Read More Than Once Online

Authors: Elizabeth Briggs

Tags: #new adult contemporary romance, #rock star, #Romance, #New Adult, #college, #Romantic Comedy, #rocker, #rock band, #tattoos, #reality tv show, #Contemporary, #Geek, #nerd, #bad boy, #Sex, #Christmas, #Holiday, #fake romance, #second chances, #pretend boyfriend

More Than Once (20 page)

BOOK: More Than Once
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When we returned to the dressing room, she took a deep breath and faced the band.

“I’ll do it.”


ervous?” Maddie asked.

“No,” I said, smiling at her. “Excited.”

It was my first live show with the band since New Year’s Eve, and we were doing a special Valentine’s Day concert at a club in Los Angeles. The venue was more like what I was used to playing with them, although bigger than any clubs we’d performed in before they’d gone on
The Sound

“Me too,” she said, gazing across the organized frenzy happening backstage. “There’s nothing like it, is there?”

I nodded. Maddie and I were pretty different, but we both loved music in the same way. I’d never thought she and I could be friends, not after what I’d done, but I was happy to be proven wrong.

I’d moved to LA about a month ago, into a vacant room in Maddie’s apartment. One of her roommates had recently moved to New York, so she’d needed someone to sublet the place until their lease ran out in June. At first I’d been nervous about living with Maddie, worried it would be uncomfortable between us, but she’d given me lots of space and been nothing but kind to me.

Being back in LA just felt right. Like when I was with Andrew or on stage with the band…it was home. The only downside was that I missed Andrew and my family like crazy.

Maddie hopped off the stool she’d been sitting on. “I better make sure Jared’s not getting into any trouble.”

“Good luck with that,” I said, grinning.

She disappeared into the blur of people who were frantically getting our instruments ready. A minute later, I caught a glimpse of her across the room, talking with Jared. He was checking the sound on his black Fender guitar, and he looked up at Maddie and smiled. He played a chord for her and then stretched out his fingers. The cast was gone, and although he still needed some physical therapy, the doctors said his hand would be completely recovered soon. Thank god.

Even though Jared could play again, they still hadn’t changed their minds about wanting me in the band, too. In the past month, they’d made me feel like part of the family, like I truly belonged with them. I’d never expected that, but we’d been able to put all of our problems behind us and move forward. Now we had a huge tour lined up for the summer, and I couldn’t wait for it to get started. For once in my life, I felt like I’d found my place in the world.

The only thing missing was Andrew.

He’d been searching for a job in LA for the past month with no luck. I knew he would find one soon, but until then, the long-distance thing was the absolute worst. I talked to him every day, but it wasn’t the same as being with him.

We still had a few minutes before the show, so I tried calling him, but he didn’t pick up. Maybe he was eating dinner or something. I called my sister instead, and she answered on the second ring.

“Becca! I’m so happy you called. We just got Hannah to bed, and Matt and I are about to have a little romantic evening together.”

“How are things between the two of you?”

“They’re perfect.” Her voice was warm and happier than I’d heard her in months. “Thank you again for everything.”

for always being there for me.”

“Always. Sisters first and forever.”

She spent the next few minutes telling me about all her new classes. She was taking three at a local community college, which gave her enough time to take care of Hannah while still doing a full semester. Our parents were paying for it and were helping with Hannah, too. Even Matt’s parents had chipped in a little, to make sure Trish and Matt could cover their bills and both go to school at the same time.

We switched to talking about me, and I told her about my days spent practicing with the band and doing publicity stuff with them. I’d also started looking into online classes I could take on the side, although I hadn’t decided on anything yet. I had plenty of time to figure it out.

“So is he there yet?” Trish asked when we were both caught up.

“Who?” I asked.

As soon as I said the word, I saw him. Dark blond hair. Geeky glasses. And those hazel eyes that turned a million colors under the lights.

“Oh my god,” I said, my hand trembling as I clutched the phone to my ear. I was so excited I could barely speak. “You knew he was coming tonight?”

She laughed. “Have a good Valentine’s Day, Becca.”

I hung up without another word and rushed forward, flinging myself into Andrew’s arms. He swept me up and slanted his lips across mine, giving me a fierce, passionate kiss that trailed off into a dozen smaller, lighter ones. In between each kiss he whispered my name in something like a plea. Over and over, between each gentle press of his lips, like he couldn’t believe we were together again either.

“Andrew,” I said, breathless. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you,” he said, smiling at me. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

I kissed him again, unable to get enough after being separated for a month. “You’re the best present I could have asked for.”

“Oh, yeah?” he asked. “Maybe later you can tie
up this time.”

“I’d like that,” I said, desire rushing straight to my core. I slid my hand down his shirt, feeling his hard muscles underneath. “As soon as this show ends, we’re getting naked.”

He grinned and yanked me harder against him. “Trust me, that was the plan.”

“How long are you in town for?”

“Only a few days. I have a couple of things to take care of…but then I’ll be back.”

My heart leaped, but I tried not to jump to any conclusions. “Back?”

“Back for good. I got a job here in LA.”

“You did? How? Where?”

“Hector helped me, actually. Your manager Dan needs someone to take over PR for his clients now that his new management company is taking off, thanks to Villain Complex’s success. Hector sent him my resume, and we had an interview the other day, and then I was hired. Now I just need to find a place to live.”

“That's amazing. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” I gave him a dozen more kisses but then pulled back to study his face. “Wait. Are you sure this is what you want? I know you liked your old job, and I’d feel awful making you move here just for me.”

“Of course I want this. I always knew Dallas wasn’t going to be my permanent home, and this new job is perfect for me. But most importantly, I get to be with you. Wherever you are is where I’m meant to be.” He ran his thumb across my lower lip in that way that always made me wild. “Becca, I love you.”

My heart fluttered almost painfully. It was the first time he’d said that to me. I’d known for some time that I loved Andrew, ever since New Year’s Eve really, and I’d had a feeling he loved me too, but I’d waited for him to say it first. I didn’t want to pressure him since he’d wanted to take it slow—but in the end, he’d said it much sooner than I’d expected.

“I love you, too, Andrew,” I said, giving him another kiss.

“I know.” He grinned and lightly smacked my butt. “Now get out there on stage and make every guy in the audience want you. And then come back to me afterward.”

I laughed. “I think most of the guys are more into Maddie than me. She has that sexy librarian thing going with her glasses and all.”

He nipped at my ear and whispered, “I happen to know there are plenty of guys who prefer the bad girl.”


he taxi dropped us off in front of the house, and we wheeled our luggage up the icy walkway. It hadn’t started snowing yet in Dallas this year, but it must have been raining recently because the air had a brisk, damp chill in it. The trees running up and down the street were bare, and all of the houses were lit up with sparkling, colorful lights and holiday decorations. I stopped for a second and breathed it in. I liked living in Los Angeles, but I definitely missed having real winters.

“Hang on,” I said to Becca before she got to the door.

She stopped and turned toward me. “Hmm?”

“There’s something I have to do before we go inside.”

“Shit, did you forget something in the taxi? Because we can—”

She stopped mid-sentence when I got down on one knee in front of her, right there in the middle of the walkway. The ice instantly soaked through my jeans and was almost painfully cold, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was her face when I pulled out the tiny black box that had started all of this.

“Becca, when I met you I was lost. I was a broken man who never thought he could ever love again. But Hector introduced me to you, and you rocked my world in ways I’d never imagined. You were perfect for me in every way, but I was scared. I needed time to find myself again. And one year ago today, fate brought us back together.”

She covered her hands with her mouth, her beautiful brown eyes wide. “Oh, Andrew.”

I kept going, worried I’d lose my momentum. I’d practiced this speech a dozen times and I couldn’t stop now. “Every second I was pretending to be your boyfriend, I wanted it to be real. I asked you for one date, but I knew it would never be enough. And when you moved away, I decided I would do whatever it took to follow you. I’m so glad I did because these last few months with you have been the best in my life.”

I opened up the little black box, showing her the ring inside. A gold band, perfectly sized for her finger (thanks to Trish’s help), with a big round diamond on top. It had once belonged to my grandmother, and one day I hoped Becca would pass it on to our one of our grandchildren, too.

“Becca, I never thought I would ever ask anyone to marry me again, but you made me believe in love—and in second chances. I know we may seem like opposites on the surface, but we’re more like two interlocking puzzle pieces, two sides of the same coin, a salt-and-pepper set that can never be split up. We complete each other, and I can’t imagine a life without you.”

“Oh my god, get to the point already,” she said, laughing, her eyes glittering with unshed tears.

I smiled up at her. “Becca, will you marry me?”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

I slid the ring onto her finger, and she pulled me to my feet and into a fierce kiss. I’d kissed her thousands of times in the past year, but it was never enough. I wanted to spend the rest of my life kissing her. And now that she’d said yes, I could do exactly that.

“I love you,” she said against my lips, clinging to my sweater.

“I love you, too.”

When we broke apart, Becca glanced at the front window and laughed. “We should probably go inside before my mother explodes with happiness.”

Through the window, her family stood beside the Christmas tree, watching us with big smiles. Evelyn was clapping her hands together and beaming, while a much bigger Hannah jumped up and down. Trish wiped at her eyes with a big smile, leaning against Matt, who had his arm wrapped around her. David just gave me a proud nod. I’d asked him for his permission a week ago, and he’d gladly given it. Like I’d told Becca last year, parents always loved me.

Becca slipped her hand into mine and led me inside, to our second annual dinner with her family on Christmas Eve. This time, they greeted me by my real name.

In the past year, Becca and I had started over together. With each other’s help, we’d gone after the things that had scared us the most. For her, life as a rock star in what was now one of the most famous bands in the world. For me, a second chance at love and marriage, with the right woman this time. I had no idea what the future held for the two of us, but I couldn’t wait for it to start.


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a bonus scene from More Than Once?

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More Than Exes (#0.5)
 - Kyle and Alexis's story, set at the Battle of the Bands.

More Than Music (#1)
 - Jared and Maddie's story, set on 
The Sound

More Than Comics (#2)
 - Hector and Tara's story, set at Comic-Con.

More Than Fashion (#3)
 - Julie and Gavin's story, set on
Behind The Seams

More Than Once (#4)
 - Becca and Andy's book, set during the holidays.

More Than Distance (#5)
 - Carla's story. Coming soon!

For a limited time only, sign up for Elizabeth's reader list to get a FREE copy of the prequel novella MORE THAN EXES!

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Did you miss the first book in the series, 
More Than Music
? If so, turn the page to read an excerpt...

They can't resist each other, but their secret romance might tear their band apart... 
Classical musician Maddie Taylor secretly dreams of a louder life, but geeky girls like her don't get to be rock stars. That is, until tattooed singer Jared Cross catches her playing guitar and invites her to join his band on The Sound, a reality TV show competition. 
Once on the show, Maddie discovers there's more to Jared than his flirty smile and bad boy reputation. With each performance their attraction becomes impossible to ignore, but when the show pressures them to stay single, they're forced to keep their relationship secret. 
As the competition heats up, Jared will do whatever it takes for his band to win, and Maddie must decide if following her dream is worth losing her heart.

onight was going to be epic, I could feel it. I edged closer to the stage, pushing past emo kids with sweeping black hair and girls in fishnets and combat boots. Julie and Carla followed, our hands linked so we wouldn’t lose each other while I searched for the perfect spot. Not right in front so we looked like obsessed groupies hanging all over the band, but close enough to get a good view of the stage and feel the music vibrating under our skin. After some maneuvering, the three of us wedged into a space in the crowd and clinked our beers together.

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