Memory: Volume 3, How Far We Have Come, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice) (77 page)

BOOK: Memory: Volume 3, How Far We Have Come, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)
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“How fares your sister?”  Darcy immediately asked.  The other conversations stopped and heads turned.

“She is improving, I thank you, sir.”  Elizabeth curtseyed, and started walking.  When she reached the desk, Darcy caught her hand in his and lifted it to his lips.  “Mr. Darcy . . .”

His voice, deep and very low, touched only her ear.  “Please do not call me sir, not after what we have shared.  I have attempted to ignore you, Miss Elizabeth, after our . . .”

“Evening together?”

“You make it sound like a mere night of dancing.”

“So it was.”

“Oh no, it was a night of passion, one that I relive constantly.”  He tugged her hand and pulled her closer.  “I cannot imagine anything harder than trying to ignore you when my feelings are running so high.” 

Elizabeth bent to smile into his eyes.  “Why would you wish to ignore me?  Are you in danger of acting out your desires again?”

“Very much so.”  Darcy murmured against her ear.  “May I show you what I am thinking, dearest?” 

“We dare not . . .”

“Why?”  He whispered.  “I need you.”

“Fitzwilliam Darcy!”  Elizabeth cried and he kissed her soundly before she straightened and whispered furiously.  “We are not alone, despite our fantasy.” 

“I know, perhaps that is why I want it even more.”  At last he tugged her hand and settled her onto his lap.

“I was wondering how long it would take for him to get her there.”  Robinson said thoughtfully as he arranged his cards.

“I am dying to know what they whisper about.”  Louisa watched and caught her husband’s amused smile.  “They are courting!”

“I know, so leave them to it, we are playing cards.”

“I am trying to pick up some pointers.  Now that this work is done, I hope to see Miss Martin invited to visit?”  Bingley raised his brows pointedly to his sister and heard Hurst chuckle.  “I cannot wait for this next week to pass!” 

“There was not much point in inviting her with you not at home the past days.”  Louisa smiled.  “I promise, she will be here soon, and you will certainly see her at Lucas Lodge.  And then you might put these lessons to use.”

“We must behave, I am afraid.”  Elizabeth noted, at last seeing the faces turned their way.

“Too much attention.”  Darcy rested his forehead on her hair.  “All I want to do is hold you.  I am afraid that truly it is all I have the strength to do.”  Elizabeth kissed his cheek and saw Richard’s letter.  She read it and looked up to see his face had coloured and his eyes cast down.  “You are a good man, Fitzwilliam.”  Seeing his continued embarrassment, she reached for another letter.  “From Uncle Henry?”

Kissing her hair, he relaxed again, and hugged her.  “Yes, I was going to return his note after writing to Georgiana; he says that the family rejoices in my decision about Longbourn.”  He met her eye.  “They do not mince words.”

“That is why I like them so much.”  It was her turn to look down. 

Darcy gently raised her chin and kissed her.  “It is the right thing . . .”

“I know.”  She said softly and looked at the letter.  “Tell me, was there a wager laid about how long your tolerance would last?”

Darcy smiled and laughed.  “If there was, I think they would have kept it to themselves.  Although, they do invite me to join in the wagering for Audrey’s delivery date, and sex of the child.”  Elizabeth’s eyes rolled.  “Uncle looks forward to coming to Pemberley afterwards for the fox season.”

“Just what we need after time away.” 

“They love us, you know.”

“I know.  I just so want to be home alone with you for a good long while.  I look forward to winter before the fire, just like this.”  Elizabeth stroked back his hair.

“They suspect a baby.”

“To bet on, no doubt.”   They both rested their hands over the rapidly increasing bulge.  “I feel him constantly now.” 

“I wait for the day when I may feel him as well.”  He looked down to her belly.  “Do you hear me, child of mine?  Your papa insists that you reveal yourself.”

“Well that should work.”  She poked him with a smile.  “Rosalie is unsure of Wallace, when I left her she was patting his head, I am not sure if she thought he was a pet or a doll.”  Darcy laughed and she rested her head on his shoulder.  “Any other news?”

“Aunt Helen objects strenuously to a gentleman working like a servant on the dower house.”

“I would expect nothing less from her.” 

“She undoubtedly had much to say on the subject, Mrs. Darcy.” 

“No longer Miss Elizabeth?  Sir?”

“Sir?”  His lips hovered over hers before delivering a tender kiss.  “If only we were alone.”  

“I no longer am amazed at the Darcys’ comfort with displaying their affection; I only admire his ability to do it at all.”  De Bourgh watched the couple talking quietly across the room. 

“How do you feel?”  Mary squeezed his hand.

“Like I have spent the past three days on deck during an unending gale.”

“That is bad?”

“It is not good.”  De Bourgh surprised her and pulled her close.  “Bone tired.” 

Hiding her discomfiture she looked across the room to her sister, and saw her encouraging smile.  “Fitzwilliam seems very rested and well.”

“Darcy is a consummate actor, if he does not wish you to see him tired, you will not.”  He kissed her and laughed to see her blush.  “Bingley and Hurst look like the very devil.” 

“They do seem weary of the project, as does Mr. Robinson.” 

“I think that we have done well by our brother.  Darcy said that he was grateful for this opportunity to understand how hard his people work for him, it is something he could not really experience at home amongst them.”

“Why is that?  Could he not perform labour at home?”

“No, he could not and keep their respect as the master, just as I could not swab a deck as the captain.”  Nodding towards his brother, he smiled.  “Darcy understands this.”  He closed his eyes and sighed.  “It is a good thing that we were so willing to work, Lucas’ enthusiasm is boundless.”

“It is his home, it should be.” 

“Quite right, my dear.”  They sat in silence for several minutes.  “You have not spoken of your visit to Longbourn.”

“There is not a great deal to say.  It was a visit that could no longer be delayed.”  She added softly, “Mama was Mama.”

“I would think that she would wish to mend bridges with you, especially in light of losing Elizabeth and Darcy’s favour.”  He looked back at her and raised her hand to his lips.  “Mary?”

“There never were bridges between us, so how can they be mended?”  She shrugged.

“Do you wish for me to do the same as Darcy?  Cut ties with her?” 

“No.”  Mary saw his focussed expression and smiled.  “You will not let it go, will you?”

“No.”  He entwined their fingers.  “Tell me.”

“Oh, I have never had a relationship with either of my parents, I just happened to live at Longbourn.”  Mary closed her eyes.  “Mama was displeased that we were not staying with them.  I told her that Mr. Bingley invited us so of course we would stay at Netherfield.  She was angry, she said that all of Meryton visits Mr. Bingley at Netherfield but she may not because of Lizzy.  Papa came in and sat down.  After that she did not say another word about Lizzy, but began on when I will produce a son for you.  It was like talking to Lady Catherine.” 

“They are alike in many ways.  So you are certainly experienced in dealing with such behaviour.”  He kissed her cheek.  “Babies seem to be a favourite theme.”

 “Naturally, it is the theme of her entire marriage, the reason she is so bitter.   If only I had been a boy . . .”

“If only Elizabeth had been a boy, or Lydia or Kitty, no dear, do not blame yourself for your mother’s behaviour.”

“I do not.”  At last she relaxed against him.  “I did not have the experience that Lizzy did.  When I think about it, I think that I actually had it far easier; sometimes it is not so bad to be ignored.  You are not forced to relive conversations that never happened, or feel that you will never measure up.” 

“Philosopher.”  De Bourgh smiled and played with the ribbons on her cap.  “Will you play for me?” 

“Of course, what would you like to hear?”

“Dear Mary, anything would make me happy.”

“Something soothing, I think.”

“Then you will have a room full of sleeping men.”  He chuckled and stood to lead her over to the instrument, then returned to the sofa.

“Oh, Mary is going to play.”  Elizabeth looked up to see Darcy’s eyes were closed.  “Will?”

“Hmmm.”  Mary started playing a lively Scottish air and Darcy roused himself.  “Do you feel, Miss Bennet, the inclination to dance a reel?”

“While I would love to dance with you at any opportunity, I fear that to press you now would lead to your collapse in an exhausted heap, therefore, I will not encourage your scheme to resume our play when you are so tired.”  She saw a little smile play over his lips and rising, held out her hands.  “Now, dare to despise me for ending your desire.”

Darcy took her hands and stood.  “Indeed, I do not dare.” 

“Where are you two going?”  Hurst winked at Bingley.

“It is time to retire.”  Elizabeth entwined her fingers with Darcy’s.  “Thank you all so much for all of the effort you have given to my sister and brother.”

“It was a pleasure, Mrs. Darcy.”  Robinson stood and bowed.  “I have never been involved in such an experience before and I am grateful to be included.”

“I think that sums up all of our feelings.”  Hurst nodded and sighed, putting down his cards.  “Including the one about retiring!”  


“PLEASE DO NOT STOP.”  Darcy murmured from the pillow.  “Ever.”

“How does it feel?”  Elizabeth whispered in his ear. 

“It is indescribable.  Why have we not done this before?”  Her laugh finally made his weary eyes open and he found her smiling face inches from his.  Reaching to caress her jaw, he kissed her.  “How can you be so happy?”

“Look at my occupation, how can I not be happy?”  Darcy’s lips lifted in a little smile and she kissed it.   “I am not nursing aches and pains as you are.  Three days of labouring has at last taken its toll on you; and very clearly on the rest of the gentlemen if our quiet evening was any indication.  I am glad that you have reached the end of your ability to help before you suffered a lasting injury.  You are a mass of bruises my love; and I am amazed with the unlikely location of some of them.  You look as if you were in the stocks and flogged in the town square.  This is not the body of a man who is doing good works.”  She traced her fingers over his back, moving from one mark to another.  “How did you ever become bruised on the back of your neck?”

“I do not remember; Bingley at fault seems probable.  I think that I was less tender after falling from a horse.” 

Gently kissing the bruise, she drew away and continued her massage of his shoulders and back.  “Should I call Adams to do this?  His hands are much stronger than mine?”  Hearing him growl his dissent, she smiled and worked her way down his spine to his bottom, nibbled the dimples and enjoying his satisfied sigh, rubbed back up then down again, this time continuing to his thighs and to his feet.  Darcy moaned deeply and she laughed as her hands wandered their way over his body.  She paused, despite his instant protest, to put a little salve on his back.  The scent of the cloves surrounded them and she could see him breathing in deeply as she stroked over his skin.   “I can feel how tight you are.  Relax, Will.”

“Keep touching me like this and I will.”  He said softly and sank into her slow, deep, and steady movement.  “Are you tiring, love?”  He whispered.  Elizabeth bent to kiss his cheek and continued massaging until his back finally lost its tension.  Her hands came around to rub his arms and he rolled over to look up at her.  “Will you rub this side, too?”

“Ohhh, of course.”  He watched her moving up and over his chest and bend down to suckle his lips.  “Better?”

“More.”  Darcy reached up to push her hair over her shoulder.  “We must do this again when I am conscious.”

“Show me what hurts.”  She smiled to be pulled down beside him for a very passionate kiss, and to have her hand placed directly over his favourite place.  Licking his lips she giggled when he sighed.  “Hmm, what is this very warm and impressively firm muscle?”

“You know very well.”  He nuzzled his nose to her ear.

“Does it require relaxing as well?” His only response was a deep chuckle.  “I thought you were tired.”

“Rub it and I guarantee I will soon be asleep.”  Darcy closed his eyes as she caressed.  “You can do that forever, you know.” 

“I do.”  They kissed and he rested his cheek on her head as she settled against him and watched her hand moving over and around him. 

“My mind is alive with desire, but I cannot will myself to move.  I would like nothing better than to renew the beautiful bruise that is nearly faded from your throat.  I am sorry that I cannot bring you the same pleasure you are affording me.”   

“You should know very well that I am enjoying this as much as you.”  Smiling, she watched him fumble with the tie on her robe and spread it open. 

“Off.” He tugged weakly.  She slipped it off and resumed her position, caressing him as he stroked over the baby. 

“You make me very proud, you know.  You care for everyone you love so fiercely.  You and the others devoted three days to something your friends would be aghast knowing you have done, and did our brother an enormous service.  I know that if you had the expertise you would have laboured on that house until it was completed, even if all of the others pled to stop.”

He looked down.  “I suppose.  You and the other ladies were just as caring, looking after us all.”

“You are as bad as I at accepting praise.”  She kissed him and rolled over to reach for some more salve.  Before she could take up the bottle, he was curled around her.  “Will?”   

“I leave my recovery in your very capable hands, Mrs. Darcy.”  He murmured and within moments, she felt his embrace relax and his deep steady breathing in her ear.

“Good night, Fitzwilliam.”  She smiled and pulled the covers up and over them.  “Sleep well.”


“GARDINER, A WORD?”  Mr. Martin called as he hurried down the street.

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