My Life As a Medium (24 page)

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Authors: Betty Shine

BOOK: My Life As a Medium
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In a telephone conversation with a friend, I spoke about the incredible help that I had received by using the exercises that were printed in my books. She told me that they had also helped her, but that it was time-wasting having to look through all three books to find a specific exercise. When she suggested that I put all the exercises into one book,
Betty Shine’s Mind Workbook
was born. This was a brilliant idea, and I wondered why I hadn’t thought of it myself. But I had been otherwise engaged!

I had by now received thousands of letters from around the world, with descriptions of the wonderful things that had happened to individuals and circles when they used these exercises. The most popular was the
Mind Medicine Room.
The successful ‘mind’ treatment that people were giving themselves in this room was fantastic, proving once again that we can either kill or cure ourselves with the power of our minds. By applying mind power to their specific ailments, diabetics – with the permission of their doctors – had been able to cut down their insulin. Those
suffering with chronic arthritis had gradually cut their intake of painkillers, and had learnt to bypass the pain through meditation. Minor ailments by the score had responded to the ‘mind’ treatment, and hundreds suffering major problems had been able to back up their medical treatment by visiting their
Mind Medicine Room.
They told me that it gave them back their independence, and meant that they could once again control their own lives.

The healing circles that had been started with these exercises were extremely successful, and many people who had been unable to help themselves had found health, happiness and new friends.

I was regaled with stories of spirit sightings. This did not surprise me at all, for with the practice of mind expansion it becomes inevitable. What did surprise me, however, was the detailed description of ‘dead’ relatives, friends and pets, and the survival messages and clairvoyance that were given, which added to my conviction that with the right kind of application our minds can become a part of other dimensions. It is simply a question of ‘knowing’ that you can do it. But if there are any doubts at all, it simply will not happen. It really is rather like riding a bicycle or swimming; once you have done it, you ‘know’ that you will always be able to do it.

I would like everyone to have this experience, but I know that we are living in a world where cynicism prevails, so I am realistic. But there is a psychic revolution taking place, and those who have had psychic experiences are finding the courage to speak out, no
longer cowed by their antagonists. Some say that more children are being born psychic. I do not believe this. Children have always come into this world with psychic abilities – it is a vital part of our make-up but in the past this was not understood and so the gift was quickly eliminated by parents, teachers and the church. To allow our psyche to work for us should be completely natural, as should the knowledge that we have spiritual companions who open us up to our natural talents and guide us through the maze of our lives from birth to death, and welcome us when we are reborn. It should be as natural as breathing, but it isn’t because we have been ruled by the ignorance of others. But times are changing and the children of today do not accept so readily the condemnations of their elders. They want to find out for themselves. They are interested in unusual experiences and, above all, they are more courageous in their attitude to life and death. The young ones are more compassionate because they can see for themselves, on television, the terrible acts of inhumanity that are acted out around the world. They will be our healers of the future.


When I lost my home, I never gave up the hope that one day I would find somewhere that would give me the peace and contentment I needed. I knew I would have difficulties, because I would have to live in rented accommodation, but hope is eternal. Without it we are lost. I contacted someone who I thought might be able to help me, and was told that there was a farmhouse that had just been vacated. I asked Janet to accompany me, so that we could both tune into the vibrations of the place. Travelling along a narrow track, we passed a white house. Janet immediately grabbed my arm and pointed to the house, saying, ‘That’s your house, that is where you’re going to live.’ I laughed, and thought she was being fanciful, as it was obvious that the house was occupied. We carried on to the farm. I loved it, and spent some time wandering around the huge beamed rooms, with their splendid polished wood floors. But this was not dream-time, and I just could not afford it. Janet was totally uninterested in the place and was wandering around outside muttering that it was not my house.

When I explained my financial predicament to our guide, he told me there was a house on another part of this very beautiful country estate, that was about to be vacated, and that he would point it out on the way back. We followed behind as he drove back up the lane, and when he reached the white house he put his arm out of the car window and pointed to it. Janet was ecstatic, and hugged me. ‘I told you so,’ she said. ‘I knew that was your house. It’s almost identical to your home in Sutton.’ Looking at the huge windows I could certainly see the similarities.

It was two months before we could actually look around the house, but it felt like a lifetime. The place was upside down, the large wood-panelled lounge being upstairs so that the view across the valley to the nearest village could be appreciated. It had everything I needed.

Over the next two years, this house and the surrounding hills, valleys and woods, gave me back my health and the knowledge that God had not deserted me. This was His gift, and a day never passes without my thanking Him.

So many times in our lives we believe that we have been cast aside, only to find that it was merely a way of getting rid of the dead wood so that the new can survive. It is a painful process, but it has to be done if we are to progress, and our spiritual guides are way ahead of us in deciding when this surgery is to be carried out.

I used to smile in the early days of my mediumship when I heard spiritualists say, ‘If you work for spirits,

they will work for you.’ In my ignorance, this had seemed too pat, but, after twenty-two years as a medium, I have been very grateful to have been on the receiving end of that help. However, I should like to add a word of warning; if you live in expectation of rewards for the help you give, you might be disappointed. Every action and thought is evaluated, and there is no way one can con the system. If you are working for your own glorification then your talents will always remain mediocre. Self has to come last when you are working with those in other dimensions, because Universal Law dictates that only selfless actions will be recognized and rewarded, and that whatever we give out will return. That does not mean to say that we all have to live the lives of saints, because life is for living, but it does mean that when something unpleasant happens to us we have to be strong enough to take it on the chin. And that is not as easy as it sounds, for it usually happens when we are at our lowest ebb, so that it produces the utmost impact.

I always remember the words of my spiritual teacher, who said, ‘The outcome of so much greed, cruelty and lack of spirituality will bring about the downfall of nations, but the sight of the innocents that are tossed by the wayside will bring about a spiritual revival that will change the face of the earth, and the spirits of those innocents will be the driving force behind the change.’

This message was given to me in 1981. Since then, I think you will agree, the reliability of this prophecy has been proven. There
a spiritual revival, and it has very little to do with religion, for it is our minds that are the essence behind this change. Ordinary people all over the world have suffered for too long for the sins of others, and now these ordinary people, myself included, are sending out the power to put an end to the evil that exists. In the end good must prevail, for there is nothing more powerful than love. And that love must extend not only to humans but also to animals, for the abuse that is meted out to them is sinful and can no longer be tolerated. We all have to help, and that help can be given physically, financially or through a talent. Those that cannot help in any of these ways can send loving and powerful thoughts of healing which will, in turn, join other like thoughts and create waves which will give birth to a new ocean of energy. This energy will play an important role in the survival of this planet. There is much to do and so very little time, if we are not to succumb to the after-effects of the terrible evils that are committed every day in some part of the world. This is not a life, it is an existence that should not be tolerated, and we must play our part now, or for ever be forced to hide our faces with shame when we are confronted by future generations. They are our children, and we must fight so that they can live in a more spiritual environment, where they will be able to see the love that surrounds every living thing on this planet. I have had to make many changes in my life. In
1994, it became patently obvious to myself and my family that I could not continue with my practice, give absent healing and write books, the latter being a full-time job on its own. The tremendous response I had received world-wide after the publication of the books made the decision I had to make a whole lot easier, and softened the blow when I ceased to practise on a regular basis. There were times, at first, when I felt guilty, but that is a natural process one goes through when changes are made, and the fact that I could spend more time giving absent healing made me feel much better. Now I could concentrate on my special interest, the power of thought. As it has turned out, I could not have made a better choice; the success of absent healing has surpassed my expectations, and the books have so far been translated into five languages, including Japanese. This has opened up more horizons, and the messages are being received loud and clear.

If I thought that I was going to get away from the mediumship and contact healing altogether, I was very much mistaken. Family and friends keep me busy, and whenever I am entertaining, survival evidence is never far away. There have been times when the session has gone on for hours, leaving everyone concerned in no doubt that there is a life after death, and that they were very privileged to have experienced this for themselves. Even after all these years, I am amazed at the timing and accuracy of the communicators, who have obviously given the matter much thought before they contact me.

During the writing of this book I have been inspired
by my spirit teachers. The usual phenomenona that have become part and parcel of my writing have appeared, and I am now receiving messages. Although they do not make sense at the moment, I am sure they will in the future. And it would not surprise me, one day, to see the faces of my spirit friends appear on the screen of my word processor.

I have decided to link up with technicians and scientists to see if we can push back the barriers. Maybe nothing will happen, but if it does then you can be sure that I will write about it.

One of the strange things that happened with this book was when I was writing about my spiritual teacher, whom I call the guru, because I do not know his identity. I had been working for about three hours, and decided to finish for the day. I pressed the ‘save’ key but instead of it reading Chpt2 at the bottom of the screen it had changed into OM. If you understand the working of computers you will know that you have to make a file, it cannot suddenly appear. I went back to my word processor filing cabinet, and found that I not only had Chp2 with Backup but I also had OM with Backup. I know that ‘OM’ is a very well-known mantra used by Buddhists, but I wanted to know more so looked it up in the dictionary. This is what it said.

Hinduism – a sacred symbol typifying the three gods Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, who are concerned in the threefold operation of integration, maintenance, and disintegration.

The intrigue continues, and keeps me on my toes. Another strange happening occurred whenever I mentioned other spiritual teachers who had communicated with me. A box appeared on the screen, with the word
in bold print. This is an extremely old-fashioned word for a spiritual teacher, but the message was all the more powerful because of that, as it was one that I never thought about or used.

For the future, I am dedicated to writing books that will help humanity.

On a final note, I thought you might like to know that Sally the cat is now thirteen years old, and we are still together. Sometimes, when she is on my lap, she will sit bolt upright and look at something behind my chair. Her body completely rigid, she will stay that way until ‘it’ disappears.

Living on a country estate has given her the feeling for the great outdoors, and she spends most of her time stalking pheasant and partridge. However, as they are much too big for her to tackle, she contents herself with catching smaller prey, mostly mice. Perhaps she is joined by her spirit friends. I hope so.

Tessa and Flossie are now twelve and eleven respectively, and also enjoying life.

In the company of the animals and my spirits, I am always busy, and grateful for the gifts that have been bestowed upon me. I am forever hopeful that I will live up to the expectations of my spirit mentors!

My Life As a Medium

‘Betty’s wisdom, down-to-earth attitude and sense of humour come across clearly through the pages of this book.’

Psychic News

‘My Life as a Medium
is crammed full of amazing case histories and experiences.’

Manchester Evening News

By the same author

Mind to Mind

Mind Magic

Mind Waves

Mind Workbook

A Mind of Your Own

Clear Your Mind

Free Your Mind

The Infinite Mind

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