Misguided Target (15 page)

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Authors: Jessica Page

Tags: #RNS

BOOK: Misguided Target
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“Cut the shit!”

“There were no copies, you moron!” Kane yelled. “At least none that we found. You have her computer! You know what hotel room I was in and you already checked James' computer system and his house! Where the hell do you think these documents are? We've been on the run for days now. There wasn't exactly time to stop and make copies you, fucking idiot.”

“You think you're so tough, huh? A real fucking military superstar, aren't you?” Marty sneered angrily.

“Please, who the hell do you think you're talking to, Martin?” Kane scoffed as though it was the most ridiculous and insulting question ever asked. “Matter of fact, if you were half the man you think you are, you'd come over here and let me show you who you're talking to.”

Marty jumped out from in front of me and punched Kane in the face as hard as he could.

“Oh stop the dramatics, Marty. Really, do calm down. Kane is one of the top operative, he'd kill you in a fair fight,” Damien stated disapprovingly as walked back over to me.

“Raina, or do you prefer Kendall? I'm going to call you Raina, I hope you don't mind, but I'm more attached to it. How did these documents come into your possession?” He asked, stroking my hair, but I pulled away. What the hell was with all the hair stroking? Was it the go-to move for sadistic assholes or something?

“She didn't get them, James sent them to me,” Kane lied, spitting blood from his mouth. “Had you assholes not attacked us leaving that party the other night, she wouldn't have had anything to do with this. She has nothing to do with this.”

“Oh, you poor innocent thing,” Damien cooed, pushing my bangs out of my face, “Sadly, I can't spare you. You're too much of a liability now. I want you to know that it does pain me to have to do this, truly it does,” he said.

His phone rang and he quickly answered it. “Hello… Calm down, Anthony, I have the documents and it's being taken care of. It's almost done…Tell the Vice President it's being handled and I'll see you in a few hours. We'll find some new girls and we can celebrate,” he said looking at me with a smile before he hung up. “Politicians are so needy. They're never able to do their dirty work themselves, but crying every step of the way. I guess I don't have to tell you how needy they can be.”

“Well I was paid to fuck them, not paid to be a little bitch at their beck and call. But then again I guess it's a long road to becoming POTUS' top bitch,” I answered, somewhat insulting us both but loving the way his face twisted with anger. I was getting a rise out of him and it was worth whatever he would do to me.

“Now that we have the papers, perhaps we should get this moving, Sir. We can look at any other places they could have saved it from her computer before we wipe it. Plus we have her address from her ID,” Marty offered.

“I do have dinner plans…” Damien replied thoughtfully. “I'm almost ready, but I still have one thing I want to do. Bring a barrel and some matches,” Damien demanded, never taking his eyes off me. I sat helplessly, watching a man drag the barrel in front of me. I had no clue what he was going to do with it. “Grab their bags and burn them. Hold on to her laptop and her ID, I'd like to keep them as a souvenir.”

Marty collected both our backpacks and tossed them in the barrel along with what I assumed were James' things. One of the other men handed him a gasoline can and he poured some in the barrel. He retrieved a match pack and lit a few of the matches. “Soon everyone will forget you even existed my dear Raina.”

Damien handed the papers over to Marty, who tossed them in the fire. “Now, Raina, as promised, your parting gift,” Damien stated, pulling me up from my chair and dragging me over to a nearby table. I tried to fight him off, but my wrists were bound behind me and I had limited motion. He bent me over the table, forcing his weight on top of me pinning me down. I tried to get him off of me, but I couldn't move. I was completely defenseless, “Before I kill you gentlemen, I want you to witness this. It will make for a glorious last memory.”

“Get off of me!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, feeling like my vocal cords would break. I could hear him laughing and the sound of his belt buckle being unlatched. Shit.

Chapter 16


Every time Kendall cried out it felt like a thousand knives were piercing every part of my body. I'd witnessed other human beings doing horrible things to one another, but watching Damien do this to her was too much for me. I'd never experienced the feelings I was currently having. It felt as though my heart was shattering into a million pieces. The mental and emotional helplessness were worse than any physical torture they could subject me to. “Damien I promise I will fucking kill you!” I screamed, but my voice was drowned out by her calls for help.

I noticed the men behind me had turned their backs on this little scene; clearly they didn't agree with what was going on, but they were all too fucking cowardly to stop it. Marty hadn't turned around; in fact, I bet this sick fuck was getting off on it. “You're such a sick bastard for letting this happen! How can you sit by and watch this?” I spat at him.

He stepped in front of me with his gun pressed against my temple. “Shh… you're missing the show.”

If only I could disarm him, I could kill them, I'm sure of it. I watched James struggle in his chains, trying with all his might to get free, bloodsoaked tears streaming down his face. If a man who had just endured as much as he had was still trying to get to her, I could figure out a way.

A loud crack followed by a groan pulled my attention back to Kendall. She'd managed to head butt Damien, and judging by the outpouring of blood, she'd surely broken his nose. She shot up off the table and kicked him wildly in the groin and then in the face as he crumbled to the ground in pain.

“Get her!” Marty screamed, and the three men behind me took off running towards her. Marty was distracted, so I took the opportunity to swing my legs through my bound hands. By the time Marty noticed what I was doing it was too late; I jumped up and tackled him to the ground, sending the gun flying. I regained my footing and quickly kicked him in the face before running towards the gun and knocking it further from his reach. Two men ran at me and one of them successfully tackled me to the ground. Little did they know, I've had extensive training to prepare for all kinds of combat and it just so happened that I was good on the ground. I quickly swung my legs around and kicked the standing man in the knees, causing him to fall backwards. He quickly got up and attacked, but I swung my bound arms up and pulled them through my legs so that they were in front of me. I elbowed him as hard as I could in the jaw, knocking him out cold. I stood up, but the other the man jumped on top of me, pushing me relentlessly in the face until I stumbled back and lost my footing again. I was caught in an awkward position; he had me, I couldn't move.

“Get the fuck off of him now!” Kendall screamed, pointing Marty's dropped gun at him. I quickly scrambled running over to the unconscious man and taking his weapon.

“Give me the fucking keys to James' locks now!” she demanded, her bound hands shaking with adrenaline.

“We don't have them,” Marty stated with a smug smile.

“No? Then what good are you?” she asked, her eyes wild with hatred.

He paused a moment, clearly contemplating the seriousness of her threat. Slowly he reached into his pocket and tossed it to the ground in front of her. “How many other men are out there?” she asked, but no one answered. “Oh now everyone wants to be fucking silent?” she hissed, approaching Marty, who held his ground in front of her. “How many men?” she demanded, but silence ensued. I heard a shot, followed by Marty screaming in agony. She'd shot him in the thigh. The doors opened and three men rushed in; my hands were bound so it made it awkward to grip the gun I knew I couldn't wait. I couldn't let any others interfere; I squeezed the trigger and managed to shot all three of them as they entered. I heard Kendall scream as one of the men disarmed her. I rushed over, my gun drawn at the man as Kendall scrambled over to me on the ground.

“Well there are three less now! How many more?” I asked, continuing her line of questioning. We needed to know what we were up against. Again silence ensued so I shot Marty in the other leg.

“Three!” Marty cried out in pain, clearly not wanting to get shot again.

“Now that wasn't so hard,” I sneered as Kendall quickly ran over to James and unlocked the chains binding him. I watched as he fell to the ground. I caught a movement from the corner of my eye. The man I'd been watching turned, aiming a gun at Kendall.

Damien ran at me, tackling me to the ground and managing to disarm me. He grabbed the gun. “None of you assholes better move!” he screamed, the gun aimed at us. The remaining three men hurried through the warehouse doors with their weapons drawn on us.

“Where the fuck have you all been?” he shrieked angrily at them.

“What? Do you have a hard time doing your own dirty work? You need them to do the job for you?” I asked, hoping to buy us some time. If there was one thing I knew about Damien it was that he loved to have last word.

“You and I both know that's not true, Kane,” he scoffed, glancing at his watch, “I'm done with this. I'm done with you all. Time of death 7:07pm,” he laughed pointing the gun at James.

“Did you say 7:07?” Kendall demanded, which I thought was an odd question given our current circumstances.

“Yes,” Damien answered with a sigh.

Kendall laughed hysterically, causing everyone to stare at her in confusion. “You're all fucked. In fact, there's no use killing us now, you'll only be making it worse for yourselves.” I had no clue was she was talking about, but she was buying us some time so I played along. James sputtered loudly, drawing my attention to him. He flashed me a gun he had managed to conceal under his thigh.

“Just fucking kill them already!” Marty screamed as he bled all over the concrete.

“I sent all the documents to every major news station in the country. Secret's out, it's all over for you all,” Kendall stated happily, a broad smile on her lips.

“You're lying!” Damien replied.

“No, afraid not. I took pictures of each document and up loaded them to an email that I programmed to be sent at exactly 7:00pm, with instructions about everything. All the murders, all the felonies you assholes committed, and I even gave them your name and said if any of us ended up dead, that you had something to do with it. I don't know about you, but you might want to stop while you're ahead, given the stuff they already have on you. Another murder charge would likely only make it worse.”

“She's lying!” Marty screamed. “Kill them!”

“Am I?” she asked. “I did it before we left the hotel, while Kane was meeting with you, Damien, I knew we needed a back-up plan. A type of insurance policy or parting gift, if you will. I figured I could turn it off and reprogram if I needed to, but when Kane sent me a text, I knew it was only a matter of time before you assholes found us.” She paused, tilting her head to one side. “I think that's your phone I hear buzzing. You might want to answer that.”

Damien quickly reached in his pocket, retrieving his phone and I watched as his face fell into a terrified mess. “You bitch!” he screamed, running at her with the gun pointed to her head. I quickly pulled the gun from under James and shot him in shoulder.

I was distracted, so didn't see Marty move but I watched as Kendall dove in front of me. I heard a gunshot and I turned to find Marty with a weapon pointed at me. I didn't hesitate. I pulled the trigger, shooting him in the head. I fell to the ground beside Kendall, as she lay there motionless as blood poured out of the fresh bullet wound in her rib cage. She'd shielded me. She'd taken a bullet for me.

The three remaining men had their guns drawn. “Drop your weapons and call for help!” I screamed, as they hesitated unsure of what to do, “It's all over. You'll all be facing much more severe charges if you kill us all,” I continued, pulling my shirt up over my head. They lowered their guns and one of them pulled his cell phone out. I tried to apply as much pressure as I could to her wound, but there was so much blood and her breathing was ragged. She was in trouble.

“Why did you do that?” I asked as a steady stream of tears fell down my cheeks.

“I couldn't let them kill you,” she coughed, blood dripping down the side of her lip.

“Don't talk! Please just be still,” I begged, trying to stay strong, but I was unable to stop the pained cry that escaped my lips.

“You wouldn't have had the chance to redeem yourself, to prove to yourself that you're a good man. To me that's worth dying for. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt.”

She smiled up at me her eyes struggling to stay open. I sobbed louder and harder than I ever thought possible as the pain in my chest ripped through me. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. This couldn't be the last time I held her. This couldn't be the last time I talked to her, “Please hang on, Kendall. Please hang on. I need you. I'm in love with you, Kendall and I need you to be okay.”

“It's about time you finally realized it,” she teased, coughing again in between shallow breaths. I watched as her eyes slowly shut, and I was overcome with fear.

“Kendall, please hold on,” I pleaded again, but she lost consciousness and I felt the world shatter around me. “Kendall! Kendall! Please, Kendall don't do this,” I cried, “I do love you! Please…” I reached at her neck, desperate to feel a pulse. It was there but it was weak. “Kendall stay with me. Where the hell is that ambulance?” I screamed aloud to anyone who was around me. “Kendall, I need you.”


Six Months Later…


“So what kind of deal are they working out for you?” I asked James, taking a sip of my coffee. He smiled causing the scars on his face to deepen. I asked him once why he didn't get them removed by a plastic surgeon, I couldn't imagine wanting a reminder of my torture on my face, but he told me that he wanted them there to remind him of everything he'd lost. He wanted them to remind him of Dominique, he said it was the least he could do all considered.

“Well my lawyers were able to plead out the patronization charge with probation. My testimony against the others will be key, given they want to make an example of them all. With everything that went on, even with a lack evidence, the prostitution patronage charge will be minor.”

“Why did you start collecting on everyone? What made you decide to do it?” I asked out of curiosity. Truth was, I'd wanted to know the answer to this for a while now.

“Listen, I'm no saint. I've done my fair share of law breaking, but I never blurred the lines in my role. Believe it or not, I went into politics to make a difference. I believed in the value and responsibility of this job as the voice of American citizens. Perhaps it's hypocritical, but I don't see patronage as a comparable offense to things like drug charges, assaults, bribery and fraud. Some might disagree, but in my opinion, consensual sex on my own time is my business. Don't get me wrong, I've influenced or encouraged certain decisions or laws to go my way, but I've never removed someone's free will to make their decisions. I've never crossed that line into corruption. When someone starts using their position to corrupt the system and take advantage of those who are vulnerable, it's something I can't stand by for.

He stopped a moment as though he was collecting himself. “Those poor women…” he said, his voice breaking a little, “…may they rest in peace, told Dom about some pillow talk they'd had, and I was disgusted. When it started I didn't know how deep all this would go, I didn't realize how much I would uncover. I couldn't believe people I thought were friends were capable of these things. At first I wasn't as careful, and I made inquiries out in the open. But when Damien attacked Kendall to get back at me, it was the final straw. I couldn't let his boss – a very corrupt man – potentially be the leader of this nation. Senator MacFarland found out about my past and tried to blackmail me. I thought I could handle it so I recklessly threatened him back saying he wasn't the only one who knew secrets and that my past was nothing in comparison to what I'd found about him and his friends. Word spreads fast.”

He paused thoughtfully, clasping his hand on the table. “They started threatening me more and more and Dom got scared. She wanted me to get rid of the information, but I hesitated; I wanted do it at the right time. My hope was to force their resignations in intervals. I thought this was the most strategic option to get justice while not ruining the entire party's reputation for years to come. But I waited too long and now they're all dead because of it. That's the thing about all this that will haunt me for the rest of my life. The fact that I waited.”

“You were trying to be honorable. You couldn't have known it would turn out this way,” I offered, reaching over to his shoulder and gently squeezing it. It wasn't a big gesture, but I wanted him to know I was there for him.

“Honorable or not, it doesn't change that a lot was lost in all this.”

“Yes, but not all was lost, some things were gained,” I replied, referencing our newfound relationship. We'd really gotten close the last few months and I was grateful to have my brother back.

“Yes, you're right. Look for the positives, as Dom would say.” He smiled, pouring himself some more coffee.

“That book deal will likely be a nice addition to your portfolio. At least you don't have to write it from a jail cell,” I joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

“True. Although I always figured I would end up in jail someday anyway,” he stated getting a curious look from me in response. “I would have likely tried to take the fall for Dom if it came down to it, or ruined my reputation trying,” James offered taking a bite of his scrambled eggs.

“I have to tell you…I don't get you. Why? Why would you have done that for her? She manipulated you into being an escort and I know she was scared but she tried to sell the information you gathered. She's a part of the reason why this all happened. I don't get it.”

“Is that what you think?” he asked, stunned, placing his fork down on his plate. “You think Dominique manipulated me into being an escort? That's where you're wrong, Kane. Whether you believe or not, she saved me. I know I had to sacrifice because of the choice I made, but she gave me that choice and she saved me when I was incredibly lost. I tried to do the right thing, but I got her mixed up in my quest for truth, and she's dead because of me,” he paused, his brown eyes filled with emotion. “I would take the blame for her because I loved her and she loved me. I know you don't approve of the life we lived, but it doesn't change that she was the love of my life. I would have done anything for her and she's gone because of me.”

Dominique was the love of his life? I thought of the love of my life, Kendall, and how I'd felt when she took that bullet for me. Suddenly it became quite clear. I barely knew my brother, and there were a lot of things about him that I didn't understand, but I had no right to judge him and the love they'd shared. I had no right to judge her because I didn't know her. That's what the love of my life had taught me. She taught me that I judged people too quickly and I didn't give them a chance because of it. I knew better now though, she'd taught me to be better. “I'm sorry, James. I wasn't thinking. I didn't realize…” I paused trying to find the right words. “I didn't realize how important she was to you. I didn't even consider the loss you had to live with. I'm sorry. Kendall would be so mad at me for being such a judgmental asshole.”

“Yes, she would.” He laughed, swiping a stray tear from his cheek. “Dominique was a lot like Kendall you know. Too beautiful and smart for their own good, they worked for everything they had and they never bowed down to anyone. Dominique was more of rebel and risk taker though, but I loved that about her. I think that's part of the reason why I was so drawn to Kendall, I know it sounds ridiculous, but they give off an almost larger than life sort of appeal.”

“Well, I didn't know Dominique, but if Kendall was anything like her, she must have been an amazing woman because Kendal is the best person I know,” I smiled, watching a warm grin settled on his lips as well.

“Agreed. Dom was that for me.”

“Who was what for you?” a soft familiar voice asked, instantly causing my whole body to feel as though it was being awakened from a slumber. She sat down in the chair next to me and smiled, her beautiful grey eyes watching me as though they could see into my soul as only Kendall could. I'd almost lost her, but I thanked my lucky stars every day that she was still with me. I was the luckiest man in the world to have the most beautiful, intelligent, brave and strong woman I knew still here with me.

James cast her a warm smile. I'd finally come to terms with the fact that they were in fact just friends. I'd been so foolish and stubborn before, not accepting it. They did have a rather unconventional story and friendship, but now it was a part of our story, it connected us all. I was incredibly thankful to have them both. They were my family.

“We were talking about Dominique,” James replied, standing up to give her a big hug.

“She was amazing. She's greatly missed.”

“Yes she is,” he replied as she stole a sip of my coffee. “So, James, it's good news about the probation, huh? And your book deal? You're going to be a busy man.”

“Yeah, it's a relief for sure.”

“Thank you for lying about my involvement in everything. For telling them I was an old family friend you were helping and that I was targeted for no reason. I owe you.”

“No, you don't owe me anything, they did have the wrong girl. You had nothing to do with all that. Besides, you were technically retired the moment we stepped out of that party, so it served no purpose to mention the escort part.” He laughed. “They would have nothing to charge you with, so I just told a little white lie to save you some hassle.”

“Technically true, but thank you nonetheless,” Kendall said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

“And don't worry, I won't be using any real names in the book either,” James offered, getting two relieved smiles in return. “You've both had enough excitement because of me.”

“I can't argue with you there,” I replied as I watched Kendall steal a piece of toast from my plate.

“How are you doing, James?” she asked, getting a confused look from him.

“I'm fine.”

“No I'm serious. How are you really? Are you okay?”

“I'm a survivor, Kendall, same as you are. Don't worry about me, I'll be okay.”

She nodded, and we could both see he meant it.

Silence followed as James scratched his chin thoughtfully, examining her.

“What are you looking at?” she laughed uneasily, an adorable blush settling onto her cheeks.

“I've got to say…this short hair you've been rocking is really growing on me. It really suits you,” James complimented, completely changing the topic. James was always good at controlling the conversation when needed.

“Thanks.” She laughed mindlessly, running her hand through her hair. “I'll likely grow it out again, but I have to admit I like it too. I do miss the blonde every so often though.”

“Yeah it was a stroke of genius for her to change it so drastically,” I offered, shoving a piece of bacon in my mouth.

I watched as her mouth fell open with shock, “I knew it! So you did think it was a good idea? You said it stupid!”

“I lied,” I admitted, laughing at the outrage on her face.

“Kane you're unbelievable.”

“I know,” I offered cockily, causing her to break out in laughter.

“God, you two are so sweet it is sickening. Don't you have a flight to catch to paradise or something?” James asked, retrieving his buzzing cell phone from his pocket.

“Yeah, I just have a few things to finish up for the website launch at the end of the month before our flight tonight. Then I'm off to have some fun in the sun in Barbados with my sexy SEAL before he goes back on duty for a few weeks,” she said, casting me a smile, which instantly had my heart racing and my body buzzing with alertness.

“I'm proud of you, Kendall. You've been through a lot, but you didn't let it stop you. You've worked hard and you deserve this little pre-launch vacation,” James stated, standing up and pulling out bills from his pocket, tossing them on the table. Listen, I do have to get going though, I have a meeting with a prospective new client.”

“Client for what?” I asked, confused as to what kind of business he was referring to.

“Oh, didn't you hear?” Kendall said, her eyebrows arched with amusement. “James, our soon-to-be-writer is also going to be working as a political consultant for aspiring politicians.”

“You've got to be kidding me. I thought for sure you were done with politics given everything that happened,” I replied as my jaw dropped open, practically scrapping the top of the table.

“Well you thought wrong. I know politics better than anyone. I'm the new hot ticket in town. They all want me because the good politicians think I'm noble and the bad politicians hate me, but think I have some tricks of the trade that I can share. So frankly, business is good either way,” James laughed, walking over to me, opening his arms wide for an embrace. “You two have fun in paradise and be sure to take care of her. Although something tells me she may take care of you just as much, if not more.”

“You bet I do,” Kendall laughed, now being pulled into James' arms for a tight hug. He waved one last time and walked away from the table, exiting the restaurant.

“I can't wait to be on the beach with you, babe, sipping on cocktails,” I said to her as she stood up and leaned onto me, pressing a tender kiss on my lips that sent a wave of heat flashing through me, melting me to my core like only she could.

“Me either, babe, but I'll be the one rocking the bikini and the bullet-hole scar,” she joked, her face hovering next to mine, tapping the site of her freshly healed wound. I pulled her onto my lap and protectively wrapped my arms around her. That scar would always be a reminder of the sacrifice she'd made to save my life. She'd almost died and I would never forget it.

“You're still the most gorgeous woman to walk the face of the planet,” I replied, kissing the tip of her nose and then her lips. “Listen, I was thinking you could also be rocking something else on the beach.”

“What are you talking about, Kane?” she asked, her brows knitted together in suspicion. “I know you. You're up to something.”

“Well it's just that…I was thinking you could be rocking a ridiculously sexy bikini with a new rock on a certain special finger.”

“What are you talking about?” she asked, her hands absentmindedly covering her mouth.

“I was going to wait until we got to Barbados, but considering I've been walking around with this thing in my wallet for months now… I think I'd rather finally see it on your finger and watch as the tropical sunlight hits it for the first time. I selfishly would love to have a few more days of you calling me your fiancé before I get shipped off to who knows where with a bunch of dudes.” I helped her off my lap and knelt down on one knee in front of her, “Kendall Daley, you are the most amazing woman that I've ever had the privilege of knowing, let alone of loving. Will you do me the great honor of being my partner, my better half in all ways, and make me the luckiest man in the world for being able to call you my wife?”

“Are you sure about this?” she asked in a matter-of-fact sort way that sucked the romance out of the moment. “If we do this it means that I'm letting you in completely. It means that I trust you completely and I expect the same from you. If we do this it means that I'm giving you my heart and soul.”

“I know, and I've never been surer of anything in my life.”

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