Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (68 page)

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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“My brother’s home?”

“Fuck you! Don’t pretend you don’t know. You were probably right in with them because I called Counts and told him about Daphne. You and Meggie are in this together.”

“Fuck off,” Fee growled, her momentary happiness at finding out Christopher had been released evaporating at Kendall’s belligerence. “I’ve been recovering. I haven’t known what’s been going on, especially with Counts. You gave yourself away.”

“Oh, please! I’m too smart for that.”

“Get over yourself! You’re still alive. If I’d mentioned you and Counts, you’d be dead.” What didn’t Kendall realize about that? “Being Johnnie’s wife wouldn’t save you. You betrayed the entire club!”

“I didn’t,” she whisper-yelled. “I told Counts about Daphne to get him in line, not to betray the club. I certainly didn’t know his name was Noah.”

Fee searched her memory, vaguely recalling Kendall’s tearful words to Charlotte, when they’d thought Fee asleep.

“I’d never jeopardize you like that. If I could get my hands on him myself, I’d fucking kill him, Ophelia. Believe me. I’m your friend. You could be mine! You could protect Charlotte and Brooks. They’re homeless and penniless and ruined! Kyler’s dead!” she repeated again.

“Christopher isn’t responsible for every ill that befalls the world.”
if he was responsible for the things Kendall claimed, then they all deserved it. Especially Charlotte Redding. “You have extra bedrooms. Put them up at your house.”

“Johnnie won’t let me.”

“I can’t believe you woke me up for this. The Reddings have their bank accounts. They’ll be fine.”

“No! No, they won’t. There’s no way they’ll ever afford the lifestyle they had with the losses they suffered overnight. It’s all over the news. Reports that Kyler had mob ties that got his father-in-law’s law offices destroyed, are everywhere. The house fire is under investigation but initial reports point to an electrical fire.”

“Christopher isn’t responsible for that, Kendall.”

“Of course, he’s behind all of it.”

“I know you’re distraught, but think of the baby. You need to rest. Go home. Stop blaming Christopher for things that he’s probably innocent of.”

“Fine, then I’ll blame Meggie. It’s her fault,” she spat and stalked out.

Watching as Kendall departed, Fee knew more trouble was on the horizon. As long as Noah lurked and Kendall felt so victimized, nothing would be settled. At this point, only more death and heartache would settle the numerous scores.

Who would survive and who would die was anyone’s guess.

Chapter Sixty-One – Ophelia/Stretch/Christopher/Cash



Unable to sleep after Kendall’s visit, Fee slipped on a pair of jeans and a top, then brushed her teeth, washed her face, and combed her hair. Knowing Christopher was home lifted her spirits and she had to see him. Expecting to find him and Meggie at the table, she bounded down the stairs.

Instead, Stretch and Diesel engaged in arm wrestling at the breakfast room table. Otherwise, it was quiet with none of the usual morning sounds and breakfast smells.

Stretch grunted as Diesel gritted his teeth. Not wanting to break his concentration, Fee stood back, rooting for Stretch. For several minutes they battled, until his stronger arm prevailed and she squealed.

Both of them glanced in her direction. She beamed at Stretch, who smirked in return at her.

Seeing their interaction, Diesel frowned between them. “Hey, Fee.”

With her brother home, she had to remember to school her features and not show the pleasure she took in Stretch’s presence. “Where’s Meggie and Christopher?”

“Asleep,” Diesel answered.

Fee wasn’t used to this silence. “CJ?”

“Probably in his parents’ room,” Stretch guessed, stealing glances at her. His beautiful eyes tugged at Fee. In them, she found everything she was searching for.

“Yeah, along with Ryder, Rebel, and Rule.” Diesel stood and loped toward the door. “I’m going back to bed. I thought Bunny would be awake cooking breakfast.”

awake,” Stretch said. “She’s just with Digger.”

Diesel rolled his eyes. “Yeah, whatever. See you two later.”

Just like that, Fee found herself alone with Stretch, and they grinned at each other.

“What are you doing here so early?”

“I’ve been awake for awhile and I thought everybody would be up having breakfast. Outlaw hasn’t taken me off Meggie’s guard detail, so I reported to duty.” He winked at her. “Take my chances that you’d join us. We could send longing glances to each other from across the table,” he continued.

She giggled.

“However, I have a better idea. Why don’t I take you for that ride?”

“Let me get my shoes,” she said without hesitation.

“You have boots?”

“Not here. I have Uggs at my apartment.”

“That’s okay. We’ll make do until we get you

Laughing, she hurried to her room for tennis shoes.



Fee had never felt such freedom as she did on the back of Stretch’s bike. At first, she clung to him. Once she realized she wouldn’t fall, she released her hold on him, lifted her face to the sun and held her hands out, loving the breeze blowing around her. It was exhilarating, freeing, everything she’d overheard the men talking about when they discussed the open road.

She never wanted the ride to end. She never wanted to let go of Stretch. After an hour, he headed back to Hortensia. Fee expected to be returned to Christopher’s house, so when he pulled into a clearing by the lake, her excitement spiked again.

He killed the engine. “You’re enjoying yourself?”

Hugging his waist, she laid her head on his shoulder. “Yes. I want my own bike,” she announced, half-joking.

He chuckled. “Riding is addictive.”

“Riding with you is addictive,” she countered, kissing his shoulder.

“Fee,” he groaned. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

“Who says I can’t finish it?”

“Not I. Sit in front of me and show me what you mean by that.”

“Is that a challenge?”

He offered her his profile. “It’s anything you want it to be.”

She kissed his cheek at the base of that long scar, his presence filling her with silent pleasure. “I’m so glad you’re here with me.”

“Me, too,” he responded, twisting to brush his mouth over hers. “I’m so glad you came down when you did. I was about to leave.”

“Kendall woke me up,” she admitted, then explained the details of her visit.

“She’s forever sticking her fucking nose where it doesn’t belong,” Stretch snapped. “Fuck, Fee, I don’t trust her at all. She may go off one day and tell Outlaw about your knowledge of what she did with Daphne.”

“Kendall wouldn’t do that.” Sure, the woman had issues and was difficult, but Fee trusted her to keep her end of the bargain. “If my brother ever finds out, he wouldn’t forgive me.”

“No shit. He’d see it as fucking over Meggie.”

“When I fucked over him, too,” she said quietly, cringing at all the implications.


She wouldn’t mention how Kendall had made her choose whether or not it would be Christopher and Meggie or Val and Zoann. It was so shameful now she wouldn’t dwell on it. She was just happy Christopher was home.

Stretch knuckled her jaw. “Hey, babe. Don’t worry. You’re right. Kendall won’t say anything.”

“Despite everything, somewhere underneath all the crazy, is a good woman.”

“I wouldn’t go that fucking far.”

“I’m through talking about her,” Fee decided, dismounting.

“Me, too,” Stretch said as Fee climbed in front of him and wrapped her legs around his waist, clutching his shoulders. Though their jeans shielded the private areas, his hardness pushed against her center, heating her up immediately.

She rocked against him. “Do you have a condom?”

“I haven’t been with anyone else, Fee. Except Cash the day I found you.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “Fuck, seeing you…I thought you were dead.”

She thought she was dead, too. All because
had opened her mouth to Counts. And the woman had the ever-loving nerve to confront her about Charlotte? No! If she dwelled on that, it would ruin this moment. She’d confront Kendall eventually.

“I don’t know what I would’ve done if you’d died,” Stretch continued. “Cash was just as upset, so we took comfort in each other.”

“Shh,” Fee whispered, unbothered that they’d been together without her. What they did with each other had no bearing on what she did with them, as long as there was mutual understanding. She’d made the decision to move on and let them be happy with each other. As soon as she healed, she intended to honor that. Right now… “It’s okay. You two were made for each other.”

“I want you with us, Fee. I haven’t gotten the chance to tell you how unhappy I’ve been without you.”

It couldn’t have been any unhappier than she was. “It’s okay.”

“It isn’t. I don’t want you with anyone else. Every time I think of you with Noah, I want to hit something.”

His words exhilarated her, even as she demanded herself to move with care. They were completely alone, in the heat of the moment, and vulnerable. However, she had to be honest with him. “I never slept with Noah,” she said quietly. “I never had the desire to. I tried so hard to become interested in him that way, but I couldn’t stop thinking of you and Cash. You’re my quiet storm. He’s my raging inferno. Noah was someone…I used him and I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Used him?” Stretch scoffed. “That motherfucker almost killed you. Whatever the fuck you think you did to him, went out the fucking door the moment he turned against you. Fuck him.”

Stretch’s impassioned anger drew a smile from her. “It’s okay,” she soothed. “I survived.”


“You can’t kill him…” Her voice trailed off as she remembered what Johnnie said Christopher had done to Mike because he’d hit her. “Never mind,” she mumbled. It was useless to say not to hurt Noah. He’d earned a painful death. She shivered, not wanting to think about it. “Let’s focus on now. We have time to get this right.” Whatever

“I don’t want to lose you.”

She didn’t want to lose him, either.

Stretch kissed her again. “Cash and I haven’t discussed what you said in the hospital. We haven’t discussed us at all, but I know how
feel. The question is what do you want?”

She didn’t have to think about that answer. “I want you and Cash, but I want a family.
I can no longer deny how much that means to me. I’m not going to pressure either of you to give me something you aren’t ready for. That’s why I asked if you had a condom. I haven’t resumed my birth control pills.”

“That means you have a high chance of getting pregnant if I fuck you?”

She nodded. “I’ve never tried so I’m not sure how easy it’ll be for me.”

He tangled his fingers through her hair. “Fee,” he whispered, raining kisses along the column of her throat. “Our common ground is Cash. Without him, there wouldn’t be an us. But having you in my life has given me new meaning. You’re one of the best things that ever happened to me. If you want a baby, I’m willing to give you one. I’ll take whatever ass beating I have to from Outlaw if it means I get you.”

Could there be any man sweeter than Stretch? A lump congealed in her throat. “You love Cash. He might get angry that we’ve made this decision without him.”

“You love the ornery motherfucker, too.”

“I do, but I also love you,” she admitted.

“I love you, too, Fee,” he responded, knuckling her jaw. “Different from Cash, but still real and true.”

“What happens if Cash doesn’t agree with your decision? You’ll lose him.”

“I can’t lose Cash if he doesn’t want me to have him. He knows how I feel. He promised me that he’d find a way for the three of us to be together if you survived. He hasn’t made one fucking move to accomplish that.”

“He did?”

“Yeah, Fee, he did.” A look of annoyance crossed his face before he shook his head. “Enough about him. I want you so bad I feel as if I’m about to burst.

She wanted him, too. Not because he didn’t care if she ended up pregnant. It was because of him. The man he’d shown himself to be.

Reclaiming her lips, he took her mouth in hungry kisses, shattering the last of her control. He explored the recesses of her mouth with his tongue, the feel of him leaving an imprint on her soul. She burned to have him inside of her.

“Take off your jeans, Ophelia,” he ordered, his kisses turning slow and drugging, masterful. “Then lean back against the handlebars.”

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