
Read Knowing Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #knowing, #Viola Grace, #fantasy, #romance, #science fiction, #extasy books

BOOK: Knowing
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Ziggy absorbs technical information with the lightest touch of her hand. What will she learn when full contact with a shifter is on the menu?

Signy Alora, 'Ziggy', was shocked when she was abducted by the Tokkel from her home on the human colony world of Gaia. She was appalled when experimentation was scheduled for her day, and relieved when someone attacked the ship of the invaders. Ziggy used her talent to absorb the information she needed to escape and in the process she managed to help a batch of aliens who had also been slated for torture at the hands of the troll-like Tokkel. She takes knowledge of his language, his ability to fly a starship, and a kiss that renders him senseless.

Five years later, Ziggy thought that she had made a clean getaway and hidden her involvement in the first crash of the invading ship, but when miliatary men collect her for the anniversary of the initial attack she realizes that her time of hiding what she did was at an end.

Ziggy had no idea that someone had been looking for her. The moment she spots the shifter that she kissed all those years ago, her time of hiding what she is is over and he couldn't be happier.








Viola Grace


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



Copyright © 2012 Viola Grace


Cover art by Martine Jardin


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Chapter One


Ziggy struggled against the bonds that held her down. The Tokkel were working on another captured human and the screaming was getting to her. One of the four armed beasts was about to mark the interior of her ankle with a glyph similar to the ones on the restrained humans around her.

As the needle started to buzz, she kicked wildly, causing the creature to snarl at her and call for another to hold her down.

With two of the Tokkel working on her she tried to scream behind her gag, but only muffled whines emerged. Closing her eyes at the pain, she focused on the hands holding her down.

The contact gave her the chance she needed. Every other alien had been wearing a glove-like membrane but the male holding her had bare hands. She used their physical connection to reach into his mind and pull out all the information she could.

He blinked and shook his head violently, trying to clear it. She held her breath, but he spoke to his companion and in seconds, she could understand what he said.

“That was weird. We must have dipped into the atmosphere for a moment.”

The tattoo artist looked up. “Why?”

“Didn’t you feel that? The whole ship rocked.” He was holding her leg with two clawed hands.

“I didn’t feel anything.”

He had made a few passes with the needle when the entire ship shuddered.

Ziggy held perfectly still as a disembodied voice blared out, “Intruder alert. All hands to battle stations.”

Her persecutors immediately left her and the rest of the humans for their battle stations.

Ziggy bent her arm as far as she could and caressed the switch that would release her. It took three tries and she knew that she would be bruised for weeks, but a hiss sounded and the restraints retracted to free her limbs.

She hopped to her feet and unbuckled her gag. Looking around she saw four Gaians who had been captured with her and she released them from their restraints. “Keep quiet.”

They didn’t need to be told twice, they kept darting frightened looks toward the door.

Ziggy’s thoughts ran
through the stolen knowledge and she nodded. “There are escape pods just outside the door. I can launch you.”

One of the wounded was holding a flap of skin to his side. “Just show us where to go.”

She shuddered at the pain in his expression but paused to slap a wide bandage from a nearby storage cabinet across his side. “That should hold you.”

He looked at her with glazed eyes. “How do you know this stuff?”

She shrugged. “Just a hunch, now let’s get you back to the surface. Hopefully the attack will have ceased by now.”

The other subjects were looking at each other but they seemed as eager to get off the ship as she was.

Ziggy opened the door with the passcode and she slid around the corner to the station with the four emergency pods for this wing of the ship. The Gaians each took a pod and waited nervously.

They were nowhere as nervous as Ziggy was. Once she launched these pods three security officers would come running. She was going to have to get to somewhere safe awfully quickly, but given her mental situation she had a far better chance than her fellow captives.

The wounded man smiled. “We are trusting you because you are human.”

She shook her head. “You are trusting me because I am offering you a way out, now hush and hang on. This is probably not going to be a smooth ride.”

She closed the pods, keyed in the coordinates for Hestia, the capitol of Gaia, and punched the release.

The tubes shot the pods out of the ship and hopefully into the atmosphere.

Ziggy was basing her targeting on the experimenting officer’s thoughts that they were still in orbit.

With her companions launched, Ziggy ran down the hall toward the secondary holding area.

She typed in the pass code and slipped behind the door just as the thunder of boots ran past her.

“Who are you?” The masculine voice shook her to her toes.

Carefully, she turned to see four men hanging from the wall. She looked a little more closely. They weren’t men. Well they were of the masculine gender, but they weren’t human.

“I am a prisoner from Gaia. Who are you?”

“Warriors of the Nine. Can you release us?”

She blinked and walked forward. The other three men were looking at her, but the one who was speaking stared into her very soul.

His skin was a dusky brown, his eyes catlike and tawny and his hair deep brown and tangled. He was huge and his ears were decidedly pointed.

“I can. Why should I?”

“Because we belong to the ships that are attacking this Tokkel vessel. If we get back to our people, this attack will end.”

“May I touch you?”

He looked at her and while exhaustion rode his features, curiosity was there as well. “Yes.”

She ran her hand along his chest and rummaged through his knowledge. Her talent only allowed her to access conscious thoughts of a technical bent. She could pick up languages easily, but wading through this man’s knowledge base was harder than most. The language that he thought in was musical and very old.

He didn’t have any connection to the Tokkel aside from being their prisoner. The men with him were under his command and they had been taken from their ship with only the battle with the Gaians keeping them from being executed or tortured for information.

Ziggy nodded and pulled her hand back. There was a tingle in her skin from where she had touched him. A pleasurable burn pulsed up her arm. “Fine. I will let you guys go. There is a set of escape pods down the hall on the left.”

He stared at her in shock. “You speak the language of the Nine?”

She blinked. It suddenly occurred to her that he had been speaking in Tokkel until now. “I suppose I do, now.”

Ziggy pressed the releases and all four men collapsed to the floor in heaps.

“Do you know why they attacked Gaia?”

Her conversational partner helped his men stand. “Is that what you call it? We called it Underhill.”

She froze. “What do you mean?”

“We left that world eons ago. It changes those upon it.” He stood and his men nodded silently to him. “We are ready to leave.”

She smiled. “I hate a mystery, but you all look like you need to be somewhere else.”

He inclined his head formally. “I look forward to finding you again when this is all over. You seem to be a woman with mysteries of her own.”

She chortled. “You have no idea.”

They didn’t need to be told to be silent. She led them to the pods and the male she had been speaking to calmly keyed in the destination coordinates.

She helped one of his men into the pod.

He paused. “There are only four pods.”

“I know. I have a plan.” She kept her features calm. Her plan involved taking the entire ship into the Northern Ocean.

“I will not allow you to risk your life to save ours.”

Ziggy sighed and leaned up to kiss him. As her lips met his she heard a low rumble and hands on her waist. Using the direct contact to his mind via the kiss, she made him sleep. He staggered and she used all her strength to put him in the pod. With a sad smile she punched the release and launched the four to safety.

Moving as quickly as she could, she hid in a storage alcove as three troopers came stampeding to the pod station.

Ziggy sat quietly and waited for her chance. Her moment would come and she would do what she could.

Her planet was at stake after all.




Chapter Two


Five years later…


Ziggy stood in her mother’s flower shop and watched the news footage that they had been replaying for the last week.

“As you can see here, the first Tokkel ship destroyed by the Nine has been recovered. With the joint efforts of the Nine and Gaian ships, the first warship that was brought down has now been lifted from the depths of the Northern Ocean.

“The recovery efforts will bring the ship to the surface just in time for the five year anniversary of the triumph over the Tokkel. Survivors of the raids are being invited to the Nine mother ship for a gala event.”

Leara smiled and worked at an arrangement. “That’s nice. So many folks were affected by those raids.”

Ziggy remembered the terror of being hunted and getting caught in the grav beam with a dozen other men and women. Only five of them managed to survive the exams that the Tokkel engaged in.

When Ziggy had gotten the officers of the Nine away from the ship she had waited and then cut the lines to life support with cutters she found in the storage closet.

She knocked out two troopers from behind and stole their weapons, shooting everything that moved. She wounded one of the pilots and took his grasp of the workins of the ship.

Ziggy piloted the ship in a circle, spinning it in the centre of the flight of warships, firing wildly.

Her death spiral continued until the ship started breaking up in the upper atmosphere. There was a set of emergency pods near the bridge and she programmed one to drop her near her home town before she locked in.

The ship had an auto eject for occupied pods when it was in danger. It popped her out a mile over the ocean and the pod jetted to her landing site.

The moment that she landed, she stumbled free of the pod and hid for hours, slowly making her way back home.

It had taken her two days to get back into shape to pretend that nothing had happened, and while the men and women she had released from the experiment station remembered her, the woman that they created via a sketch artist was far more attractive than Ziggy made any claim to be.

The clatter of a set of pots against the table as her mother moved things around brought Ziggy out of her memory.

“They were. They deserve a holiday in their honour. In one way, they brought the Nine back to the area. Back home.”

“You are right, Signy. I know that you were upset during the invasion, but isn’t it great that we survived it with minimal losses?”

Ziggy sighed. “Any lives lost were too many. Do you have the display ready for the Markaqay wedding?”

Leara nodded. “Yes. The delivery van will be here at six.”

Ziggy smiled. “Excellent. Well, I am off for the night. I am just going to have coffee with some friends.”

Ziggy put on her jacket but turned to see the clients who rang the bell as they entered the shop.

Two men in military uniforms walked in.

“Good evening, sirs, we were just about to close but how can we help you?”

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