Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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              “Fuck,” I moan, lost in the combination of sensations.

He moans as well, and then pays equal attention to my other nipple, tugging it between his teeth and then flicking it with his tongue. At the same time he adds a second finger to his thrusting and the heat explodes through me so intensely that it leaves me shaking long after the orgasm has faded.



              I wake up the next morning to the smell of bacon and I stretch and smile, soaking up Asher’s scent surrounding me in his sheets and pillows. My phone is laying on the floor beside the bed and it’s flashing that I have missed messages.


Brahm: You look like a prostitute in that costume

Brahm: you’re embarrassing yourself and me by dressing and behaving this way

Brahm: soon you’ll realize that what you have with that tattooed freak is nothing but lust from the devil

Brahm: you belong to me

Brahm: I forgive you, please come back to me

Brahm: I love you, we belong together


A tingle of fear and disgust runs up my spine and I immediately delete all of the messages.

“Rise and shine, Angel.” Asher appears with two plates of eggs, toast, and bacon.

              “You made me breakfast and brought it to me in bed?” I do my best to choke back my emotion. How is it that he seems more perfect every day?

              “What can I say, I’m pretty impressive,” He jokes, handing me a plate and a fork.

“Thank you.” I lean forward and kiss his lips.

A flash of the two of us ten years from now in this same position plays in my mind. But there’s a ring on my finger and two little kids come patting in to interrupt us. This image almost brings tears to my eyes it’s so perfect.

“Are you okay Angel?” He asks, noticing the sudden mistiness in my eyes.

“Yeah, I was thinking of something. Just being a girl,” I wave him off with a smile. “Thank you for breakfast.”

              “Do you have anything you need to do today?” He asks.

“Other than go home and shower? No.” I bite down on a crunchy piece of bacon and then lick the grease off my fingers. Pure heaven.

“I was going to stop and see my tattoo guy about a new tattoo. Would you want to come with me?”

“Absolutely. What are you getting?” I reach out and caress the vivid galaxy tattoo covering his left arm.

              “I want to get the planetary symbols for each planet on my right forearm,” He says.

I have no idea what that means but Asher looks absolutely incredible with his tattoos so I’m all for it. And, maybe I could get some more information about nipple piercing while I’m there. That is, if I can find a way to ask without Asher knowing. I would want it to be a surprise.

Ever since I found out about Asher’s ‘secret’ piercing I’ve been thinking more and more about getting a sexy piercing of my own. And, the thought of having my nipples pierced gets me kind of excited.

“Sounds good,” I lean in and kiss him again, simply because I can’t get enough of him. “Let me run home and get showered and changed?”

              “Sure, I’ll come meet you in an hour?” He offers.

              It only takes a few minutes for me to finish breakfast and get dressed. As I open the front door to leave I come face to face with a blonde woman with her fist raised to knock. She pulls her hand back and smiles awkwardly. I take in her bedraggled appearance. Her hair looks like it hasn’t been washed or brushed in a while, her skin is pale and waxy, and she’s sickly thin.

“Can I help you?” Asher asks politely from behind me.

Her eyes go wide as she takes in Asher’s appearance and I try not to bristle and stake my claim on Asher.

              “I’m looking for Dex,” The girl croaks out.

“Oh, well, he’s not home. Can I leave a message for him?” Asher offers.

“Uh, yeah I guess. Could you tell him that Chelsea is looking for him?”

              “Sure thing.”


When I get to my dorm there’s another note and flower taped to my door.



              Sorry for all of the text messages last night. Being away from you is making me crazy. I’m not myself. I need you


              Once again I throw the rose in the garbage and shove the creepy note into my desk drawer. I’m still convinced that if I ignore him he’ll get the hint eventually. And, telling Asher about his continued harassment would definitely be the opposite of helpful.


              The tattoo shop isn’t really what I expected. It’s fairly large and looks extremely clean and modern, and the beautiful artwork hung on all of the walls is breathtaking.

              “Asher!” The beautiful girl from behind the counter comes around and gives Asher a tight hug.

I do my best not to glare at how stunning she is. Her hair is waist length and black, she has tasteful tattoos covering both of her arms, as well as a piercing just above the right side of her lip, and three piercings embedded in the top of her cleavage almost like a necklace. She looks fantastic, and enviable, and the thought that Asher might have hooked up with her makes me want to rip her hair out.

“Hey Talia,” He greets her warmly, but as he extricates himself from the hug he slings his arm over my shoulder in a possessive gesture that makes me a little giddy.

              “Oh my gosh, is this your girlfriend?” Talia asks excitedly.

“Talia this is Eve. Eve, Talia is one of the piercers here,” Asher introduces us, not bothering to correct the ‘girlfriend’ assumption, which I appreciate.

Then the fact that she’s a piercer and seems to know Asher well sinks in and my eyes narrow with suspicion.

“Don’t worry, I’m not the one who did his prince albert,” She assures me. “That was a chick who doesn’t work here anymore.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” I cast a glance Asher’s way.

“What? I wasn’t about to have some dude handling my junk,” He says with a smirk.

I shake my head and smile.

              “So, what brings you in today Ash?” She finally asks.

              “I wanted to talk to Rooster about a new tat,” He explains.

“Cool, he just had a cancellation so he may have time now. I’ll let him know you’re here,” She says, and then disappears.

A few minutes later she returns, joined by a man with a tall red mohawk, now the nickname ‘Rooster’ totally makes sense.

              “Ash man,” They do one of those guy hand shake-hug things guys do.

              “Rooster, hey. I’m hoping you can lay some new ink on me if you have time. Or, you could get me on the schedule at least.”

“I’ve got some time now, as long as it’s not an extensive piece,” Rooster offers.

Asher pulls a piece of paper out of his back pocket and the two start discussing what Asher has in mind. While they’re distracted I wander over by Talia who is back behind the desk.

              “What can I do for you Eve?” She asks kindly.

              “I was wondering about, um, nipple piercing,” I say, keeping my voice low so that Asher doesn’t hear.

She casts a gaze Asher’s way as well and gives me a look of understanding.

              “I take it you want to surprise Ash?”

              “Yeah, but I’m not completely decided on doing it yet. Does it hurt a lot?”

“I’m not going to lie, it doesn’t feel good to have it done. And, your nipples will be pretty sore for about a week. The full healing time is four weeks before you can change the jewelry and everything, but you can’t really play with your nipples for the first week,” She explains. “But, once they’re healed, the sensitivity is amazing. I’ve always had pretty sensitive nipples, but since I got mine done I’ve been able to orgasm from breast play alone.”

I’m shocked by Talia’s frankness, but also intrigued by the idea.

“The cost is $60, and if you want I can set you an appointment for next week.”

              I glance over at Asher once more, who’s still engrossed in his conversation about the tattoo. I know Asher would like the piercings, but I need to be realistic and realize that Asher may not be the only guy I’m ever with. As much as that thought sucks, what if the next guy is repulsed by nipple piercings? I bristle at the idea. It’s my body and I should be able to do whatever I want with it.

“Yeah, let’s set an appointment,” I say finally.

“Okay, I do need a deposit as well.”

I reach into my purse surreptitiously and pull out a wad of money from the bar last night. I hand over the full $60, hoping that if it’s paid in full I won’t chicken out.

“We’re going to go ahead with  my tattoo now if you want to come to the back room with me,” Asher calls over to me.

I give Talia a conspiratorial smirk and turn to follow Asher. Once we we’re back in Rooster’s tattoo studio and Asher’s in the chair Rooster turns to me and looks me up and down with a low whistle of appreciation.

“You have a great complexion. Are you a virgin?” He asks.

My eyes go wide and I blush furiously.

“He means a tattoo virgin,” Asher clarifies, trying to contain his laughter at my reaction.

Rooster laughs as well.

“No. I mean, yes. I don’t have any tattoos,” I confirm in a fluster.

As Rooster mixes his colors he reaches over and hands me his card.

“Well if you ever decide to get inked I promise to be gentle.” He winks at me, Asher scowls.

“Hey man, watch it, that’s my girl.”

Warmth spreads through me at being called ‘his girl’.

“Sorry, she’s cute. I can’t help myself around cute girls.” Rooster winks at me again and then sets to work on Asher’s tattoo.



That night when I get home I flop onto my bed and stare at the ceiling while twirling a strand of hair around my index finger. Am I really going to go through with the piercings? I really want to. Just the thought of Asher seeing my new piercings for the first time starts an excited flutter in my stomach. I shake that thought away. If I'm going to go through with this it can't be for Asher.

“What in the world are you thinking about so hard over there?”

I jump like a startled cat at the sound of Hadley's voice.

“Oh my goodness. I didn't even hear you come in,” I say with one hand over my rapidly beating heart, trying to slow the rhythm.

“So...spill,” Hadley demands, plopping down beside me on my bed.

“Can I ask you a question without you reading too much into it?”

“I doubt it, but give it a shot.”

I smack her with my pillow before working up the nerve to ask.

“How do you know when you're ready know...have sex?”

“How the hell am I
supposed to read something into that?”

“Please, just help me,” I plead.

“I don't know if you ever know for sure.”

“What's it like?” I ask quietly, almost afraid to hear the answer.

“It hurts,” Hadley says with a far away look in her eyes, like she's thinking back to her own first time. “But, then it get's really good. I mean, if the guy knows what he's doing. I have no doubt that Asher knows what he's doing.”

“Yeah,” I nod absently. Of course Asher knows what he's doing. I'm the one who'll probably be a bumbling idiot. “What happens after?”

“That depends on the guy. Some guys expect you to leave once it's over, others want you to stay the night.”

“How will I know what to do?” I ask, terrified of being in that moment and doing the wrong thing. What if Asher's hoping I get the heck out of there and I'm climbing into his bed like an idiot? The thought alone is mortifying.

“Unless he specifically asks you to stay, your best bet is to leave.”

I take a deep breath and nod.

“So, when are you giving it up?” She asks with so much excitement I have to laugh. You'd think it's her virtue we're talking about.

“I don't know,” I shrug.

Hadley looks at me cautiously and takes my hand in hers.

“Do me a favor and don't get your hopes up about him falling in love with you.”

“Okay,” I whisper, swallowing back the lump in my throat. I want to ask her more about her first time, but it seems like it didn't turn out how she hoped it would, so I decide to leave it alone.               “Thank you.”


Chapter 19


Asher: I’m bored, when are you coming over?

Eve: I have an appointment, I’m not sure I’ll be able to make it tonight


              I’m honestly not sure how I’m going to keep this a secret for a week, seeing as how Asher and I can barely keep our hands off each other. The only thing I can come up with is to just pretend to be really busy all week.

              My phone starts to ring and I look down. Asher’s calling.

              “Hello,” I say cheerfully.

I’m hoping to keep this short because I’m worried that he’s going to hear the nervousness in my voice. I’m practically shaking and it’s only getting worse as my piercing appointment approaches. In ten minutes I will have two new holes in my body.

              “What kind of appointment do you have? Not another appointment at the clinic is it? You were just there last week. Are you sick?” Asher’s concern is endearing.

I hadn’t told him the real reason for my visit to the clinic either, not knowing how to broach the subject of birth control with him. But, I am officially on the pill now. And, I’m feeling more and more ready to take that next step. Not just physically either. I’m going to tell him soon that I want to be more than just a casual hook up. I’m not sure how that’s going to go over. Well, one thing at a time.

              “No, I’m not sick. It’s not a doctor’s appointment.”

Asher’s quiet, waiting for me to elaborate. I don’t. I don’t even have a good lie.

              “Um, okay. Well, yeah, I guess I’ll just see you tomorrow?” His voice is hesitant and I almost just want to tell him. But, I also don’t want to spoil the surprise.

“I actually think I’m going to be pretty busy this whole week. I have a few exams, you know with next week being Thanksgiving, all the professors are kind of piling on this week. Plus, I have work. I think that maybe we should plan to get together next week.”

My suggestion is met by a long silence. So long, in fact, that I actually take my phone away from my ear to check that we’re still connected.


              “Uh, yeah. That’s totally fine. If you need space take as much time as you need. Call me when you want to hang out. Or not, I mean, whatever is totally fine.”

“No, I don’t need space, I’m just really busy,” I try to assure him.

              “Sure,” Is all he says.

              “I’ll talk to you later.”

He hangs up without another word. I take a deep breath and push open the door to the tattoo shop.

Today Rooster is the one behind the counter when I walk in.

“Hey there, Asher’s girl. Come by to take me up on my offer?”

              “Back off Rooster, she’s got an appointment with me,” Talia calls from the back of the shop. “Come on back.”

I nod at Rooster and head towards the back to find Talia. My heart is hammering in my chest and I almost turn around to leave at least ten times during my five second walk to the back of the shop.

              “Hey there. Are you ready?” She smirks at me, pulling on a pair of gloves and closing the door behind me as I enter the small room.

              “Ready is probably a strong word,” I quip.

“Okay, well whenever you’re comfortable go ahead and take your shirt off.”

I close my eyes and pull my shirt over my head before I can have any more second thoughts.

“You’re going to feel something cold first while I apply some alcohol to the area to disinfect it. Then, I’m going to apply the clamp, that’s actually the most painful part. And, finally, you’ll feel the needle. I’ve got some stainless steel hoops for today if that’s alright.”

I nod to acknowledge everything she’s said but I don’t open my eyes. I jump when she applies the alcohol.

“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that,” I say sheepishly.

“That’s okay,” She assures me warmly.

Next comes the clamp and I bite my tongue to keep from whimpering as the cold metal pinches my nipple. And, then the sharp sting of the needle. As she predicted, the needle is actually not as bad as the clamp. She does the same thing to my second nipple and finally I open my eyes. I look down proudly at my newly pierced nipples and a sense of sensuality surges through me. For the first time I feel like I’m truly taking charge of my own sexuality.

When I head up to leave Rooster is still hanging around.

“Um, could you do me a favor and not tell Asher I was in today. This is kind of a surprise for him,” I request, biting my lip and casting my gaze downward.

Rooster winks at me.

“Not a problem.”

Talia hands me a sheet of aftercare instructions and I leave, feeling like a new woman.



I knew this was going to happen eventually. But, goddamn if I don’t feel like my heart has been completely torn from my chest. She was so casual about it on the phone, too. The way she’d been avoiding telling me where she was going today, and then she’d told me we wouldn’t be able to hang out until next week. I know the brush off when I see it. And, I most certainly have been given the brush off.

Fuck my life.


For the next week I do my best to focus on my work instead of pathetically pining away for Eve. I have to admit I’m getting rather mixed signals from her. She calls me every night and texts me throughout the days, but refuses to hang out all week.

One paranoid night I break down and call Ethan to ask him if Eve seems okay. I actually have a moment of panic wondering if there’s something physical she’s hiding from me, like another bruise from that fucktard. But Ethan says Eve seems fine and normal. And, as far as he knows Brahm hasn’t given her any more trouble.

              The week passes and I wonder if Eve will have new excuses this week or if everything will go back to normal. Will I get an explanation for her absence?

I’m brooding over this when there’s a knock at my door. My heart hammers, hoping it’ll be Eve.



I smile timidly at Asher as he pulls open his door and stares at me in surprise.

I’d called and texted him all week, constantly reassuring him everything was fine between us, that I was just busy. But, I could tell he didn’t believe me. I’d made up my mind that tonight I was going to lay it all out on the table. And, I am going to give my virginity to Asher.

“Hey, sorry I didn’t call or text to let you know I was coming over. Is this an okay time?” I ask nervously, half expecting him to turn me away.

“Yeah, sorry I’m just surprised to see you.”

He steps back to let me in.

As soon as he shuts the door I pull his head down towards me and give him a deep kiss, trying to show him nothing’s changed between us. He moans appreciatively as I tug his lip ring between my teeth.

He bends down and hoists me against him. I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us to the living room without breaking the kiss. He sits on the couch with me straddling his hips.

Asher reaches for the buttons on the front of my blouse and I pull back, blushing.

“Why so shy all of the sudden?” Asher asks, noticing my sudden blush.

              “Well, I did something, and I’m not sure how you’re going to react to it,” I admit, biting my lower lip.

His expression is a mix of curiosity and hesitance. I decide just to go for it. I start unbuttoning my blouse slowly, his eyes grow wide as he watches me. His grip on my thighs tightens and his breathing quickens.

“What are you doing Angel?” He asks with a playful smile on his lips, his eyes never leaving what my hands are doing.

“Showing you what I did,” I reply with a teasing tone.

His eyebrows shoot up, suddenly extremely intrigued by what I could possibly have to show him. Once my shirt is fully unbuttoned I reach for the front clasp on my bra and undo it. I shrug my shirt and bra off and wait for Asher’s reaction to my new piercings.

He inhales sharply and stares at my chest with heavy lidded eyes and parted lips. I can feel his reaction grow between my legs as well and I feel a thrill of sensual power rush through me. Without warning his expression hardens somewhat and he breaks his staring contest with my breasts and meets my eyes.

              “Did you do this for me?” He asks cautiously.

              “No, I mean I’d hoped you’d like it, but that’s not why I did it. I just thought it would make me feel sexy and a little bit naughty,” I explain with a blush. “I thought, maybe I don’t have to be the girl who grew up sheltered, who is painfully socially awkward. I just want to be fun, spontaneous, and desirable.”

              “Eve, you are all of those things. You always have been all those things. If you want to pierce every inch of your body then go for it. But, do it because it’s what makes you happy, not to prove anything to anyone else.”

“I just feel like what people see when they look at me doesn’t match how I feel on the inside, do you know what I mean?”

“I know exactly how you feel,” He says seriously.

“I suppose you do, everyone sees you as the ‘bad boy’ because of your tattoos and piercings. But, on the inside you’re this sweet, caring, intelligent man. I see the real you, Asher.”

Warmth and desire flash through his eyes and he pulls me close, claiming my lips with his own. I part my lips and his tongue meets mine with passion and hunger. His hands move to cup my breasts but he stops suddenly.

“Can I touch them?”

“Yeah, I got them last week. That’s why I was kind of avoiding you all week. Talia said I needed to let them heal for a week before letting anyone touch them. I knew there was no way I could be around you without wanting you to touch me.”

“I thought you were avoiding me because you were getting sick of me,” He confides as he plants small kisses along my jaw.

I arch my back and press my breasts towards him. I want him to touch me, to lick me. He gets the hint, his mouth lowers to my nipple and he flicks the silver hoop with his tongue. Pleasure shoots through me and I cry out for more. He does the same thing to the other nipple, and then gently tugs the hoop with his teeth. I grind against him, seeking relief for the throbbing between my legs. I want to feel him, I need to feel him.

“Asher please, I need you,” I beg.

His hand moves to the button on my jeans and he unzips them and slips a hand inside.

“Not just your hand, I want to feel you inside of me,” I argue breathlessly.

He stills, but doesn’t remove his hand.

“No Angel. I told you, I’m not doing that.” There’s regret in his voice.

I know he said he wouldn’t. Honestly though, I thought he just said that so I wouldn’t be worried he would try to take advantage of me.

“Please, you’re not taking advantage of the naive virgin. I want this and I want it with you,” I argue desperately.

I should probably be embarrassed by my wanton begging, but right now I just don’t care.

“It’s not that, I…” He shakes his head and desperation fills his eyes. “I don’t even have protection here, it’s been awhile and I hadn’t planned on having sex with you.”

“That’s okay, I’m on the pill.”

He shakes his head and closes his eyes.

“I know you think I don’t know what I’m asking for. But, I know what having sex without a condom
. It means we both trust each other a lot because you have to trust that I’m really on the pill and I have to trust you don’t have anything that you could give me. And, I also know that it implies an exclusive sexual relationship. See, I’m not stupid. I know what it means and I want it, all of it.”

“Angel, you’re overestimating my willpower right now with all of the begging. I’m not going to be able to resist if you don’t stop,” He warns.

“So don’t resist. I want you to have this part of me forever.”

I grind against him again and lean forward to tug his lip ring between my teeth. He moans and arches his hips up to press his erection against me.

“Please,” I plead one last time.

His will power finally snaps and he takes his hand out of my pants and starts to shove them down my hips. I stand and finish removing them and then kneel in front of him and undo his pants. He lifts his hips to let me tug them off. I stand before him and look at him, completely naked. My heart rate kicks into overdrive as I realize that this is it. This is really going to happen.

“Let’s go to the bedroom,” Asher suggests in an unsteady voice.

“No.” I shake my head and smile wickedly. “I want to do it like this.”

I straddle his lap, my throbbing center just inches above his erection.



              Maybe I’m an asshole for not insisting we not do this. But, I can’t resist her begging. And, holy fuck do I need this badly. Not just sex, I need Eve.

I kiss her deeply, fucking her with my tongue and exploring her new nipple piercings with my hands. Her wet, hot sex is mere inches above my desperate cock and it takes everything in me to not just thrust up into her.

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