Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (18 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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              “Is this really the kind of bridesmaids dress you want? It looks more like a prom dress.” I hold up the blue, shimmery dress that Abby had suggested I try on.

She waves off my comment and then frowns at her phone.

              “What’s wrong?” Lee asks her.

“Ethan and I are fighting,” Abby admits. “Try on the dress,” Abby insists, steering me towards the fitting room.

“What are you guys fighting about?” I ask as I pull the blue, shimmery dress on as Lee and Abby wait just outside the fitting room stall.

              “Well, to be honest, there might not be a wedding,” Abby admits with a sigh.

              “What?” Lee and I both gasp in surprise at the same time.

“Come on let’s see the dress,” Abby commands, ignoring our outbursts.

I step out of the stall and they both look me over.

“Damn girl, you look seriously hot in that dress,” Lee says looking me up and down.

I feel the blush creeping into my cheeks. She’s right, I really do look good.

              “Now seriously Abby, how can you say that there might not be a wedding?” I turn the conversation back on her as I step back into the stall to put my clothes back on.

“I’m just feeling weird about the whole thing the more that I think about it. I mean, have you ever thought about how misogynistic a marriage ceremony really is?”

“How so?” I ask with confusion.

              I always thought a wedding seemed terribly romantic. I wonder what kind of a wedding Asher would want. Would he want a small wedding or a big one? A goofy smile spreads across my lips as these thoughts dance in my head.

              “Well, first of all the whole being ‘given away’ symbolism that implies ownership of the woman, not to mention having to change your last name for the man, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” Abby complains.

              I step back out of the fitting room and Abby takes the dress from me and we head to the counter to put the dress on hold and then she steers us towards the Starbucks.

“I don’t understand,” Lee bites out with annoyance in her tone.

“I don’t know, we just can’t agree on a lot of stuff and I just can’t help but wonder if it makes more sense to just be together and skip the whole wedding crap. I think it’s infinitely more romantic to wake up every morning and choose the person sleeping next to you than to marry someone and feel stuck with them.”

              “Look, I never thought that Ethan would get married.
. This is important to him and if you don’t love him enough to do this one thing for him, when he puts up with all of your feminist tirades on a daily basis, then you’re not the person I thought you were,” Lee snaps.

Abby stares at her open mouthed for several seconds.

              “You’re right,” She says finally. “I’m scared, and my therapist told me that this might happen with such a big commitment on the horizon. But, you are absolutely right.” Abby nods with resolution in her voice.

              “Now let’s talk about something more fun. How’re things with Asher?” Lee turns a suggestive grin my direction.

“He’s the best.” I try not to swoon too much but I'm pretty sure I fail miserably.

Abby and Lee both squeal in excitement.

“Alright, let’s talk sex,” Abby demands.

Oh boy.



Chapter 22


              As we step off the plane at O’hare my heart jumps into my throat and I have the urge to purchase the first tickets back to Colorado and skip showing Eve my embarrassing roots. As if sensing my nerves Eve’s dainty fingers thread through mine and she gives them a comforting squeeze.

              “I never had any friends because I was too embarrassed to bring them home to see that I lived in a trailer park. I feel bad about it now, because I know my dad worked his ass off to keep a roof over our heads, but…”

              “Asher, it’s okay.” Eve stops in front of me and looks up at me, her eyes filled with compassion. “I love you, I don’t care if we’re going to spend Christmas in a cardboard box, as long as we’re together.”

              “You’re one of a kind, Angel.” I tilt her face up and place tender kisses all over her cheeks, nose, and anywhere else I can reach.



When the cab pulls up in the trailer park outside of a white, double wide trailer I feel Asher tense beside me. My heart breaks for him a little bit, mostly because I can relate to how lonely it is to not have friends.

I reach out and squeeze his hand reassuringly, trying to tell him without words that he’ll never have to be alone again.

“Asher!” The door to the trailer flies open and a jovial, middle aged man calls to Asher excitedly. “Come on, you two must be freezing out there.”

He waves us in. With one last deep breath Asher leads me inside.

“You must be Eve.” Asher’s dad pulls me into a hug the second we’re inside.

I can’t help but laugh at his exuberance.

“It’s so nice to meet the young lady my son just can’t stop going on about.”

Asher blushes at his dad’s statement.

              “It’s nice to meet you, too. Thank you for having me Mr. Wright.”

“None of that formal nonsense, call me Bill,” He says, and then leans in and whispers conspiratorially, “Or, we can cut to the chase and you can start calling me dad now.” He winks and I laugh.

“Alright dad, don’t send her running scared just yet,” Asher warns with a laugh before pulling his dad into a tight hug.

              I take the opportunity to glance around the house and I’m surprised to find that on the inside the place doesn’t look any different than a small house. It’s clean and nicely decorated, it’s obvious Bill took a lot of pride in making his home nice. My heart breaks all over again knowing Asher was so ashamed of this place when he was younger.

              “You kids go put your bags away and then I’ve got dinner ready. And, don’t worry, I don’t mind you two sharing a room, I’m
,” He assures us with another wink.

              I blush and Asher laughs out loud.

“Please don’t say
like that again,” Asher requests and his dad just claps him on the back and laughs again.

My heart clenches with longing. What would it be like to have that kind of relationship with a parent? They’re almost like best friends.

              Asher shows me to his bedroom so we can put our bags away. His bedroom is small with scarcely enough room for anything other than his double bed and a small dresser.

“Sorry it’s so small,” Asher mutters.

I toss my bag down and turn to face him.

“Relax, I love it. I especially love that your dad doesn’t expect us to sleep in separate beds.”

              “Yeah, he’s pretty laid back.”

“So, what can I expect from a ‘non-believers’ Christmas?” I ask curiously.

              Asher gives me a wry grin.

              “No different than a
Christmas, except we don’t go to midnight mass.”

“Really?” I’m surprised although I’m not sure why.

              “Of course. Not exactly sure what a fat dude in a red suit or a reindeer with a glowing nose has to do with the birth of the Christian savior in the first place. And, most of the traditions for this holiday, like having a Christmas tree, were stolen from Pagan rituals to begin with.”

              “Learn something new every day I guess.”

“Only when you’re boyfriend is a genius,” He teases.

              “Come on, let’s go eat, I’m starving.” I grab his face and pull him down for a kiss before following him to the kitchen for dinner.



I wake up Christmas morning with my arms wrapped tightly around my girl.
There’s no better gift in the universe than this.

As she starts to stretch and yawn I bury my face in her hair and inhale deeply.

“Merry Christmas, Angel,” I murmur in her ear before kissing my way down her neck.

She moans softly and I can’t resist grinding my morning wood against her perfect ass. I reach around and cup her tit through her shirt, gently tugging her nipple ring and eliciting another little moan from her.

“Asher, we can’t, your dad’s in the next room,” She protests quietly.

              “You’re no fun,” I complain, playfully nipping her ear. “If you’re not going to let me have my dirty way with you can I at least give you your Christmas present now?”

She nods enthusiastically and holds her hands out to receive a gift.  My heart skips a few beats as I realize I am going to spend every Christmas for the rest of my life with Eve.

“What are you smiling about?”

              “Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you here with me,” I admit, a slight hitch in my voice.

I clear my throat and then thrust the small jewelry box into Eve’s hands. She stares at the box open mouthed for several seconds without opening it.

“It’s not an engagement ring,” I assure her hurriedly.
Not yet anyway
, we have plenty of time for that.

Finally, she closes her mouth and opens her present.

“It’s beautiful,” She coos, lifting the necklace out of the box.

It has a silver chain and a small black rock.

“It’s a piece of a meteor.”

She strokes the small rock lovingly and then turns so that I can clasp the necklace on for her. Then she hands me A box, avoiding my gaze and blushing.

              “It’s not much,” She mutters.

I tear into the box excitedly and pull out a large, square book with a picture of us on the cover. I open it and discover that it’s a scrapbook of our relationship. There’s pictures of us, stubs from every movie we’ve gone to see, the ride bracelets from the carnival, and a whole page where she listed all of the things she loves about me. My heart breaks wide open and a tear streaks down my cheeks.

“Do you like it?” She asks nervously.

I let out a broken laugh and pull her into a kiss. I part her lips with my tongue and pour every speck of love I have inside of me into the kiss.

“It’s perfect, I love it. And, I love you Angel.”



Chapter 23


              “Have a good night guys,” I call out as I leave the bar to walk to Asher’s.

It’s only been a few days since we got back from Illinois and I still feel closer to Asher than ever.

I pull my phone out of my purse to text him that I’m on my way. I frown when I realize that my phone must’ve died at some point. I consider going back in to ask Ethan or Abby to at least text Asher and let him know I’m heading over. But, I decide that it’s not that big of a deal. He lives so close I might as well just hurry over there.

I shiver in the cold December night and pull my coat more tightly around myself. Another chill runs down my spine as I walk. This one isn’t the kind associated with cold weather though. I have the distinct feeling someone’s following me.

I glance over my shoulder casually and don’t see anyone. My heart hammers in my chest, the age old reaction to the feeling of being watched, stalked.

I try to laugh these thoughts off, I’m sure I’m just being paranoid because it’s so late and I’m walking all by myself.

              As Asher’s house comes into view I breathe a slight sigh of relief and speed up, eager to get to him.

              A strong arm wraps around my torso and I’m pulled flush against the chest of a man. I know immediately it isn’t Asher and I open my mouth to scream. Before I can get a sound out my mouth is covered by a gloved hand.

              “Is that any way to greet the man who worships you?”

Brahms voice sends a horrified jolt through me. I squirm against his firm grip and even try to bite the hand covering my mouth. But, his glove is too thick and his grip is too firm for me to get anywhere.

“Oh Eve, my beautiful Eve,” He whispers in my ear.

The feel of his hot breath against my cheek causes bile to rise in my throat. I squirm even harder, still in vain. If I could scream I know Asher would hear. He’d come out and protect me.

              “Listen to me carefully Eve, I have a gun in my pocket, and if you make a single sound not only will I kill you, but I will shoot the miscreant in that house as well. Nod if you understand.”

I let out a helpless whimper.

              “Do you understand?” He repeats, his tone deadly.

I nod slowly, tears streaking down my cheeks and freezing in the frigid air. Brahm removes his hand from my mouth and I clench my jaw against the urge to scream. I don’t dare make a sound. His other arm is still firmly around me as he reaches behind himself and withdraws a gun. I only know this because he then presses the cold metal to my temple and cocks it.

I let out an involuntary sob.

This is so fucking unfair. Just when I get my life to myself I’m going to die. Right when I finally have Asher. Fuck Brahm for stealing my future from me. Images of Asher and I standing at the altar exchanging vows, celebrating the birth of our first child, growing old together all flash through my mind and my heart aches for the loss of this future that I want so badly.

              “I’m giving you one more chance Eve. I’ve been patient, but I won’t wait any longer. If I can’t have you, then I don’t want anyone to have you.”

“Yes,” I gasp out the desperate lie, anything to get him to put the gun down long enough for me to get away.

“Yes, what?” He presses the gun harder against my temple.

“Yes, I’ll do whatever you want. Please, Brahm,” I beg.

As soon as I start to feel him lowering the gun I take the only chance I may have. I wrench out of his arms and fling myself forward. I feel a sharp blow to the back of my head and dizziness overtakes me, I fall to the ground.

Before I can get up to flee, Brahm’s foot comes down in the middle of my back, pinning me down.

“You lying bitch. That man ruined you. But don’t worry, the Lord can make you well again.”

His tone sends a chill down my spine having nothing to do with the snow I’m lying in. Without warning the world goes black.


              As soon as the world comes to life my head explodes with an intense splitting sensation. My head bangs against a pane of glass and I realize I must be in a car. I clench my eyes tight against the memories and the sudden reality that washes over me. My heart wrenches in my chest as I think of Asher, probably wondering where I am right now.

              “Eve, are you awake?”

Brahms chillingly calm voice causes bile to rise in my throat again.

I crack my eye open and try to look at him in my periphery. A silver handgun sits across his lap, his hand resting on it. His other hand rests on the steering wheel as casually as though he was on a Sunday drive. I eye the door and consider flinging myself from the vehicle. A semi truck rushes by and I flinch back.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Eve,” Brahm warns.

“What the fuck?” I turn to him coldly.

How did I ever give this vile scum a minute of my time. I was only kidding myself back then, it was always Asher. From the moment our eyes locked at that party it had been Asher for me.

I’m sorry if I get killed. You were supposed to have the rest of my life.

I send my thoughts out into the universe in hopes that he’ll somehow find them. In another life I probably would have said I was praying but I’m beyond that now. No god would hurt Asher this way, or steal my future from me.

“I don’t like that language. That man ruined you.”

I flinch involuntarily. I don’t care if it kills me, I’m getting away from him. I tug the door handle violently, and nothing happens. I let out a defeated cry and Brahm laughs.

“You think that I’d put you in the car and not put the child lock on the door?” He taunts.

I stretch out across the back seat, working the kinks out of my legs and trying to formulate a new plan.

              “Are you going to hurt me?” I ask, purposely keeping my voice even.

I’m not going to let that psycho smell any fear.

“No, of course not,” He retorts with indignation.

My head throbs in response.

“Eve, God told me that you were meant to be my wife. I’m just helping you see how right we are for each other,” He explains as though he’s talking to a hysterical child.

              “I’m going to make this extremely simple for you Brahm, I am in love with Asher, he is my future. You are nothing but an experiment in dating that failed miserably,” I spit venomously.

“Asher isn’t in God’s plan for you.”

I let out a frustrated shriek and kick the door.

“Now stop it.” His hand clenches on the gun in his lap and I still instantly. “That’s a good girl, now just relax and enjoy the ride, we’ll be there soon.”

              “Where?” I ask more meekly this time, not wanting to set him off. Not until I have a new plan anyway.

              “My family has a little mountain cabin, you’ll love it,” He says happily, as though we’re a couple on a vacation.

              I swallow back the insults I want to hurl at him and I clench my eyes shut.



              I blink awake and stare around in confusion, trying to figure out what time it is and why I’m on the couch. I grab my phone to check the time and see that it’s four in the morning. I look around for Eve. My heart starts to accelerate when I don’t see her. I get up and stumble sleepily to my bedroom, expecting her to be asleep in my bed.

My bed is still made, my room empty. My stomach clenches. I remember my phone in my hand and I call Eve. Her phone goes straight to voice mail.

              “Damn it,” I curse.

I slip my shoes on and head out the door to go over to Eve’s dorm to make sure she’s there. I stop at the end of the driveway as my eyes land on a dark circle in the snow. My brain rebels against what it looks like. It’s dark and impossible to tell. But, my gut knows. I curse again and put in Hadley’s number, willing her to be at the dorm. I’m do my best not to hyperventilate, I can’t take the time to get over there. I have to know.

              “Hello?” Hadley mumbles into the phone.

“Are you at home?” I ask hurriedly.

“Asher?” She asks with sleepy confusion.

“Fuck, Hadley, wake the fuck up. Are you at your dorm?” I yell uncharacteristically.

“Yeah, why? Is something wrong?”

“Please tell me Eve is there,” I demand.

I hear shuffling, presumably Hadley getting up to check Eve’s bed.

“No, her bed’s made so I don’t think she’s been home tonight.”

“Fuck!” I yell again.

And, then I spot her necklace in the snow beside the dark spot and an animalistic scream sears my throat. I hang up the phone unceremoniously and dial 911.

“Nine-one-one what is your emergency?” The dispatcher asks in a bored tone.

“I think something’s happened to my girlfriend. She’s missing and I think there’s blood outside of my house,” I explain shakily.

“Okay, sir, give me your address and I’ll have police there shortly.”



“Walk us through this again Mr. Wright.” The middle aged, male detective directs authoritatively.

The “interview room” at the police department is making me insane. The fluorescent lights and the hard plastic chairs, and the fact that Eve is out there somewhere, hurt, and these fuckwads aren’t doing anything. I’m going to lose it.

“I’ve already told you four times,” I grind out between my teeth.

When he’d asked to hear the story again a second time I realized I was a suspect.

“You assholes should be out there looking for Eve. She’s probably hurt somewhere.”

“We have officers at the scene. Now, tell me again from the top,” He continues, unrattled by my outburst.

“I fell asleep waiting for Eve to get off of work. I woke up at four and realized she wasn’t there. I called her and her cell went right to voice mail. I went outside and saw the dark spot and I started to panic. I called her roommate to ask if she was at home, and when she told me ‘no’ I immediately called the police.”

“Look, Mr. Wright, we have a little bit of a problem. The thing is, a few days ago a friend of Eve’s came in here and filed a report that she had come to him and indicated she was afraid of you. Apparently this individual seemed to believe Eve was planning to leave you, and there was a good chance you would try to harm her if she did,” The officer says, a stern look in his aged eyes.

              “No fucking way!” I slam my fist down on the table. “Eve wasn’t afraid of me and she wasn’t leaving me. Who said that?” But even as I ask the question I know the answer, and I also know who hurt Eve.

              “We can’t tell you that.”

“It was that cocksucker Brahm. He’s the one who hurt her. They weren’t friends, they dated for a few weeks at the beginning of the school year. After they broke up he came into her work and put his hands on her. Ask her boss Ethan, he’ll tell you. The guy’s a psycho.”

The officers exchange a look.

              “Well at this point it’s your word against his. We don’t have enough to hold you, but you’d better stay in town for now in case we have any more questions,” He warns. “We’re going to keep looking for her, and I hope we find her, otherwise you’re looking at murder.”

              “She’s out there,” I say, practically jumping out of the chair. “At least look into Brahm, please.”

              The female officer gives me a sympathetic look.




              Brahm’s cabin in essentially a small hunting cabin, deep in the woods on a mountain. It took us almost an hour to hike to it after he left his car on the side of the road. My best hope is probably for someone to report the car abandoned on the side of the road so someone might find me. Although, we’re so secluded back here I don’t bother to hold my breath for someone finding us.

              “I don’t want to have to do this, in time you’ll see we’re right for each other and then we can remove the restraint,.” Brahm assures me as he handcuffs me to the rusty heater in the living room.

I shiver with fear. I’m completely at his mercy.

“Are you hungry?”

I turn my face away because I can’t bare to look at him. My stomach growls but I refuse to admit that I need him to feed me. God help me when I need to use the bathroom. I shudder at the thought.

“My lovely Eve, please just behave,” Brahm murmurs as he caresses the side of my face with the back of his hand.

It takes all of my self control not to turn my face and bite his fingers bloody. I want to rip his throat out and watch him bleed to death in front of me.

Brahm makes his way to the small kitchen on the other side of the small cabin and I hear plates banging.

After several minutes he returns to my side with a sandwich. He holds the sandwich up to my mouth.

“Take a bite,” He instructs.

I meet his gaze this time as I take a bite, chew it a few times and then spit the wad of soggy bread and turkey right in his face. Bits of spit and bread cling to his face as it turns bright red with anger. I see his hand coming towards me and I flinch just before it makes contact.

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