Memory: Volume 3, How Far We Have Come, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) (82 page)

BOOK: Memory: Volume 3, How Far We Have Come, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)
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“Not for long.”  Mrs. King tried to look down the table at him but could not see past de Bourgh. 

Kitty spoke up.  “Maria has certainly changed since I have been away; it is so good to renew my friendship with her.”  Charlotte and Lady Lucas smiled at her appreciatively.

“Yes, I have always thought that Maria was a lovely young woman.  I am sure that some young man will be happy with her one day.”  Elizabeth agreed. “Is she like you, Kitty?  Not quite ready to entertain marriage?”

Kitty leaned forward to try and see her.  “We have not really talked about it, so I guess that means yes!  We have enjoyed men’s admiration, though.  Excuse me Mr. Hurst if you are embarrassed by my conversation.” 

“Not at all, I was young once.”

“I wonder at any man admiring her.”  Mrs. Bennet sniffed.

“Pardon me?”  Lady Lucas glared.

“Have you insulted my sister, madam?”  Michael tried to see around Mary.  “Did she?”  He demanded of Jane.

“I am not sure.”  She looked at Elizabeth who was staring at her mother. 

“What is happening?”  Mrs. Philips demanded.  “Brother, tell me what is happening?  All of the interesting conversation is at the other end!”

Mr. Bennet waved his hand impatiently.  “Quiet, Sister, I have a feeling you will hear plenty soon enough.” 

Mrs. Bennet continued on, “Now my Kitty, she is quite pretty.  Mr. Bingley will see it and make his choice accordingly.  After all he liked my Jane until Lizzy . . .”

“Until Elizabeth did what, Mrs. Bennet?”  Darcy snapped when he saw Elizabeth’s eyes close.

“Mrs. Bennet . . .”  Mr. Bennet said with warning in his voice.


“Well, my Kitty is better suited for Mr. Bingley than any of them.  She has been to school and has a companion!”  She looked away from Darcy’s glare. 

“Yes, courtesy of Mr. Darcy.”  Elizabeth noted, recovering from her moment of strain and trying to relieve her husband’s growing anger. 

“I am grateful for Mr. Darcy’s generosity towards my education, and especially for him and Lizzy taking me into their home, it was a privilege that I will forever treasure.” Mary agreed, smiling encouragingly at Darcy as he clearly had begun battling the familiar pain.  His eyes were fixed on Elizabeth, watching her for the first cue that she was ready to surrender, but he turned to nod at Mary the best he could.

“We were pleased to help, Mary.”

“I am grateful as well, no matter the interminable wait for you to return from Pemberley to me.”  De Bourgh said to Mary with a brilliant smile.  “Mrs. Hurst, I understand that Miss Martin attended the same school as you did?”

“Yes, Captain, we have shared many common memories, of course, we are several years apart.”  Louisa smiled, unaware of the tense conversation at the other end of the table.

“We were very pleased to know that Mr. Bingley’s sister shared so much in common with our Abbey.”  Mr. Long nodded to Bingley, who instantly gave his full attention to their conversation and away from Sir William’s effusions on London.

“I look forward to hearing more stories of their common misery.”  He laughed and glanced down the table to see that it was not nearly as merry. 

“So you say that education outside of the home is best?”  Mrs. King asked Elizabeth.

“I suppose that depends on what the parents provide within the home.  I do not know your methods, madam.”  She looked to Mrs. Lucas.  “I do know that Mrs. Lucas was very involved in her children’s education to the best of her ability, was she not, Charlotte?”

“Oh yes, Mama was a great taskmaster, something I did not appreciate at the time.”

“I did my best.”  Lady Lucas said flatly.

“And it shows!  Look at the brilliant match Charlotte has made and one day I am sure that Maria will impress a very worthy young man.”  Elizabeth smiled down the table at her.  “When she is a little older and more experienced.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Darcy.  Do you think that she would benefit from time in London?  I see how it has influenced you and your sisters.”  Lady Lucas now saw how Bingley was trying to look at Abbey, and had only polite conversation for Maria.  “My husband has enjoyed visiting St. James’s over the years, and of course we may bring a guest with us . . .”

“We have not attended, I am afraid.”  Elizabeth smiled at Darcy who looked up to search her face.  Her smile was warm and he drank it in.  “We prefer to visit the theatre and parks, and enjoy the company of friends at home more than attending dances or balls.” 

“That is true, I hope that my wife never persuades me to attend St. James’s, however my sister may force my hand.”  He smiled at her growing glow.  “I fear that she will wish to join her classmates in all that is expected of her situation.”

“Perhaps not, Mr. Darcy, she is very shy.”

“Not with you as her sister.” 

“You mean despite having you as her brother?”  She laughed and those seated nearby watched in fascination as the couple found sanctuary from the sniping in their own conversation.  Darcy’s gaze fixed on her and Elizabeth folded her napkin.  “Mr. Darcy, I could use a breath of air, will you escort me?”

“Certainly, Mrs. Darcy.”  He got to his feet.  Instantly all heads turned to watch as he made his way around the table and waited for her to rise from her seat. 

“Are you ill Mrs. Darcy?”  Mrs. Lucas asked worriedly.

Elizabeth smiled at Darcy.  “No, I am . . .”

“She is with child.”  Mrs. Bennet said loudly, usurping their moment.  Again all conversation stopped. 

Turning to look at her mother, she nodded slowly as she heard Darcy’s hiss.  “Yes, although we have not made a formal announcement, we were recently assured of our child’s presence.  We expect him in March.” 

“Congratulations!”  Lady Lucas smiled and was echoed by the other ladies sitting around them.  “How wonderful!  I suspected it, but did not want to assume anything!  My goodness two sisters having their babies so close together.  How exciting for you and Jane!”

“It is wonderful.”  Jane smiled and looked at Lucas.

“Thank you.”  Elizabeth joined Darcy and looked up to his warm eyes.  “We are very happy.”

“Well do not get too attached, you can still miscarry.”  Mrs. Bennet picked up her glass of wine and took a sip.  “I know so many women who have lost their babies at the stage where you are.”

Darcy and Elizabeth stiffened and he was about to lash out when Elizabeth squeezed his hand hard.  “Do not give her the satisfaction.”  She whispered to him and then turned to her mother.  “I have lost one child, and we loved him, as short as his time with us was.  We planted a tree in his memory, and we treasure the joy he gave us.  Even if I did lose this life I now carry, we would treasure his memory just as fiercely.  Our babies are loved and wanted; there will never be a question of becoming attached at a specific time.  We were in love with him when he was conceived because we love each other deeply, and our children are the fruit of our happiness.  Whether it is a boy or girl, we will want and love every one of them.”  She met her mother’s eye and turned to Darcy who was looking at her proudly.  “Are you ready for that breath of air?”

“You have brought it into the room already.”  He kissed her hand and looping it around his arm, they left.

During Elizabeth’s speech, the silence was absolute, few knew of their loss, and everyone felt the set down she had delivered.  Now all eyes turned to Mrs. Bennet.

“Mama how could you speak so cruelly?”  Jane cried.  “Have you no compassion for all that they have suffered?”

“Mrs. Bennet, you have said more than enough,” Mr. Bennet said quietly, “you have embarrassed our family and our hosts, and I have heard all that I wish for the remainder of the evening.”   He looked to Sir William.  “I apologize on behalf of my wife, sir.”

“I could use a drink.”  He looked to Lady Lucas.  “Perhaps the ladies could enjoy their conversation . . .”

“Oh.”  Lady Lucas had been left stunned by the speech.  “Of course, ladies, please come with me.”  She got to her feet, as did everyone else.  The women filed out and walked to the drawing room, where tea and coffee had been laid.

“Where are they?”  Jane whispered to Mary.  “I have never been so mortified.”

“Mama has done no favours for any of us, but at least we are married.  Kitty, you are a fool if you remain here, go to Pemberley, go to London, but do not stay here.  How Elizabeth remained calm through all of that, and kept Mr. Darcy calm, I will never know.  Peter was ready to leap over the table to throttle her.” 

Kitty looked at her mother across the room and then waved them over.  “I think that I found them.”  Exposed by the moonlight and the flickering of a lamp, Elizabeth and Darcy were just visible, entwined, and clearly talking. 

Mary sighed.  “I hope that Fitzwilliam is well.”

“His headache is back.”  Jane sank down onto a sofa.  “It only seems to come in Hertfordshire now.”

Lady Lucas looked away from the distressed sisters and turned to her neighbour.  “Mrs. Bennet, it occurred to me that there was some sort of tension between you and Mrs. Darcy when you arrived today.  Jane had asked that I not seat you near Elizabeth, but I admit that I rather wanted to take advantage of that tension to distract you from your determination to match Kitty with Mr. Bingley, so I moved her.  It was a mistake and I regret it.”

“Mama!  I told you that I did not want Mr. Bingley!”  Kitty cried. 

“You do not know what is good for you!”

“I know that I am too young to marry!”  She walked over to Maria.  “Do you want to marry yet?”

“No.”  She looked at her mother.  “Were you trying to match . . . Mama it is clear as day that Mr. Bingley has eyes only for Miss Martin!  All he wanted to do all evening was look at her.”  She pointed at Abbey who turned three shades of red.  Louisa took her hand and led her to a sofa. 

“That cannot be, he looked at me!”  Miss King cried.

“Oh he smiled at you, but he looked at me!”  Miss Goulding insisted. 

Mrs. Philips addressed the room.  “Girls, I watched Mr. Bingley quite closely and he looked only at Miss Martin, and it was obvious that Mrs. Darcy made sure that she was able to speak to him before dinner, did you not notice how she swept through you all when you were batting your eyes at him?  Oh it was a thing of beauty!  I am most disappointed, most disappointed indeed to see that he wants nothing of my niece, but if she put her mind to it, I am sure that she could win his heart away, but I cannot force the girl to want him.  Well she is likely better off.  She will find a man, with her pretty face and lovely manners, how can she not be a success like her sisters?  Look at them!  Jane with Mr. Lucas, Mary with Captain de Bourgh, and of course Lizzy, with the finest man . . .”  She stopped.  “Sister . . .”

“What?”  Mrs. Bennet startled.

“Why is it that you have never been asked to Pemberley?”  Mrs. Philips demanded.

“I have wondered that myself.”  Mrs. King rounded on Mrs. Bennet.  “All we hear from you is Mrs. Darcy this, that, and the other thing when she is not present, but tonight . . .”

“YES!”  Mrs. Goulding nodded.  “I thought it odd!  You speak of her as if you are her intimate friend, and so very proud, but you could cut the tension with a knife!  And Mr. Darcy looked as if he was ready to throttle you at the slightest provocation!  How could you insult him as you did?  Calling him a servant!  Talking of miscarriage?  What has happened between you?” 

“Ohhhhh.”  Mrs. Long sat down and looked at Mrs. Bennet.  “It is all a sham!” 

“A sham?  Lizzy is married to Mr. Darcy, and he does have Pemberley, tell her Mary, Jane . . .”

“No, no, I have no doubt of any of
credentials, it is
that I question.  They do not like you!”  Mrs. Long laughed and pointed at her.  “They do not want you near their homes!  That is why you have never been to Pemberley!”  She clapped her hands.  “That is why Mrs. Darcy did not tell you the moment she thought she was pregnant!  Did you even know that she miscarried?  I wonder if they want their children near you!”

“Oh my!  She does not want you . . . OH!”  Mrs. King started nodding and pointing at the ladies.  “Do you remember, Mr. Bennet disappeared and when he came back, it was with the news that the Darcys had married?”  She turned to see Mrs. Bennet blushing.  “YOU were not invited to their wedding!  They have
wanted you near!” 

“I had not thought of that!”  Lady Lucas cried.

“They married very quickly; there was no time for me to go.”  Mrs. Bennet said weakly.

“There was time for Mr. Bennet to go.”  Lady Lucas grinned.  “Oh what a laugh!  Here we have been putting up with your bragging for years and years . . .”

“I have every right to brag, Mr. Darcy is a very powerful man . . .”

“Not according to you!  You called him a servant!”  Lady Lucas gasped.  “Do you know what he could do to you if he wished?”

“I believe that it is only Mrs. Darcy that holds him back.”   Mrs. Long smiled.  “He is a proud man.”

“In the best sense of the word.”  Mrs. King nodded.

“Well I for one will only listen to news of the Darcys from the Bennet daughters now.”  Mrs. Goulding declared.  “Because anything from your mouth cannot be believed.”   

At that moment, the men entered.   Bingley wasted no time crossing the room and taking a seat by Abbey, and tried to put a good face on all that he had heard occurred.  “That was the most interminable meal I have ever experienced.”  He laughed.  “Could anything have been more calculated to separate . . .”  His brow creased and he looked between her and Louisa.  “What is wrong?  Has something else happened?”

“Mr. Bingley, I am so glad that you have come.”  Abbey spoke softly.  “Maybe you can explain . . .”

“What happened between the Darcys and Mrs. Bennet, Charles?”  Louisa said in a low whisper and looked up to see Hurst had joined them.  “The ladies here have just delivered a set down to her that has left me speechless.”  Before he could answer, the Darcys entered and were quickly informed of what had occurred from Jane.

Mr. Bennet strolled over to his wife and stood looking down at her. “You could have remained the queen bee, Lizzy gave you that privilege by not exposing the truth of the break, she was willing to sit by your side and pretend for the sake of saving your reputation.  You just could not leave well enough alone, could you?”  Mrs. Bennet sat in silence, staring down at her hands.  Elizabeth, after hearing everything from Jane, let go of Darcy’s tight grip and walked across the room to sit next to her mother. 

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