak Eve out. She’s already dealt with one dickhead today, she doesn’t need me to act like a dick head too.

The overwhelming urge to bury myself inside of her to claim her as my own is surging through me, along with the anger. Although, I’m keenly aware of the fact that thought makes me no better than Brahm. And, Eve deserves so much better than that. So, for her, I’m going to be better than that. But, if he comes around again I'll hunt that fucker down and tell him if he so much as looks at her again then I’m going to rip off his balls and turn them into a pair of earrings.

After we get back to Eve’s dorm she disappears into her closet to get changed. She emerges wearing a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top. Damn, she makes it hard to be a good guy.

              “Are you sure you’re okay, Angel?” I ask again as we climb into bed.

              “I’m fine, you guys are all just getting over protective. I’m sure Brahm just wasn’t happy to be dumped, he’ll get over it.”

“Sweetheart, I think you’re crazy if you think anyone could get over being dumped by you.” I pull her against me so we’re spooning.

              “You’re always such a sweet talker,” She accuses playfully.

I want to tell her I’m being completely serious. But, it seems like saying something like that would show my hand. I don’t want to to make her feel like this little ‘friend helping out a friend’ situation she wanted means she owes me anything.

              “I was thinking about taking you to a drive in movie tomorrow night. There’s nothing more traditional for teenagers than fooling around in the backseat of a car at the drive-in,” I suggest.

              “That sounds good,” She agrees and yawns widely.

“Good. Night Angel.” I kiss her temple and we both drift off to sleep.



Chapter 15


“What movie are we seeing?” I ask once we pull into the drive-in.

Asher casts a mischievous grin in my direction.

“In my experience the best way to get a cute girl close to you is to take her to a scary movie. And, I seemed to be in luck because tonight the drive-in is playing
A Nightmare on Elm Street
, which is one of the scariest movies of all time.”

Just as Asher predicts, by about ten minutes into the movie I’m practically climbing over the center console to get him to protect me. He chuckles as I grip his hand so tight that I might break his fingers.

              “Why don’t we climb in the back seat so I can protect you better,” Asher offers with a teasing tone.

“First of all, this movie is scary so don’t you dare laugh at me. Second of all, this was your plan all along you sneaky boy,” I accuse before climbing over the center console into the back seat in a less than graceful manner.

Asher gets out of the car and opens the door to the back seat and climbs in beside me.

“Hey, that’s cheating,” I complain.

              Asher pulls me close to him and we settle back into the movie. I spend most of the movie with my face buried in Asher’s chest or shrieking. Both of which Asher finds extremely hilarious.

“This movie is too scary, I’m never going to sleep again,” I complain against his chest.

Asher puts a finger under my chin and tilts my face up to look at him.

“Then I’ll just have to sleep in your bed every night so I can protect you.”

“That won’t work, that one chick got butchered with her boyfriend right next to her. Then you’ll just end up in prison for my murder,” I argue, my eyes landing on his lips and watching them curve into a smile.

“Well, I guess you’re on your own then Angel.”

“Jerk,” I mutter before closing the space between us and flicking his lip ring with my tongue.

Asher moans and grabs my legs, pulling them up so that he can lay on top of me. He nips at my lower lip and then thrusts his tongue into my mouth.

              Asher's tongue tangles with mine and the sounds of our rapid breathing fills the car. As his hands roam over the mounds of my breasts I can feel my nipples tighten against the satin of my bra. I arch my back to press against his hands, dying to feel him touch me. The unfamiliar feelings of lust Asher stirs in me send my heart rate skyrocketing.

For the past two weeks we’ve taken things slowly, sharing nothing more than kisses and over-the-clothes- groping but I want to feel more. I want to see where these kinds of feelings can lead.

I run my hands up his stomach, under his shirt and feel the hard lines of his abs. I wonder what it would be like to cover him with chocolate syrup and lick it all off. His lips roam to my neck and my skin sizzles under his touch.

“Asher, please,” I moan.

I don’t even know what I’m begging for, but he seems to know exactly what I mean. He unbuttons the top few buttons of my white blouse and then to the front clasp of my bra. I gasp as the cool air hits my sensitive nipples. He immediately cups my small breasts in his hands and his fingers brush my nipples. He leans forward and takes a nipple into his warm mouth. A hot tingle zings through my entire body and settles between my thighs. I roll my hips so that my throbbing core settles against the hardness in his jeans. Another jolt zips through me and I let out a soft moan. Asher moans against my nipple in his mouth and I can barely take it anymore.

              “Asher, please,” I cry out again.

He pulls back and looks down at me, his deep blue eyes hungry with need and his long, dark hair disheveled. I hold his gaze and roll my hips again and we both gasp.

“You’re killing me, Angel,” Asher accuses, his tone deep and strained.

The idea that I have this incredibly sexy man dying to have me sends a thrill through me. I feel powerful and unbelievably beautiful.

“What do you want baby?” He asks.

I can’t even put into words what I want. But my body knows that there’s something that I
. I whimper and grind against him once more seeking some sort of relief.

“Do you want me to make you come?” He whispers into my ear.

His hot breath sends goosebumps throughout my body.

“Yes,” I cry, writing against him.

He runs his hand between my breasts and down my stomach, stopping at the button on my jeans. He toys with the button slowly, giving me time to tell him to stop.

Please, please don’t stop.

When I don’t protest he gets my jeans opened and slides his hand inside, over my panties.

I lift my hips to meet his roaming fingers. Asher rubs his hand against my soaking, throbbing center. Heat builds in my stomach and I can feel a flush spreading through my cheeks. My breathing speeds up and I’m not exactly sure what’s about to happen but I feel like I might go insane if it doesn’t happen soon. I gasp and repeat Asher’s name. My head rolls back and I clench my eyes closed.

“Look at me Eve,” his deep voice commands.

I obey, locking my gaze onto his. His eyes bore into me like he wants to imprint my expression into his mind. He thrusts his hips against me in time with his fingers. He presses his fingers against me harder, his speed increasing and suddenly the heat inside of me explodes through all of my nerve endings, my entire body coursing with pleasure.

Asher’s body goes rigid as he grinds hard against me, matching my moans and then collapsing beside me when my own waves of pleasure abate.



I probably should be embarrassed that I just creamed my pants like a thirteen year old but fuck it, the sight of Eve experiencing her first orgasm blew me out of the water.

              “Are you okay, Angel?” I ask, nuzzling her neck, trying to get comfortable in the cramped back seat of the car. It’s a losing battle.

              “There are no words for how fantastic I am right now,” she assures me with a giddy laugh.

That primal male pride snakes around my heart again, knowing that
made her come. No one can ever take that from us.

              “You’re so beautiful,” I murmur into her ear, nibbling and sucking her neck.

I’m already getting hard again. God I can’t get enough of her.

“Can I come and sleep at your place tonight?” She asks.

My heart thuds and I do my best not to do a little jig.

              “Anything you want. But, I refuse to go down for your murder.”

She smacks me playfully.



              “Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.”

I cringe as soon as I hear Hadley’s sing song voice. I don’t know what I expected, sneaking in to get changed for school after spending another night at Asher’s.

“Morning,” I say casually, flashing her an innocent smile.

              “So, you and Asher are getting pretty serious,” She points out, sitting on her bed with her arms crossed and a smile on her face that says I’m not getting out of this conversation.

              “Not really,” I wave off the accusation.

The truth is I don’t really know what’s going on with Asher and me. Last night had been absolutely mind blowing. I’d hoped there could be a repeat performance this morning, but we’d overslept so he had to rush to class. But, I’ve been too afraid to bring up the question of what Asher and I really are, other than just friends who are fooling around.

A big part of me is terrified that just asking that question would change things, and I’m not ready for things to change at all between us.

              “You guys have been having an awful lot of slumber parties, that’s serious,” Hadley argues.

“I don’t know. We said that we were just friends messing around. I don’t want to ruin anything by bringing up the subject of titles again so soon,” I explain.

Hadley’s eyes fill with understanding.

“I’ve been there. Now, tell me, is his dick huge or what?”

My eyes practically bulge out of my head at this question.

“I don’t know!” I shriek.

              “You still haven’t let him into your promised land?”

My thoughts drift back to last night, and Asher’s extremely talented fingers. I feel a blush creeping into my cheeks.

“We haven’t had sex,” I insist.

              “Well, damn, props on resisting that for so long. I would’ve put out weeks ago,” Hadley says casually.

I suddenly picture Hadley trying to hook up with Asher and jealousy flashes through me. The idea of Asher with anyone else makes me feel like vomiting.

              “Is there a...uh...way a know...satisfied? Without sex, I mean.” I stammer the question, blushing furiously.

I’m not ready for sex, but I don’t want Asher looking elsewhere for...release. Plus, I want to make him feel as good as he made me feel.

Hadley smirks at me before getting up and rummaging under her bed. She pulls out a ‘Cosmo’ magazine and hands it to me.

“Page 80 is the
how to give a blowjob that will blow his mind
article. You can thank me later,” She says with a wink.

I shove the magazine under my pillow for later reading.

“Thanks. Hey, I’ve been thinking about getting a haircut, would you want to go with me later?”

“Sure, are you going to get something drastic done?” She asks excitedly.

              “Yeah, I feel like this hair just isn’t me anymore.”

Hadley claps her hands together enthusiastically.

              “I love makeovers.”

              I laugh at her excitement.

              “Good. I’ll see you after classes then.”

I finally manage to throw on some clothes and hurry to class before I’m late.



My jaw practically hits the floor when Eve walks through the door.

“Do you like it?” She asks, gesturing to her hair. She’d gotten her once mid-back length hair cut to just below her chin. And, she’d had the ends of the dirty blond, dipped with purple. She looks badass.

“I fucking love it. You look so hot,” I say before pulling her in for a kiss.

She melts into me, deepening the kiss hungrily. She moans into my mouth and my mind is suddenly one track. I want to make her come again. I start walking her backwards towards my bedroom, not breaking the kiss.



We tumble onto Asher’s bed, still attached at the lips. I run my hands up his shirt reveling in the feel of his soft skin under my hands. He pulls back and yanks his shirt over his head. He reaches for the hem of my dress with a question in his eyes. I hesitate for a second and then nod. He gently tugs my dress up and over my head. I lay before him in nothing but my bra and panties. My breath is coming out rapidly, as I try to calm my heart rate. I look down and realize that I’m wearing my days of the week underwear. Oh yeah, that’s sexy. Ugh, I’m such a dork.

“I love the underwear,” Asher chuckles as he trails a finger from my belly button down to my panties.

I gasp and instinctively spread my legs wide for him. Lust flashes in his eyes and he growls as he takes both hands and runs them up the inside of my thighs, taking in every inch of me with his eyes.

He takes a finger and runs it along my core, over my panties. I gasp and lift my hips to give him better access.

              I feel the heat spreading through me, starting from my throbbing center. He lowers his head and kisses my inner thighs with wet, open mouthed kisses. I’m suddenly dying to know what all of the fuss is about a man kissing a woman’s...lady parts. I’m trying to work out how to ask for this, when I feel his hot breath right where I want him.

“I’ve been dreaming about what you might taste like. I bet your pussy is so sweet, Angel,” He murmurs with his mouth a few millimeters from my promised land.

              Every exhale is like an erotic caress, causing me to tangle my fingers into Asher’s hair in a desperate attempt to make him ease the ache he’s created in my lower belly.

              “I want you so badly it hurts,” I nearly sob.
Please, please,please.

“I’ll make it better sweetheart. I’m going to taste you.”

              He runs his tongue over my panties like he did with his finger and I cry out, throwing my head back and tangling my fingers in his hair. He reaches for the waistband of my panties and looks up at me for permission. I hesitate. If I let him take off my panties, what does that mean?

“I promise I won’t do anything you aren’t ready for. Trust me?”

I nod and he slides my panties down my legs. He gazes at my womanhood for several seconds and I feel self-consciousness snake through me. I try to close my legs but he holds them open.

              “Don’t,” He says firmly. “There is nothing sexier to a man than a woman who isn’t afraid to let him see her bare. There’s no reason for you to hide your body, it’s perfect.”

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