Read Mysty McPartland Online

Authors: My Angel My Hell

Mysty McPartland (14 page)

BOOK: Mysty McPartland
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He turned to
her and shrugged his shoulders. “Ye forget Dalla is already married to the man and there is little I can do over the fact. Now I think I will retire.”

Furiously w
atching the coward walk away, Lisa sat and fumed, there must be something that she could do to destroy her cousin’s marriage. It would just take time to think of it.



Chapter Fif


As soon as he closed and barred the door, Tarrel turned and took his wife into his arms and drowned any protests that she might have made with his kiss, but he didn’t have to worry about her objecting, she welcomed him with enthusiasm. She was tearing at the bone buttons on his shirt and when it hung open, her hands moved to the belt at his waist.

Her wildness was catching a
nd without bothering with the lacing of her gown, his hands ripped her garment down the front to her waist. His palms wrapped over her breasts, just as hers moved under his kilt and enfolded her fingers around his stiff cock. Growling deeply into her mouth, he thrust into her firm grip.

The moment they were alone, Dalla was so desperate to have him inside of her, when he started kissing her, she attacked his garments. Now as she held the hard length of him in her hand, she couldn’t wait any longer. Stepping away from him, she pulled what was left of her clothing off, stepped out of her shoes.

he saw he was still partially dressed and growled softly in frustration, moving over to him yanked his kilt off and stepped back to admire his glorious body.

Thoroughly shocked
yet highly aroused over her boldness, he just stood there amazed, but when she swept his body with her sizzling gaze, a growl rumbled in his chest he bent down and tugged off his boots.

When he straightened up,
she rose up on her toes, raised her arms and pulled his head down. “I want ye now Tarrel, now.” She whispered before her mouth covered his.

At h
er demand he became enflamed, he lifted her up and placing her legs around his waist bought her down onto his pulsating erection and impaled her with one stroke. He ravaged her mouth as he raised her up and down the length of his arousal until they were both crying out from the mind shattering climax.

He staggere
d to the bed with her wrapped around him still intimately joined; he fell on the mattress with her atop him and closed his eyes as his strength drained out of him.

Sprawled over her husband, she was still shuddering from her climax,
Lord oh mercy they would kill each other if they kept going like this.
But then she laughed softly, well it wouldn’t be such a terrible way to go, she thought to herself.

Reluctantly opening
his eyes at her soft laughter, he wondered what she found so amusing, but at the moment was too weak to ask. His hand stroked over her back and buttocks and every time they touched those to sweet mounds, he squeezed them gently.

He didn’t know what might have
gotten into her tonight; never had she ever initiated their lovemaking before or acted so uninhibited. But whatever the reason he didn’t care; he enjoyed every minute of it. He came to a decision while he watched her with that other man. Starting tomorrow, things were going to change between them.

He was no longer satisfied with their relationship, he wanted the smiles the caresses and he wanted conversation. Curiously, he wondered with these changes the hell his life had become would alter as well and he could once again eat a decent meal and have a hot bath.

The smile lef
t his face when he remembered what he ate for supper and shook his head. He had to give her credit, she was clever, but now that he was onto her, he will have to have to find a way to turn her defiance around.

Finally, when the last shudder left her body, she sighed in contentment, her hand gently glided over her husband’s muscular chest and felt it quiver beneath her fingers. His heartbeat thumped, strong and rhythmically beneath her palm.

She still
did not understand how she came to fall in love with him, since they spent very little time together, but she had. Now, she just needed to have him love her in return. And if it was the last thing she ever accomplished she was going to make certain that he did.

Sighing dreamily, she nuzzled her face in the side of his neck and breathed in his masculine scent. Lord, the man smelt wonderful and even now she could feel the desire slither through her and she could not help the tip of her tongue coming out and taste his warm skin.

He tasted
salty yet delicious and she wanted to make love to him all over again. She squealed softly when she was suddenly tossed over on her back and his rose over her, he stared down at her with hot intensity.

The touch of h
er tongue sent the fire blazing through him; he instantly hardened and knew that he would have her again. He rolled her over; he settled between her thighs and gazed down at her. She was the most beautiful woman he would ever see and she was his, but he wanted more than just her body, he wanted everything. Her heart and soul, her laughter, her soft, intimate touches and her words and by God, he would have them all.

With this firmly
planted in mind, he caught her mouth in a hot possessive kiss, drawing everything out of her and capturing it all inside of him. He wanted to own every part of her, needed to stamp his ownership on her, mark her as his. Possess her entirely.

When his mouth took her in an all-consuming kiss, she reached up and grasped his head wanting the kiss to never end. When he tore his mouth away, kissed and nibbled his way down her neck, she felt the tiny sparks explode in the pit of her stomach.

His mouth latched on to
her breast suckling lovingly and the consuming heat rush throughout her when he scrapped his teeth against her peaked nipple, she cried softly and arched up. His long hair tickled her sensitized flesh and her fingers slid through the soft thick lengths. She cried out when he plunged into her welcoming heat.

He knew he was addicted to the taste of his wife’s silken skin and he could never get enough of the sweet taste of her. He suckled on her breast and slowly moved between her thighs. He promised himself that one day soon he would have the pleasure of tasting every inch of her. As her hips started to roll beneath his, he went a little mad and his strokes became more demanding, until she was tightening around him, drawing him deeper inside and her hot, liquid heat surround him.

is head lifted, he gave a hoarse cry as his seed rushed hotly out of him. Weakened, he collapsed and he dragged much needed air into his lungs. Her soft alluring scent tickled his nostrils and he closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He acknowledged that she was becoming much more to him than just a wench to see to his comfort and slack his lust on.

Never had
he ever felt such strong emotion towards another woman as he did his wife. It confused and frightened him and he knew that he needed to control it somehow. He couldn’t let this lass mean more to him than she did already. Once he won the things he wanted from her, he would make certain that she would take nothing from him.

He was a man, l
aird of his clan, he could not let this woman weaken him, and he knew that if he let himself care to deeply for her, she would do just that. No, he would protect himself at all costs. With that in mind, he rolled off her and away from her. He pulled the blankets over them and turned on his side with his back to her and started to gather the armor around him to shield himself.

Only w
hen her husband left her and moved away, did she grow confused, it was the first time he never reached for her after they made loved. Frowning, she turned to scowl at his broad back feeling hurt and dejected over his cold callous actions.

She lay
staring until the last candle died. Feeling her new found love for this man consume her, she compelled herself to fight the need to beg him to turn and hold her. The tears stung her eyes and she closed them tightly, knowing that it was going to be a very hard thing to win this man’s heart.


Unhappily going down stairs the next morning, Dalla’s eyes drifted to first her father and then her husband and as she stared at him, she bolstered her determination. Moving towards him, she grimaced slightly when Robert stepped in her way.

The very moment
when he saw her coming across the hall, Robert stood up and went to meet her. He wanted a little bit of vengeful satisfaction before he left. Taking her hand, he looked sadly down at her. “I am leaving today, lass. I was foolish to think that I would have any hope we could find some way to be together. It was wishful thinking on my part. I regret that I have lost ye and morn that ye can never be my wife.” His hand came up and his finger stroked along her cheek. “I will miss ye Dalla, but I will always cherish the time we have spent together.” He wanted to sneer at her gullibility but managed not to, he cursed the day he left her, but there was little he could do about it now.

She gazed up at him with a sad, little smile, she was about to tell him what a good friend he had been but before she had the chance to speak, she found herself pulled up against a hard solid body and knew without turning that it was her husband.

Enraged at seeing that man approach his wife, Tarrel was consumed with red hot jealously; it swept through in a rushing inferno, he was on his feet and in a few furious strides he stood behind her. His hand wrapped around her waist and hauled her up against him. “I fear that ye have taken too many liberties with my wife.”

A little frightened
, Robert backed away; he could see the cold rage in the other man’s eyes and swallowed past the lump of panic clogging his throat. “Ye have nothing to fear from me, Laird McCain. I was only saying goodbye to Dalla. I thank ye for ye hospitality and now if ye will forgive me I will be on my way.”

Through narrowed eyes
, he sneered in disgust not only was the man too free with his touch to his wife, he was a damn weakling as well. What red blooded male wouldn’t fight to have this angel in his arms, the sniveling rogue was a fool and it was a very good thing he intended leaving today. “The man ye profess to love is a coward.” He whispered harshly in her ear and smiled grimly when she stiffened in his embrace.

“Ye a wrong Robert is nay coward.”
Angrily struggling, she turned in his arms and glared up at him letting him see just how furious she was. The insult to Robert shocked her; she frowned over the cold possessiveness in her husband’s voice. Poor Robert, she really couldn’t blame him for leaving so quickly. When she noticed the heated desire glowing in his eyes, she forced herself not to react, but it was the ugly words he hissed though that fired her temper.

Through hooded eyes
, he stared at her and let her beauty surround him, he reached up and stroked his finger down the same cheek that bastard dared touch. “Aye the man is a coward and ye a foolish to allow yeself to still love such a weak man.”

Enthralled by the soft deep voice, the gentle touch to her face
, she didn’t even hear the words he was saying. She leaned into him helplessly and feeling the familiar desire lick through her veins like molten lava, she stood caught in the power of heated sensuality in his blazing from his eyes.

It took him every effort and every bit of willpower
he possessed to turn his gaze away from her face, her hot little breathes were sending sharp knives of lust through him. The look in those big copper eyes told him exactly what she wanted and was feeling. And even though he was tempted as hell to take her back up to their chamber, he would not let himself give into the need.

He took a quick sweeping glance
around the hall and saw everyone staring at them; frowning darkly he was pleased when they all dropped the eyes. “Ye father wishes to spend the morning with ye before he leaves later today.” Taking a step away from her, he turned on his heels and left the hall before he embarrassed himself and gave into the lust that consumed him.

Wistfully sighing in disappointment,
she watched him leave and once the door closed behind him, forced a smile on her face and went to join her father.















Chapter Six


While her father sat talking happily, Dalla gazed around the hall and her eyes collided with her cousins, she shivered slightly when she saw the cold calculating expression on Lisa’s face and knew that whatever the woman was planning it was something that would hurt her. What it was she didn’t know, but she was very relieved that the horrid woman would be departing with her father this afternoon.

If Lisa’s not here, she can’t hurt me. Just looking at her I know that’s just what she wants to do
. When her father grasped her hand, she forced herself to turn away from her cousin but not before she caught the cruel, vindictive smirk. A feeling of dread washed over her and she shivered once more. Forcing herself to put the matter aside, she plastered a smile on her face and listened to her father.

BOOK: Mysty McPartland
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