Midnight Squad: The Grim (41 page)

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Authors: J. L. M. Visada

BOOK: Midnight Squad: The Grim
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Penny came over and wrapped her arms around me. “It’s
okay Grim.” The other girls hugged me and I just let myself drift gently
through their comforting words. I soaked in every hug. Occasionally I looked up
into the rearview mirror. Alhambra watched us closely. Her eyes were angry.
Finally, I moved out of the hug fest, and then I glared at the Jinn, “What’s
got your panties so twisted? After our talk earlier I thought you were looking
at turning over a new leaf.”

Alhambra stared at me through the rearview mirror. “I am,
but I want to stay alive while I’m doing it. This is a game we can’t afford to
lose. The problem is that we’re playing chess and you are all checker players.
If it was just you,
, the werewolf, and the vampire
then I’d feel safe. I know three of us are killers, and the wolf can always
fall back on her instincts. The witch and the ghost are too soft. They don’t
have any stomach for doing what is necessary. That ghost is so concerned about
those men in the back. You and I both know that either my mate is going to get
them patched up so they can fight again, or he’s just going to kill them for
their failure. The bad thing is you’re listening to them. I still can’t figure
out why you made the ones that didn’t want to fight anymore walk, especially
since you let the ones that still want to fight drive. It doesn’t make any sense.
What’s worse is that you’re making us play taxi to their wounded. You have no
real strategy, you don’t see any of your people as expendable, and you aren’t
willing to be ruthless enough to fight. This is a game, and the stakes are too
high for this foolishness. There is only one way to win the game of death, and
it isn’t by doing touchy-feely things like this. None of this makes any sense.
What could you possibly be thinking?”

At that point, the phone in the transport rang. When I
picked it up Eisen’s voice was angry, and very tightly wound. “I would like to
know why you have made two unscheduled stops.”

“Well, you see. The first time they stopped was so I
could kick their ass. The second time was so I could dump some of your useless

Well it’s interesting
to hear your voice. I assume that means my dearest is also there with you.”
Eisen spoke calmly. I just wanted to punch him.

Alhambra’s voice was like honey, “Oh I’m still here my
love. Although you certainly came close to changing that, but don’t worry lover
because I promise I’ll be with you until your dying day. My love, could you
please give Elizabeth my regards? Tell her I look forward to seeing her again.”

Eisen’s voice grew calm

I’ll give her your love. Now could
you be quiet for a moment please, the men are speaking
Every woman in the vehicle growled angrily.
“Sergeant, my
It appears I’ve left you with several very angry women.
Perhaps if you’d been giving them what they need then they wouldn’t be so
uptight about such minor things
Yep, he’s an
asshole. I could see where Ally got her skill in twisting the knife.

“General, just so we understand one another. You fucked
up. You should have killed me. I won’t make that mistake with you. We took out
your transport. We took out your men, and now we’re going to take you down.”
The girls looked at me. They were confused.

“You know it’s funny. For a brief moment you had me
worried. Goodbye Sergeant. Goodbye girls. We could have had so much fun
together.” Then he hung up. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. All eyes
turned towards me and Janine asked, “Grim? What about that conversation sounded
good to you?”

“Remember the explosives you helped me remove from here?”

“Yes, I was wondering why you put them in the other…oh
God no!”

I couldn’t take the smile off my face. I held up my hand
and started a countdown on my fingers, “five…four…three…two…one…bang.” A half
second later the first transport exploded into a ball of fire. The shockwave
shook us so violently that I ended up flat on my back, with Katy and Danika
sprawled across me. Alhambra stomped the break and we skidded to a stop. The
transport lurched and someone’s boobs slid across my face, and usually I’d call
that a success. Unfortunately, someone’s knee hit me in the balls, and that’s a
fail no matter when it happens.

It took us a moment to get ourselves up off the ground,
and another minute to stop talking like a soprano in a boy’s choir. We all got
out of the transport. Janine glared at me angrily, “You used me!
You rotten son of a bitch!”
Hell I thought she knew. She was
so angry. The last thing I’d wanted to do was hurt her. I raised both hands and
tried to calm her down.

“Janine, we don’t have a lot of time. Can we talk?”
Janine nodded, but she was fuming. The bad thing was that I couldn’t tell if
what I smelled was Janine, or the burning men in the transport in front of us.
The others just stared at us. “Janine. Just step inside of me for a moment.”
She didn’t budge. Her anger caused her to flicker like a strobe light.
“Please.” I was begging for her to hear me out, but we only had so much time
and so if she wouldn’t listen I’d have to just move on regardless of her
feelings. Somehow, Janine found it in her heart to give a little. She slowly
slipped inside me.
Fuck! It’s like my head is going to
Serves you right! I can’t believe you’d use me like that! I
thought we were friends!

“Shit…I thought you knew. I mean you were in my head. Why
did you think we were moving the explosives? I just assumed you realized what I
was up to.” Well now I felt like complete crap.
I didn’t know.
“If you
had known would you have stopped me?”
Yes…no…I don’t know, but I deserved
the chance to make up my own mind. Grim you made me help you kill someone. I
don’t know if I can handle that. This isn‘t like the clones, these are real
people with real lives. Some of them probably had wives and kids. I know you
don’t really see a difference, but I do. By now, you should have known that!
sorry that I upset you. I didn’t mean to make you feel this way. I’ll
understand if you can’t forgive me, but I am sorry. In fact, that’s why I
wanted you to step inside me. I wanted you to know for certain that the last
thing I wanted to do was upset you like this.”
You may not have wanted to
upset me, but you did. It might not have been so bad, except I saw your face
Grim. You were smiling when they blew up. Why?

“I was smiling because part of this plan is actually
working. I’ve figured Ally’s man out. She’s correct about a lot of things, but
she overlooked one thing. I may not be the smartest, but I learn. All that time
she and I spent together, I was learning. She’s arrogant, and wrong about me.
She said we didn’t understand the game. That couldn’t be farther than the
truth. I understand the game, and I plan on playing it better than either of
them would ever imagine. We’re in a desperate situation, and right now all I’m
trying to do is buy us enough time to find an opportunity to turn the tables on
that prick. Janine, you might be mad at me forever, and I wouldn’t blame you.
I’m sorry that I upset you, but I’m not sorry about what I did. I’d have done
it anyway. I’m trying to save us all, and my options are limited. I’m sorry
about any pain I’ve given you. I really am, but I need you to understand that I
am going to find a way to get us through all this if I have to be the biggest
baddest monster walking.” Time was getting short, and I was desperate. We were
in a real shit storm, and the only chance we had was to escape and regroup.
Janine knew the truth because she could feel my desperation.

Grim…the Lord demands we forgive one another. I knew
we were in danger, but until now, I didn’t realize how much. I forgive you
Grim. We’re friends. I know you aren’t perfect, but you have a good
heart…usually. We’re still friends, and I have your back, but if you ever do
that to me again then all bets are off. If you are going to kill someone, don’t
drag me into it. Everyone deserves a second chance, and consider this notice
that you are on your second chance with me.
With that, she left my body.
She wasn’t happy, but she’d tolerate it this time. I fucked up with her, and
she was gracious enough to give me another opportunity. The first chance I got
I was going to need to make it up to her.

I must have been lost in my thoughts for a while because
Katy was snapping her fingers in front of my eyes for what must have been a
good bit. “Grim? Are you there?
I blinked and turned towards her, “Yeah, sorry. I spaced out a bit. Okay,
before we get moving I need to have a group discussion. We have to hurry
though, so everyone gather up.”

The girls huddled in close, a little too close because I
now had a direct view of everyone’s cleavage. All those perky breasts blew my
concentration all to hell. I had to force myself to keep focused, but it was
next to impossible for me to look down at them and not cheat a glance at their
sweater puppies. After talking semi-incoherently for a few moments, I finally
gave in to the power of the almighty boobs. “Ok…everyone take one step back,
and Penny can you please button those last two buttons. I’m trying to think,
and you’re all making it hard…um…er…difficult.” I felt my face blush. Great, I
am trying to get us on course and apparently, my inner thirteen year old is
driving the bus.

The stress of our situation got the better of the girls.
They started by snickering, as my face got redder they progressed to giggling.
I gave them my meanest look. I was trying to get them to stop giggling, and
instead I pushed it into a full-scale laugh fest. “Seriously, it’s not that
damn funny.” I growled.

Katy jumped right in, “Oh what’s wrong
It can’t be the first time a girl started laughing when it got hard for you!” I
shot her the look of death, but they were all too far-gone. They were cackling,
Penny snorted. Damn, even her snorts are adorable. I’d have probably enjoyed
the situation a lot more if it didn’t come at the expense of my pecker. “Have
you finished?” I growled. Danika stepped in, “Well if you’d try a little
foreplay once in awhile maybe you wouldn’t have to ask those questions!” Well
crap. I guess I walked into that one.

“Ok, I need ya’ll to focus because in about thirty to
forty five minutes this place is gonna be covered in the enemy.” The laughter
died immediately. “Ok, so here’s what’s going on. We don’t have a lot of time
to get out of the area. The nearest city is ten miles north of here. If we hoof
it then we’ll be in the city before they arrive. I’m assuming he headed this
way by helicopter. I saw the destination for the transports. If he was waiting
for us then he’ll be coming from the south. Therefore, we have to get moving
soon. That means we can’t carry much. We have stuff piled up in the back. Now
for a quick review, Eisen and Elizabeth want Ally and me dead, and want to use
you all for experiments. Therefore, our first priority is survival. If you have
any doubts about their intentions then keep in mind that Elizabeth killed Dr
Nowitski. Penny, are the men in back alive?”

“Yes, contrary to what some people around here think. I’m
not a mindless feeding machine. I fed off them all, and they are all just as
alive as when I first went back there.” Penny glared at Janine, and Janine
looked like she felt guilty. “Damn! I was hoping you’d finish them off. You
sure you can’t go back and nibble on them a bit longer.” Janine and Katy stared
at me in shock, but I just stared at Penny. Finally, when Penny realized I wasn’t
kidding she said, “No, I’m about as full as I can be.”

Janine looked like she was about to start yelling at me.
I needed them to understand the situation, her specifically. “Janine…Katy, I
know neither of you like this. Right now we need to get moving, and as much as
you both are going to hate what I’m about to say, I need you both to realize
that I need to buy us some extra time. Right now Eisen thinks we died in the
explosion. If he gets here and these jokers are still alive then he’ll know
what happened. With that information, he might actually catch us before we get
to town. Then we’re all dead. The only chance we have to make it safely is if
we destroy this second transport with these men in it. Then Eisen will have to
confirm that we aren’t one of the bodies. By the time he figures it all out,
we’ll either have stolen a car, or found some other transportation. We need
that time. Now if any of you have a suggestion for how we can get the extra
time, and still keep these men alive I’ll hear it.”

I waited a few moments. Nobody really liked the idea. The
closest I came to someone being positive about it was Alhambra. Even then, she
was only indifferent. “Ok, so if nobody has another idea then we’ll get
started. Let’s haul ass. Grab the money, and anything else that might be
useful. Stay light because we need to move quickly.” We all ran back inside the
transport. The explosion had jumbled everything around. “Shit! Ok just grab any
cash you see. We don’t really have time to dig through everything for weapons.”
Thirty seconds later, we had about one hundred and fifty of the fifteen hundred
dollars that we’d counted. This was definitely not going well. I moved a little
deeper into the transport. I needed something flammable. I checked the weapon
storage. It was empty. We’d piled everything up earlier in the back so we could
grab it and go. If I’d known the explosion was going to jumble everything up as
it did then I’d have left the weapons in here. I looked around. There were a
few spare ammo clips, and a kit to clean your guns. I was just about to turn
and walk out when I saw the answer to my prayers. I thought it was a smoke
grenade at first, but then leaning in I realized it was thermite. Thermite
burns at over twenty two hundred degrees Celsius. The destruction it causes is
devastating. Its only purpose is to destroy stuff. I came back out to the

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