Memories (28 page)

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Authors: Deanna Lynn Sletten

BOOK: Memories
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 With each step, her heart ached. As she looked at the plane outside the window, her steps became slower. She was doing the right thing, she told herself. She needed time to think. She was doing the right thing.

 As she waited in line, staring at the plane that would take her away from Michael, the sad ending scene from one of her favorite old movies came to life in her mind. It was the famous final scene of
, as Rick and Ilsa stood facing each other deciding their fate in the few seconds they had left. What was it Rick had said?
"If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life."

 Dani glanced back to where Michael was standing, then ahead to the plane once more, finally knowing what she had to do. But unlike Ilsa, she didn't get on that plane. She turned and ran back to the man she loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life with. With no regrets.

 When Michael saw Dani running back in his direction, his expression turned from shocked surprise to a wide, open smile of delight. As she reached his arms, he lifted her up and pulled her to him, kissing her long and hard on the lips, unaware and uncaring of the stares from the people around them.

 Pulling away from their embrace, he looked at Dani with that boyish look his eyes sometimes held that she loved so much. "Does this mean yes?" he asked hopefully.

 "Yes, Michael. The answer is yes!"

 "Yes!" he cheered for all to hear, then fishing out the ring still in his pocket, he pulled it out of the case and slipped it onto Dani's finger in one smooth motion. They kissed again, as people passed them and smiled at the happy ending they were witnessing.

 Dani looked down at the ring on her finger, then back at the man she'd just agreed to spend the rest of her life with. Nothing had ever felt so right, so perfect.

 "I guess this means I'm going to be a grandma," she said, her eyes teasing his.

 He tilted his head back and laughed, a happy, content laugh. "And a beautiful grandma you'll make," he said. Then they turned and walked slowly, arm in arm, out of the airport and toward the life ahead of them.



Chapter Thirty-Three



 The soft sound of the waves lapping against the beach was the only music present as Dani and Michael exchanged marriage vows on the outside veranda of his Southampton home. It was late afternoon in the middle of June as the bride and groom stood, facing each other before the minister, exchanging words of love and commitment with only their closest friends and relatives present.

 Dani's parents were there, with little Michelle standing between them, already attached to the beautiful red-headed girl that was becoming a part of their family. Beside Dani stood Cathy, smiling in appreciation at the love she saw between her two dearest friends. Kevin stood on the other side of Michael, looking a bit uncomfortable in his gray suit and tie, but proud to be a part of Michael's important day.

 Dani faced Michael as wisps of wind touched the hem of her tea-length, cream satin skirt and the pearl buttons of her fitted lace bodice sparkled in the sunlight like her eyes sparkled now as they met his. They were a beautiful couple. Michael looked regal in his dark gray suit and Dani stunning in her cream dress, her hair pulled back in a French knot, holding a bouquet of white and yellow roses. The entire ceremony was simple yet elegant, like the couple now vowing their everlasting love.

 Dani hadn't left Michael's side since the day at the airport when she made the decision to stay. She'd had her things packed and sent to her from her apartment and from her desk at Chance's. Carl Trindell was sad to hear she was leaving, but understood completely and even told her she would always have a job waiting for her if need be.

 She'd spoken to Janette, too, who had congratulated her warmly on her upcoming marriage and also let her in on the news that she was expecting her second child in December. Motherhood suited Janette well, she was thriving and happy and once again Dani marveled at the great turnaround in Janette's life, and now in her own.

 Dani fit easily into Michael's life as if she'd always been a part of it. She'd already begun going to the Regal offices with him, learning the ropes at his side, and had been accepted warmly by the other employees. They all respected Michael and enjoyed being a part of his company and were happy to see he had finally found someone to share his life with. And Dani had a great sense of business on her own, so they appreciated her input and knowledge.

 During the week Dani, Michael, Michelle and Mrs. Carols stayed at the Manhattan apartment so the two could commute to the office. But by Thursdays, they all returned to the Southampton house for the weekend so Michael could continue attending his vet group meetings. He was progressing well and his nightmares were coming less and less. He'd begun talking about going on a trip to Vietnam in the next year or so, maybe even with some of the other vets from the group. Dani knew this was a big step for him, but a positive one, and encouraged him to do it. He wanted her to go with him, and she was very willing, even eager, to visit the place from his past.

 And with every passing day Dani fell more and more in love with Michelle. Sometimes she didn't even go to the office with Michael so she could stay with Michelle and take her to the park or shopping. She was even considering staying home from the office altogether, at least for the next couple of years, to spend time with the energetic redhead. Now that Dani had a child to love and care for, she didn't want to miss a single moment of her childhood. Michael was thrilled with the idea when Dani mentioned it to him.

 "Work will always be there for you," he'd told her. "But Michelle will grow up fast." He encouraged her to do what felt right for her.

 Just as the vows they now finished exchanging felt right, too. After the couple exchanged rings and made the final kiss to seal their promises, there were happy smiles and hugs all around from friends and family.

 "Well, you beat me to the alter," Cathy teased Dani as she hugged her tight. "But remember, you have to be in Chicago next month for my wedding."

 "I wouldn't miss it for anything," Dani told her, happy they both had found someone to spend their lives with.

 Kevin turned to Michael and slapped him good-naturedly on the back. "Congratulations," he told him. "You've really found someone special, man. I'm happy for you."

 Michael clasped the large man before him in a giant hug. "Thank you, Kevin," he said as he stepped back. "I couldn't have made it this far without your help."

 "You did it all yourself," Kevin told him quietly. "I was just on the sidelines, cheering you on."

 Dani's parents came up to hug the couple and congratulate them with Michelle clinging to her new great-grandfather's arm.

 "Just explain one thing to me," Mrs. Westerly asked, after hugging both Dani and Michael in turn. "How did I manage to skip being a grandmother and go directly to great-grandma?" Everyone laughed at this, knowing that both of Dani's parents were already enjoying their new role with Michelle.

 The group turned then and went into the house where a delicious buffet and wedding cake were waiting in the grand dinning room. Dani was about to enter the house when she noticed Michael was not with the party ahead, and turned to see him standing at the railing, looking out over the ocean and sky beyond.

 The sun was just making its way west and streaks of red and orange lighted the summer sky. Dani walked up behind him and put her arms around his waist.

 "Having second thoughts already?" she teased him.

 Michael smiled and slowly shook his head. "No," he said, still staring at the expanse of water before him. "I was thinking about Vanessa and wishing she could be with us right now. I think she'd be happy for us."

 Dani stepped up beside Michael at the railing, leaving one arm draped around his waist as he placed his own around hers. Still looking at the sky, its color so much like Vanessa's own hair, she said quietly. "I think she is with us now. And she approves."

 Michael faced her then, this woman who always seemed to understand him completely, this woman he had almost lost and then found again. They'd come full circle, he and she, and they had the rest of their lives to share all the love he was feeling right now. He bent his head to kiss her, but was pushed away suddenly by a little girl with only one thing on her mind.

 "Time for cake, Grampa!" Michelle insisted planting herself firmly between them.

 Michael tilted his head back and laughed heartily, then lifted Michelle up into his arms as Dani watched the two with pure love in her eyes for them both.

 "Come on, Grandma," Michael said, putting his free arm around Dani as Michelle balanced in his other. "Let's go have some cake!" The three entered the house together in each other's arms as the family they had become.








 Dani stood outdoors on the veranda staring out at the beach and ocean, her thoughts lost in the water's depths. It was late afternoon and she had just bid farewell to the last of the guests who had attended the funeral reception. She sighed heavily, relieved that the day was almost over and she could finally breathe. She had appreciated all the friends, colleagues and neighbors who had stopped by to share their condolences, but after a time, she had felt worn down and exhausted. Now it was finally over.

 The big house was quiet. The caterers had already cleared away any stray dishes or glasses left behind by guests, packed up their van and driven away. Martha, their housekeeper and cook, had also left for the day after checking in on Dani one last time and sharing a hug. Now, the only ones left in the house were Dani, Michelle and Alex, and an abundance of silence.

 "Grandmom," Michelle said, coming up behind Dani. Dani turned to see her granddaughter look at her with worried eyes. "Are you doing okay?" Michelle asked.

 Dani reached out her arms and Michelle fell into them, the two hugging each other tightly. "It's been a long day, hasn't it baby girl?" Dani asked, still clinging to Michelle. She felt Michelle nod into her shoulder as the two women found comfort in each other's arms. Finally, Michelle drew back to look at her grandmother. "You look tired," she said quietly.

 Dani nodded. "I am," she admitted. When Michelle showed her worry with a frown between her green eyes, Dani patted her shoulder to reassure her. "I'll be fine," she said. "A good night's sleep and all this fresh air will help me feel better."

 Michelle nodded. "Alex and I are going for a walk on the beach to clear our heads," she said. "Do you want to join us?"

 Across the room, Dani saw Alex standing uncomfortably, not quite sure if he should be interrupting this family moment. Dani smiled. He was a nice boy, good looking and considerate of Michelle's feelings. Michael had liked him and hoped the two would stay together after college. Dani liked him, too. She knew he would be a great comfort to Michelle emotionally and a shoulder to lean on when she returned to college after this.

 "You two go ahead," Dani finally said. "Enjoy a peaceful walk. I think I'll just stay here awhile longer." After another long hug, Michelle went to join Alex and the two left the room holding hands.

 Once again alone, Dani sat down in a chair on the veranda and watched as the young couple came into view. Hand in hand, Michelle and Alex walked slowly along the water's edge as the breeze lifted Michelle's auburn hair from her shoulders. For one brief second, Dani could almost believe it was the Michelle's mother, Vanessa, walking down the beach with her red hair whipping up in the breeze. Dani gazed up into the clear, blue sky scattered with white, puffy clouds. "You're finally together again," Dani said aloud. Michael and his daughter, Vanessa, would finally be united after years of being separated too soon. This thought comforted Dani. "I know you both will continue to look after Michelle, too," she said.

 Sitting there alone, Dani thought back through all the years she and Michael had shared. Even though they had only spent eighteen years together, they had loved and shared more than most people do in a lifetime. Michael had promised to love her forever, and he had. He'd given her everything that had been missing in her life and so much more. Love, a home and a beautiful child to raise and care for. All the things she thought she'd never have, he had given her. They had traveled together, worked together and raised Michelle together. It was the perfect life, one she would have never imagined she'd have until Michael and she were together at last.

 But then three years ago the cancer diagnosis had changed their lives forever, and after fighting harder than he'd ever had in his life, cancer had taken Michael away. Now, at only fifty-five years old, Dani was alone again with huge responsibilities ahead of her.

 Dani stood and walked through the open French doors into the living room, stopping at the many family photos that decorated the fireplace mantle. There were photos of Michelle's parents, Vanessa and Matthew, on their wedding day, another of the couple with a chubby baby Michelle in their arms, smiling. There were old photos of Michael's parents and one of Dani's parents, and several of Michael, Dani and Michelle throughout the years. Michael had been there for Dani when each of her parents had died in turn, first her father several years ago and then her mother more recently. He had given Dani support when she had decided to stay home and be a full-time caregiver to Michelle and had welcomed her back to Regal Coats when she'd decided it was time to work again. They had been lovers, parents to Michelle and partners in everything they did and had made many memories along the way. And before cancer took Michael's final breath, he'd asked Dani to promise to continue running the family business and watch over Michelle until she could, at last, be the next generation of DeCaras to run Regal Coats. It was an easy promise for Dani to make.

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