Michaela (6 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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Her anger was amazing, her lack of fear astounding. Moreover, she was breathtaking with her eyes snapping sparks and her coloring deepening with ire. Damn if she wasn’t giving him a hard-on. Korkla could have put her on her back in the middle of the floor right there and then and fucked her.

Instead, he put the brakes on his libido, knowing it was not welcome ... yet. He told the spitfire, “I wish I could apologize for Prince Clajak, Michaela. It is unconscionable that he upset Jessica to that extent.”

Govi added, “He has issues that often lead him to acting like a spoiled child, when in fact it is fear and dread that drive him.”

It was more information than Korkla felt prudent to give someone not yet privy to Kalquor’s eventual ruler. However, the admission calmed Michaela down.

She cocked her head inquisitively. “But Clajak is a prince. What does a prince have to worry about? And what gives him the right to take it out on Jessica?”

Korkla’s tone was stern. “He has no right to do any such thing.” He softened again when he had to speak in Clajak’s defense, since Michaela obviously thought he deserved none. “As to what he would have to worry about, that would be the eventual rule of an entire empire.”

She sucked on her lower lip in an adorable expression of realization. “Oh. Well. I suppose that
a hell of a burden.”

Raxstad growled, “He’s still an asshole for making your friend cry.”

Despite the rough voice, Raxstad’s expression was only a parody of fierceness. He winked at Michaela, and she grinned in delighted response.

Her smile made something in Korkla’s chest tighten. Damn it, this boy-woman was stunning. Whether lively with anger or childlike with nervousness, she enraptured him. He needed to find some way to make her see herself as he did.

Needing to touch her, if only in the most innocent manner, Korkla held his hand out to her. “Shall we continue on to the garden?”

Michaela’s humor faded. She looked at his hand for a couple of breaths before reluctantly taking it. “Okay,” she said uncertainly.

Govi gave Korkla a warning look. The Dramok looked at the tiny hand in his, not willing to let it go. Still, he had to do what was right for Michaela.

He tugged her towards the door that would lead outside. He told her with a gentle smile, “You don’t have to hold my hand if you don’t wish it, Michaela.”

She bit her lip. “It’s not that, not really. I’m not used to being touched. I’ve always avoided it because of what I am.”

“It’s been too dangerous to get that close to people,” Govi said.

Michaela nodded. “Exactly. Plasians are always trying to touch me, even though they know about me.
because they know about me. It’s weird, and I don’t like it. They shouldn’t want to.”

She couldn’t conceive of how amazing she was. It made Korkla’s stomach hurt to know how much she’d been denied and would continue to deny herself because she was what she was.

Korkla knew he should keep his mouth shut and leave it to Govi to say something wonderful and wise that would help Michaela over her fears. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but blurt, “I wish to touch you. Am I weird too?”

Michaela considered, biting her lip as she did. She admitted, “I can’t imagine you wanting such a thing. Maybe it’s because you haven’t seen me yet. All of me.”

“I can imagine how you look. I think you must be beautiful.”

She gave Korkla a sad look that wanted to rip his heart out of his chest. She said, “I wish you were right.”

Behind them in a rough voice Raxstad muttered, “I have no doubt he is. You are too hard on yourself, little one.”

They reached the door. Govi opened it for them, and they stepped outside onto the marble-floored veranda that overlooked the vast gardens on Israla’s property.

Korkla felt a rush of relief to see Michaela’s tragic expression disappear at the sight of the large and colorful garden that began at the bottom of the steps. Statues of seductively posed Plasians dotted the foreground, with a huge trickling fountain as the centerpiece. Beyond this stunning layout was the entrance to the tall-hedged ‘rooms’ of the rest of the garden. The Dramok knew the shrubbery served to partition off small areas, designed specifically for lovers’ trysts.

He regretted bringing Michaela out here. Perhaps stumbling upon Plasians having sex within the garden rooms would upset her.

It was too late to come up with an alternative plan. Michaela uttered a delighted cry and moved forward, pulling him along. The breeze brought the heady scent of the flowers wafting over them like a bright blanket.



Chapter 4


Michaela’s lungs filled with the perfumed air of the garden as she floated down the steps of the mansion. Had there ever been a more gorgeous aroma? The flowers Prince Bevau had brought to Jessica had been a mere tease of the delightful bouquet that permeated the breeze outside. It made her head swim as much as the drinks she’d had the night before.

Michaela couldn’t help but look at the wanton sculptures that decorated the lush beds of color. On her left, the statue of two Plasian men joyfully entwined made her cock ache agreeably. On her right, the artwork depicted two women teasing a male who knelt between them. More lustful sculptures of Plasians indulging every sensual whim, including a few Michaela couldn’t quite figure out, had the entirety of her lower parts throbbing in want. It was the same irresistible ardor that had stolen her senses the moment she’d seen Korkla’s clan at Jessica’s door.

It hadn’t mattered how gentle the trio had appeared when they’d come looking for her. Michaela’s body had gone eager as soon as she’d approached them. Her mind had clamored over them searching for her, coming to claim her despite her efforts to avoid them. She hadn’t scared them away yet. Perhaps they truly were open to clanning with someone who was less than a real woman.

The two suns hanging over her head seemed to beam with the same hopeful joy Michaela felt. The garden and the high hedges of its more secretive rooms beckoned, promising adventure and delights she couldn’t comprehend. Michaela felt as happy and light as the perfume-filled air.

“Look at the flowers! Aren’t they beautiful?” She pulled free of Korkla to dash towards one of the flower beds.

The one she chose was filled with blooms that stood on stalks nearly as tall as her. Within moments, Michaela stood in their midst. A breeze set them to bobbing about, as if they danced for her. She accepted their invitation and danced with them. She felt giddy and silly and excited. This was fun.

Govi appeared, his breathtaking face beaming at her from over the tops of the plants. He raised his handheld, recording a still photo. “Flowers really do make Earthers happy, don’t they? Come out of there before we lose you, you silly girl.”

He waded in far enough to take hold of her hand. Michaela felt a shock at his touch, like a jolt of electricity passing between them. Enraptured by the gorgeous man and her reaction to him, she didn’t protest as he tugged her back out to the path between the flowerbeds. Korkla and Raxstad waited there, amusement on their faces.

Korkla took her other hand. Another electric sizzle passed through Michaela, going straight to her groin. She giggled at the ticklish and arousing sensation. For once, she didn’t feel shy at all about being touched. She wished they would touch her more. The idea of Govi or Korkla putting their arms around her was delightful.

A throb from her genitals informed Michaela the fantasy was more than just delightful. It was positively delicious.

Her senses whirled. She felt just like a little girl, as playful and childlike as she imagined one was. Michaela had never felt childish and playful before, not when everything she did had to be thought over with careful scrutiny. However, she was on Plasius now. No one here cared she was a boy and a girl. Even the Kalquorians seemed unconcerned with such things.

Michaela bounced along the path that led into the maze of hedged garden rooms, almost skipping in her newfound enthusiasm for life. She came to an opening in the hedges that led into the first of the ‘rooms’. Though Korkla tried to tug her past, she dug her heels in to take a look.

There were two trees growing within the circular area, standing in the midst of a rainbow of flowers. Between them stretched what Michaela took to be a hammock, though its surface was thickly cushioned, much like a pillow top on a mattress. As pretty as the scenery was, Michaela’s attention was grabbed by the three figures lounging in the hammock.

An Earther man, no doubt one of the castaway soldiers from the transport that had brought them to Plasius, lay in the center of the hammock. Michaela could see his brown hair had grown out from its military cut. It was almost as long as hers. His face was impossible to see, because a Plasian straddled it. Her pussy rocked back and forth over where his lips would be. Another Plasian sat upon his groin, riding its rigid thickness up and down with delighted enthusiasm. Moans from all three wove together in the air.

The sight sent a stab of pleasure through Michaela’s loins. She felt her cock warming, thickening as she stared at the tableau. Her pussy went moist. A small part of her realized it was rude to stare at such intimacies, even on Plasius. However, she couldn’t help but gape. The sight of people having sex never failed to startle her. Today it excited her as well.

Govi cleared his throat. With Korkla’s help, he pulled her away. Michaela wondered if they found the sight as enthralling as she did.

“They’re certainly having fun. Oh, and so are they,” she noted as they passed the entrance to another of the garden’s rooms. That one seemed to contain a full-on orgy, with many bodies tangled all over the soft purplish grass of the area.

Korkla sighed. “Plasians are not an inhibited people.”

He walked close to her, a big, strong, muscled man that made Michaela’s mouth go dry. She looked at his hand, at how it swallowed up hers. Govi’s hand was huge too. She could barely see her fingertips peeking out from his grip. The thought of them touching her body with those hands made her breath short. How big were Raxstad’s hands? Immense, no doubt. The thought of what he could do to her with such monstrous paws sent a shiver down her spine.

Forget hands. Look at those bodies.

She thought of being entangled with the three men, her body twined with theirs, and all at once her cock was fully engorged.

Michaela barely held back a gasp. Her prick had come to violent life, pressing at her trousers with brutal need. Her pussy flowed with juices, announcing her entire body had decided it would very much like to fuck the Kalquorians, thank you.

Despite the giddiness still clouding her head and the lust that made things even harder to think about, Michaela was overcome with the old familiar terror. A quick glance downward assured her that the length of her shirt hid most of evidence of her masculine arousal. However, there was a slight bulge when the shirt tail shifted. She knew it was only a matter of time before the clan noticed.

They would be disgusted. They would leave her alone and aching if she didn’t get control over herself.

Michaela tried to pull free of Korkla and Govi’s hands. “Wait. I need ... I need space.”

Govi looked at her with concern. “Michaela, what’s wrong?”

She tugged desperately, trying to figure a way out of her predicament. “I – I don’t feel well. Please, just give me a moment, okay?”

They had stopped in front of the entrance to another garden room. Michaela saw Korkla look over the area, noting the raised padded platform that stood in the middle of the area. A large stand of flowers surrounded it. There was no one there.

Korkla let her sweating hand go, but his arm circled around her waist. He pulled Michaela towards the entrance. “This area is empty. Come, little one. You can sit down in here.”

Ignoring her protestations that she needed a moment to herself, the men pushed and pulled her into the semi-private garden room. Growing impatient with Michaela’s reluctance, Raxstad picked her up and carried her to the platform. Michaela curled in tight to herself, trying to hide her body’s blatant urges. With much less success, she tried not to notice how she was pressed up to Raxstad’s chest, or how wonderful it felt to be cradled in his massive arms.

The Nobek sat her on the edge of the platform, which was as soft as any bed Michaela had ever slept on. That triggered more carnal thoughts, making her situation worse. She concentrated on breathing deeply in an effort to calm her body. The perfume of the flowers filled her senses.

Michaela didn’t think her cock could get any harder, but it somehow managed to. All the strength everywhere else in her body drained away. She collapsed backwards.

“Michaela!” Govi cried. The three men had surrounded her. Korkla and Raxstad managed to catch her though she would have only fallen to the cloud-soft platform. They lowered her down while Govi checked the pulse in her throat.

Korkla looked panicked. “By the ancestors, we need to get her to a doctor.”

Govi leaned over so that his face hovered just over Michaela’s, filling her vision. She heard him saying her name over and over, as if from a great distance away. The Earther stared into that beautiful alien face, with his purple cat-pupiled eyes. She was awash with physical need. It was a need that demanded her surrender.

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