Motown Breakdown (Motown Down #4) (38 page)

BOOK: Motown Breakdown (Motown Down #4)
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Did I pitch a fit when he demanded I wear my hair up? Yep. I actually growled when he barked the command that I wear heavy makeup too. Me and makeup weren’t friends because I didn’t have a steady hand for it. I’ve already poked my eye with the mascara wand twice causing me to wipe off my progress and start over. Although, standing in front of the mirror I had to admit… I’d fuck me.

Shade didn’t say where we were going only that it was formal, there would be dancing, food, and others like him. Criminals like to party, got it. Ignoring the pinch in my feet, I head toward his office and stand in the door like an uncomfortable idiot while he spoke on the phone. In my books, the males see the female and ravish her because their territorial natures demanded it. Not him, no… he was on the fucking phone. Grabbing a chair because the dogs were already barking, I was about to kick them off when he emits what I believed was a growl. Looking up I snap, “What?”

“Stand up,” he says narrowing his eyes.

With a huff, I push up out of my chair and stand there waiting for him to do something. The longer I stood the more pissed off he looked. “Now would be a great time to tell me I look amazing. That no other has ever rocked this dress quite like I have.”

“This is the dress you chose?”

“No Sherlock, it’s the dress your mom chose.”

“Go change.”

“Come again?”

“You are not wearing

With my ego silently weeping I look down at myself and wince. “What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s indecent,” he snaps but he was into it, I could tell.

“You want to fuck me right now, don’t you?” I tease.

“Yes,” he says coming around his desk. “I do. And so will every other male in the room, so unless you want a body count I suggest you change.”

“This is the only dress I have,” I whisper wishing I was in my sweats. “If my appearance embarrasses you, I’ll just stay here.”

“The males in your books,” he says pulling me to him. “What would they do?”

“The total opposite of what you just did.”

“Shit,” he says running his fingers down my arms. “We’ve established I’m jealous, Sun, but this dress out in public where others may see you in it will put me over the edge.”

“Why? The only person’s opinion I care about, the only man’s eyes I want on me are yours.” When his eyes soften, I run my fingers over the front of his suit coat. “You look sexy in a suit,” I tell him. “Women will look at you, I won’t like it at all, but you belong to me for now and you need to trust that I belong to you too.”

Taking my wrist, he brings it to his mouth pressing his lips over the moon that was healed and smooth. “Fucking gorgeous,” he says looking up at me.

Taking my hand, he led me out to the garage looking his fill from head to toe with lust in his eyes. Preening at that, I exaggerate my slide into the sedan showing him some thigh. And yes, I was happy to let him suffer with his erection the entire drive over for making me ever doubt how stunning I looked.

I’d be writing that down too.



Helping her from the sedan, we head inside hand in hand. These events happen at a moment’s notice and are by invite only. There was no time to order her a gown that covered her and I was kicking my own ass for allowing her to wear it. Which meant I was leading Sun into a den of vipers in wearing a tight and revealing gown. Having no choice but to attend, I’ve been to enough of these that not much shocks me anymore. Everything about this party screams excess, fuck the law, and any willing human being. I always found it hilarious that even criminals like to pretend to be sophisticated. However, the only one here who fit that bill was on my arm.

Sun would garner attention because she was beautiful but more than that, it was her aura. It spoke to others like me who want to bask in, then break her all at once. Little do they know, she’s a lot tougher than she looks, that she was the ultimate enigma. She was also a klutz which gave me a reason to hold her hand. When we cleared the doors into what I guess you would call a ballroom, she doesn’t give any indication that she’s shocked at her surroundings or those watching her. But I knew she was by the way she held my hand a little tighter. All eyes were literally on her. Men, women, didn’t matter. They all looked at her with shock and lust, a few with greed. Like I said, attending these functions was part of the job but this was the first time I have ever brought a woman with me and people noticed. For one night only, this place was neutral ground. This was a chance for alliances to be formed and deals to be made. I wasn’t here to do either of those things, I was here to make a statement.

First to let the competition know Luna was no longer under my care and that Sun was, that she was off limits and a death sentence should anyone try and take her from me. But it was also an opportunity to show her off. From her gorgeous body to that fuck me into the floor gown, those heels that put us at eye level and her tits…. She was fucking edible and I wanted to taste their jealousy.

No sane woman would want to come to something like this but the females in attendance loved this shit. From the blatant drug use, to public acts of BDSM and even women sucking cock in plain sight loving the audience. It all disgusted me but watching her take it in eased me. Sun watched it all with an author’s eye and she was beauty in a beastly place. In moments I would be approached, they would try to take her from me possibly woo her but that wouldn’t be happening. She belonged to me and I to her, she went nowhere.

“Come here often?” she asks breaking the silence.

“Sadly, I do,” I mumble. “It’s part of the game.”

“Why do I get the feeling you bringing a date is a big deal?”

“Because I’ve never brought a date,” I whisper in her ear. “Care to dance?”

These people wanted a show, I’d give them one. Taking her in my arms, we danced to music I didn’t know or care about. All I saw, heard, and felt was Sun. “Criminals like to stare,” she says before biting my lip. “And I don’t like the way these women look at you, that’s me giving you fair warning, Shade.”

“This is neutral ground,” I remind her. “Both of us have to behave, which is proving difficult for me to do considering the way
is looking at you.”

“Kiss me,” she urges. “Show them I belong to you.”

You don’t have to ask me twice…
Sealing my mouth over hers wasn’t for them, it was for us. Getting lost in her wasn’t difficult either. Not when she was clutching me as hard as I was clutching her. I was already painfully hard and she knew it because when she ran her hand over my dick, I thrust into it needing a release. “What you do to me,” I groan. I was cognizant of every set of eyes in the room, all of which watched

“While I’m not into banging with an audience,” she says nibbling on my ear. “If you found us a dark corner, I’d make you a very happy criminal.”

“You want to fuck
?” I wasn’t going to say no, but this was the last thing I expected from her.

“Less talking,” she says twirling herself out and then back into my arms. “More scouting for locations.”

Gripping her tight, I led her from the dance floor and to the darkest corner I could find away from prying eyes. Once I was certain she was out of sight, I wasted no time getting under that gown.



The scenery was

The drugs and the orgies didn’t bother me, but the women staring at him was pissing me off. Shade wasn’t down for this and I couldn’t blame him. This place, the atmosphere and the people were super shady. They looked eager to pounce on both of us but I didn’t focus on them. I focused on Shade and wanting to pounce on him. I’ve never been a fan of dancing until we started our rhythm. We didn’t move much, more like a small grind but all I could think about was his erection and wanting to sit on it.

Lucky for me, he didn’t disagree and even with all eyes on us I smiled wide as he pulled me from the make shift dance floor and down a series of halls. Shade found sunken doorway that was dark enough for us to have a touch of privacy. Throwing me into the corner, he lifts my dress and sinks two fingers inside of me without warning. Letting my head fall back I could feel his breath in my ear. “You’re naked under this gown,” he moans.

“Easy access,” I pant while he inserts a third.

“We have to be quick,” he says sliding his slacks down.

“I won’t be quiet,” I moan again when the gown slips off my shoulders.

“Turn around,” he orders twisting my shoulders. Planting my hands on the wall, I gasp when the air hits my skin and cry out when he fits himself inside of me. Someone wasn’t messing around… “Have to fuck you,” he says for my ears only.

“Need you to fuck me,” I respond in a low voice. Sore feet be damned I fell in love with these heels for lining us up perfectly. Pounding me from behind and pushing back he bites my shoulder to stifle his own moans.

“You,” he says gripping my hips. “Here,” he groans then does an upward thrust that has my eyes crossing. “This fucking pussy, say it, tell me who owns you.”

“You do,” I cry out as my orgasm threatens to steal my ability to stand. If it wasn’t for him and the wall, I’d be face down on the floor right now. When his thrusts start to falter, I know he’s close. With urgency he slams into me and his grunts are beautiful music to my ears. Breaking away, I cut off his protest by pushing him into the wall and sinking to my knees. Anchoring my hands on his thighs, I take him into my mouth and to the back of my eager throat. Snagging my wrists, he holds them up above my head while his cock fills my throat. In and out, hot and hard I hollow and suck. His words are choppy, so lost to lust he can’t finish them. But I was able to make out that he was coming.

And when he did, he came hard.

Taking all of it, I lick my lips and need his help to stand. Even in the dim light he looks possessive and I know I looked the same. “Who do you belong to, Shade?” I ask adjusting his clothes.

“You, Sun,” he says running his thumb along the seam of my lip. “I belong to you.”

“Pardon the interruption,” a voice says and Shade goes eerily still. “Now that you’re done with her, I was hoping for a turn.” Gripping me, he whispers in my ear, “Head back to the ballroom and wait for me by the bar.”

Doing as he said, I adjust my straps and push past the man eye fucking me and wait by the bar. It didn’t take long to be approached. Without Shade by my side these pervs assumed I was fair game. These pervs would be wrong. Politely declining invites to threesomes, four-ways, and some smack, I search the crowd for Shade.

However, when a woman sidles up next to me with smeared lip stick and an agenda the words
neutral ground
were removed from my vocabulary. “Whatever he is paying you for, I’d do for free.”

“You smell like goat cheese,” and she totally did too.

“A moon,” she says ignoring my insult and grabbing my wrist. “He’s branded you then.”

“Release my wrist before I break
,” I tell her evenly.

“We are all on neutral ground,” she smiles. “As Shade’s
,” she says with a sneer. “The rules apply to you too.”

BOOK: Motown Breakdown (Motown Down #4)
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