My Soul Keeper (35 page)

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Authors: Ker Dukey

BOOK: My Soul Keeper
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“Lecture’s finished. Are you okay?”

I stuff my blank piece of paper into my bag; I was supposed to take notes. I exit the lecture hall with a concerned Liam.

“I’m just tired. I’m not really sleeping well.”

He studies my face but becomes distracted by something behind me. His face contorts as if in pain. I turn as he rushes by me and I see Leah, lying on the ground, unmoving. Liam drops to her side and urges her to get up.

“Get up, Leah. This isn’t funny,” I shout at her.

“Should someone tell them she’s not breathing?” Lucas grins. “Jeremiah will have so much fun with her now that she’s a dark soul bound for the fire of the below. Pull her soul, Shamar. Give her to me.”

I feel like I’m in my dream. Nothing he is saying makes sense, but I know I’m not sleeping. My heart slows as realisation sets in. I’m losing Leah. I’ve lost too much. This is cruel. Why her? Why me?

I feel like my skin is screaming. Tears pool in my eyes and I feel like my blood is vibrating from my skin. Liam pulls lifeless Leah into his lap and pleads with her to breathe. It almost brings me to my knees.

“Simone,” Shamar chokes out, sorrow seeping from every fibre of him.

“This can’t be happening,” I murmur.

“Blame Shamar. All I want is my damn body back,” he bellows, his voice ricocheting off the walls. He’s not making any sense. What does that mean?

“I’ll never help you now,” Shamar spits.

His face contorts with anger. “Jeremiah,” he shouts.

Jeremiah rushes forward toward Liam, the glimmer of a knife in his hand. Before anyone can react, he kneels in front of Liam, his hand on his shoulder. Liam leans into him, his head bowed down.

“No,” Shamar shouts, but it’s too late. Jeremiah moves away. Liam’s body slumps forward, blood forming around him like a spilt drink, widening, swallowing up the floor in its crimson wave.

My chest constricts and my body begins to shake. Fear and sorrow grip every part of me. I hold my breath and try to escape inside myself, to protect myself from the horror that is playing out in front of me. Liam’s laboured breathing brings me back to the present. I drop to my knees in front of him, his blood soaking into my clothes. Emotions flood through my body. I need to release this pain; I need to release this agony of loving and losing everyone. I need to stop the darkness from winning and taking everything. I need to stop the pain. I need to will it away like a prayer, a chant. I need to heal this hurt and pain. Light needs to win over the dark, but how?

I’m so lost, drowning in the grief. I want to fade away, to close my eyes and pretend this is not real, but I can’t leave them. I can’t lose them. I
lose them.

“Simone, I’m so proud of you. Don’t be sad. I’ll always watch over you,” Liam stutters, coughing up blood. It seeps from his lips.

Rivers of tears run down my cheeks. My stomach is so twisted up. I feel like I’m going to be sick. How can something hurt this much? Nothing can make this okay. Liam doesn’t deserve this. He has been there for me my whole life. He’s wiped my tears, held my hand, praised me, encouraged me, protected me, and loved me; I’m left holding his dying body. I want to feel empty, I can’t contain this feeling.

I stroke down Liam’s cheek.

“Simone, what happened?” Jacob’s voice penetrates the still air.

“Just in time, Jacob. Shamar needs more incentive,” Lucas shouts.

Liam’s skin drains of colour as his blood completely consumes my clothes. I can’t let him die. I won’t let him. I need him. I cry broken, gut-wrenching sobs as I cradle his head in my arms and will him to live.

I have never felt more helpless. Lucas got tired of waiting; he didn’t even give me the full week. He let Jeremiah corrupt Leah, who was an easy target. She was feeling inadequate, not enough compared to Simone. She couldn’t get her head around why Liam felt what he did for Simone without wanting to be with her.

I watch as Liam dies in the arms of an Angel who doesn’t know that’s what she is. Her pain and grief fills the air like a fog of despair. I see her body shake as she cradles Liam in her arms. Her broken sobs tear at me like knife wounds, ripping open my soul, bleeding with her pain. She’s lost so much; how can she keep coming back from such sadness? I reach for Jeremiah, dragging his soul from his body. Vengeance is all I have right now.

I see light in my peripheral view. Simone’s body vibrates, light streaming from her as she lets out a strangled cry. Her wings spring free from her back with a whoosh and a gust of wind follows in their wake; they’re magnificent.

Jacob falls to the floor, his mouth nearly unhinged from his jaw. Simone’s body shakes as her light floods the hallway, seeping into Liam and Leah. I feel it heating my skin, seeping into my pores. I am happy, peaceful. I feel the beauty of her light.

She stands, holding her arms out beside her, her face looks upwards toward the heavens. A high-pitched sound rips from her chest and her light grows even brighter, blinding me. It consumes everything, bathing the hallway in bliss. When her light fades, Jeremiah’s dark soul has completely disintegrated. Liam’s wound is healed and Leah is sitting up, looking dazed.

“I don’t understand,” Simone whispers.

Simone’s voice forces me into action. I take the few strides toward her, grasping her face in my hands.

“Baby, you are unbelievable.” Her eyes rake over my face, the glossy shine making them seem like I’m looking at the stars in the dark blue sky. I bring my lips down on hers, giving her everything I’m feeling, showing her how much I love her with this kiss.

I don’t understand what’s happening, but as Shamar’s hands caress my cheeks, I feel like I’ve been given food after being starved for weeks. I feel like he’s water after spending months in the desert. When his lips come down on mine, I feel home, like my soul is complete.

His tongue probes my lips for entry and I willingly give it. His body crushes against me, his tongue colliding with mine. My mind flutters with images of us. No, memories. They’re memories of us. Oh my God, memories of things I was made to forget.

What I am, who Shamar is, my parents, Liam, Lucas... I pull away and drown in Shamar's eyes.

“Shamar, I remember you. I remember us,” I cry, embracing him in a fierce hold. “I love you I love you, I love you. I missed you but I couldn’t work it out. I just felt incomplete.” I shudder.

“I love you, Simone. I missed you. This has been torture. I don’t care what they say, I’m meant for you. I’m meant for you, Simone.”

The pain and love in his eyes nearly leave me weightless. I rely on his strong arms to keep me up.

“My leg.” I turn to watch Jacob jump up and down. “Holy shit, my leg. I don’t understand what’s happening.”

I take a step toward him. “I healed you. I’m so sorry, Jacob. I was meant to heal you before but…”

I turn and narrow my eyes on Gabriel, who has just appeared. “How could you make me forget?” I berate him.

His face looks troubled. “I’m sorry, Simone.” He bows his head and I want to scream at him, but Liam and Leah standing there, holding each other, remind me that I almost lost them both. I stride toward them and they crush me in an embrace.

“Oh my God, what happened?” Leah whispers.

“Her name’s gone. This is unheard of. Simone, you healed her body back from death,” Shamar states, amazed.

“What about Lucas and Jeremiah?” I panic, looking around us.

“Your light destroyed Jeremiah’s soul. I don’t know where Lucas went. Gabriel, take Jacob home,” Shamar orders. As Gabriel disappears with Jacob, a bright light followed by a whoosh of air alerts us to Michael’s presence.

Simone shrinks back, trying to cover herself behind me.

“I’m sorry for everything that has happened, Simone. It seems there are a lot of… hmmm, sinners… working against us. Gabriel was never told to erase your memory. I’ve known from the first day I saw you who you were. You are written in so many destiny books, we have waited an eternity for you.”

He smiles at Simone like she’s royalty, which is something I’ve never seen him do to anyone. He has a façade I’ve never seen him break until this moment.

“You are amazing and your child will be even more so. I can see the light already beaming.”

I look Simone over and notice she does have a slight light coming from her. I step forward.

“We cloaked her light. Why can I faintly see it?” I ask, mainly to myself. Michael smiles at me, which stuns me.

“Because it’s not her light. You see, the soul inside her womb is developing its own light.”

I look between Simone and Michael, then over to a stunned Liam.

“What?” Simone chokes out.

“You, Simone, carry a very unique soul inside your womb, created by two unique souls in their own right.” He motions his arm toward me and then back to Simone.

“Shamar was destined for the giver of light and she will bear the unbelievable powerful soul, a soul created in the womb from two unique souls. This is why Lucas wanted you. Your child will tip the balance of light or darkness. Lucky for us, your soul mate Shamar won you before Lucas could manipulate you.”

I scrub my hands down my face. My body felt warmth for the first time in ages when he said I’m her soul mate, but it was cut short when I realised he knew what she was and how important she is. Yet he still stayed away, let Gabriel steal her memories, and tried to push Lana on to me.

“Where have you been? Why haven’t you helped us?”

He turns to me with a narrow gaze. “I have helped you. I should have taken Simone to Heaven to keep her safe. I broke the rules in giving you your father’s abilities. It took a lot of power. I had to make you strong enough to protect Simone and make sure your child would be born with the ability to take souls. He will be the one to take Lucifer’s soul and cleanse it back to light.”

I stumble backwards. My eyes roam over to Simone. She’s shaking her head in disbelief.

“Are you telling me I’m pregnant?” she asks. Looking bewildered. He turns his gaze back to Simone.

“Yes, Simone, you are.”

“Why did you leave my mom in Purgatory?”

We all turn to face Liam.

“I needed someone I could trust to watch over Lucas’s vessel. You can’t trust the dark souls; one could try to kill his vessel or move it to gain some power over him.”

I shake my head. “Why does that matter? Why do you care what happens to him?”

He sighs. “He is still my brother, but also… some phrases say it best. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. I won’t risk someone else taking his place. If they knew what happened, someone would try to take his place as leader of the below. Now, once his soul has been cleansed and returned, no one will know if his soul’s dark or light. It won’t show. No one from below will know he is any different than before.”

Liam steps forward. “Wait, for this to happen, we have to wait for Simone’s child to come of age, to gain his abilities. That’s years away, Michael.”

“No, their child is unique. He already holds power and he is but a blip. Simone has grown stronger and their powers are infusing. She can tap into his power and use it.”

A flash of light draws all of our attention. Grayer stands with Lucas’ vessel, as well as Charmeine. Liam runs to her and pulls her into his arms. Her eyes find mine. I offer her a small smile before I turn my attention back to Michael.

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