Millie's Second Chance (5 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Millie's Second Chance
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“That’s not going to happen, Frank. I don’t know how you connived that therapist to get you out early, but you’re not going to get away with this. I called the police. They’re watching you.”

She stood up and began to pace.

“No one is watching me, Millie. No one can keep me from you.”

Her heart began to pound against her chest. She recognized that tone of his. She knew he meant business and she wouldn’t survive another one of Frank’s beatings. She ran the palm of her hand across her waist then down to her groin where the scar was.

She glanced around her apartment, frantic.

“Your silence is telling me that you know there’s nowhere to turn. We belong together, you and me. We’re a team, Millie, don’t you forget that.”

“We’re not a team, Frank. You nearly killed me.”

She hurried toward her bedroom and packed her suitcase. Detective Flynn had told her to get out of town for a while. Perhaps for good was a better idea.

“I’m going to make that up to you, baby. I had a lot of time to think things through. I know what I need to do.”

“Stop it, Frank! Just stop it now!” she yelled at him.

“Sounds like my baby needs a little discipline. You know I’m the man to do it.”

She hung up on him. Her hands were shaking, the tears streaming down her cheeks.

She recalled his beatings—his so-called disciplinary actions when she was “out of line,” as he liked to call it. A smack there, an unexpected jab to her stomach. All in the name of his authority and control. She realized too late that he was abusive, and she was stuck, too embarrassed to tell her friends or get the help she needed. She was scared of him, more scared than anything, including death itself. When she was dying, because that was surely how she felt two years ago, she had given up on life when Stacy showed up and saved her.

Stacy? Oh my God, Stacy and Anna could help. They’re building that new women’s shelter. I would be safe in Pearl.

Chapter 3


Stacy and Anna stood side by side as Jeremy Lewis went over the plans for the set of cottages to be built near the recreational center. Lena was speaking with Anthony, his brother, about the computer images they had worked on.

“I think this will be the best spot. It’s not too far from the ranch and we can tie in the electrical, well water, and so forth pretty easily, Stacy,” Jeremy stated, and she nodded her head but then glanced at her watch. She was worried about Millie, and so was Anna. That’s when she felt the hand on her elbow.

“She’ll be fine. She called before she boarded the plane. She should be here shortly. Wyatt picked her up so we know she’s safe and nearby,” Anna told her.

“Who’s that?” Jeremy asked.

“Our good friend from New York is moving back here. Do you remember Millie Donovan, Marie Lamorte’s niece?” Anna asked Jeremy.

“I don’t think I do. You said Marie is her aunt?” Jeremy asked.

“Yes. She practically raised her.”

“Great. Well, I’m sure she’ll love being back home.”

“Yep.” Anna then continued to go over the designs and construction information with the Lewis brothers.

Anna looked around the property. The shelter was complete. The cottages were still being built, but six were finished and the space for the rec center was established. Eventually, the original workers’ quarters, which were just as large as the main house, would be redesigned and turned into a bed-and-breakfast. They already had other members of the community asking about employment opportunities.

She took a deep and unsteady breath. She would feel better once Millie arrived safe and sound.


* * * *


“You’re mine, and we belong together.”

Breaking into the apartment had been easy. Millie was still so conservative and reserved. She didn’t flaunt her achievements or the money she made. It was obvious by the apartment complex she lived in. The security was a joke and the only surveillance cameras were the ones outside the front door, and since they didn’t have a full view, he was able to keep his head turned to the left and remain undetected. He looked around the living room. Something wasn’t right. Through further investigation he entered her bedroom, and the sweet smell of her perfume filled his nostrils. He closed his eyes and adjusted his cock.

“Fuck, baby, I wish you were here right now. We’d make good use of that bed.” He moved closer, picking up what appeared to be a nightshirt. It was pink and frilly and smelled like her. He inhaled against the soft fabric and it tickled his nose. He wanted Millie so badly. His breathing grew rapid as he stared at the bedposts. He would tie her up against the posts of her bed and spread her legs wide for him to have his way with. He closed his eyes, imagining the feel of her soft skin against the rough palms of his hands. His hands were calloused from lifting weights and mopping floors. He did it all for her. He had waited too long and had planned every moment. But where was she? He knew his call would surely arouse her, but what game was she playing now? He enjoyed the chase as much as the capture. She knew that. Perhaps she was still a little frightened. He did nearly kill her. But it was only because he wanted her so badly. He wanted to brand her as his own. He wanted to know that she belonged to no other man than him ever again. The thought made him clench his teeth and growl. Where could she be?
Who would make her leave me when Millie knew I was coming for her?
Millie knew the rules.

Stacy. That bitch intervened.
The anger caused him to clench the material in his hands. Then he controlled that temper of his just like the prison psychiatrist taught him. That ugly bitch thought she had healed Frank.

Dr. Sheila Perkins would die, too, that cunt. Sheila fell for his lies. She actually thought that he was in love with her, as she surely was with him. He played his role well and got what he wanted, an early parole. Thanks to the good doctor, he was released on good behavior under her continued care and her professional recommendation. Little did the warden or the parole board know, he had manipulated his own fate and used the kind doctor. But hey, it was her fault. Sheila was supposed to be a professional. But she was weak and needed the firm hand of a strong male to guide her. He was that man and there was no weakness around women.

She made his time last longer and drag on until he realized that Sheila was attracted to him. He had worked out vigorously because there wasn’t anything better to do. He even worked odd jobs around the prison to strengthen his case before the parole board. That, too, had been the good doctor’s advice. Well, he was nearly done with her anyway. He had his eyes on the grand prize. He wanted Millie.

Frank felt himself losing the edge and fighting the need to hurt someone. But he had a plan, a dream that had kept him somewhat sane when he was locked up. His sweet, beautiful Millie. She was so soft, petite, and voluptuous. She had natural beauty and she was reserved, never showing off her figure. She kept herself for him. She listened to him and accepted his control. There was no other, just him. He was aroused at the thought. He had taken her virginity. She was branded his woman from that very first moment.

His eye caught sight of an album on the dresser. He walked closer, noticing the jewelry stand was knocked over and no jewelry remained. It bothered him, but he was compelled to open the album. He lifted the leather book and opened the first page. His breathing hitched at the sight. He focused on her and not the man standing beside her who looked smug and narcissistic. He turned the page and then the next page. They were filled with pictures of his Millie with some sort of snotty bastard.

“Bitch!” he blurted out then threw the album against the wall.

He pulled open the dresser drawers. They were empty. He reached for another and found the same thing. Emptiness.

He walked toward the closet and pulled open the doors.

She ran.

His heart began to pound and a mix of anger and exhilaration filled him. This was going to be fun. She wanted him to chase her. Millie knew how much it turned him on when she ran from him. They played that game often. She would cry and beg for him to stop hitting her and would run only for him to chase her down, toss her onto the bed, and fuck her the way she liked it.

He began to search for clues as to where she might have headed. She didn’t have any family that he knew of except for Stacy and Anna.

He smiled then looked around the room for more clues. An address, a phone number, anything that would help him find her quickly so they could join their bodies once again.

He was in his glory and lived for moments like this. He was a hunter and Millie was his prey.

“Game on, baby.”

Chapter 4


Being back in Pearl already made Millie feel much better. She was miles and miles away from all her troubles and heartache. She had to admit that having a man as large and intimidating as Sheriff Wyatt Cantrell as her personal escort made her feel safer. Anna was one lucky woman.

“You look really good, Millie. Very sophisticated and grown up.” Wyatt winked as he looked forward again, being sure to keep his eyes on the road.

Millie laughed. She and Wyatt had grown up together until Millie’s mother had dragged her out of Pearl and to Connecticut when she was eleven. They had moved to New York City two months later. Her mother hadn’t realized how expensive it would be to rent a house and they wound up in the projects instead. But that was how she met Anna and Stacy.

“Thanks for the compliment. So how’s my girl Anna doing?” Millie asked.

“Keeping busy with the new shelter, the design and plans for the bed and breakfast, and the construction. Both Stacy and Anna want to be the first to share everything about it with you.”

“Sounds interesting. I can’t wait to see them. It’s been too long. I understand that word is spreading already and they have a few women there now.” They approached the stretch of road before the Cantrell ranch.

“They have five so far. I think it’s going to be great and I have more deputies on duty to provide extra security, too.”

He winked and she smiled.

“Well, I guess I’m number six then, huh?” she whispered and her throat closed up for a moment as the urge to cry nearly overtook her.

Wyatt reached over and squeezed her clasped hands that were on her lap.

“It’s going to work out fine, Millie. You’re strong, you know how the business operates, and you’ve got all of us here to protect and support you. I’ve already been in touch with Detective Flynn. He’ll keep us posted on any changes.”

“I appreciate that, Wyatt. I was so scared. I think coming back home to Pearl was my only option.”

“We’ll stop by the ranch to see the women and then I’ll give you a ride over to your aunt’s place.”

“My aunt’s? I thought that she and Ron were on a cruise?”

“They are. Anna and Stacy fixed up the cottage for you last night.” He smiled. She shook her head.

“The same cottage that Stacy stayed in when she met your cousins?”

“Yep. They even stocked the refrigerator for you. Although I doubt you’ll have much alone time with those two. Stacy can’t wait for you to see Hope.”

Millie smiled. She hadn’t had a chance to leave New York and visit when Stacy’s baby was born.

“I can’t wait to see her.”

“She’s beautiful, Millie.” Millie could hear the sincerity in his voice. The Cantrells were very close and Millie was certain that Wyatt, Ben, and Charlie looked at Hope as if she was their own daughter. She was envious as the lonely feelings of inadequacy and isolation trickled inside of her. Those were foolish thoughts because she knew she had Anna and Stacy. They were her family just like Aunt Marie.

“So when are you, Ben, Anna, and Charlie going to start a family?” Millie asked with a wink.

Wyatt sighed as if she had hit a sensitive subject. She was suddenly concerned.

“What’s wrong? Things are okay between you three and Anna, right?”

“Oh, yeah. Of course they are. We love her so much, Millie. It’s just that she’s still recovering from her injuries. She gets headaches still and sometimes gets a little dizzy.”

“Well, the doctors said that was normal and it could take a while. Especially since her concussion was pretty serious.”

“I know. She gets upset every now and then about it. I see how she watches Stacy with Hope, Eric, and Max. She wants to start a family as much as we do, but we need to wait just a little longer.”

“Well, there’s plenty of time to start a family. I’m sure she’ll be free and clear from those headaches in no time. So how is the crime around Pearl? Still maintaining the peace?” she teased, wanting to change the subject.

“You’d be surprised what types of things happen around town. Nothing serious, of course, but we do get a few stragglers from outside of Pearl that come in for the shops and to dine at Francine’s. Anna still insists on working some hours there. Jack and Mary Boslow love her and of course Francine up and opened another restaurant in Turbank. She’s mostly there.”

“Wow! Well, Anna is a great cook. I wouldn’t blame Jack and Mary for keeping her working steady.”

Just then, they approached the front gates to the Triple C Ranch. It was even more beautiful than she recalled.

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