Misguided Target (11 page)

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Authors: Jessica Page

Tags: #RNS

BOOK: Misguided Target
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“I've learned that most women say that they want a 'nice guy,' but they don't. Trust me,” Jeremy offered, irritated. She'd clearly hit a nerve which judging from her demeanor was exactly what she'd wanted to do.

“No, that's not true. Women do love a good man; they just forget they do. Life has a way of catching up with us and we can become critical and cynical in order to protect ourselves. It's survival. As a man, you just can't let them forget it. You have to remind them how it feels to be appreciated and worshipped. Men want this too, they just go about it differently. Relationships are so challenging because they get easier in some ways and harder in others. So much work involved to not let things get complacent, but you get what you give in a relationship, at least that's my motto.”

“So are you exceptional, or does this apply to all women?” he asked with a flirtatious grin, clearly completely invested in the conversation.

“I happen to be exceptional,” she teased causing a bubbled laugh to escape his chest, “But no, it's not just me. You just have to give a woman what she wants, what she craves. Is it control? Affection? Attention? It all adds up to kind of worship in the end. There's something about you that tells me you could anticipate a woman's needs quite easily. I bet you could give that special someone exactly what they
. I bet that lovely wife of yours would love to have this tested out on her.”

It was such a bizarre and ass backwards way of working him. She had him practically eating from the palm of her hand, and yet she was sending him home to his wife. Judging from the wide, cocky grin plastered on his face, it worked too. I had to say, this little show of flirtation and manipulation was impressive, but it was also working my last ounce of patience with her.

“Yeah, maybe I should,” Jeremy said, sounding determined. Abruptly getting up, he reached in his pocket, retrieving some cash tossing it down on the table. “Kane, before I forget, I was thinking maybe you should call Damien Ryan and see what he might know.”

“Damien Ryan? Oh right, he works for the Vice President doesn't he?”

“Yeah, he's the Vice President's chief of staff. He's still going to be muzzled, but as a friend, maybe he can shed some light in the right places.” He turned his attention to Kendall who looked a little distracted a moment and gently grabbed her hand in his. “Kendall it was a pleasure meeting you,” he offered sweetly kissing the back of her hand.

“And you as well, Jeremy,” she offered before he walked away, casting us one final salute before leaving the bar.

I glanced over at Kendall, who seemed a little anxious as she nursed the rest of her beer. My frustration with her far outweighed my curiosity about what she was upset about. Still, I didn't know how I could be so attracted to someone while being so angry with her. I mean, not even an hour after making out with me, she comes out here and flirts with a good friend of mine? What the fuck? This woman was driving me insane.

“We should head back to the room and check those initials,” she stated flatly, breaking me from my thoughts.

“Giving orders now, I see,” I declared getting up and moving past her towards the exit.

After a few minutes of walking down the street, I heard her clear her throat, “Kane.”

“What?” I grunted, not looking back at her.

“I don't know if involving Damien Ryan in this is the best decision,” she said, stopping me dead in my tracks.

I slowly turned to face her, “And why not?”

“He and James have had um…disagreements due to his behavior in the past. He's not a very nice man and I don't think he will help us. If anything, I think he will hurt us. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in on all this, to be honest. He hated James.”

“And how would you know Damien's character? Because of what my brother told you? Because of some little party you both attended?” I asked. She tried to interject, but I wouldn't let her talk. I didn't want to hear it, “Yeah, that must be it. Well, let me tell you something. I've known Damien for fifteen years and I'll make the judgment call on his character, okay?”

“Yes, of course. You make the call with partial information and instead of getting the facts you fill in the blanks with all your own fabricated information. You're good at that!” she spat before storming past, heading to the hotel.

We entered the building and headed over to the elevator. She wouldn't look at me as we waited, and I honestly felt flabbergasted that she had the nerve to try and tell me what to do. Tensions were high as we entered the cramped elevator space, and we both seemed to get angrier with every floor.

As soon as the elevator doors swung open, I quickly headed down the hall to the room. She stayed in the doorway as I entered and I quickly scanned the area for any sign of intrusion. Once I was satisfied it was safe, I motioned for her to come in. I stared at her and it was as though my insides were burning with an angry fire. I couldn't stay here with her right now, I needed to calm down before we got into an argument again and I said something hurtful that I would regret. The bar was open. I could go down there for a bit and try to chill out.

“Don't leave the room. Don't answer the phone or the door. I'll be back,” I announced, turning around to head out the door.

“Aren't you going to help me figure out who these initials belonged to? We're running out of time!” she stated, outraged.

“No, I'm not. Besides you made it clear you know so much more about everything and everybody than I do, so have fun,” I hissed leaving the room, slamming the door behind me.

Chapter 13


Even though Kane had been gone for over an hour, I was still baffled by his tantrum. He just stormed out of here like an angry two year old and honestly, I didn't know if he was coming back that night or not. I knew I'd pushed his buttons earlier, and it had pissed him off that his friend and I flirted, but it was honestly harmless. I was simply trying to give his friend a chance to reignite some passion with his wife. I've used this technique in the past with clients; at least, on the ones I could tell still loved their spouses and didn't want to cheat. That's why I was good at my job because I was able to give them what they actually needed — not necessarily what they thought they did. So if I could help a client get revved up enough to go home and sleep with his spouse instead of me, well so be it.

A part of me was flirting to hurt Kane. I know it wasn't the best decision, but I also knew he wanted me, so I figured a little incentive might push a man like him to make up his damn mind. I was wrong, and it seemed to have backfired. The truth was, he's a good man, but he likes to play it off like he isn't, and at that moment he was incredibly lost. He's a man who prides himself on not feeling anything, but I could tell he was battling with it. It was just hard because he wouldn't let anyone in. He didn't know what he wanted and he was so fucking stubborn that he wouldn't listen to anyone, so I decided right or wrong, he wasn't making the rules anymore when it came to the two of us, I was. I could very well be dead tomorrow, and honestly, I wanted him. I didn't want to have any regrets when it came to him. I didn't know why, but I couldn't shake the feeling that we were meant to have something together. Maybe I was being naïve or delusional, but I could feel it in my gut. This whole thing with Kane was such a rollercoaster and I was done waiting to see when it could stop. If he wasn't going to pursue it then I was. At least that way I'd know once and for all.

However, I had to put all that on hold for a moment because I needed to try and figure out who these other initials belonged to. After an hour I'd managed to link up several of the initials to senators, a few judges, lawyers and several lobbyists. Only a few of them remained hard to place or unknown. It was easy to find the names, as all the offenses had taken place within the last two years, and once I identified the location of the offense, it was no problem to review other information like Advisory Committees and some media scans. Most of the names belonged to members of James' party, including Senator Anthony MacFarland, along with his friends David Richton and Kyle Giles. That creep of a Senator Henry Kilman was among them, as were several other political representatives from both parties, but most notably Senator Elena Pine. James had often complained about her and how it seemed as though she was favored to run for Vice President alongside the current Vice President who was running for President in the next election. Two sets of initials,
H.S. and D.E.R
. had a ton of very serious offenses like fraud and assault charges associated with them, but I couldn't figure out who they belonged to. I looked everywhere, but nothing was jumping out at me. It was probably because I was exhausted. Perhaps Kane would know.

I really hoped that Kane would let me talk to him about Damien Ryan. I had a bad feeling about him meeting with that sleazeball. Kane might think he knew him, but he didn't. Damien hates both James and me, and would likely give anything to see either of us suffer. He's a bad man — I knew this because first hand because if it hadn't been for James, I would have been sexually assaulted by him a few months ago. The worst part was, given Damien's position and my profession, even with all the bruises on my arms, neck and cheek he would have likely gotten away with it. Damien had threatened James after he rescued me. He told him that if we didn't keep our mouths shut, he would make sure we would live to regret it. At the time it seemed like foolish ramblings of an angry man, but now… who knew. Everyone was suspect.

I needed a break from these documents, so I got up and walked over to get a water bottle from the mini-fridge. I couldn't help noticing how nicely organized all of Kane's stuff was. It was obvious he's been in the military for a long time, there was so much control and precision in the way he kept everything; his clothes were neatly folded in his suitcase, his toiletries were immaculately arranged on the bathroom counter. Don't get me wrong, it's important to be organized to a certain extent, but life has a tendency to be messy. It can't stay controlled and organized forever. I learned that a long time ago; sometimes you just need to give in to the chaos.

I sat down on the couch. It was after 11:00pm now. I removed my bra, feeling instantly more relaxed. I laid my head down on the armchair, feeling my eyelids getting heavy. I shut my eyes, drifting into a light sleep. After what felt like a mere moments, I was awakened by the sound of a slamming door. I scrambled to my feet, panic-stricken that someone had found me, but instead I found him practically snarling as he stared at me.

“I had it all figured out…” He attested as he forcefully removed his jacket and tossed it on the floor. He was visibly intoxicated, “I was forced to take a leave so I figured I would come here and finally confront my brother. Tell him to stop trying to contact me. Tell him to fuck off, but then I saw him and then –” he stopped, taking a step towards me, causing me to edge back cautiously. “Then I met you and it all went to hell. I didn't need any of this shit. I didn't need any of you. I didn't need people to think about and have to worry about. Hell I was barely keeping myself together and now I have to worry about you and James. FUCK!”

“You aren't the only one who didn't ask for this, Kane. I didn't ask for this either.”

“You did ask for it. You asked for it by associating with my brother. He's a disease. This is what he does, he hurts people.”

“No, that's bullshit! You don't know him and even though I have no idea what any of this is about, James wouldn't be involved in it if it wasn't important,” I stated, trying to control my rising temper. “I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask to meet you! I didn't ask to be involved in some fucking political scandal with people getting killed and corrupt politicians on the warpath. I was almost out of this whole scene, and now with each passing moment, we have more and more people closing in on us and we're running out of time!”

“Yeah, well you really looked like you wanted out of this whole scene tonight with Jeremy. You were working him pretty good for someone who wants out,” he snarled, walking over to the beer fridge to retrieve a small vodka bottle and twisting the cap off.

“What's wrong, Kane? Are you jealous?” I asked smugly, walking towards him. “Is that what all of this is about? Did it upset you?”

“Shut up! I can't help that it disgusts me to watch you acting like a whore. You keep preaching that you aren't one but you could have fooled me,” he spat, trying to hurt me, but I didn't believe him. I don't believe for a second that he was disgusted. It was harmless and he knew it. He seemed jealous, so maybe my plan didn't backfire as bad as I thought. At least he was giving me some insight into his feelings.

“Was I acting like a whore? Is that what a whore acts like?”

“Yes,” he hissed through gritted teeth, taking a long gulp of vodka from the tiny bottle.

I stood in front of him, staring him in the eyes. “Why do you say that? What did I say or do?”

“You were, you were –” he growled. “Why did you even do that? Flirt? I don't fucking get you!”

“What did I do that was so wrong? Complimented him on being a good man? Reminded him what it feels like to be a person beyond kids and responsibility? It was obvious his marriage is in trouble and he's on the verge of cheating on his wife, even though he clearly loves her. It was also clear that because he is a good man, once he does betray his marriage he would likely never forgive himself for doing it. I just gave him inspiration to go home and fuck his wife to try to save his marriage, because it's what he really wants,” I said, inching my way closer to him. “So that makes me a slut? That makes me a bad person?”

“Stop it!” he warned taking a step back.

“Stop what?” I asked taking a step forward.

“You're trying to manipulate me.”

“No, I'm not. I'm explaining my actions to you. Was it my business to interfere? No, but I did him a favor and he left that bar with a goal. I gave him a chance.”

“Whatever, it doesn't matter. I don't fucking care about you and the things you do!”

“I don't believe that. In fact, I think you do care. I think you want me, and I think it scares the shit out of you.”

“You have no idea what I want.”

“No? Do you even know what you want?” I inquired, taking another step forward. He squared his shoulders defensively.

“It's not you.”

“I don't believe that. If that were true you wouldn't be looking at me the way you have been, the way you are. You wouldn't be looking at my mouth and breasts the way you do. I think you should just let yourself want me,” I said, now standing so close to him that I could feel the heat radiating from his body. He didn't move, but his breathing sped up. “You should let yourself go. Am I wrong? Tell me I'm wrong.”

“You're wrong,” he finally replied after a long, pregnant pause.

“Really? I think you're wrong and you're afraid to act. There's not always a right and wrong, Kane. Sometimes in life you just need to make a choice and deal with it. Sometimes in life we get hurt and we stumble, but it's all about the experience and the adventure. For all my faults, I am not afraid to take risks and put myself out there. I'm not afraid to take what I want when I can, and I'm not afraid to get hurt if that's what needs to happen. If you can't live your life that way, than that's on you, not me. I will respect what you want, though,” I stated, not believing him for a second, but knowing I couldn't force him to take risks. I couldn't force him to be brave and vulnerable in hopes of something great. I didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but I've always been more afraid of risks I didn't take than the ones that I did.

“Kendall,” he whispered. I could see the intensity in his eyes as he battled his inner turmoil.

“What, Kane?” I breathed, doing my best to stand my ground as he made up his mind.

With what seemed like lightning speed his lips came crashing down on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him to me as close as he could get. As his kiss deepened, it felt like our bodies were fusing together. We stumbled backwards until my spine was pressed up against the cool surface of the wall. His strong hands ran down my back onto my ass as his pelvis pressed into mine, causing my sex to pulsate from the pressure of his erection.

My breathing quickened as he trailed kisses down my neck and collarbone while his hands slowly trailed up my pelvic bone and stomach until they reached my breasts. I lifted my arms, willing him to remove my top, which suddenly felt excruciatingly tight. He smiled against my lips as he hooked the bottom of it and pulled it up over my head. I shivered as the cool air hit my now exposed breasts. His rough hands began exploring my bare chest; he licked his lips, which were now hovering just above mine. I ran my hands up under his shirt and gripped his muscular shoulders. “Take off your shirt,” I requested, biting my bottom lip as I tried my best to muffle the moan that was building in the back of my throat.

He quickly obliged, removing his shirt over his head and tossing it to the floor. He wrapped his arms around me causing my nipples harden as our bare chests pressed against one another. Our lips touched and a passionate frenzy consumed us both; my sex throbbed with need, I was desperate for him to touch me. I quickly unbuttoned my jeans, practically frantic to get them off of me. He bent down low, gently tugging my jeans down to my ankles. I immediately kicked my way out of them. He stood up, running his hand up my left calf, up to my inner thigh, settling between my legs. He cupped my sex, gently applying pressure to my clit through my cotton underwear. I moaned, begging for his hands to alleviate the pounding within me.

“I've been fantasizing about making you moan for days now,” he whispered, his lips touching mine as he circled my clit, continually applying more and more pressure. “The thought of you coming undone in my hands has been haunting my dreams.”

“Then what are you waiting for?” I asked breathlessly, trying to stifle another moan as I ground my hips harder, complementing his every move.

“Whenever you're ready, baby,” he said kissing along my jawline. My first orgasm released, sending a wave of pleasure ripping through every muscle in my body.

“That was fast. I had no idea you were so backed-up, Kendall,” he teased in my ear, placing kisses down my neck and collarbone.

“I can't help it. Some guy's been messing with my head for days, constantly revving me up just to shut me down,” I said, reaching down to feel his hard cock pressing against his jeans.

“What an asshole,” he said, his eyes locked on mine as I unlatched his belt buckle and slowly unbuttoned his jeans.

“You said it,” I replied, kissing his chin as I forced his zipper down.

He picked me up and carried me over to the bed, gently placing me down on it. He ran his hands along my body, worshipping every inch of it as he pulled my underwear off. “You're so unbelievably beautiful, Kendall.” I don't know why but I was suddenly filled with emotion. Usually sex was just sex, but even if this moment was all we ever had together, I'd be okay with it. I'd survive it, but it didn't change the fact that I'd never felt this way about anyone before, and it was intense. He'd officially managed to seduce every inch of me including my heart, and it terrified me.

“Kane… Tell me –” I said, but stopped abruptly, afraid of what I'd be opening myself up to.

“Tell you what?” he asked, his brown eyes attentive and focused on me as his palms cupped my face.

“Tell me… Tell me you want
,” I requested, my heart beating madly against my chest. I'm not sure why it was so important for me to hear it, but I did. So many men and women wanted me, in fact, my whole job was to ensure that they did, but for some reason I needed to hear it from him. I needed to know that he wanted me; that he wanted Kendall.

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