Mysty McPartland (13 page)

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Authors: My Angel My Hell

BOOK: Mysty McPartland
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Kevin realiz
ed he had made a grave mistake bringing Robert and his niece, he should never have given into their pleas. He just hoped it would not cause too much trouble between his daughter and her husband.


























Chapter Fourteen


Only after seeing her father was settled in his bedchamber, Dalla hurried to hers. She wanted a few moments alone so she could think without interruption. She was unsure why her husband sent Robert and her cousin to stay somewhere else. Pushing the door open to her chamber, she stopped her rush into the room when she saw the very man she had hoped to avoid for a few minutes was standing at the window.

is hands were clasped behind his back, his legs were braced apart, and she knew by the stiffness of his body that he was in a rage. Sighing heavily, she closed the door behind her and moving a few steps further into the chamber, waited for him to start yelling at her.

When he heard
the door open and close, Tarrel waited a several seconds trying to get his anger under control before he faced his wife. But the picture of her greeting the man she once professed to love ate away at him. It tore at him with sharp talons, viciously slashing and cutting deep wounds.

He drew in a profound breath and slowly he turned to glare at her, his eyes narrowed when seeing she was acting so unconcerned. “That man ye threw yeself at like some doxy, he is the man you confess to love isna he?”

The heat of shame burned her cheeks realizing how her behavior must have been regarded by not only her husband but his clan, nevertheless being called a lose woman incensed her and she lifted her chin in the air. “Aye, that’s Robert the man I wanted to wed.”

More than irritated over her words, he moved the few feet that separated them and grasped her shoulders, his fingers digging into her flesh and he ignored her soft cry of pain. “If I see ye so much touch or even smile at that man again I’ll tear him apart.” He growled softly.

With eyes wide
at his threatening words, she stared up at him in stunned disbelief. “Ye are being utterly ridiculous. ‘Tis nay different than how my cousin greeted ye.” She gasped in outrage when she suddenly understood just why he sent not only Robert to the cottages, but her cousin as well and she struggled against his hold. “Ye bastard, ye vile pig. Now I ken why ye sent Lisa to occupy a vacant cottage so it would be easier for ye to carry on ye affair with her there.”

Totally stunned at h
er preposterous assessment over the arrangement, he shook his head and then laughed. “For the love of God, woman. Ye jealous are ye nay, sweet. Well ye have nay need to be. I never wanted the wench when she offered herself to me before we were wed and I definitely dinna want her now. There is only one female I want and I’m going to have her this very second.”

Ignoring her struggles
, he claimed her mouth in a hot demanding kiss and within moments her struggles turned to caresses and he carried her over to the bed, stripped them of their clothing and proceeded to make wild passionate love to her. He wanted more than anything to brand her as his and to wipe all memory and every trace of the other man from her mind and her heart. 

, laying in her husband’s arms, she was totally stunned over their lovemaking; he seemed to have taken everything from her. She turned slightly and peeked up at him. He confused her, during the day he all but ignored her however, at night alone in their bedchamber he could never get enough of her.

This w
as the first time since they arrived here that he has ever made love to her during the day since that first morning. And as she thought about it, they never shared an intimate conversation, laughed together or teased each other. The only thing they shared was their bodies and nothing more. Turning away, she closed her eyes to block the tears before they fell.

This was not what she wanted in a marriage, she wanted it all that’s why she loved Robert,
and she would have found all those things with him. And thinking of Robert, she realized then that she no longer felt the same way about him. Oh, she’d been happy to see him, but he didn’t fill her heart with joy, no it was her husband that did that every time she gazed at him.

Totally shocked over her realization
, she opened her eyes; they swam around the room in horror. How could it have happened? How could she have fallen in love with this cold, unfeeling man and not even know that she had until now? Well, if she has so foolishly fallen in love with her husband, he was never going to know it. Not until he felt something for her and he changed into the man she wanted. She craved laughter, the loving teasing moments, but most of all she wanted his heart and by golly she was going to have it all. Satisfied, she snuggled against him and worked out a plan to have everything her heart desired.


Slowly feeling his strength returning, Tarrel nuzzled the top of his wife’s head. Lord help him, the woman sapped his power every time they made love. But it no longer troubled him, he reveled in it now. What bothered him at this point in time were her feelings for this man Robert. It sickened and angered him that she may still love the man.

Over the next few days, he decided, he would watch her closely; he would not let her have a moment alone with the man. Even though it was he that awakened her passion and her body always reacted to his, he didn’t want her to even have one thought in her head of making love to that man or any other male for that matter.

He wanted her to have
only him in her mind and with that thought, he gently pushed her over on to her back and with a tenderness he had never used before, proceeded to make love to her again.

Hours later g
oing down-stairs with his wife on his arm, he wore a proud sated grin, his wife wore a bemused expression and looked thoroughly loved and he didn’t care who knew it. He could tell by the tint of pink on her cheek she was uncomfortable and he lightly squeezed her waist. When she turned to glance up at him he gave her a cheeky wink and chuckled when she ducked her head.

Her face growing warm over
his wicked teasing; Dalla hoped nobody could tell what she and her husband had been doing all afternoon. Lord, she’d even forgotten that her father had arrived. She didn’t know what could have come over him, never had he ever neglected his duty and even though she was pleased over the fact and enjoyed his lovemaking she wanted more from him.

Maybe he
was starting to realize that he did actually feel something for her. She was still confused at the affectionate way he made love to her, even now, she felt the quivers rush through her from the way he tenderly and adoringly caressed and kissed her.

It was the first time he
had ever made love to her that way and even though she thoroughly enjoyed the wildness of those other times, she felt by the way he made love to her this new way that it was a start to something more growing between them. Unable to help herself she met his gaze once more and grew breathless all over again.

As difficult as it was
, he forced his body not to react to the desire and longing shining in her eyes or the way she was breathing. He continued down the stairs even though he wanted to turn around, go back to their chamber and make love to her all over again. It seemed that she wanted the very same thing, he forced himself with a great deal of difficulty to suppress what they both yearned for.

, he led her into the hall and to their table, where not only her father waited, but the damn man and her bloody cousin sat there too. He forced a smile on his face and dismissed the knowing glances. He should feel guilty about rudely ignoring his duty to his guests, but didn’t in the least. He did not even feel remorseful about wasting his day; in fact he didn’t think he wasted it at all.


Hours later supper long over and through narrowed eyes, he watched his wife across the room, once again she smiled and touched the blasted man. It was only with the greatest effort he remained in his chair. But each smile, each touch was a stab to his heart and he was in a jealous rage knowing that she never once touched or smiled like that. In fact they never spent a moment together just talking or laughing and he frowned darkly over the fact.

Even though she was enjoying Robert
’s company, Dalla felt a little uncomfortable knowing that she no longer cared for him in the same way she once did. Peeking over at her husband, she saw the black scowl on his face and knew that he was angry at her. With a smile at Robert, she rose to her feet and was about to take a step towards her husband, but stopped at her cousins contemptible words.

“Seems ye are nay longer worried about sharing ye bed and ye b
ody with ye husband, cousin. Did I nay tell ye he was a fine man in bed.” Lisa was angry and frustrated; her silly, childish cousin had the attention of both men. They were lavishing on her looks of adoration, and it sickened her that they preferred Dalla, so she lashed out.

Shocked and p
aling, her eyes narrowed and she stared at her cousin noticing the cruelty and viciousness on her face and in her gaze. She straightened her spine and lifted her chin. “’Tis crude ye are, cousin, and as for knowing how my husband is bed, I ken ye never experienced such a thing and as for telling ye ‘tis none of ye business. Ye words are just proving what low breeding ye have.”

gaze shifted to Robert and she saw his red face. His mouth was pinched tight with anger and his eyes were filled with disgust, she knew that by wedding Tarrel she had hurt him, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it, so moved away to join her husband and father.

Tarrel knew that something her cou
sin said upset his wife and whatever it was angered and embarrassed that blasted man. He knew then he would get rid of those two quickly. Watching her stroll towards him with a bright smile, all thoughts fled his mind; slowly he stood and waited for her to join him.

When she reached
her husband, she smiled up at him and took his hand, she glanced over to her father. “I think ‘tis time we all retired, papa.” Her face lit up when husband shivered beside her and she was consumed with heated desire to be in his arms again.

Happily s
miling, Kevin rose to his feet and moved over to his daughter. “Aye ye are right, lass. Tarrel, I’ll see both ye and my daughter in the morning.” Kissing her cheek, he moved away and headed upstairs to his room.

He was pleased that his daughter seemed
joyful with her husband, he just wished now he never bought the other two with him. He decided that he would stay one more day then head home and once there, he would send Lisa back to her family and rid himself of her. The girl was nothing but trouble.

Grateful when his father-in-law left, Tarrel was surprised when his wife had taken hold of his hand, he couldn’t help, but quiver with excitement and lust when she wanted to go up to bed, he lifted his free hand and his finger lightly ran down her smooth silken cheek. “Are ye sure ye would nay rather stay down here with the man ye love?”

She stared up in wonder at her his gentle touch to her face; never had he ever caressed her so intimately in public before. However, at his question she laughed throatily. “Och now that ye mention Robert mayhap I should spend more time with him.”

Her husky laughter wrapped around him and his body was instantly on fire at he
r teasing words, he chuckled and tugged on her hand pulling her closer. “Nay, wife, the only man ye are going to spend time with is me, now come along I’m feeling the need for bed.” He glanced away from her while he led her over to the staircase, and noticed everyone watching them in wonder. He knew what they were thinking and grinned. His clan very rarely heard him laugh and he thought that they were going to be in for more surprises in the next few days.

Both Robert and
Lisa watched Tarrel and Dalla, neither one of them were happy with the scene they were witnessing.

“We need to do something
, Robert, and do it quickly and if ye love my cousin as ye pertain to say ye do, how can ye let that man have her.” Lisa whispered harshly.

Robert felt the blood
heat his face at her words, oh, he never loved Dalla, he only wanted her because of her inheritance and being an only child, it was vast. With her now being married to Laird McCain there was little he could do to change the situation. He’d only come here in the hopes that her father would find her so miserable that he would insist on taking her home, but it wasn’t the case. She shone with happiness and there was no mistaking she was thoroughly loved by her husband.

All the wealth he hoped to gain by marrying her was lost and since he was a man that avoided violence at all costs he knew that if he tried to take Dalla away, her husband would no doubt use force to get his wife back. Nay, it was best that he forget all about her and find another woman that could give him the wealth he craved so much.

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