My Best Friend's Brother: A Standalone Friends to Lovers Romance (Soulmates Series Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: My Best Friend's Brother: A Standalone Friends to Lovers Romance (Soulmates Series Book 2)
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Chapter 27: Andi





would be understating it to say I was disappointed that our private party got
cut short.


I had to imagine Shane was, too, though he was doing a better job of hiding it.


I should've
reached for him instead of just lying there and letting the waves of pleasure
wash over me.


I'd only undone his belt- or laid my hand on his thigh. He would've ignored his
phone and given me his full attention.


it would've been a long walk back to campus.


I felt like a selfish tease.


let him have his way with me, let him make me feel good, and I still wanted


was as if having my hands on his body was some kind of high I couldn't stop


there had been no release for him, and I desperately wanted to make him feel as
amazing as I did.


as much as I was trying to respect what he said about heading back, I couldn't
help but notice that his arousal had become the elephant in the room- or rather,
the tractor.


there was no telling when we might have another chance like this, a chance to
be far away in funny clothes that gave us permission to behave strangely. It
was a chance I didn't want to regret missing.


I put my hand on his thigh. "I know you wanted-"


he asked, dropping one hand from the wide wheel.




shook his head. "All I wanted was to make you feel good and show you a
good time."


pursed my lips. "Well, you certainly did that."


accomplished then."


yet I've never seen you so tense." I glanced towards his belt buckle.


that," he said. "I'm working on that."


raised my eyebrows. "It doesn't look like you're doing a very good


well, you have that effect on me," he said. "And now that I've got a
picture of your perfect tits in my mind-"


slid my hand over the bulge between his legs, barely applying any pressure as I
let myself get used to the idea of taking things further. "Do you mind
if-" I couldn't say it, but the way his jaw clenched was permission


undid his belt buckle.




I asked, sliding his zipper down so I could feel the heat coming off him.


start something you can't finish-"


," I said, sliding my hand down his happy trail
into the last place I ever thought it would be.


held my breath as I wrapped my hand around his girth, torn between the
knowledge that what I was doing was serious while the startling size of him
made me want to break out in nervous giggles.


squeezed the base of his shaft, testing how hard he could take it, and when he
swelled even more in my hand, I gushed in my already soaked panties.


you make this any easier for me?" I asked, nodding towards the place where
my wrist had disappeared.


nodded towards the wheel, and I grabbed it with my free hand.


he was convinced that I could keep us on the worn dirt track, he raised himself
up, pulled his pants and boxers down around his thighs, and then sat back down
on the cushioned seat.


that?" he asked, taking the wheel again.


lifted my eyes from his swollen cock in my hand. "Better," I said,
stroking it.


looked back at me and his lips fell apart.


on the road," I said, picking up the pace.


tried to respect my wishes, but I could tell by the pained expression on his
face that the road was the last thing on his mind.


scooted closer to him and fondled his balls with my free hand, watching as the
anticipation grew in his eyes.


Andi, that
feels too good."


looked down and saw a bead of liquid at the end of his dick. I swiped it with
my thumb on an upstroke and spread it around the tip of his head.


far hand made a fist around the wheel.


gripped him harder, running my hand up and down him as if he were made of
steel, as if I couldn't hurt him.


his free hand swiped the hat off my head.


stared into his stormy eyes and knew what he couldn’t say.  


was good. Too good. And he was close.


swallowed and looked back at his thick shaft, trying to guess whether he would
shoot all over the wheel or erupt in my hand.


my mind didn't even let me finish the thought.


I bent over and took him in my mouth, swirling my warm tongue around his head
as I kept on stroking.


when I sank all the way down on him, he let out a deep groan that vibrated
through me.


moment later, he exploded against the back of my throat and I drank him down,
flattered at the amount of desire that had built up inside him.


wrapped a hand around the back of my neck while I swallowed every last drop.


I slid my mouth up his cock, licked my lips, and pulled my hand away.


looked at me with such a mixture of shock and affectionate approval that I
couldn’t help but be proud of myself.


I reached for the wheel, he pulled his pants up and tucked himself back in.


soon as he started steering again, I set his cowboy hat back on his head.


adjusted it and glanced at me.




raised his eyebrows. “I wasn't expecting that."


smiled. "Maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do."


laughed. "No. I'm pretty sure I do. But if I've learned anything tonight
it's that I'd like to get to know you even better."


think I'd like to know you better, too," I said, my cheeks suddenly warm
as I registered what I'd just done.


that a sexual reference?" he asked.


If you play your cards right."


that's great news," he said with a sly smile. "Cause I always play my
cards right."



Chapter 28: Shane





were quiet on the bus ride back to campus, unlike everybody else… Except for a
few wasted girls who were curled up in their seats, leaning against their
windows while their concerned seatmates patted their backs.


Andi wasn't drunk.


seemed wide awake.


I desperately wanted to know what she was thinking, wanted to know if she was
cool with everything that went down earlier out in the cornfield.


there was no reading to be done on her lips, and her eyes were dark.


we finally pulled up in front of the house, it was clear who was in a hurry to
get to the after party by how quickly they spilled down the steps of the bus.


other dozen passengers- mostly females- were a bit slower to get to their feet.


in for a drink," I said.


turned in her boots and stepped backwards away from the house. "I think
I'm going to call it a night."


it’s only-" I pulled my phone out of my pocket.


raised her eyebrows. "A totally acceptable hour to do that?"


I took my cowboy hat off and slid the brim between my fingers. "You’re
welcome to crash here."


shook her head. "I'm beat, Shane. This was all-" She looked around at
the sloppy
around us. "Great. But I've
had enough excitement for one night."


understand. Let’s get you home then-"


rather walk on my own, if that's okay. I'm too tired to be good company."


don't believe it."


side of her mouth curled up. "Thanks for tonight, though. I had a great


too," I said, checking her hair for hay.


safe at the after party."


think I'm going to skip it."


cocked her head.


night isn't going to get any better." I hooked my thumbs in my pockets.
"Especially if you leave."


rocked up on her toes and held my shoulders so she could kiss me on the cheek.


body ached for more, and my mind pictured her clothes falling away, revealing
all the places I hadn't yet had a chance to kiss her. "Text me when you
get home."




me," I said. "I know everybody says that, but I fucking mean






looked at me one more time, as if there were so many unsaid words inside her that
she didn’t know which to let out first. Then she turned her pointed boots
towards her apartment and crossed the street.


as soon as she disappeared around the corner, I headed in the same direction.


feet made the decision before my head did, but I wasn't about to let anything
happen to her on what was hands down my best day of college yet.


the fresh air wouldn’t kill me, and if I hung around, I'd just have to answer a
hundred belligerent questions about why I didn't feel like going to the after
party before making sure all the other girls got home safe.


there was only one girl I cared about.


I had to keep a farther distance than I would've liked due to the noisy heels on
my boots, but I couldn't just let her walk off into the night at this hour.


I saw her cross the street towards her apartment building up ahead, I stopped
in my tracks, watching as her shadow entered the brightly lit stairway.


I took a deep breath, I turned back towards my place, but something stopped me.
It was such a strong feeling there might as well have been an invisible hand on
my chest.


looked back towards the glowing staircase, letting my eyes follow the tiny
windows up to her floor.


should've texted me by now.


mind was listing a million reasons why she wouldn’t have texted just yet, but
my body was already taking long strides down the street.


when I got to the base of her staircase, I could hear voices above me.
Distressed, drunken voices.  


I took the
stairs two at a time, and when I rounded the corner towards the landing for the
third floor, my fists clamped shut.


had Andi up against the wall, and he was lifting her by the neck so her feet
barely touched the ground.


she saw me, there was nothing but fear in her eyes as her hands pulled at where
he was choking her.  


must've noticed her glancing past him because he turned to look over his
shoulder as soon as I reached the landing.


hit him a second later, hit him so hard I felt the echo of the punch in my hand
as he stumbled back against the concrete wall.




glanced at Andi and pointed at the floor above us.


can't you mind your own fucking business?" he asked, shaking his head and
stepping in my direction.


was going to ask you the same question," I said, ducking as he swung a
punch over me before sending an uppercut straight into his gut. "You been
drinking tonight, Mike? You're usually a better shot than that."


backed up, holding his stomach and looking for the wind I'd knocked out of him.


of the corner of my eye, I saw Andi pull out her phone.


can't you get it through your thick skull that she doesn't want you
anymore?" I asked.


doesn't know what she wants," he growled, putting his hand up on the wall.


stepped between him and the stairs that led to Andi. "You know if I killed
you right now, we'd both say it was self-defense, and nobody would fucking miss


and your empty threats," he said, straightening up again. "What's
that?" he asked, pointing at the ground between us.


fell for it like an idiot and he punched me square in the jaw.


pissed me off so much that I grabbed the shoulders of his shirt and kneed him
in the ribs as hard as I could.


stumbled to the ground clutching his side.


bent down and pulled his hair between my fingers. "Listen to me carefully,
Mike. I've got all kinds of ideas for how I could ruin your life."


trickle of blood seeped from the corner of his mouth.


favorite so far is I tell the cops I caught you trying to rape her-"


I wasn't- you wouldn't-"


would," I said, pulling his hair harder. "And then I'd make it my business
to tell everyone on this campus about you, and I’d take great pleasure in
watching you fail to shed that reputation."


the fuck is your problem?"


being near her, Mike." I scoffed. "Don't you get it? I’ll do anything
to protect her. And that certainly extends to fucking over a piece of shit like


stuck his tongue out and tasted his own blood.


I'm going to give you one last chance to do the right thing and disappear
before I make you disappear." I let his head go a little too hard against
the ground and stood up, deciding he didn't require any more physical


as soon as I took a step back, Andi swung her pointed boot straight into his


cried out and curled towards the wall in the fetal position.  


raised my eyebrows at her.


cops are on their way," she said, turning up the stairs. "Let's


me to never piss you off," I said, falling in line behind her.


turned at the top of the stairs. "Hey Shane."




piss me off."

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