Michaela (10 page)

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Authors: Tracy St. John

BOOK: Michaela
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“Lucky indeed,” Korkla said. “I can hardly believe they would execute people for being born a certain way.”

Michaela took another sip of her drink. It was only the second time she’d shared her story. Until now, only Jessica had known the full tale. It was hard to talk about, even though she knew it was safe to do so. “The doctor who delivered me had concealed the births of three other intersexes during his tenure, all born to the same family.”

“So there are more like you. You are not quite the rarity you claim to be,” Korkla said.

Michaela shook her head. “Even among the intersex, I’m an oddity. Most have the characteristics of one sex in particular and partial characteristics of the other. In history, there are rumors but no documented cases of someone with fully formed and functioning male and female genitalia. I’m the only one.”

Raxstad grinned. “That is amazing. And we are the ones who have found you.”

He seemed genuinely pleased by that. He had the air of a man who’d won the lottery. Michaela found his attitude amazing. She was no prize by any means.

Govi brought her back to the conversation. “You were safe on this island of Haiti?”

“For the most part. My parents did all in their power to keep us there, but when I was seven, the aid projects to Haiti ended. We had no choice but to return to the North American Bloc, where my father was from.”

The food arrived, postponing conversation for a little while. For all the talk about Raxstad’s appetite, Michaela expected the Nobek to start shoveling food into his maw like an animal. Instead, he startled her by plucking a small morsel of meat and cheese from her plate and feeding it to her.

“My goodness. What’s this?” she asked before accepting the bite.

Govi grinned at her. “You might find it odd, but it’s Kalquorian tradition for the men of a clan to feed their Matara. You are not part of our clan, but it is our pleasure to serve you in that way.”

Michaela chewed the delicious food, fighting to keep her mouth closed around the smile that wanted to break through. As soon as she swallowed, she asked. “Really? Are you serious? You feed your women?”

Korkla took a turn offering her another taste. “We do. It denotes respect and our commitment to taking care of her every need. The Matara is the center of the clan.”

Michaela couldn’t help but giggle. “I feel like a princess. Your women are lucky.”

Govi chuckled as he gave her the next bite. “I’m glad you think so. We weren’t sure how you would take it. Some of the Earther women who have come to Kalquor seem to find it demeaning.”

Michaela snorted. “Are you kidding? Three gorgeous men feeding me? What’s demeaning about that?”

They chuckled at that. They continued to wait on her, and she continued to enjoy it.

After a little while, Korkla went back to their earlier conversation. “How hard was it for you to keep hidden when you left Haiti?”

Michaela said, “It wasn’t bad, at least not at first. The people of the town I was born in, the ones who knew about me, helped to coach me on keeping my true nature hidden. One of the elders was intersex, and he was respected by everyone. They had me well trained by the time I left.”

Govi prodded, “You said you were raised male.”

“My parents decided to raise me as a boy right away, since boys had so much more freedom than girls. I identified as female early on, though. It was difficult to deny that part of myself. Then when puberty hit, I got these.” She waved at her chest. “I had to bind my breasts flat to keep up the hoax. My parents decided it was too dangerous for me to keep going to school. We were terrified something would happen that would lead to my dual nature being discovered. My mother taught me at home.”

“I hated it this morning when you concealed these. They are lovely.” Raxstad reached for Michaela’s breasts with a naughty grin.

Korkla smacked the Nobek’s hand away with a warning look. The clan’s leader scowled at Raxstad’s snicker. He resumed a gentle smile for Michaela. “Were you able to ever tell any of your friends on Earth about who you really were?”

Michaela shrugged, pretending it wasn’t a big deal. “After Haiti, I had no friends. I didn’t dare trust anyone with my secret.”

Govi gave her a wretched expression, as if her solitude hurt him. “How lonely you must have been.”

She swallowed and shook her head at another bite Korkla offered. The conversation had killed off her appetite. “Once my parents died, I didn’t have anyone. At least not until after I was marooned on Plasius. I met Jessica shortly after that, and we’ve been close ever since. She’s never judged me for being intersex.”

Raxstad cocked his head, looking bemused. “You didn’t know her on the ship? It feels like you two are old friends.”

Michaela shook her head. “I think our desperate desire to escape Earth and being the only women of our kind here has kind of intensified our bond. Now I can’t imagine my life without having Jess around. Before we got stuck on Plasius, I kept to myself. I didn’t dare reveal who I really was to anyone until I knew I was safe.”

The Nobek pursed his lips. “You weren’t examined when you became a part of the military? I was under the impression there was some sort of physical testing when a person joined your fleet.”

Michaela smirked. “There would have been once I enlisted as an adult. As a junior serviceman, I was allowed to have a doctor of my choosing send in a certification of physical health. When I contacted the doctor who’d delivered me in Haiti and told him I wanted to join the space fleet in hopes of escaping Earth, he gave me the necessary documentation. It was hard to keep my secret during training since I was housed in a barracks, but I managed.” Michaela took a large swallow of shel. “I figured I’d get found out sooner or later no matter what I did. It was worth the risk to attempt disappearing on some other planet.”

Korkla took her hand and pressed it to his lips. He gave her that warm smile that transformed his angular face into something beyond beautiful. Michaela’s breath stopped to have that expression directed at her.

He said, “I’m glad you made it, little one. You don’t have to hide or be who you aren’t any longer. Appear male if it pleases you, but don’t do it because anyone else prefers it. On Plasius and Kalquor, you can be assured those days are past.”

“That’s true. I can openly be a freak—”

Michaela’s voice died at the thunderous expressions that masked the Kalquorians’ faces. A thrill of terror ran through her as the men stared her down.

Raxstad spoke first. “Do you remember how I said if I were Egilka, I’d spank Jessica? You are going to receive firsthand knowledge of such an experience if that word leaves your mouth again.”

Michaela gasped as every hair on her body rose. “You can’t do that,” she said.

Korkla’s brow arched. He somehow managed to look angry and amused at the same time. “As this clan’s disciplinarian, Raxstad is quite capable of wearing your lovely little ass out. And if he doesn’t, I will. Consider this our final warning about calling yourself a freak, Michaela.”

Trying to ignore the bizarre pulse of passion filling her loins and scarcely believing they would threaten to spank her ... to actually
her ... Michaela looked to Govi for help. She found he watched her carefully, gauging her reaction to the threat.

The hint of a smile twitched one corner of the Imdiko’s mouth up. He shrugged at her. “Even if I disapproved of corporeal punishment for such a stubborn little girl – and I don’t – I’m outvoted. Besides, my clanmates are bigger than me. I don’t care to cross them when they are convinced of their duty. I suggest you monitor your words very carefully from now on, Michaela. Raxstad’s spankings are quite thorough.”

The tumbling heat in Michaela’s groin increased as the men continued to stare at her. She was turned on by their demands she behave for them, turned on when she should be running away screaming at the top of her lungs.

Even stranger was that despite the promise of discipline, Michaela couldn’t shake the feeling that she was safe with the Kalquorians. Korkla’s clan made her feel warm and secure as she never had before in her entire life. Not even her parents had given her such a sense of protection. 

Warned that she was in danger of a spanking from a man who looked like a human version of a gorilla had her feeling both excited and sheltered. What the hell was going on in her head and the rest of her weird, fucked-up body?



Chapter 6


Govi’s thoughts churned as the men accompanied Michaela back to her quarters after dinner. Overall, he thought the night had gone well despite the dust up between the fiery Jessica and Prince Egilka.

The different subjects they’d conversed about had clarified the fact that while young, Michaela was no empty-headed lovely. She was curious about everything, from religious practices of various alien species to their worlds’ histories. Discovering how well-traveled Clan Korkla was had lit her dark eyes with excitement. The Earther had damned near interrogated the men on their experiences. In turn, she had in-depth knowledge of her own world’s sociology, including things that Govi had no doubt were subjects Earth’s government would not approve of. Michaela was a walking encyclopedia of eclectic subjects, both intellectual and trivial. If she found something interesting, she went out of her way to learn all about it.

In sometimes startling contrast, she had a fascination with fashion that bordered on the silly. Govi found Michaela’s attempts to not talk too much about other women’s clothes endearing. She couldn’t seem to help herself when she saw an outfit she liked or disapproved of. She was constantly diverted by fellow diners’ wardrobe choices.

At one point during dinner she’d been answering a question Korkla had posed about the Earther belief system: “Yes, the state religion is the warped stepchild of three older religions that all originated at the same point. From what I’ve been able to discover, it started with a race called the Hebrews – for heaven’s sake, why is that woman wearing black? You’d think Plasians would know better. That bronze skin looks like mud when they wear dismal colors. Now green – green brings out their undertones and is much more flattering. I do like her shoes, though.” Michaela looked at her companions and flushed. “Sorry. I guess Kalquorian men don’t care much about such things?”

Raxstad had shrugged. “Not me. If I pick it up off the floor and it doesn’t smell bad and fits, I wear it.”

Michaela gave him a pained look. “Oh hell. You definitely need to be trained better.”

Govi thought her lapses into critiquing others’ style choices sweet if a bit juvenile. Or maybe it was just an outgrowth of being able to express her long-ignored femininity. In the end, he approved that someone who had led such a guarded childhood was still prone to giddier interests. Michaela was not yet twenty. It fit that she should act so young, he thought. He saw more than enough evidence that she had grown up too fast in other aspects. Her fascination with dressing up would be something he’d tell his clanmates to indulge.

There were other things to consider as well when it came to figuring out Michaela. Delightful things. The scent that had come off Michaela when Raxstad and Korkla threatened her with a spanking, for instance. It was the same scent that had poured from her when she lost control in the aphrodisiacal garden yesterday. The idea of discipline had aroused the Earther.

Kalquorian men were by and large a dominating bunch. Most counted discipline as a delightful part of sensual encounters. In his work with the Earther Mataras that had been brought to Kalquor and clanned, Govi had learned quite a few of them found the practice exciting. As long as the women understood they were safe with the men and that their well-being was of the utmost importance, they often found joy in surrendering themselves to passions both tender and exacting.

Michaela’s reaction to the men’s warning that she must stop referring to herself as a freak told Govi she might also enjoy being disciplined. It would be a welcome gift should she become their Matara. The Imdiko had noted that Raxstad had become aroused at the idea of spanking her. Korkla hid his excitement a little better. It was still obvious to Govi that the Dramok felt enthralled with the idea of warming that sweet little Earther rear with his palm.

As for Govi ... well, there was no point in kidding himself. The Imdiko’s cocks ached with the idea of teaching Michaela the finer points of light pain added to pleasure. The idea she might surrender herself to him in all ways made him more hopeful than was warranted. Korkla and Raxstad were dominating to a fault, and Govi didn’t get to explore his own need to control too often. If Michaela proved to be submissive and she could get past her issues enough to enjoy sex ... the possibilities were more than Govi dared to think about right now.

Govi knew it was best that the night end now, allowing them the certainty of not making any mistakes. He still felt disappointment when they reached Michaela’s suite in Israla’s home. He hated that the date had ended. Aching arousal notwithstanding, Govi could have happily spent hours longer in the Earther’s company.

It seemed Michaela was just as loath to have the night end. She looked up at the men with those big, dark eyes that Govi found so mesmerizing. “Would you come in for a drink? Israla sent me some leshella and shel this morning.”

They all hesitated. Korkla and Raxstad looked to Govi, which felt odd to him since Korkla was the Dramok. That they did so rather than immediately begging off told the Imdiko that they felt as he did: they didn’t want to leave Michaela yet. This in spite of their agreement that she was too much temptation to be alone with, especially with them all aroused. The other two men were deferring to Govi’s knowledge of emotional health and hoping he would let them spend more time with the Earther. 

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