Midnight Squad: The Grim (44 page)

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Authors: J. L. M. Visada

BOOK: Midnight Squad: The Grim
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I started getting

“Yes, when I bite someone, I can produce two types of venom.
The grippers produce an antiseptic that keeps the wound from being infected. It
tastes a little like peppermint. Then if everything is going like it should I
secrete a venom that encourages someone to let me feed. I think you experienced
its full effect.” She gave me a sly grin. I blushed, and probably turned three
shades of red.

“Well you definitely gave me one hell of a reason to kiss
you as often as possible…not that I really needed one to begin with.” I leaned
over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

Penny giggled and then stopped jogging, “That venom heals
up almost any wound. With you…stimulating the grippers in my teeth like you did
I ended up giving you an extra-large dose.”

“Okay, does that mean I just gave you the vampire
equivalent of a blowjob?’ Penny considered my words then gave a slight shrug
and nodded. I felt a little weird about that, but if I was going to have a
relationship with her, then I was going to have to accept this relationship
would probably be far from normal. I looked her in the eyes, “Is it dangerous?”

“No, it’s harmless. Well…except for certain pleasant side
effects. It’s only dangerous if someone tries to fight me. If someone tried to
fight against my feeding then I can release venom that stimulates pain receptors
in my victim. It also works like an anticoagulant, and my meal could bleed out
within five minutes. It works like a hyperactive version of the Ebola virus. It
rewards someone for letting me feed, and punishes them severely for trying to
fight me.” So instead of a mind-blowing orgasm she could have killed me in a
truly horrific and painful way. Talk about the old carrot and the stick
approach taken to an extreme level.

“So you can make me cum, or kill me with a kiss. I know I
should be scared, but to be honest, for some reason that‘s just kind of hot.”
Penny laughed, “You’re insane, but adorable.” I kissed her again. I’m not sure
I would have been so eager if deep down I didn’t trust her completely. Penny
held my life in her hands with every kiss. Every time our tongues touched,
could be the last. Some part of me found that incredibly sexy, and the rest of
me was just so happy that Penny was interested that I just didn’t care about
the details. To be honest, if I’d have known how amazing a kisser she was I
think I’d still kiss her knowing it would kill me.

We kept running towards the city…more or less. We were
just having so much fun playing that we started to lose track of time.
Sometimes I chased her, and then she chased me, we played like kids. She would
tag me, and then I’d have to chase her all over through the mud and rain until
finally she let me catch her. Then she’d chase me. When that started to get
old, we started wrestling. It was funny. I’d have to use every ounce of
strength to knock Penny off balance, and she’d just shrug and I’d land ten feet
away. She was amazingly gentle about it though, and even spared my ego a little
by letting
tackle her a few times. We’d roll around
in the mud and laugh. The rain was coming down so heavily that it washed the
dirt and mud off us almost immediately.

Eventually, we had to stop playing and make our way to
the city. I was exhausted, and Penny wasn’t even breathing hard. To make up for
our lost time she grabbed me, and swung me over her shoulder. Everything was a
blur for the next ten minutes or so. Her movements were so fast that the water
stung as it blasted against me, and I couldn’t focus on anything. Suddenly we
were at the edge of the city. Penny lowered me down and we began walking
towards a twenty-four hour diner. The rain was still pouring, and the thunder
and lightning were making for an awe-inspiring show. As we got closer, my
tongue tingled as if I was licking a battery.

Danika ran out to us. “Hurry up and get inside. Maybe you
two can calm her down.” We ran into the diner. Alhambra was leaning against the
bar, chatting away with some poor schmuck. I swept my eyes around the diner,
and they finally found the other two. Janine looked practically human. Then
there was Katy, who looked anything but human.

The electrical storm was really messing with the little
witch. I slipped into the booth beside her and she wrapped her arms around me
tightly, “Grimmy! I missed you…why don’t we go somewhere and I’ll show you how
much!” Her words were slurred like she’d just polished off several fruity girly
drinks, but her eyes were glowing dangerously with power. The storm had Janine
supercharged until she was almost flesh and bone, and Katy was drunk on all the
extra ambient energy. Katy glared at me, “Why can’t I find a boyfriend Grim?
How come nobody wants to go out with me?”

I didn’t even know where to begin with on this.
Therefore, I tried to ignore it. “We need to find transportation.”

“But Grimmy…nobody wants to go out with me. I’m going to
die old and alone!” Katy sniffled. She wasn’t going to let this go, but I tried
to press on, “We also need to see what supplies we have left.”

“Grimmy…stop ignoring me. Am I ugly? Why don’t boys like
me? It’s because I have small boobs isn’t it?”

“You don’t have small…I am not having this discussion.
Ladies let’s focus, we need transportation, and supplies.” I growled.

“I’m nineteen, I have small boobies, and I’ve never had
an orgasm!” Katy wailed.

“Focus Kate…we need to get ready to go, and…wait….you’ve
never had an orgasm?”

“Not even one.” She sniffled, “and it’s because of my
itty bitty titties!”

“You don’t have little breasts. You have perfectly
normal, perky breasts. They’re great breasts. Any man would be happy to
motorboat the shit out of them. Now can we please get back on topic because
there’s an angry asshole out there that wants to kill all of us?” The other
women were laughing at me now. Apparently, they found my mounting levels of
frustration at my inability to control the situation with Katy to be pretty

Katy slurred, “You’re just saying that, but these are
tiny, and nobody wants to play with them.” Katy lifted her shirt. It was only
for a second, but it was enough to get the locals moving towards us. A waitress
yelled, “This ain’t
strip club. If you can’t keep
your clothes on, then get out!”

It took us a few minutes to get Katy to calm down. She
was slurring her speech like an adorable little wino, but her eyes had that
dangerously strange glow to them. I looked to Alhambra, “What’s wrong with
her?” The Jinn responded, “Poor upbringing, and apparently genetics.”

“Seriously, what’s wrong? If I didn’t know better I’d say
she was drunk.”

“Grim, she’s a witch. She is drunk. All this extra power
in the air is affecting her. We need to get out of here soon because this storm
is going to get worse, and so will she.” The Jinn's words were a good kick in
our pants. Any moment Katy could do something that might get the law called on
us, and that was the perfect motivation to get us focused and moving.

Chapter 23

We stole a van and were puttered down the highway like a
soccer mom from beyond Thunderdome. We were careful to keep the speed limit.
The last thing we needed was to draw the attention of the police. Katy still
wasn’t getting any better, and the worst part was that we had to travel the
same direction as the storm so we were just prolonging Katy’s condition. At
least she wasn’t a mean drunk, just a horny one. Janine was driving. The storm
gave out enough ambient energy that she was as solid as the rest of us, and
practically begged us to let her get behind the wheel. It was a little strange
seeing her solid. I’d gotten so used to her being semitransparent that seeing
her full silhouette made me feel like my eyes were playing tricks on me. It was
four in the morning, and everything was still pitch black. The only light came
from the headlights, and the lightning. The back of the van had tinted windows,
so even the lightning didn’t help.

“Grimmy, I can’t believe you were able to steal this van
so quickly. That was so hot! Don’t you think he’s hot Penny? Grim…Grim…Grim! Do
you know what my favorite part was? It was when you were talking about
motorboating my breasts. That’s the most action I’ve gotten since…ever! That’s
so sad Grim. Grim…Grim…GrimGrimGrimGrimGrim! Why can’t I find a man?” Katy had
been going on like this for the last hour. Katy, Penny, and I were in the very
back of the van, and for the last hour I’d been the sole focus of Katy’s
drunken ramblings.

It’s funny, there are mean drunks, sad drunks, quiet
drunks, but Katy…she was a horny drunk. She kept coming onto me, and every time
it got worse. The others thought it was funny. I hoped Penny would help me out,
but she was the worst of the bunch. She kept egging Katy on.
Katy started the ride by squeezing my biceps,
and before long had progressed to rubbing chest and running her thumb over my

“Grimmy…you’re still kind of wet and muddy. I think you
should take that shirt off.” Katy looked at me like I was a juicy steak. Her
eyes still glowed and sparked, and it was scaring the crap out of me. I felt a
little tingle in the air, and my shirt and pants just…went away. Well I guess
went away isn’t the best way to describe it. It was more like my clothes turned
into sand slid off me. She left my underwear, but I still covered my wahoo with
both hands just in case. I just sat there in shock.

Finally, I regained my composure. I leaned over to Penny,
“a little help here.” Penny smiled, “I’d be glad to.” I relaxed, and was
immediately aware that I had just made a huge mistake.
Penny leaned in and started kissing my neck
just behind my ear. I froze, my breath caught in my throat. Ok, this wasn’t the
help I was expecting.
Penny what are you
doing?” It was getting a little hard…to think.

“I’m helping.” She whispered into my ear before nibbling
my earlobe.

“Who exactly are you helping?” It was getting hard to

“Myself.” Penny giggled. Okay so this was quickly turning
into a dear Penthouse moment. I’m sure I was going to say something, but then I
felt Katy’s tongue tracing my other earlobe. My eyes actually crossed from
sensation overload, and I started drooling a bit. One of my knees kept bouncing
up and down just like I was a dog, and they’d found the perfect place to
scratch. Penny wrapped her arms around me and she started kissing and nipping
all up and down along the nape of my neck. Katy was running her hands across my
chest, and she bit down on a nipple. I felt her body shift, and then she began
nibbling and kissing my chest much more aggressively.

“I’m not sure I’m okay with this.” I gasped. Thinking was
getting hard enough, talking was almost impossible. Penny kissed just behind my
earlobe and whispered, “That’s why it’s so much fun.” I think I whimpered a
bit. I know I was drooling.

I tried to think of a way to calm things down. “I’m sure
Danika doesn’t want to see this.”

“Two words, werewolf orgy. So it doesn’t bother me at
all. Besides it‘s a long drive, and this sure beats talk radio.” Danika’s eyes
playfully sparkled, and she was clearly entertained. So much for hoping I’d get
the werewolf’s help.

“Janine, you don’t really want to see this do you?” I did
my best avoid sounding like a man with the erection from hell. I needed some
help here, and she was my last real hope.

“Oh Grimmy, if I wasn’t driving I’d be back there too.
In fact…Danika?”
I watched in a state of fully aroused
horror as Janine and Danika slap hands like she was tagging the werewolf in.
Danika hopped into the driver seat, and Janine just melted back through the
seats. Almost immediately, her tongue was in my mouth. I thought about asking
for help from Ally, but I already knew where that would lead. I was already
fighting a losing battle with three girls. I certainly wouldn’t be able to
defend against all four of them. I’m not sure I’d want to.

“I’m not sure this is such a good idea. We need to get to
safety.” My voice was raspy with lust. What do you do when three beautiful
women are touching you, kissing you, and getting ready to take turns satisfying
themselves with your body? I felt Katy touch my boxers and they just dissipated
like smoke. There I was, naked and stumbling over the sudden lack of blood in
my brain. Nobody would ever believe this. Hell, I didn’t believe it.

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