Mugged (55 page)

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Authors: Ann Coulter

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. John McWhorter, “Racism in Retreat,”
New York Sun
, June 5, 2008.

. John Heilemann and Mark Halperin,
Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime
(Harper, 2010) at 36.

“The Chris Matthews Show
,” (syndicated) March 7, 2010.

. See (“Occupy Wall Street is a people-powered movement that began on September 17, 2011, in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District”); Jillian Dunham, #OccupyWallSt Roundup, Day 59, November 14, 2011; Just Like the Tea Party: A List of Occupy Mayhem Sorted by Type, November 16, 2011, Verum Serum, available at

. James Bennet, “Clinton, at Meeting on Race, Struggles to Sharpen Debate,”
New York Times
, December 4, 1997.

. Eric Foner,
The Story of American Freedom
(W.W. Norton and Company, 1999) at 193 (“Under Roosevelt’s guidance [in 1932], the Democratic Party was transformed
from a bastion of localism and states’ rights into a broad coalition of farmers, industrial workers, the reform-minded urban middle class, liberal intellectuals,
and, somewhat incongruously, the white-supremacist South, all committed to federal intervention…
) (emphasis added)


. Fred Siegel, “Ground Zero for Big Government,”
The American Enterprise
, June 1, 2002.

.   As usual, it was white liberals who drove a truck through this hole. A Lindsay aide hired “Yippie” leader Abbie Hoffman as a “community liaison” and Hoffman responded “by writing giant ‘F—k You’s’ on the walls of Grand Central Station.” Fred Siegel, “Ground Zero for Big Government,”
The American Enterprise,
June 1, 2002.

.   Jurgensen at xviii.

.   E. J. McMahon and Fred Siegel, “Gotham’s Fiscal Crisis: Lessons Unlearned,”
Public Interest,
January 1, 2005.

.   See, e.g., Ralph Blumenthal, Black Youth Is Killed by Whites; Brooklyn Attack Is Called Racial, the
New York Times
, August 25, 1989.

.   Don Kowet, A close-up of race issue as media spectacle, the
Washington Times
, May 15, 1990 (reviewing “Seven Days in Bensonhurst,” PBS’s

.   Elizabeth Kolbert, “Youth’s Funeral Focuses on Racial Divisions,” the
New York Times
, August 31, 1989.

.   Ibid.

.   Walter Goodman, “Review/Television: Examining the Bensonhurst Killing,” the
New York Times
, May 15, 1990.

. Elizabeth Kolbert, Youth’s Funeral Focuses on Racial Divisions, August 31, 1989.

. M. A. Farber, “In Son’s Slaying, a Father Finds His Mission,” the
New York Times
, September 28, 1989.

. Celestine Bohlen, “Dinkins Stresses His Appeal for Harmony,” the
New York Times
, September 7, 1989.

. Ken Auletta, “Mayoral Flight’s Ready for Takeoff and I’m Getting on with Dinkins,” the
New York Daily News
, October 29, 1989 (quoted in Jared Taylor,
Paved With Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America
(Carroll & Graf Publishers 1992) at 265.

. Fred Siegel,
The Prince of the City: Giuliani, New York and the Genius of American Life
(Encounter Books 2006) at 74.

. Ibid.

. Michael Tomasky, “The Day Everything Changed;”
New York Magazine
, October 6, 2008.

. “Clinton Hits a Nerve on Race,” the
New York Times
, September 30, 1993.

. Margaret Wente, Interview: Shelby Steele, Harvard Academic And Black Conservative,
Globe and Mail
(Canada), October 20, 2007. (“Q: ‘Is there any prominent black figure who doesn’t wear the mask?’…Steele: ‘Clarence Thomas. He wears no mask at all. He’s not a bargainer or a challenger. He’s his own man. He has deep and profound convictions. You can take them or leave them, but he is unwavering. He is a rather heroic figure—the freest black man in America.’”)

“The Crisis of Black Political Succession,”
Washington Informer,
May 8, 2002.

. Sean Gregory, Why Cory Booker Likes Being Mayor of Newark, July 27, 2009, available at,9171,1910983,00.html #ixzz20RI8sz6K.

. Ibid.

. Glenn Townes, “Booker to deliver State of the City address,”
New York Amsterdam News
, March 1, 2012.

. See, e.g., Douglas Martin, “Patrick Chavis, 50, Affirmative Action Figure,” the
New York Times
, August 15, 2002; Abraham H. Miller, “Clinton’s Silenced Dialogue on Race,”
World and I,
June 1, 1998.

. This is a paraphrase of Peter Brimelow’s remark on the first page of his book
Alien Nation
: “There is a sense in which current immigration policy is Adolf Hitler’s posthumous revenge on America.” Peter Brimelow,
Alien Nation: Common Sense About America’s Immigration Disaster
(Harper Perennial 1996) at xvii, available at



Abortion, as constitutional right, 151–52, 154

Abrams, Robert, 62

Abu-Jamal, Mumia, 89–90, 99

Abyssinian Baptist Church (Harlem), 144–45

Accuracy in Media, 124

Ackerman, Spencer, 234–35

Adams, Eric, 143

Adams, James Luther, 75

Adams, John, 189

Affirmative action

Bakke decision, 142, 260

Bill Clinton on, 251

Clarence Thomas on, 104

and Republicans, 173

Africa, John, and MOVE, 88–90

Africa, Ramona, 90

African Americans

civil rights granted.
Civil rights laws; Racial desegregation;
specific laws

in Civil War, 195–97

colonial era arrival, 248

and criminal behavior.
Crimes by blacks; Criminal justice system

culture, Southern roots of, 7–10

and Democratic policies.
Democrats; Liberals

as Democratic voters, 2, 9–10, 20–21, 107–8

dialect, origin of, 9

discrimination and racism.
Racial discrimination; Racism against blacks

family, demise of, 11–14

gay marriage, opposition to, 12, 76

instability, creation of, 10–14, 107–8

justice for criminals, call for, 97–99, 101–4

marriage rate decline, 11–12

as Obama voters (2008), 76

OJ verdict, impact on, 15–16, 56, 127–28, 137–46

post-Civil War legislators, 175

post-slavery strengths of, 11, 14, 107–8

in presidential campaigns, 139–40

racial unrest.
Race riots; Racial turmoil

racism of.
Racism against whites

and Republican policies.

slave experience and present, 8, 11, 12, 14, 17, 107, 229–30

three-fifths clause, 204

voter ID laws, 247–48

and welfare state, 10–14, 107–8, 122

Agnew, Spiro, 4, 98, 172–73

Aid to Families with Dependent Children, 11

Ailes, Roger, 113

Alaniz, Roberto, 132

Albanian Bad Boys, 66

Allen, Barry, 100–101, 126

Allen, Bryant, 117

Allison, Anne, 159

Alter, Jonathan, 199, 238–39

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Democratic party connection, 19

on Joyce Brown case, 12

Amirault, Gerald, 189

Andre, Rudy, 78–79


and Al Sharpton, 64–65

and Jeremiah Wright, 92

Armstrong, Louis, 107


of Bush, references to, 217–18

non-racially motivated attempts, 218–19

of Obama, fear of, 207–17, 219–22

Audacity of Hope, The
(Obama), 91

Auletta, Ken, 258

Axelrod, David, 17, 228

Ayres, Bill, 238–39


Bailey, Dorothy, 118

Bailey, F. Lee, 128, 130

Baker, Howard, 171–72

Bakke, Allan, 142, 260

Baldwin, Alec, 100

Baltimore, race riots, 98–99

Barbieri, Paula, 137

Barkley, Charles, 231

Barnes, Cliff, 190–92

Barnes, Fred, 235

Barry, Marion, 42–44

Bazelon, David, 94

Beame, Abe, 256

Beatty, Jack, 51

Beck, Glenn, 245, 249

Beckel, Bob, 5, 252

Bell, Kathleen, 129

Bennett, Bill, 141

Berns, Walter F., 101

Bernstein, Carl, 6

Biden, Joe, 154, 250

Black, Hugo, in Ku Klux Klan, 172, 176, 178, 183

Black Armed Guards, 20

Black church

Jeremiah Wright, 29–230, 91–92

as Jim Jones model, 84

liberal approval of, 75–77

Southern traditions in, 8–9

Black cults

MOVE and John Africa, 88–90

Nation of Islam, 78–83

Peoples Temple, 83–88

Black Liberation Army, 255–56

Blackmun, Harry A., 152

Black Muslims.
Nation of Islam

Black Panthers, 100

Black rage insanity defense, 74

Black Rednecks and White Liberals
(Sowell), 7–9

Blackwell, Ken, 145

Blum, Dominic, 51

Bob Jones University

George W. Bush speech at, 193

interracial dating ban, 193

Booker, Cory, 260

Borjas, George, 150

Bork, Robert, 178

Bozell, Brent, 234

Bradley, Bill, 139–40

Branch Davidians, 90

Bratton, William, 143

Braun, Carol Moseley, 140

Brawley, Tawana

defamation suit against, 141–42

rape hoax, 40, 62–63, 131, 156

Breitbart, Andrew, 243

Brennan, William, 94, 97

Breslin, Jimmy, 51, 100

Brewer, Contessa, 112, 246

Brimelow, Peter, 192

Brinkley, David, 141

Briseno, Theodore, 116

Britt, Maurice, 171

Brokaw, Tom, 141

Brooke, Edward, 203–4

Brookhiser, Richard, 158

Brown, Carlton, 132

Brown, Denise, 135

Brown, Edmund, Jr., 84

Brown, Janice Rogers, 183, 259–60

Brown, Jerry, 84

Brown, Joyce, 12

Brown, Michael, 196

Brown, Rap, 99

Brown, Scott, 249–50

Brown, Willie, 84, 85

Brownmiller, Susan, 162

Brown v. Board of Education

Democratic resistance, 2–3, 170–71, 180–81

Republican enforcement of, 2–5, 4–5, 180

Bruce, Blanche, 203

Brunn, James von, 215–16

Brzonkala, Christy, 155–56

Bumpurs, Eleanor, 22–23

Bureau of Public Assistance, 11

Burke, Edmund, 133

Burton, Bill, 212

Burton, John, 84

Burton, Phillip, 84

Bush, George H. W.

restrictive covenant accusation, 192

Southern vote for, 170, 270

as WASP, 158

Willie Horton ad, 189–92

Bush, George W.

assassination, references to, 217–18

Bob Jones University speech, 193

and hate crime legislation, 202, 204

on Rodney King verdict, 118

as WASP, 158

Butts, Calvin, 144–45

Byrd, Harry, 177

Byrd, James, 202, 204

Byrd, Robert, in Ku Klux Klan, 174, 178

Byrne, David, 100


Cabey, Darrell, 100–101, 103

Cain, Herman, 219, 252, 259

Califano, Joseph, 85

Calloway, Bo, 172

Campbell, Barbara, 45, 56

Campbell, Naomi, 100

Cannon, Lou, 118

Canty, Troy, 100

Cardillo, Phil, 78–82

Carlin, George, 130

Carmichael, Stokely, 99

Caro, Robert, 174

Carter, Jimmy

campaign kickoff and KKK, 188

and Peoples Temple, 83–84, 86

on Republican racism, 187, 249

Southern vote for, 168, 170, 268–69

Carter, Rosalynn, 83–85

Cartmell, Suzanne Jones, 87

Carver, George Washington, 107

Cato, Gavin, 28

Center for American Progress, 245

Center for Individual Rights, 156

Central Park jogger, 26, 142

Chafe, William, 159

Chambers, Robert, 47–48, 50

Chambers, Stan, 123

Chaney, James, 186, 187

Chavis, Patrick, 260

Chertoff, Michael, 210

Chomsky, Noam, 100, 208

Christian, Cannon, 55–56

Christian, evangelical, 75, 88

Christie, Ron, 145

Churchill, Ward, 91

Circle of Six
(Jurgensen), 80

Cirincione, Joseph, 252

Civil rights, 147–64

abortion rights, 152, 154

and blacks.
Civil rights laws;
specific laws

Democratic definition of, 149–51

equal protection clause, 150, 154

gay marriage, 149–50

women versus blacks, 154–57

Civil Rights Act of 1866, 179

Civil Rights Act of 1957, 171, 174, 180

Civil Rights Act of 1960, 180

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 3, 147, 151, 165–66, 170, 180

Civil Rights Act of 1965, 181

Civil Rights Commission, 3

Civil rights laws

Democrats against, 2–3, 171, 174, 179–81

Republican support, 2–5, 20, 166, 171–73, 179–81

Civil War

African Americans in, 195–97

black legislators after, 175

Confederate flag as symbol, 193–97

political party affiliations, 174, 193

Clark, Ramsey, 94, 97

Clay, Lucius, 196

Cleaver, Emmanuel, 243

Clinton, Bill

on affirmative action, 251

Dinkins endorsement by, 259

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