Memories (24 page)

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Authors: Deanna Lynn Sletten

BOOK: Memories
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 "I'm three now," Michelle announced proudly, her emerald eyes sparkling with the same mischief as Michael's did. Her 'three' came out 'tree', which brought a warm chuckle from Dani.

 "Well, that explains why you're so big," she told her.

 "See my puppy?" Michelle asked Dani. "Her name is Fruff."

 "I think Fluff," Michael corrected Michelle teasingly as he set her back on the floor, "is trying to trip Grandpa."

 Dani kneeled on the floor beside Michelle and ran her fingers through the puppy's thick fur. "Fluff is beautiful. She has red hair just like you."

 Michelle giggled. "That's what Grampa says, too."

 "Well, Grandpa is right," Dani replied, looking up into Miguel's sparkling gray eyes. The warmth and tenderness he felt for the little girl beside her displayed openly in them, and when he looked at Dani, that same loving look stayed, making her heart melt.

 "Okay you two, how about a walk on the beach?" Michael suggested. "It's cool out, but the sun feels good. And I think that little puppy could use a good run."

 Michelle nodded yes vigorously, and Michael offered a hand to Dani and pulled her up from her place on the floor. As their hands touched, their eyes did also, and a spark was felt between them.

 "I'll have to go up and get my coat," Dani said hastily, retrieving her hand from his and busying it to smooth out her jeans.

 "Don't bother. We have plenty in the hall closet." He walked the few paces to the door in the entryway and opened it to reveal several coats hanging neatly on padded hangers. He handed Michelle a small, puffy blue one with pink trim and she quickly slid herself into it and began trying to zip it herself.

 Turning back to the closet he studied it a moment, his hand brushing first upon a green jacket, then a purple one, before moving on to another blue one and pulling it out. "Do you mind wearing one of mine?" he asked Dani, handing her the coat. "It might be a bit big."

 Dani guessed that the others in the closet had belonged to Vanessa and Miguel didn't have the heart to see them on anyone else. She nodded slightly. "It will be fine," she assured him. He looked relieved and picked out a black jacket for himself and slipped it on.

 "Hey squirt, let me help you with that." Michael bent down on one knee and helped a frustrated Michelle zip her coat, then tapped one finger on her little freckled nose before saying, "All ready, let's go!"

 The late afternoon sun felt warm on their backs as the three of them made their way slowly down the strip of beach. Michelle ran ahead with the puppy, which continually tangled herself around the little girl's feet. From time to time, Michelle would trip in the sand, catch herself and giggle and continue on as the puppy did her little dance.

 Michael and Dani kept a slow, steady pace behind her, enjoying her laughter and the puppy's antics. Despite the chill in the breeze, Dani felt snug in Miguel's jacket. Occasionally a faint scent of his cologne would tease her senses as it drifted up to her from the jacket she was wearing. She inhaled it fondly, wanting to remember every scent, every scene and every step of this moment. At times, it seemed much like the past, the days before the pain and the hate. She just let herself imagine it was so, not wanting to spoil the moment with reality.

 After a time, Michael called to Michelle to turn back toward the house and he and Dani stopped to let the little girl catch up to them and run ahead before the two continued their trek in her tiny footsteps. Both were silent, neither knowing what to say. And yet, there was a comfortable air to their silence, as only people who have been together for years can share.

 When they reached the house, Michael allowed Michelle a few more moments on the sand while he and Dani took a seat on the steps of the veranda. They sat watching the ocean waves ease their way up on the shore, the tide steadily coming in closer as evening approached.

 Wordlessly, Michael turned from the view in front of him to look at the woman beside him. Dani's cheeks were pink from the cool air and a few strands of golden hair had escaped from her braid to blow gently around her face. It took great effort not to reach out and gently brush one of those silky strands back with his fingers.

 "I'm glad you came," he said quietly, breaking the silence at last. "Thank you, Dani. I know it took a lot for you to come here."

 Dani turned to face Miguel. "I was afraid of coming at first," she admitted. "But now I'm glad I did."

 "Afraid?" Michael creased his brow. "Why?"

 She glanced over at Michelle, running carelessly in the sand with Fluff, then back at Miguel. "Because it gets harder and harder every time we say goodbye."

 Michael was about to reply when Michelle came bounding up beside him, breathless and flushed from her play. She whispered something into his ear that made his face break out into a full smile.

 "Michelle is wondering if you would like to go to a movie tonight," he said to Dani as Michelle waited eagerly for her answer.

 Dani's brows rose. "A movie?" she asked playfully. "And what movie does Michelle want to see?"

 "The latest Disney cartoon of course," he replied for Michelle. "She's only seen it three times, but she was worried you might have missed it. Have you seen it yet?"

 Dani laughed. "A Disney cartoon? I haven't been to a kid's movie since…" she stopped, remembering that the last time had been to see
The Jungle Book
cartoon with him and Vanessa. "Well, let's just say it's been a long time."

 "Ah ha! Michelle, you were right. I guess it's our duty to take her to see it now." Michelle nodded her little head eagerly, her eyes bright at the prospect of seeing the movie again. Michael turned from her and asked Dani quietly, "Do you mind?"

 "Mind?" she pretended to be insulted. "Any movie Michelle recommends must be good! Besides," she added for him only. "I think it will be a lot of fun."

 Michael brought his hands together in one loud clap. "Then it's settled. To the movies we go. But first," he said, looking straight at Michelle. "We have to get the sand out of our shoes and have a bite to eat."

 And together they did just that, just as any family might do, making Dani feel a little bit closer to Miguel and Michelle, and a little bit closer to the heartache she knew she would feel when she'd have to say goodbye.



Chapter Twenty-Nine



 The three ate a quick meal of soup and sandwiches in the cozy family dining room at the rear of the house by the kitchen. The cheerful little room was really meant as a breakfast nook, with its white lace curtains covering windows that overlooked the beach and ocean beyond, charming white table and chairs with blue and white striped cushions. There was also a formal dining room off this room, Michael explained, but they preferred the little one instead. "Sometimes the house seems too big," was how he put it.

 After eating they were off with Michael at the wheel of his car to the little, old fashioned theater in Southampton. So used to the mega-theaters of Minneapolis, Dani was charmed by this old-time theater with its enormous lobby, snack bar and balcony seating. The seats were large and padded in red velveteen, matching the carpet and walls, and the screen was larger than any she'd seen in years.

 They chose seats in the very middle and Michelle plopped herself between Michael and Dani insisting on holding the extra-large bucket of popcorn in her lap so everyone could reach it. Dani chuckled at Michelle's little feet, unable to reach the floor, swinging back and forth and her big eyes barely able to see over the large bucket on her lap. Over Michelle's head she caught Miguel's eyes and they both shared a secret smile at the sight of her.

 Dani enjoyed every minute of the movie, it was heartwarming and upbeat and the music was fabulous. Of course, she contributed part of what she was feeling to the company she was with. At intervals, Michelle would tug Dani's arm and whisper to her what was going to happen next, and she also sang along quietly to every song. Dani was amazed at the little girl's memory. A couple of times she and Miguel both reached into the popcorn bucket at the same time, bumping hands, then exchange looks over Michelle's head. It felt so right sitting here together that Dani wished the movie would never end.

 The popcorn disappeared and the movie ended, its theme song playing as the credits rolled on screen. The house lights brightened as Michael, Michelle and Dani stood, stretched and put their coats on to leave.

 "That was a great movie, Michelle," Dani told her as she helped zip the little girl's jacket. "Thanks so much for taking me."

 "Maybe we could see it again!" Michelle told her, making Dani laugh out loud.

 "Maybe so," Dani replied.

 "Let's see, that would make it five times then," Michael interjected. "And just wait until the video comes out." He rolled his eyes good-naturedly as the three of them left the theater and headed back to the house.

 The drive was quiet and Michelle began nodding her little head in the back seat, tired from her long day. By the time they reached the house, she was sound asleep, so Michael carefully lifted her from her car seat and carried her inside.

 Dani followed the two upstairs carrying the little rag doll that had been sitting in the seat with Michelle. They took a right at the top of the stairs and entered the nursery just a short walk down the hall. Mrs. Carols had heard them come in and appeared at the door that separated her room from Michelle's, but Michael quietly told her he'd put her to bed so she went back into her own room and silently closed the door.

 Dani studied the room around her in awe as Miguel expertly changed Michelle into pajamas and tucked her into bed. The beauty and details of the room with its seascape mural and stenciled seashells, white bedroom furniture and toy furniture with brightly printed cushions overflowing with dolls and stuffed animals, all showed how much love and attention had gone into this room for this little girl. She didn't miss the gentle way Miguel prepared his granddaughter for bed, how lovingly he stroked her hair and then placed a kiss upon her cheek. The sight of him with Michelle reminded her why she had fallen in love with him nineteen years ago, and how much it touched her heart right now.

 Michael stepped back from the bed and flicked off the night stand light. The night light on the opposite wall shone softly, making the stars on the ceiling twinkle from its glow. Remembering the doll, Dani stepped up to the bed and laid it carefully beside Michelle's sleeping form, taking in every detail of her quiet face framed with silky red tendrils. Finally, she tore herself away and she and Miguel headed to the door together, but as they reached it, he turned for one last look at his granddaughter.

 Standing there, together, in the dark nursery watching the sleeping form, hearing the steady breathing of sleep, Dani couldn't help but think how right this felt. How perfect to be putting a little girl to bed with this man beside her. But the moment ended and they slipped out into the hallway and walked slowly toward the stairs.

 "It's still early," Michael said at last. "We could go downstairs for awhile."

 Dani nodded yes and the two walked down the grand staircase in silence. The living room was aglow with only one lamp by the main couch, the rest left in deep shadows despite the full moon that played through the glass doors on the far end. Although the room was large, the set-up of several cozy sitting areas made it seem comfortable. But it was the sofa in front of the fireplace that usually drew the most attention, and that was where they stopped now.

 "I'll start a fire," Michael offered.

 "You don't have to go to all that trouble," she objected.

 Michael bent down toward the fireplace. "No trouble at all," he said as he turned a brass knob protruding from the stone. In a flash, the fire was lit.

 "The easiest fire in the world," he chuckled. "Gas."

 Dani shook her head as she sat down and sunk into the thick cushions of the couch. "Not exactly what I'd expect in a mansion," she teased.

 "It was my Dad's idea," he told her as he walked over to the stereo cabinet and turned the radio on low. Dani recognized the song as one from the seventies but couldn't remember the name of it. "He hated starting real fires so he changed all the fireplaces in the house to gas."

 He walked back to the sofa and stood beside it. The soft lighting took away years from his face, and standing there with an uncertain expression upon his face reminded Dani of how he'd looked eighteen years ago.

 "All the fireplaces? Just how many does this house have?"

 "Well, let's see," he tipped his head and scratched his beard a moment in that well-known gesture Dani remembered. "There's one in the main dining room, one here, one in the largest guest bedroom, and there's one in my bedroom, too. I'll have to show it to you sometime." The words came out innocently, but when Dani raised an eyebrow at him, he became nervous again and shifted his feet.

 "Would you like a drink, or a soda or water or something?" he asked quickly. "Or, if you're hungry, I could get you something."

 Dani shook her head slowly, a small smile playing on her lips. "I don't want anything," she told him quietly. Then, surprising them both, she asked, "Why are you so nervous, Miguel?"

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