More Than Enough (3 page)

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Authors: Ashley Johnson

BOOK: More Than Enough
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I inched out of bed careful not to wake him
. I placed the covers over him a little more once I was standing. I brushed my hair behind my ears and crept into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. I began digging in the pantry until I found a box of pancake batter. As I reached for the box, a can of tomato sauce flew out and almost landed on my foot. That was a close call. I mixed the batter and got my skillet ready. I turned on the radio and began singing along to Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Catch My Breath’ as I flipped the first few pancakes. More batter ended up on the counter than in the pan. Hopefully I could have this cleaned up before Luke woke up. I was on the last pancake when I felt those strong arms wrap around my waist and him whisper in my ear.

Good morning beautiful.”

An instant smile hit my lips
and I felt the heat rise in my body as I turned to face him. There was a little bit of batter left over and I took the spoon and dabbed it on his nose. “Good morning handsome.” He scooped me up in his arms and kissed me rubbing his nose on my cheek. Needless to say the pancake that was cooking burnt. He reached over and took the skillet off the burner and turned the fan on to drown out the smell. Oh well. I turned off the radio and got a few plates out of the cabinet. “You hungry?”

His eyes said he was hungry for otherwise and I did my best to keep him from getting to me.
I just busted my ass making these pancakes, we could eat them first then go from there because I definitely didn’t mind what he was wanting.

“I would love some pancakes.” He smiled and sat at the table.
Freaking tease. I just smiled back, that’s all I could think to do before I tried to jump his bones.

I walked over and placed the pancakes in the middle of the table and sat down next to him.
He took one and a half from the stack. He originally grabbed two but it split in half. I practically used half the bottle of syrup on mine alone. Call me a syrup junkie, that’s alright with me. They were absolutely delicious. He helped do the dishes when we were finished. We made more of a mess than anything else. He couldn’t just wash the dishes though; he felt he needed to wash my face and everything else he could get to. It also didn’t help that I attacked him once or twice with the sponge. There was soap and water all over the floor and well our clothes were soaked too.

My hands flew over my mouth when I realized just how big the mess was.
The kitchen looked like someone took the mop bucket and flung it all over. Geez, we need babysitters. “Ohmigod look at this mess! Let me mop this up real quick.”

“No, I got it. I started it.” I went to walk and slipped on
a puddle from all the water that didn’t exactly stay in the sink. Before I could hit the ground Luke caught me and he carried me to the bedroom. So much for mopping the floor. It’d be dry anyway by the time we were done.

We lay there side by side
with my head rested on his chest. I could hear his heart beating and it was the most comforting sound I’ve ever heard. Thump thump. Thump thump. I let out a sigh and continued to listen to his heart beating. If this wasn’t heaven, I don’t know what is. Being with Luke just keeps me relaxed and I love it.

“Does Halley need you for anything today?”
He asked as he kissed my forehead then began rubbing my back. He slowly rubbed small circles all over my back and every few seconds I let out a soft moan. I was more than enjoying this mini massage.

“Not that I know of. Thank God. I am tired of tying ribbons and making invitations.
When I get married one day, everyone will get an event invitation from Facebook. No headaches for me. I need a break. I plan on doing nothing today or this evening.”

No sooner I spoke those words, my phone began ringing. Luke and I looked at each other and I groaned. Please don’t let it be Halley. I’m going insane with all this wedding crap.
I’ll probably go on a rampage and rip up all her invitations in front of her face and make her redo all of them by herself. It wasn’t Halley though, it was Gary. I knew if I didn’t answer he would be persistent so I reached over Luke to grab the phone off the nightstand.


“Hey Mace. I didn’t wake you did I?” Nope he didn’t. I was wide awake and hoping to relax with my boyfriend today but I had a feeling that wasn’t going to be happening.

“No I’ve been up
Gary. What’s going on?” Luke pretended he was going to tickle me. I shot him a death stare and pointed my finger at him. I’d kill him if he tried to distract me. I know that wouldn’t be hard for him to do, all he had to do was look at me and I was a goner.

“I talked to your
Mom; she told me you had dinner last night. Everything went good?”

“It really did. I’m glad I went.”

“She was too. She called me after and told me all about it. But that’s not why I called. I was wondering if you would want to work tonight. The girl that was scheduled to work had to take off for some sort of family emergency.”

“Oh yea, uh sure. I don’t see why not. I’ll be there.”
If this was the same girl I was thinking about from a few months back, she was horrible at her job. She literally had watched Halley’s drink spill and I was the one who had to reach behind the bar to get the rag and clean it up. I should have thrown the wet rag in her face that night but I’m a little more mature than that. Sometimes.

“Thanks Macy. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem. See you tonight.”

I hung up the phone and glanced over at Luke who was pouting like a three year old kid. I hated when he pouted. It was absolutely sexy but hard to resist.

“You working tonight?” He asked with a sad look in his eyes.

” I answered just as sad pulling my bottom lip in with my teeth, “Will you come with me and hang out please?”

“I’d be there whether you asked or not.
We’re a package deal like macaroni and cheese.” I laughed and kissed his cheek, soaking all of him and his corny comment in. I tried to get out of bed but he grabbed me by my waist and threw me back on the bed

“Luke! I gotta pee!” He had begun tickling me and I feared if he didn’t stop I was literally going to pee in the bed.
Then he’d be forced to take his comforter to the drycleaners. I would make him throw it away and buy a new one before someone else had to handle my pee. That was just plain nasty. His hands were around my sides and I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. “I swear I’m going to pee in your bed!”

As soon as I said that he let me up and I
laughed as I ran into the bathroom.

He was cleaning the kitchen when I walked out.
All he had on was a pair of black basketball shorts. I loved when he walked around without his shirt on. Oh my, someone call the fire department, I think my pants are on fire! His chiseled muscles had me mesmerized. Someone give me some popcorn and I’ll just sit here and watch him in all his amazing glory. I grabbed the kitchen towel and snuck up behind him and popped him with it. He chased me around the kitchen and I jumped on his back trying to take him down. No, that didn’t work. He basically was giving me a piggy back ride around the kitchen.

“Let me down!”
I squealed trying to wiggle my way down.

“Why should I?”
He asked as he slowed down.

“Because you love me that’s why!

finally set me on the couch and looked deep into my eyes. “You’re right I do love you. More than anything. You will always be more than enough for me Macy Young.” Our mouths met and he ran his fingers through my hair. I ran my hands along his chest and then wrapped them around his neck pulling him closer. Just as he started to lower me onto the couch my phone rang again. We both groaned this time and looked over to see Halley’s name.

“I better answer this.” He pouted one more time and I kissed his lips. “Real quick ok?
So she doesn’t show up.”

Alright. But just because it’s Halley. If it were anyone else I’d still be pouting.”

I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone. “Hello? Please don’t say you need my help today.”

“Geez Mace, is it really that bad helping your best friend plan her wedding?”

“In my defense, my poor fingers are traumatized from tying ribbons.”
I picked up my hand as if she could see it through the phone and I examined all my fingers. They were all intact and fine but what she didn’t know wouldn’t kill her. For all she knew they were mangled and I couldn’t hold them out straight.

Luke laughed at me and got up disappearing into the bathroom.

“Yeah ok see if I help you when you get married one day.”

I rolled my eyes and lay back down on the couch trying to get comfortable.
“I won’t need help. I’m going to the courthouse. Less work.”

“Whatever. I didn’t call to hear you tell me I’m slave driving you.”

Oh lord here we go. Pouty Halley is here in all her glory. I bet anything her hand is on her hip. “You aren’t slave driving me. Oh hey, Gary called and I have to work tonight. Wanna come hang out?”

“Well, I, uh, I need to tell you something.”
Her voice got a little hesitant over the phone but I didn’t think anything of it. The littlest things were made into the biggest deals for her. She once saw a moth in the bathroom at our old apartment and completely flipped the lid. I thought she saw something terrifying, like maybe a spider but no, it was a moth. I ran in there to save the day and it was a moth, what a waste of my energy.

“What are you finally pregnant and you can’t be in the bar?”
I’m so glad this conversation was happening over the phone right now. If we were in person she would have slapped me by now for that remark. I couldn’t help it though, she basically asked for it.

“Shut your face Macy. No, if you must know I am not pregnant. I was calling to let you know that Trevor is in town staying at our house for the night and he asked about you.”

Luke was still in the bathroom and thank God because I’m sure my face just turned pale white. What did she mean Trevor is in town for the night? Shit. And I have to work tonight. Maybe he won’t go to The Lounge. Or maybe Halley, being the best friend she is can keep him away.

“I’m sorry I think I misunderstood you. What did you say?”

“He’s just in town for the night. At least I called to tell you. I can try to keep him away from The Lounge.”

Sarcastically I replied, “Could you please? That would be freaking awesome.”

“I will try my hardest Mace. I promise. Besides, um Taylor is here with him.”

My blood practically started boiling in my living room.
Taylor’s there in my best friend’s house? These people had some damn nerve. Were the sitting there doing each others damn makeup and having awesome conversations? This was the girl that Halley gave a bloody nose to for crying out loud and now they are in the same apartment probably acting like nothing ever happened. Yes, a little jealousy has taken over me. This was also the same girl who single handedly ruined my relationship with Trevor by sticking her huge probably fake tits out and playing the part of skank. “Why are they there Halley?”

“I told you just to visit and talk wedding stuff.”

“What wedding stuff Halley?” I was getting slightly annoyed because in all the wedding talk that’s taken place nothing has ever been mentioned about Trevor. I’ve been there for every bit of wedding talk, I’ve planned and helped prep most of everything she wanted but this has never come up. I pretty much assumed he wasn’t coming since he just left town the way he did. I knew there was a saying about assuming things and well, I definitely made an ass out of myself.

“I really think I should tell you in person.”

“No, I really think you need to tell me now.” I heard the bathroom door start to open and I began silently praying she would hurry and tell me so we could end this conversation before Luke could catch onto anything. We didn’t need this mess in our lives; things were finally perfect for us.

“Fine. Dammit Macy. Marcus asked him to be in the wedding and um, you two are going to be walking together.”

I clinched my phone so tight, I got scared for a second that I may actually have the strength to crush it. There was no way in hell I was going to walk with my ex fiancée who cheated on me while I was still pregnant in my best friend’s wedding. Especially with the fact that around her wedding was when the baby was supposed to be due. And I couldn’t face Taylor. Who knows what kind of animal would be unleashed. I mean it did make sense. I was the only female and I hadn’t heard of Marcus having a guy to walk. He had to have known someone else besides Trevor freaking James.

“Take him out of the wedding or I’m out. You didn’t even ask if I was ok with this Halley.”

“He’s Marcus’ best friend Macy. See this is what I was talking about. Having to choose between the two of you, it’s going to get hard. I’m getting married, I have to compromise now. It’s not just me anymore.”

Gag me.
“Take me out of the wedding. I wish you two the happiness you deserve in life but I can’t be there that day. I hope you understand. I’ve got to go. Keep him out of The Lounge tonight and I mean it.”

I hung up before she could say another word and drew several deep breaths in and out trying not to cry or let Luke see that I was upset.
She had to choose now to tell me. Well I mean I guess that is better than me finding out the day of the wedding. I just thought all my demons were gone, but here I was getting ready to have one confront me and tear down everything I’ve built up.

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