Millie's Second Chance (7 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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“I think she’s out cold, Stacy,” Millie whispered as she smiled down at Hope.

“She is such a good baby. She hardly ever fusses.” Stacy turned the coffeepot on and walked over toward Millie.

“I’m going to go put her in the crib for the night.”

Millie lifted Hope up toward her mother and smiled as the tears reached her eyes.

“She’s beautiful, Stacy. I can’t believe you’re a mamma.”

“Who would have thought that Stacy would be the first one out of the three of us to start a family?” Anna asked.

“She seems to be doing all the firsts, doesn’t she?” Millie whispered then smiled.

“You mean the ménage relationships?” Anna asked and Millie nodded.

Anna stared at Millie a moment and she saw the emotion in her eyes.

“Tell me what happened the other night, before the call from Frank.”

Millie shook her head. It was obvious that she didn’t want to talk about it. Just then, Stacy returned and walked over to the counter and turned on the baby monitor. Then she grabbed some cups and poured the coffee.

“Come on, Millie, you’re very strong and have a lot of self-confidence. Look how far you’ve come,” Anna pushed.

“You give me more credit than I deserve, Anna. I swear, my entire world seems to be crashing down around me and it all has to do with men.”

“You mean Frank?” Stacy asked as she placed a cup in front of Anna and one in front of Millie before taking a seat at the table.

“Frank was the worst mistake of my life. He nearly cost me my life.”

“Yeah, but you survived and he went to jail where he should still be,” Stacy stated.

“You mean Stewart, don’t you, Millie?” Anna asked, and Millie nodded as she placed her hands around the mug of hot coffee as if she were cold. It was a warm spring night and nearly eighty degrees.

“He was such a jerk,” she whispered as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

“What did he say to you the other night at the awards ceremony? It’s obvious that you saw him there. His company helped to support your fundraising, didn’t it?” Stacy asked.

“He was with the blonde supermodel. She was tall and thin and her breasts were hanging out of her top. She looked glamorous.”

“If you’re into skin and bones, maybe,” Anna added.

Millie chuckled.

“What happened between you and Stewart?” Stacy asked.

“Besides the skinny blonde, I think my lack of perfection.”

“What?” both Stacy and Anna asked at once.

Millie cringed.

“He put me down all the time. He said that I was fat, and at the awards gala, when other people complimented my appearance and the dress I wore, he told me that I looked cheap and that men would just want me for an easy fuck.”

“That lousy piece of shit!” Stacy exclaimed, and Millie chuckled.

“I know I’m a bit overweight. I always have been and my boobs are too big for my small frame, but they’re what God gave me.” Millie shook her head as she looked down at her coffee.

“Millie Marie Donovan, you are not seriously going to sit here and believe the words from some stuck-up stockbroker who only gives a shit about money and status. You are beautiful and you are far from fat. Women would kill for your Betty Boop, Marilyn Monroe body. That asshole was jealous and he was a jerk who used you and has no idea what being a real man is about.”

“Betty Boop? Really?” Millie asked, and they all laughed.

“You know what I mean. You should be posing in
. Is that a better description?” Stacy asked. Anna laughed and Millie gasped in shock then chuckled as she rolled up a napkin and threw it at Stacy.

“You have great breasts, Millie. You always have. This goes beyond the physical,” Anna added.

“It sure does. I can’t pick a man for shit. I fall all gaga over their charms and good looks and bam, they treat me like shit. I don’t know how to fight back and I wind up smacked around or where I am now, about to self-destruct. I will never live a normal life. Not as long as I remain a magnet to mean, self-centered men.”

“Not all men are self-centered and mean. There are men out there that know how to treat women,” Stacy stated.

“Sure there are, and you two scooped them up. Two very lucky women, you two are. I’m so happy for both of you. Pearl has really helped you to find happiness.” Millie took a sip from her cup of coffee.

“You should stay here, Millie. There are good men around the area, men that would surely treat you like gold,” Stacy began to say and Millie held up her hand for her to go no further.

“Stacy, I have so much baggage right now and so much fear in me that I’m not certain which direction I’m going in. If Frank is out there and he wants to hunt me down, I sure as hell can’t stick around Pearl. Not with you two here and baby Hope.”

“You’re safest here where there are men to protect you. There are more men in Pearl than there are women. Their duty is to protect the women and children at all costs. You are a member of the community and people will protect you,” Stacy stated firmly.

“I was a member of the community, but now I’m afraid that I may have to stick to moving until Detective Flynn can catch Frank in some kind of criminal activity. I have to head back to New York to get my things. I had to pay my rent for the apartment six months in advance. I left some of my jewelry-making materials there as well and that may be my only form of income for a while. There are too many responsibilities to just jump up and move back here. I came here on impulse and out of fear,” she rambled on then paused as the last words seemed to be absorbed by her friends.

“You’re not going back to New York until Frank is located and watched. You’re not risking your life again, Millie. You deserve better, and being in Pearl, taking some time to figure things out, will be best for you right now,” Stacy added.

Millie raised her eyebrows at Stacy’s commanding tone.

“You’ve become quite bossy, Miss Stacy,” Millie teased in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere. She was terrified to return to New York and face Frank. No amount of self-defense training ensured that she could defend herself against someone like Frank.

“You should see how she runs the ranch and now the construction plans. She’s the foreman, not the Lewis men.” Anna covered her mouth to stifle the laugh when Stacy’s mouth gaped open as if shocked by the description. Stacy shook her head.

“I have my men to support me and a baby to raise. I’m sorry if it seems I can be bossy at times. I get things done, don’t I?”

Anna and Millie chuckled.

“Good for you, Stacy. Maybe some of that attitude can rub off onto me. I sure can use it,” Millie added.

“You betcha, honey. So what do you think about our plans?”

“I think it’s a wonderful idea. I am certain there are many women out there who will find out about it and come looking for help. Have you decided on a name yet?” Millie asked.

Anna and Stacy shook their heads.

“We still can’t decide. Tomorrow you’ll meet Lena and Sage. Lena’s involved with the Jones brothers,” Stacy added.

“You mean Kenny, Bryant, Quinn, and Blake?”

“Yep. Lena was living on the streets of Detroit before she ran from a drug dealer that wanted to kill her. It was crazy. I’m sure she’ll share the story with you. She has a lot of insight into the shelters and what fears the women might have,” Anna told Millie.

“Coming to Pearl saved my life and Anna’s life,” Stacy added.

Millie exhaled as she thought about that statement. She looked at her best friends and had the feeling that they were really hoping to convince her to stay in Pearl and live here. But who in their right mind just up and leaves their life and relocates? There were things to consider here. Would she even consider moving back to Pearl if Frank weren’t looking for her? Millie knew she had some serious thinking to do.

“Do you remember when you both came to Pearl?” She stood up and brought her empty cup to the sink.

“I sure do. I was scared and I didn’t know anyone but Stacy,” Anna stated.

Millie faced them as she leaned against the counter.

“Stacy, you remember how pissed off you were about being tricked into coming here to relax and regroup as your boss remained in New York looking for you?”

“How could I forget?”

“Well, then, just think about how difficult this is for me. Pearl was where I was born and raised until I was forced to leave with my mom. Coming back here has brought back a lot of memories, both happy and sad. Just riding through town and seeing all the new store fronts mixed in with the original ones brought tears to my eyes. I swear when I passed by the old Benson ranch I remembered hanging out with Charlie, Sally, and their cousins and going swimming near the water hole.”

“Those sound like fun times,” Stacy added then smiled.

Millie lowered her head then took a deep breath before she stared out the window.

“When I passed by my aunt’s place, I remembered that time my mamma came home and told me that my daddy was gone and never coming back. My life changed that day. I cried for hours and prayed that they would work things out in their marriage. But he never showed. Not a card, not a letter, not a phone call wondering how I was doing. I was his only baby girl.” She ran a fingertip over the baby monitor sitting on the counter.

“Definitely some tough memories there, Millie, but you were just a child. You were innocent and your mamma had to make some tough decisions for you,” Stacy stated.

“It isn’t easy, Stacy. I guess I need to embrace the good with the bad while I’m here. More importantly, I’m struggling with some things right now that I need to handle. I know that you’re both here for me to lean on and all, but I truly need to regroup and gain back some of the self-confidence I had after surviving Frank’s attack. I need to find that woman who gained a fight inside of her that she thought could never be broken down again. I’m weak, ladies. I’m battered, not broken, but feeling beat down and headed in no specific direction.”

“That’s understandable, Millie, and we’re glad that you’re here in Pearl where there are people to keep you safe.” Stacy smiled.

“It will work out, and you’ve been so busy this is a great time to visit and get to know Hope and, of course, our men.” Anna winked.

“Speaking of men, what did you think of Jeremy and Anthony Lewis? Pretty hot stuff, huh?” Stacy teased then winked.

Millie shook her head. “I really didn’t notice.”

Anna made a funny-sounding noise with her mouth. “You are so full of shit, Millie. I saw your cheeks blush when Jeremy shook your hand then lowered the map so you could see. That was mighty sweet of him.”

“Yeah, and Anthony looked like he was memorizing your every feature. I nearly offered him a hankie to wipe his drool,” Stacy added and both she and Anna chuckled.

“You two better cut it out. I’m not planning on entertaining any men for quite some time. I’ve been burned and burned again and this woman needs to regroup. I’ll get an update from Detective Flynn tomorrow and see what the plan is. In the interim, I’ll try to help you as much as possible with the women’s shelter.”

Anna clapped her hands and squealed, and Stacy smiled wide then gave a fist punch in the air.

“Yes! We are going to make an awesome team. I can’t wait for you to meet Lena, Millie. You’re going to love her. Most importantly, the crew is back together again after years of being apart,” Stacy stated, and the three of them smiled as tears filled Millie’s eyes.


Chapter 6


Detective Flynn had the landlord unlock Millie’s apartment for him. He entered and scanned the area, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. Millie appeared to be a neat freak. Further investigation in the bedroom initially brought him some concern. He sniffed the air and smelled both perfume and men’s cologne. But he dismissed it. He knew nothing of Millie’s love life and didn’t want to assume the worst. He knew that Millie had left in a hurry and had packed some suitcases and jewelry. Things were knocked over, including a photo album that lay on the floor. He glanced around the room and noticed a desk in the corner. The narrow drawer was tipped over and all the contents were spread out on the rug. That didn’t seem like something Millie would do as she gathered her things for a quick escape.

His gut instincts kicked in and he was in police mode as he moved closer, trying to find out if the culprit had been Frank.

He took out his handkerchief and picked up the photo album. Flipping through the pages, he noticed a torn picture and then a page that seemed to be missing a picture. She could have taken them with her instead of the entire album, but that didn’t sit right with him. He would have to ask Millie.

He looked around the room and nothing really stood out, so he entered the kitchen. Detective Flynn didn’t like the feeling he had. Frank Bennett was slick and conniving.

He walked into the kitchen and noticed some things on the counter. Moving closer, he saw what appeared to be a long, thick stick that had one side wrapped in thick electrical tape like a handle and the other end was narrower. There was a note on a piece of paper that said, “Pain equals submission and respect.”

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