Mugged (58 page)

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Authors: Ann Coulter

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Obama, assassination fear, 207–17, 219–22

Proposition 8 (California), 76

Pryor, Richard, 144

Puller, Lewis Burwell “Chesty,” 196

Pulp Fiction
(film), 129


Qadaffi, Muammar al-, 92

Quarls, Richard, 195–96

Quindlen, Anna, 14, 33, 68–69, 93


Rabkin, Jeremy, 156

Race riots

Baltimore, 98–99

Kerner Report, 10

liberal connection to, 13

Los Angeles, 120–25

New York City, 13, 28, 30, 80, 97, 255

Racial desegregation

blacks in trade unions, 4, 5, 181

military, 2, 4, 180

schools, 2–5, 170–71, 180

Racial discrimination

civil rights struggle.
Civil right laws; Republicans

Jim Crow, 9, 14, 20

mortgage lending, 126

restrictive covenants, 192


Racial turmoil

media as provocateur, 13, 22, 73–74, 102, 117–20, 123–26

in New York (1980s–1990s).
New York City

Race riots

starting point in U.S., 5–7, 20–21

Racism against blacks

as black criminal defense.
Crimes by blacks; Criminal justice system

Democratic claims against Republicans.
Republican racism (liberal claims of)

least/most racist states, 241

liberal obsession with, 5, 13–14, 16, 21–22, 69–70, 108–9, 207–8

Mark Fuhrman perjury conviction, 127–38

Obama resurrecting issue, 16–18, 223–35, 239–53

and OJ verdict, 15–16, 56, 127–28, 137–46

race mongers.
Democrats; Liberals;
specific names

racist statements by liberals, 250–53

white-on-black crimes, exaggeration of, 48–53

whites punished for, 21–22, 51, 127–38

Racism against whites

and Al Sharpton, 64–65

anti-Semitism, 64–65, 92

black-on-white retaliatory acts, 50, 52–53, 72–74, 120–23

and Jeremiah Wright, 17, 91–92, 229–30

Raines, Howell, 14

Ramseur, James, 100–101, 126

Rand, Paul, 245

Randolf, Irv, 187

Rangel, Charles

and Nation of Islam police attack, 79–81

tax evasion, 81

Ransier, Alonzo J., 175


by blacks, cases, 55, 73–74, 101, 126, 190

blacks versus whites statistics, 157–58

Duke lacrosse team hoax, 158–63

false claims, percentage of, 162

Tawana Brawley hoax, 62–63, 141–42

Violence Against Women Act (1994), 155–56

Raspberry, William, 134

Rather, Dan, 141, 250

Ratigan, Dylan, 246

Reagan, Ronald

assassination attempt, 209

black opposition to, 9

Philadelphia, Mississippi speech, 186–89, 199

Southern vote for, 168–69, 179, 269

welfare, view of, 199

Recht, Laurie, 64–66

Reconstruction Act of 1867, 180

Reed, Lou, 27

Reid, Andrea, 103, 104

Reid, Harry, 251

Reno, Janet, 154, 202

Republican racism (liberal claims of)

code words, Republican use of, 189, 198–200, 252–53

Confederate flag symbolism, 193–97

George H. W. Bush restrictive covenant, 192

George W. Bush Bob Jones speech, 193

Giuliani as racist, 200–202

hate crimes bill opposition, 202

Hillary exits Republican Party, 203–5

Jimmy Carter on, 187–88, 249

McCain’s black children, 197–98

N-word, anti-ObamaCare rally, 242–43

Obama birth certificate demands, 248

Obama “Celeb” ad, 238–39

Obama on, 226–27

racial fears, Republican exploitation, 187–89, 198–202

Reagan’s Philadelphia, Mississippi speech (1980), 186–89

Republicans are Southern, 179

Romney kitchen cabinet remark, 249–50

Scott Brown ads, 249, 252

and Southern Strategy, 51, 165–66, 169–70, 175–77, 183, 185–87, 198–99, 203

and Tea Party, 242–45

and voter ID laws, 247–48

Willie Horton ad, 189–92

See also
specific names

anti-slavery Amendments passed by, 179

civil rights laws supported by, 2–5, 20, 166, 171–73, 179–81

crime, decline under, 97, 144

Democrats label as racists.
Republican racism (liberal claims of)

expansion of party (1972), 179

Southern integrationists, work of, 171–73

and Southern vote, 2, 166–71, 179, 185, 265–71

Resnik, Judith, 156

Restrictive covenants, 192

Reuss, Pat, 155

Revel, Jean-François, 251

Revels, Hiram, 203

Reverse discrimination, 142

Rice, Condoleezza, 5, 183, 259

racist actions against, 219, 251–52

Rice, Susan, 228

Rich, Frank, 209, 210

Ricketts, Erol, 11–12

Rivera, Geraldo, 136

Rizzo, Frank, 89

Robbins, Alfonso, 89

Robertson, Pat, 65, 88

Robinson, Daniel, 101

Robinson, Eugene, 109, 175, 212

Robinson, Jackie, 107

Rockefeller, Winthrop, 171–72

Rodriguez, Anna, 30

Rodriguez Madera, Juana, 30–31, 33

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

as segregationist, 107–8, 183

as WASP, 158

and welfare state, 11, 107–8

Roosevelt, Theodore, 180

Rose, Charlie, 198

Rosenbaum, Yankel, 28–29, 125

Rosenthal, Abe, 95

Rove, Karl, 235

Rowan, Carl, 134

Ruben, Gerald, 124

Rudy, Kathy, 160

Russell, Richard, 3, 178

Ryan, Leo, 86, 87


St. Hill, John, 29, 220

Sandiford, Cedric, 49, 51, 52

Sandusky, Jerry, 26

Santiago, John, 53

Sarandon, Susan, 100

Sauerbrey, Ellen, 148

Savage, Dan, 76–77

Scalia, Antonin, 152

Schechter, Alan, 203

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 169

Schmoke, Kurt, 148

School desegregation

Democrats against, 2–3, 170–71, 180–81

Republican enforcement of, 2–5, 180

Schultz, Debbie Wasserman, 247

Schultz, Ed, 244, 246, 248

Schumer, Charles, 153

Schwerner, Michael, 186, 187

Scots-Irish, Southern redneck origin, 7–8, 10

Scott, Tim, 259

Scranton Times-Tribune
, on Obama assassination fear, 219–20

Scriven, Leonard, 59–60

Seale, Bobby, 87

Second Amendment rallies, 246

Secret Service

and Obama assassination rumors, 210–11, 213–14, 220–21

protection and presidential candidates, 210–11

Seedman, Albert, 79–80

Segregationists, Democrats as, 1–6, 21–22, 166–83, 204–5

Sexual harassment claims, 148

Shapiro, Norma, 96, 97

Sharpton, Al

anti-Semitic attacks of, 64–65

Brawley victim defamation suit, 141–42

called Jesse Jackson on MSNBC, 112

cocaine dealing, video of, 65–66

on gay marriage, 77

on Goetz verdict, 103

and Giuliani, 143–44

and Howard Beach, 51

MOVE and John Africa, 89–90

MSNBC show, 231

after OJ verdict, 16

in presidential campaigns, 139–40

and Tawana Brawley, 62–63, 131

and Yusef Hawkins shooting, 256–57

Sherr, Lynn, 45, 56

Shrum, Bob, 148, 187, 234

Siegel, Fred, 255–56

Siegel, Norman, 12

Sigal, Pete, 160

Simon, Roger, 187

Simpson, OJ

acquittal, 15–16, 127–28, 134–35

backlash for Mark Fuhrman, 135–38

black celebrations after trial, 127–28

civil suit, loss of, 137

evidence against, 135

white guilt, end of, 15–16, 56, 127–28, 137–46

Singer, Melanie, 115–16

Singer, Peter, 148

Singer, Tom, 115–16

Singleton, Darryl, 103

Singleton, David, 220

Sirhan, Sirhan, 212

, 239–40


anti-slavery amendments, Republican passage of, 179

and black instability, liberal excuse, 8, 11, 12, 14, 17, 107, 229–30

black strengths after, 11, 14, 107–8

as Civil War issue, 195

first Africans (1619), 248

Slavoski, Bill, 220

Slotnick, Barry, 103

Small, Sherrod, 146

Snyder, Jimmy “the Greek,” 21–22

Sobran, Joe, 49

Solano, Rolando, 116

Soros, George, 245

Southern Manifesto, 174, 181

Southern Poverty Law Center, 210, 214–17

Southern Strategy

code words, Republican use of, 198–99

LBJ statement on, 165–66

myth of, 169–70, 175–77, 185–87

and Nixon, 51, 175, 177, 183, 185, 199, 203

and Reagan, 186–89


black culture traced to, 7–10

Civil War, 174–75, 195–97

Confederates, as Democrats, 174, 193

and Democratic vote, 9, 167–70

military heroes of, 196–97

Northern discrimination against, 10

rednecks, ethnic origins of, 7–8, 10

Republican integrationists, 171–73

and Republican vote, 2, 166–71, 179, 185, 265–71

Sowell, Thomas, 7, 9, 11, 93–94, 134, 145

Sparkman, John, 2

Spitzer, Eliot, 154, 201–2

Stallings, George Jr., 43

Staple, Brent, 15

States’ rights, Democratic twist on, 189, 253

Steele, Michael, 145, 252, 259

Steele, Shelby, 125, 257, 260, 261

Stein, Rebecca, 161

Stennis, John, 178

Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth, 240–41

Stevens, John Paul, 152

Stevenson, Adlai, 2

Stewart, Michael, 24–27

Stewart, Moses, 257–58

Stone, Oliver, 100

Stormfront, 216

Stowers, Freddie, 196–97

Strossen, Nadine, 100

Students Against Racial Inequality, 60

Stupid White Men
(Moore), 108

Styler, Trudie, 100

Styron, William, 100

Sullivan, Andrew, 91, 228

Sullivan, Mark, 213–14

Sullivan, Stephen, 23

Summers, Edward, 45–46

Supreme Court

civil rights rulings, Republican enforcement of, 2–3, 5, 170

Democratic-appointed Klan member, 107, 172, 176, 178, 183

Republican-appointed black, 181, 183

Thomas rulings, 20, 251

Susskind, David, 35

Swain, Carol, 151

Sweetness & Light blog, 214–15, 217


Tarantino, Quentin, 129, 130

Taylor, Stuart, 137

Tea Party, racism, Democrat accusations, 109, 242–45

Thirteenth Amendment, 179

Thomas, Clarence

affirmative action ruling, 104

Democratic support, 178

as “freest black man,” 260

liberal views of, 251, 252

Second Amendment ruling, 20

segregationists against, 182–83, 219

Thomas, Foster 2X, 82–83

Thompson, Mark, 249–50

Three-fifths clause, 204

Thurmond, Strom

as Dixiecrat, 167, 169, 176, 178, 181

as Republican, 178, 182

Southern vote for (1948), 167

Till, Emmett, 90

Tomasky, Michael, 259

Toobin, Jeffrey, 234

Trinity International University, hate crime hoax, 61–62

Truman, Harry, 2, 4, 180, 265

Trump, Donald, 238

Turner, Ted, 118


USA Today
, 215


Valdes-Rodriguez, Alisa, 151

Van Houten, Lee, 36–39

Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 87

Village Voice

black criminals idealized (1980s–1990s), 37, 39–40

on Giuliani, 144

Viner, Ann, 54


and blacks.
Crimes by blacks

Southern, roots of, 7–8

Violence Against Women Act (1994), 154–56, 181

Vision of the Anointed, The
(Sowell), 93–94

Volpe, Justin, 90

Voting Rights Act of 1965, 172


black, secured by Democrats, 2, 9–10, 20–21, 107–8

black for Obama, 76, 240

racist, non-Obama voters as, 239–42, 258

Southern vote, 166–71, 265–71

voter ID laws, 247–48

white for Obama, 239–40


Wagler, Evelyn, 54

Walker, Wyatt T., 144

Wallace, George

black vote for (1982), 9

as segregationist, 4, 169, 176

Walsh, Joan, 244

Walters, Barbara, 203

Ward, Benjamin, 79–80, 257

Washington, Booker T., 107, 180

Washington, Isaiah, 150

Washington Post

black criminals idealized by (1980s-1990s), 35

Hillary on Obama assassination risk, 212

on Obama assassination fear, 214–15, 220–21

on Republicans as racists, 192

white-victims, blaming, 102

WASPs, 158

Watergate Committee, 177

Waters, Maxine, 120–22, 124–25, 207

Watson, Henry Keith, 121, 125

Webb, James, 197

Weiner, Rachel, 210

Weinstein, Kathleen, 47

Weisberg, Jacob, 239, 258

Weiswasser, Stephen, 124

Welfare system

black stability destroyed by, 11–14, 107–8

Clinton reform as Republican policy, 200

Reagan’s view of, 199

services, scope of, 122

Wertheimer, Linda, 197

West, Allen, 145, 219, 259

Westmoreland, William, 196

Wicker, Tom, 14, 109–10

Wilder, Douglas, 175

Wilentz, Sean, 97

Wilkins, Roy, 97–98

Williams, Anastasia, 247

Williams, Betty, 217–18

Williams, Damian, 121–22, 124–25, 150

Williams, Juan, 146

Williams, Robert F., 19–20

Williams, Ted, 57

Williams, Walter, 118, 134

Williams College, hate crime hoax, 60–61

Wind, Timothy, 116

Winger, Mark, 188

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