Michaela (15 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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Michaela bared her teeth back, half in terror and half in excitement. She could see that none of Govi’s protests would stop Raxstad this time. The Nobek would have his prize.

There was another blur of motion and the sudden sense of being whipped through the air. The next instant, Michaela found herself slung over Raxstad’s shoulder and being carried off the stage. Looking through the thick coils of her wig, she saw Korkla and Govi following them through the crowd of cheering Plasians.

Raxstad stalked across the square. His clanmates did not call to the Nobek to halt. In fact, they looked intent on hurrying him faster, giving him little pushes against his wide back.

Michaela did not fight despite the sudden stab of terror in her gut. She fought back the fear. She had made a commitment to see this through, to force the men to make good on their assertions or admit they indeed did not want her. The time to shove aside all doubt had arrived.

Over the bedlam of excited yells, Israla’s voice rose above the rest. “At last! The greatest conquest of them all!”

Oh no, please not in front of everyone. Take me back to the mansion
, Michaela thought, fresh panic rising.

Raxstad leapt into the air. Michaela gasped to see the ground fall away beneath them, as if gravity had released its hold and Raxstad was propelled by rocket fuel. The inlayed stone that made up the square zoomed away. They soared over piles of flowers like the ones in Israla’s garden, like the ones that had been piled up next to the stage and the altar across the way.

Then Raxstad landed on a slab of stone carved with intricately swirled designs and metal hooks studding its edges. Michaela groaned for a moment, recognizing the altar over which the hideous deity loomed. The altar where all those young Plasians had been recently deflowered and where Clan Korkla apparently planned to take Michaela’s virginity as well.

She might have protested but for the wallop of floral ambrosia that filled her nostrils. All those flowers coated the air with their heady perfume, taking Michaela’s fright and humiliation away. Agreeable warmth filled her groin, making her pussy moisten and cock fill. The flowers surrounding the altar worked their magic, making her hard and eager.

Raxstad knelt on the altar, facing the square. Korkla and Govi also knelt, putting themselves on either side of the Nobek and Earther. Three pairs of hands grasped Michaela, pulling her off Raxstad’s shoulder, turning her around, putting her on her knees before the Nobek with her back against his chest and stomach. Michaela moaned to feel his eager cocks pressing hard against her buttocks.

Raxstad grasped the top of her head and pulled it back so that her neck was taut. Michaela stared up into his eyes. The cat-slitted pupils of the big male’s eyes had grown so large that she saw only the barest sliver of purple surrounding them. It was the sight of his thin rattlesnake fangs that stopped her breath, however.

Raxstad looked far better than the hideous stone idol looming over them, Nevertheless, he was nearly as frightening when he snarled, “You will entertain no other clan, my Matara. You belong to us.”

Michaela could not look away from the bestial face over hers. Even the feel of Korkla and Govi tugging at her costume and the sound of it ripping from her body could not tear her gaze from Raxstad’s. The knowledge that hundreds of Plasian eyes were seeing her and taking in the sight of her dual sexual nature wasn’t enough to allow her to escape the Nobek’s spell.

There was only the dangerous excitement of being held helpless by Raxstad. That and the blanket of the arousing flowers’ perfume that drove away every thought save the one that demanded the Kalquorians fuck her right here and right now.

Raxstad’s face suddenly disappeared. Michaela’s face was covered by his dreadlocks while his face shoved against the side of her neck. Twin stabs of pain there announced his bite.

Michaela screamed. It was not the sharp agony that caused her to cry out. That was over almost as quickly as it had come, the anesthetic properties of Raxstad’s saliva taking away the torment. Instead, Michaela shrieked as blazing arousal burned through her body. It went straight from where Raxstad’s mouth sealed around her neck to her cock and pussy. His fangs, pumping intoxicating venom into her, were a sensational prelude to the carnal invasion yet to come.

Michaela didn’t fight it. She welcomed it. Her shackled arms went up to encircle Raxstad’s neck and pull him harder against her throat. Wondrous warmth invaded her body as the Nobek delivered the intoxicant, adding to the spell of the potent flowers. Michaela moaned as her cock came to hard attention and wetness flowed from her pussy.

She had a vague knowledge of her surroundings that faded in and out as Raxstad took all inhibition away. The roar of the crowd ebbed and flowed through her consciousness. She felt it when Korkla lifted her small scrotum, displaying her female treasures to onlookers. At one point her eyes drifted open and she saw Prince Bevau carrying Jessica onto the other end of the altar, with his grinning clanmates Clajak and Egilka following.

Mostly Michaela only knew of Raxstad’s mouth still latched onto her. Govi’s gentle but demanding play with her exposed breasts sent swelling heat throughout her body. Korkla’s steady stroking of her cock made her jerk as excitement pulsed from her balls. The gorgeous mixture of aromas coming from flowers, men, and her body kept her in a thrall. There was that growing heaviness in her groin, a tension that could only be remedied by penetration and release. Her body begged to be invaded by the Kalquorians. Michaela was sure she would die if they did not enter her this time.

Raxstad released the bite. His face rose from her neck so that he could look down on her once more. Michaela would have moaned from the loss of his teeth in her flesh, of his mouth from her skin, but she felt much too good for that. Besides, the look on the Nobek’s face told her he would not leave her wanting again. Today, right now, the massive male would take his pleasure with her body. There was no doubt of that.

Korkla’s roughened voice verified that certainty. “Bind her. She will not escape us ever again.”

The three men, those three dark angels upon which everything that was Michaela’s well-being depended, moved her about again. The sky overhead shifted, putting the ugly deity more to her right. She felt as if she floated down onto the rock slab making up the altar. Its hardness meant nothing to her, not when Korkla, Govi, and Raxstad loomed over her. The three alien faces blocked out the Plasian idol as they bent over her.

Her arms were stretched over her head, the tinny sound of the tiny but strong chains between her manacles sounding almost musical. Some rational part of her brain recorded that the men had secured the chain to one of the hooks studding the edge of the altar. She was helpless to stop the Kalquorians from having her now. The thought only made Michaela more aroused. She could not escape her fate. She had no choice but to surrender to the clan’s every demand and desire.

They stroked and fondled and kissed her all over, as if they had every right to her. Michaela gasped and writhed, feeling each touch keenly. They rewarded her ecstasy by continuing with even more enthusiasm. The mouths on her breasts sucked harder. Teeth nipped the pebbled tips, sending mingled darts of pain and pleasure down to her cock and clit. A hand caressed her balls, making bubbling warmth threaten to boil over into her eager prick. Fingers plucked her clitoris until she verged on climax. Then those fingers sank deep into her pussy. The digits fucked her until they emerged dripping. One pressed into her ass as a thick voice commanded, “Push against me, my Matara. Let me in.”

It was a maelstrom of sensation, expanded by the knowledge that Michaela could deny the men nothing. She reveled in her vulnerability, in her position of no power. She lost herself in tasting and being tasted as mouths devoured her lips, tongue, tits, cock, and pussy. She wallowed in the delights of caresses gentle and rough all over her body. Even the strangeness of first one finger then a second plumbing her ass was a heady aphrodisiac. The pressure of those tight muscles being stretched only underlined her complete submission to the men commanding her.

It could have gone on forever and Michaela would have been happy. Yet the pressure in her groin grew until her belly felt stretched tight. She ached for the actual act of sex. She needed to fuck. Part of her feared the Kalquorians would not heed her body’s increasing demands. Yet she did not dare voice her wants.

In a strange twist to what was going on in Michaela’s head, something new had asserted itself. Had Michaela known without a doubt that Korkla’s clan wanted her in all ways, she would have been satisfied for them to not penetrate her. Her own wants and needs in comparison to making them happy seemed small. Unimportant. She burned with agonized desire, and yet she still wanted their gratification before her own. Fulfilling the three men’s needs outweighed almost all personal considerations.

However, the uncertainty that plagued Michaela as to her desirability where Clan Korkla was concerned would not let her lose herself entirely in service to them. She needed them to make that final gesture that would prove they did want her.

As if in answer to a prayer, Korkla knelt between her splayed legs, tugging the crotch of his formsuit bottom open. His glistening cocks spilled out heavily, thick with arousal.

His gaze bored into hers. “I claim you. You are my clan’s Matara. Do you submit to my demands?”

Michaela didn’t hesitate for an instant. “Yes.”

Korkla took his pricks in hand and moved towards her crotch. At the same time, Raxstad bent over her own livid cock. Her masculine flesh disappeared into his hungry maw.

The wet heat of his mouth and the gentle rasp of his tongue against her dick made Michaela scream. Ecstasy barreled through her loins, once more making lucid thought an impossibility. Govi drowned her elated cry with a deep kiss. Michaela’s arms jerked against her binds, reminding her of her helplessness. Rapture doubled and then tripled.

Something hot and demanding pushed against her pussy and anus. Korkla was there, readying to take his carnal pleasure with her body. The hard tip of his primary penis pressed at her pussy, seeking entrance. He felt impossibly big to Michaela, too big. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except that he fuck her.

Michaela moaned as the first inch of the Dramok breached her opening. Then the second cock was at her rear entrance, pressing to spear her there as well.

The pressure was intense as Korkla’s girths filled her tight. However, Raxstad’s mouth, working up and down on her cock, countered the slight ache with distracting delight. Pleasure and ache swirled together in an intoxicating mixture, adding to Raxstad’s venom and the fragrance of the surrounding flowers. Michaela fought to open herself even more to Korkla’s wondrous assault.

“Push, little one. Give yourself to him,” Govi encouraged as he kissed her face.

An abrupt pain deep in her pussy caught Michaela off guard. She screamed at the sharp dagger that stabbed through her womanhood.

“Easy, easy,” Govi soothed. “He ruptured your hymen, my Matara. Korkla has taken your virginity. Relax. That part is over.”

Michaela wept, but not from the pain. They had done it. They had accepted her as good enough to be intimate with. At last, she was worth loving.

Govi kissed away each tear she shed. “Hush, sweet girl. It’s all right.”

“Yes,” she sobbed. “Yes, everything is right now.”

The Imdiko smiled down at her, his beautiful face that of an angel. “Good girl. Give yourself over.”

Michaela smiled back at him. The pain faded, replaced by a deep ache as Korkla continued to claim her for the clan, an ache that felt more and more like ecstasy with each passing second. She belonged to a clan. She belonged to this clan, this wonderful, perfect trio of men. She was theirs because they wanted her.

Korkla groaned as his groin met Michaela’s “Oh, Mother of All. Is this woman truly ours, my clan? Because I cannot believe I am not dreaming.”

Govi chuckled, glancing to take in the astounding sight of Korkla buried to the hilt inside Michaela while Raxtad’s head bobbed slowly up and down over her cock. “If it is a dream, then I beg you to not wake me up, my Dramok.”

Michaela whimpered, beyond words as the men loved her. The feeling of Korkla inside her, of Raxstad’s lips and tongue on her, of Govi’s arms surrounding her was sheer paradise. Maybe it was she who dreamed.

Korkla swung his hips back, emptying Michaela’s grasping channels with gratifying slowness. The friction brought every hair on her body to attention, and she cried out as that pleasure merged with the ticklish excitement of what Raxstad did to her. A feverish roiling filled her gut, making her kick at the air. Govi chuckled and kissed his way down to her breasts. He accepted the invitation of her pert nipples to suck and lick. More electric bliss poured through Michaela until she thought she might go mad from sheer enjoyment.

Korkla withdrew until only the tips of his cocks remained inside her. Then he slid back in, rubbing sensitive spots inside Michaela she didn’t know existed. She writhed in sinuous glee, her dancer’s body learning new contortions as the Dramok drummed steadily against her. Michaela saw his bright stare over Govi’s head, saw him watching her as she moaned her growing pleasure. His lips were wet and parted, his eyes heavily lidded as he fucked her.

Michaela felt her body flush. Her scrotum drew up tight, poignant rapture boiling within. It felt as if the entirety of her loins gathered, drawing to a single, sharp point. Something inside kicked hard. Then a ribbon of delight unfurled, springing from her balls to fill her cock. The climax hit so fast and so hard, she had no time to warn them.

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