My Life As a Medium (9 page)

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Authors: Betty Shine

BOOK: My Life As a Medium
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This is a typical example of what I mean by quality and not quantity. A lot of thought had been given to those few words, and the outcome had given someone back their faith.

I was to receive thousands of examples of how true spiritual communicators get to the point with just a few simple words, provoking thoughts in the recipient which, in most cases, would lead to a decision that transformed their lives.


So much had happened to me over the past few years that I thought I had reached a state where nothing would surprise me. I was wrong. A young lady arrived for a sitting one day, and asked whether I would mind if she recorded it. I did not mind at all but warned her that the energies around me usually blocked out the voices. This did not deter her, and she went ahead with the recording. She received survival evidence of an intimate nature relating to her marriage. She was advised by her late mother to ‘stop telling lies about her husband’ and to have the courage to own up and ask his forgiveness. Needless to say she was furious and accused me of making it all up. I pointed out that she was a total stranger to me so I could not possibly have done that. She was so angry that her hands shook when she replayed the tape. There was nothing on it. When she continued to abuse me, I suggested that she left. I have to say that her presence made me feel uneasy, and I was pleased to see her go.

Six months later I was invited to a party and there,
with her husband, was this obnoxious lady. I was shocked when I realized that she was married to an extremely nice ex-patient of mine. I tried to avoid her, but she waylaid me and said, ‘You won’t tell my husband about my visit to you, will you?’ I assured her that all of my work was confidential. She smiled, and said, cynically, ‘You are so good.’ I knew from the survival evidence I had received, that she had been unfaithful to her husband for many years, but stayed with him so that she could still benefit from the lavish lifestyle he gave her. I also knew that I could never betray a confidence, but fervently hoped that, one day, he would be rid of her.

Emotional relationships are so diverse that one would be well advised not to stand in judgement, but with healing and mediumship it is very difficult to stand aside when one is deliberately drawn into the fray.

The following story is a typical example.

A young lady had asked me for clairvoyance. She sat looking at me with a rapt expression, as though I was going to pull a rabbit out of a hat. I felt uneasy, and decided to tape the conversation I had with her.

‘Why are you doing that?’ she asked.

‘I usually take recordings whilst healing or giving messages. It is for my library,’ I replied.

‘Can I have a copy?’ she asked.

‘Yes, if you wish,’ I answered. ‘Now if you sit quietly I will try to help.’

I saw immediately that she was heading for trouble, and that it was going to be brought about by her own actions. I advised her to change so that when the time came, it would lessen the impact. She assured me that she was doing nothing untoward and that she had not visited me to hear a lot of nonsense. I decided to end the session. When I listened to the tape later that day, I found that it was completely blank, no interference, nothing! A sign that I should put the matter behind me.

Her husband telephoned that night and told me that his wife was very upset and that I ought to be locked up, or something worse. I could not tell him that she was betraying the trust shown by her boss when he had given her the job of looking after his financial affairs. She was, quite simply ‘cooking the books’.

Her husband visited me a year later, to apologize. He told me that she had been found out, and had lost her job. Her employers had decided not to prosecute but the shame had destroyed their marriage and he had asked her to leave. I told him that I had only spent a very short time with his wife, but it had been enough for her to realize that clairvoyants can actually ‘see’ what was happening, and she hadn’t enjoyed the experience.

‘What did she actually say to you that evening?’ I asked.

He sighed, ‘She told me that you had accused
her of being a thief and also of being unfaithful to me.’

I told him that I had not mentioned anything of the kind, and had only told her that she would be in trouble later, through her own actions. Although I knew perfectly well what I was ‘seeing’ I did not tell her this because it would have been unethical to do so. I also told him that their marriage was never mentioned.

‘How can you bear to do this job?’ he asked me. ‘Let’s face it, people could twist every word you say if they want to make a point.’

He was right. Why should I leave myself open to abuse? I loved the healing. I made the decision not to give any more clairvoyant sittings.

My friends were extremely angry at my having been made a scapegoat and tried to persuade me to carry on as usual and not allow one maladjusted person to affect me in this way. But I was adamant. I argued that I truly did not want this kind of aggravation in my life.

‘But you are so good,’ cried one friend. ‘Just look at the help you have given people.’ She indicated the group. ‘Us included. You can’t give it up.’

‘I really am sorry but I have made my decision,’ I insisted.

In many ways I had been delighted to find that I was psychic, as this explained why I had felt so vulnerable all my life. It is the sensitivity and fine-tuning of the personality which makes a good medium and
healer. Like the diamond, every facet has to be cut and polished before it can sparkle like a star. The process can be painful, and there are times when one is tempted to opt out. For me this was one of those times. If one particular facet was to remain unpolished, so be it. But, like a number of my resolutions, this was not to be.

I was having lunch with an acquaintance one day when I ‘saw’ a house with water swirling around it. I asked the man sitting opposite me if he was buying a house.

‘Yes, as a matter of fact I’m looking at one at the moment.’

I told him about my clairvoyant vision, and he asked me why I was being given this picture.

‘I don’t know,’ I replied, ‘but if you give me a minute I may be able to tell you.’

I sat quietly for a moment, and then I told him that I could see water pouring down a hill through a ravine, and overflowing into a garden.

‘That doesn’t seem possible,’ he said. ‘Although there is a hill and a ravine at the back of the house I’m hoping to buy, it is quite a way from the property, although I must admit that the ravine does curve toward it slightly. In any event, I’ve only ever seen a trickle of water running through to a stream below.’

‘Have you ever seen this property in the winter?’ I asked.

‘No! My wife and I have spent quite a lot of time in the area but not, I hasten to add, on this particular
property.’ He looked puzzled. ‘Are you sure there is a problem?’ he asked.

‘Absolutely,’ I replied, and then suggested that he look into the situation, if only for the sake of my reputation. Then added, ‘We’ve been having some pretty foul weather this winter. Perhaps now is the time to have another look before you make your final decision.’

‘Betty,’ he said. ‘You do realize that you’re asking me to go all the way to Wales?’

‘I still think you should go and take a look,’ I replied.

When he told his wife about my clairvoyance, she agreed that they should check it out.

When they arrived, they were horrified to see the front of the property surrounded by water. The ravine was flooded, and there was a lake in what should have been the garden. When they asked around they were told that this happened once or twice every winter and spring. They decided to opt out of the deal.

They later found a beautiful cottage in Devon, and regularly sent me photographs of the garden. On the back of one they had written, ‘None of this would have been possible without your intervention. We would have lost everything.’

I was torn, I really didn’t want to give clairvoyance on a regular basis. I preferred to teach others to see clearly for themselves. After much thought I decided that I would only help close friends. It was during one of these sittings that something extraordinary happened.

I was giving clairvoyance to Charlie, a friend of mine. We had been sitting together for about an hour, when we heard clicking noises coming from the tape recorder. Then we felt an icy draught around our feet, accompanied by the sound of whispering. Neither of us spoke during this time, but just looked at each other in amazement. The phenomenon lasted about ten minutes, then it stopped as suddenly as it had begun. I looked at the tape recorder and said, laughingly, ‘Do you think they’ve left us a message?’

‘You are joking, aren’t you?’ my friend replied.

‘Yes I am, but I’ll play it back anyway. You never know.’

As usual there was a lot of interference, and we had great difficulty in hearing the conversation. Then as clear as crystal, a voice said, ‘Charlie, Charlie, I love you.’ I looked at Charlie, and said, ‘It’s for you.’

He was dumbstruck, ‘That was Elle,’ he said, ‘I don’t believe it, that was Elle.’ Tears were streaming down his face.

I smiled at him. ‘I know. Nobody could forget her voice.’

Although we listened to the rest of the tape, that was the only message.

‘Betty, how did Elle’s voice get on the tape? I don’t understand,’ he said.

‘I have no idea,’ I replied. ‘But it is proof that she has survived.’

‘I must confess that I’ve never believed in life after death, until now.’ He sat holding his head in his hands for a moment, then looked up and said, ‘I’ve been
feeling guilty about my forthcoming marriage, because I felt I was letting Elle down.’

‘Well, I think she has given her approval, otherwise she would not have made the effort to leave the message.’

‘Betty, rewind the tape and let’s listen to it again,’ Charlie asked.

We listened to the tape three times, but the voice of Ellen had disappeared. Although we were both disappointed, nothing could take away the joy of having heard her voice once more.

When Charlie had gone I thought about his wife and the terrible shock it had been to us all when we heard of her sudden death. It was now three years since that day.

I was to meet Charlie and his new bride a year later, they were extremely happy. They told me that Elle’s photograph had pride of place in their living room and that they spoke to her often.

It was at this time that I read an article about a medium in Germany who had received several spirit voices on tape. I was fascinated, and decided to use the tape recorder more frequently.

Six months later I was giving healing to a man in his forties. Like most of my patients, he fell asleep as soon as I had placed my hands upon him. I woke him when I had finished and asked whether he would like to hear the interference that the energies wrought on the tape. He was very interested, so I began to play it back. At the beginning of the tape was the sound
of a man with a terrible hacking cough. My patient turned to me and said, ‘That’s my father, I would know that cough anywhere. He died of emphysema.’

‘Are you sure?’ I asked.

‘Definitely, it was my father.’

We listened to the rest of the tape but there was nothing but the waves of the energies – which sounded like the sea crashing against rocks.

We tried to listen to the cough again but it had vanished.

I could not understand why a spirit entity should go to so much trouble to make a recording only to have it wiped out after one hearing. However, although this was a complete mystery, it did not take away the magic.

Voices were not the only things that were recorded. At various times I heard music, tapping, singing – albeit very faint – a humming sound, a dog barking, a bell ringing. I was never sure what I was going to hear next. I became a tape recorder addict.

Throughout the whole of these years, the phenomena I had experienced from the beginning were still there and, I must admit, there were times when I thought it was all too much. I could not understand why the spirits were still so active; after all, I had given in long ago. I simply did not have the time to give each individual happening my utmost attention. For instance, I would have liked to be able to pay more attention to the funnel of light in my hall that appeared almost every day. Why was it there? Who were the entities that sometimes appeared inside it?
What did they want? I needed an answer to all of these questions. And especially to the most important question of all. Where was it all leading?

Like the ever-changing faces on the walls I too was changing dramatically. There was a light in my eyes that had not been there before and, for the first time in my life, I was at ease with myself. Although I had never been obsessed by the fear of death, there had obviously been times when I had thought about it, especially when I had been critically ill. Now I no longer looked on death as an end, but simply as a re-birth, mirroring our physical birth. There are people waiting to hug and love you when you finally emerge from the dark birth canal into the light and it is the same when one spins into the dark tunnel and goes toward the light. There we are met by our friends, relatives and our spiritual guides.

Although I had taught hand analysis, and vitamin and mineral therapy, I had never thought that I would be talking about spiritual matters but had, quite unconsciously, assumed that role. I was asked so many questions that it became unavoidable.

I must confess that there were times when I had to laugh at my ever-changing role in life, and I asked myself over and over again, where it was all leading?

I had to leave all my questions in abeyance as the relentless phenomena continued. Whilst healing, my attention was frequently drawn to the limbs of my patients, which were being manipulated by unseen hands. Very often the patient was asleep, but there were times when they themselves drew my attention
to this. It was fascinating to watch, and the recipient could actually feel the hands that were controlling the proceedings. There were times when I could see the hands, but I was so drawn to the physical manipulations that my spiritual vision was blocked. It became a regular occurrence for a friend or relative of the patient to feel spirit hands on parts of their own body whilst they sat waiting. It was wonderful in so many ways, for it brought a tremendous amount of laughter to my healing room. Very often, someone would say, ‘I can’t believe this, someone has their hands on my legs.’ When this happened I would receive a diagnosis. At other times people would arrive for healing in groups and were amazed as they watched each other being manipulated simultaneously. They could all feel the hands at work and, at one time, seven people were receiving this treatment. So obviously there were seven spirits working together. It never ceased to amaze me.

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