Mugged (57 page)

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Authors: Ann Coulter

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Kozol, Jonathan, 100

Kroft, Steve, 207

Krugman, Paul, 198, 234

KTLA, Rodney King tape edited by, 115–25

Kuby, Ronald, 74

Ku Klux Klan

black armband Obama protest, 219

black defense against, 19–20

Carter campaign speech, 188

Democratic party connection, 19, 107, 172, 174, 176, 181–83

in NYC police department, 21, 24–25

Pickering war against, 152

Republicans as target of, 180

Web site traffic, 216

Ku Klux Klan Law of 1871, 151

Kunstler, William, 27, 74, 99, 231


Labor unions, blacks in, 4, 5, 181

Lane, Mark, 87

LaSane, Michael, 47, 233

Lasch, Pedro, 160

Law and order.
See also
Southern Strategy

as Republican code words, 199

Leach, Robert, 103, 104

Leaphart, Vincent, MOVE and John Africa, 88–90

Ledbetter, Huddie William (Lead Belly), 107

Lee, Robert E., 195

Lessing, Doris, 209

Lester, Jon, 49–50

Levin, Jennifer, 47–48, 50

Levy, Robert, 12

Lewis, Charles, 42–43

Lewis, John, 221

See also

and black crime/criminals.
Crimes by blacks; Criminal justice system

on black instability, slavery as cause, 8, 11, 12, 14, 17, 107, 229–30

blacks as pets of, 105, 108, 147

Christian evangelicals, view of, 75

civil rights activism fabricated by, 5–7

civil rights trends (post-OJ), 147–64

guilt relieved and OJ verdict, 15–16, 56, 127–28, 137–46

language, manipulation by, 172–73, 198–99, 252–53

limousine liberals, 256

and media.
Media (non-FOX);
specific outlets, for example, New York Times; CNN

racial turmoil, start of, 5–7

racism as obsession of, 5, 13–14, 16, 21–22, 69–70, 108–9, 207–8

on Republican as racists.
Republican racism (liberal claims of)

self-perception, hypocrisy of, 108–14

WASPs, view of, 158

Libertarians, Goldwater as, 166–67, 170–71, 185

Lieberman, Joe, 179

Limbaugh, Rush, 249

Lincoln, Abraham, 174, 255

Lindsay, John

Kerner Report, 10, 255–56

Nation of Islam mosque attack, 80–81

NYC devastation under, 95, 255–56

Lippman, Robert, 12

Livecchi, Dawn, 50

Long, Russell, 178

Lopez, Fidel, 121

Los Angeles

race riots, 120–25

Rodney King, 115–25

Los Angeles Times
, on Rodney King violence, 120–21

Lott, Trent, 176, 179

Louima, Abner, 90

Louis, Joe, 107

Love, Mia, 260

Lungren, Dan, 130, 132–33

Lynching, anti-lynching laws, 180


MacArthur, Douglas, 178, 196

McCain, John

black children hoax, 197–98

on Christian evangelicals, 88

McCarthy, Joseph, 177, 178

McCurry, Michael, 77

McDonald, Michael, 218

McDonald v. City of Chicago
, 20

McGlowan, Angela, 145

McGovern, George, 169, 179

McGrory, Mary, 251

Mack, John, 124

McKinney, Laura Hart, 128–29

McLauchlin, Melissa, 74

McMahon, E. J., 256

MacMillan, Robert M., 166

McWhorter, John, 93, 104, 250

Maddow, Rachel

black guests, gushy praise for, 99, 110–11

on Jim Jones, 87

on Obama birth certificate, 248

Maddox, Alton

black criminals defense by (1980s–1990s), 35, 40, 41–42, 51–52, 62, 89–90

Brawley victim defamation suit, 142

disbarred, 142

Maddox, Lester, 172, 176

Madoff, Bernie, 136–37

Magnuson, Warren, 171

Maher, Bill, 217

Mahoney, George, 4, 99, 172, 176

Mailer, Norman, 100

Mangum, Crystal, Duke lacrosse team rape hoax, 125, 156, 158–63

Mansfield, Mike, 171

Maraniss, David, 223

Marcotte, Amanda, 162–63


black, decline in rates, 11–12

gay, 76–77, 149–50

Marshall, Thurgood, 107, 183

civil rights cases by, 2, 3, 5

Martin, Trayvon

911 call, NBC editing, 115, 117, 233–34

deceptive photos, 37, 101

media drops story, 18

Obama comments on, 233–35

Mason, C. Vernon

black criminals defense by (1980s–1990s), 51–52, 58

Brawley victim defamation suit, 142

Master of the Senate
(Caro), 174

Matthews, Chris

bean-counting hypocrisy of, 109

on racist Tea Party, 245

on Republican racism, 187

Matthews, Frank L., 58

Meacham, Jon, 179, 199

Media (non-FOX).
See also
specific outlets, for example, New York Times; CNN

anti-police position of, 27–29, 32, 38, 122–23, 133–34

black criminals idealized by (1980s-1990s), 22–33, 37–42, 45–46, 67–68

black-on-white crime, downplaying, 53–56, 59, 61–62, 67–68, 72–74, 81, 255–56

on blacks, after OJ verdict, 141

civil rights-centered slant, 17, 21–22, 120, 144

civil rights records, hiding, 178–79

JournoList leak, 234–35

and Obama assassination rumors, 208–17

peace between races, sabotaging, 13, 22, 73–74, 102, 115, 117–20, 123–26

on protecting Obama, 234–35

video, altering/editing, 115–25, 117, 233–34, 246

white crime victims, blaming, 41–42, 101–2

Medlin, Edward A., 60

Meeropol, Robert, 99

Meredith, James, 109

Messinger, Ruth, 144

Metts, Harold, 247

Meyers, Danette, 132

Meyers, Twyman, 255–56

Meyerson, James I., 35

Miami Herald
, 39

Mignolo, Walter, 160

Milbank, Dana, 220–21

Military, desegregation of, 2, 4, 180

Miller, Angela, 190–92

Miller, Kelly, 99, 107

Miller, Stephen, 161

Mississippi Burning
(film), 72

Mondale, Walter, 83–84, 86, 139, 169, 252

Moore, Gilbert, Jr., 60–61

Moore, Hazel Diane “Rasheeda,” 43

Moore, Michael, 100, 108

Moore, Sara Jane, 218

Morganthau, Robert, 32–34

Mormons, gay marriage, opposition to, 76

Morrison, Antonio, 155–56

Morse, Wayne, 171

Mortgage-backed securities, racism related to, 126

Moscone, George, 84, 85

Moses, Peter, 67

MOVE and John Africa, 88–90

living conditions, 89

shootout with police, 89–90

Moyers, Bill, 165–66, 252–53

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 258–59

See also
Maddow, Rachel; Matthews, Chris; Olbermann, Keith

liberal hypocrisy at, 108–14

on Obama assassination fear, 215–17, 246

on Southern Strategy, 187

Muhammad, Don, 143

Mumia Awareness Week, 99

Murder Without Motive: The Edmund Perry Story
(film), 41

Murphy, Audie, 196

Murphy, Patrick, 80–82

Murphy, Wendy, 161–62

Murray, James, 171

Myers, Dee Dee, 182


Nappi, Scott, 45–46

NARAL Pro-Choice America, 177, 183

National Abortion Rights Action League, 153

National Action Network, 139–40

Nation of Islam

police attacked at mosque (1972), 78–83

police attacked at mosque (1994), 143

Navarra, Vito, 78–80

Nee, Dan, 122

Negroes with Guns
(Williams), 20

Nelson, Diane, 160

Nelson, Lemrick, 28–29, 125

Newark, Booker transformation of, 260

New Deal, and welfare state, 107–8

Newman, Paul, 100

New Republic
, 247–48

, black criminals idealized by (1980s–1990s), 29, 33, 39–40, 67–68

Newsom, Christopher, 55–56

, 102, 199

Newton, Bennie, 121

Newton, Huey, 84

New West
, 85

New York City

black community leaders.
Maddox, Alton; Mason, C. Vernon; Rangel, Charles; Sharpton, Al

black criminals idealized (1980s–1990s), 22–23, 29, 33, 35, 37–41, 45–47, 54, 67–68

black-on-white crime, media neglect of, 53, 59, 67–68, 72–74, 81

black-on-white crime cover-ups, 78–83, 255–56

black-on-white retaliatory acts, 50, 52–53, 72–74

blacks framed by whites claims, 45–47

crime rate decrease in, 144

Dinkins and racial crimes (1990s), 29–31, 66–67, 73, 74, 256–59

Giuliani’s transformation of, 82, 142–45, 200, 202

hoaxes by blacks (1980s–1990s), 58–59, 62–68, 71

Lindsay administration damage, 95, 255–56

media coverage.
Media (non-FOX);
specific outlets, for example, New York Times

Nation of Islam provocation, 78–83, 143

police, black attacks on, 23–41, 78–83, 255–56

police, media attacks on, 27–29, 32, 38, 201

police brutality/racism claims (1980s–1990s), 22–41

police department/Klan rumors, 21, 24–25

race riots, 13, 28, 30, 80, 97, 255

racial turmoil, reasons for, 5, 20–21

segregation, lack of, 5

white victims, blaming, 102, 104

New York Magazine

black criminals idealized by (1980s–1990s), 45–46

on Dinkins, 259

New York Post
, 67

New York Times

anti-police position of, 27–29, 32, 38, 201

black criminals idealized by (1980s–1990s), 22–33, 38, 47, 54, 67–68

civil rights-centered slant, 17, 49, 51, 92, 144

on Clarence Thomas decisions, 105

on Clinton crime policy, 200

crime by blacks, downplaying, 53–56, 61–62, 67–68, 81

on John Lindsay, 95, 256

on Obama assassination fears, 209–12

on Obama/racism connection, 16–17, 212, 240–41

white-victims, blaming, 102, 104

Nichols, John, 174

Nifong, Mike, 26, 162

Nimitz, Chester W., 196

Nixon, Fred, 123

Nixon, Richard M.

and civil rights laws, 3, 20

on Democrats as segregationists, 4, 20

impeachment and Democrats, 4

law and order as code words, 199

school desegregation by, 4–5

and Southern Strategy, 51, 175, 177, 183, 185, 199, 203

Southern vote for, 168, 169, 267–68

Noah, Tim, 240

See also
New York City

black underclass, creation of, 10–14

discrimination against Southerners, 10

race riots (1960s), 13

Norton, Eleanor Holmes, 213–14

Nossiter, Adam, 174–75


accepted use of, 128–29

anti-ObamaCare rally, 242–43

Mark Fuhrman perjury conviction, 127–38

real crime versus, 134–35


Obama, Barack

assassination fears for, 207–17, 219–22

birth certificate demands, 248

blackness, other Democrats on, 227–29

black voters (2008), 76, 240

“Celeb” ad, 238–39

on coal industry, 241–42

David Dinkins compared to, 18, 258

on Gates-Crowley incident, 231–33

on handling white people, 225

on Imus racist comments, 231

and Jeremiah Wright, 17, 91–92, 229–30

non-voters as racists, 239–42, 258

N-word, anti-ObamaCare rally, 242–43

racism in memoirs of, 223–24

racism resurrected by, 16–18, 223–35, 239–53

on Republicans as racists, 226–27

Secret Service protection, 210–11, 213–14, 220–21

self-race-baiting by, 226–28

Southern vote for, 174–75

on states’ rights, 189

on Trayvon Martin shooting, 233–35

white voters (2008), 239–40

Obama, Michelle

master’s thesis on blacks, 224–25

O’Reilly lynching comment about, 112–14

on threats to Barack, 207, 209

Occupy Wall Street, 251

O’Connor, Sandra Day, 18, 152

Ohrenstein, Manfred, 151

O’Keefe, Michael, 29–34

Olbermann, Keith

Hillary on Obama assassination risk, 212–13

O’Reilly firing, demand for, 112–14

on Republican racism, 187, 238–39, 249

Olmstead, Frederick Law, 9

Olsen, Ron, 124

O’Mahoney, Joseph, 171

Operation PUSH, 230

O’Reilly, Bill

firing, Olbermann demand for, 112–14

Jesse Jackson exposure by, 145

Ornish, Dean, 100

Orr, Delbert Africa, 89

Oswald, Lee Harvey, 87


Pagones, Steven, 62, 141–42

Palin, Sarah, Obama threat at rally, 219–21

Parloff, Roger, 118

Patrick, Deval, 175

Pelosi, Nancy, 243

People for the American Way, 153

People’s Forum
, 84

Peoples Temple, Democratic connection to, 83–88

Perkins, Francis, 11

Perry, Edmund, 36–41

Perry, Jonah, 36, 38, 40

Philadelphia, Mississippi, Reagan’s campaign speech, 186–89, 199

Phillips, Lisa, 122

Pickering, Charles

civil rights heroism of, 152–53, 172

federal appointment blocked by liberals, 152–53

Pickett, George, 195

Pinchback, P. B. S., 175

Pitts, Leonard, 210

Planned Parenthood, 152


black victim/white-cop brutality (1980s–1990s), 22–41, 115–20, 122–23, 201

media position against, 27–29, 32, 38, 122–23, 133–34, 201, 255–56

Political correctness, beginnings of, 21

Poll tax, 172

Potok, Mark, 210, 214–17

Potter, Charles, 2

Powell, Colin, 251

Powell, James, 97

Powell, Laurence, 116–17, 119, 123

Presidential campaigns

Democrats, on Republican racism.
Republican racism (liberal claims of)

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