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Authors: Amy Leigh Napier

Melting The Ice (29 page)

BOOK: Melting The Ice
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Chapter Forty-Five




Cian stood in front of his locker, adjusting the knot of his pale blue silk tie and donned the charcoal Hugo Boss suit jacket.   Despite the fact his team had won and he had once again played brilliantly, he couldn’t seem to work up any enthusiasm for the party at Tate’s palatial mansion.  The locker room was filled with loud voices calling out insults and raucous laughter; he felt like he didn’t fit in with all of these happy people.  He had not seen or spoken a word to Ava in two months and it was wearing on him.  Asking her to marry him and being turned down flat had been one of the most humiliating experiences of his life.  When it came right down to it she just didn’t love him like he loved her; and that was what hurt the most.  He missed her desperately but couldn’t get past the rage he felt when he replayed that last scene in his mind.  Her number popping up on his phone had sent fury coursing through his body and he’d refused to answer.  The voicemails she had left asking him to call her, telling him she missed him…she was so full of shit.  He wasn’t playing this game with her.  She was probably just missing him in her bed.  Too damn bad.  After a few calls, she’d started texting him and emailing him but he’d ignored it all.  Okay, he hadn’t ignored it.  He’d saved it all like a lovesick teenage girl and that pissed him off further but he couldn’t bring himself to erase them. 


His coach and teammates didn’t know what to think.  He had always been fairly happy-go-lucky but lately he had been so surly and bad-tempered everyone gave him a wide berth.  His shitty mood had carried over to the ice; he was playing well, but he was taking out all his pent up anger and aggression on the opposing teams.  For the first time in his career, he was one of the league leaders in hits and penalty minutes.  Coach LaPierre had called him into his office and tried to discuss the changes he had made in his game, but he’d just shrugged and pleaded ignorance.  Cian had always had an active social life as well, but he rarely went anywhere except to have dinner with Max when he didn’t feel like eating alone.   His friends and teammates had tried to set him up without success; he wasn’t remotely interested in any woman but Ava…how long was this going to last, he wondered.  Would he ever get over having his heart stomped into the ground?  He considered the irony of the situation; he had never loved any woman but Ava and she didn’t want him while other women threw themselves at him.  It wasn’t fair…


“Hey Key! I am riding with you to Tate’s.” Max declared, plopping down on the bench in front of the lockers, dressed dashingly in an Armani suit with Gucci loafers and a diamond Rolex glinting on his wrist.  Cian turned to look at Max who was texting on his phone.


“I’m not going.” Cian stated flatly.  Max didn’t even look up from his phone as he waved his hand as if brushing away his words.


“Oh but you are,
.” Max said in his usual animated fashion.


“Listen, Max, I just want to go home…”


“And wallow in your depression at being dumped by the lovely Ava, blah, blah, blah…you need to get a grip.” Max said flippantly, coming to his feet. “Seriously, man, you are a real downer these days.” Cian literally growled at his self-centered best friend who continued talking as if Cian wasn’t mentally plotting his murder. “Now come along peacefully.”


“Damn it, Max…” he fumed, following the still texting Max to the underground garage to retrieve his Maserati and hit the remote to unlock the doors.  He settled back in the rich leather of the seat and fastened his seat belt, glancing over at Max who seemed to be fascinated with whatever conversation he was having on his I-Phone.


“And you can stop damning me and get us underway. “ Max rolled his eyes, his fingers hitting buttons furiously, grinning ear to ear.  Cian started the car and drove them out of the underground parking garage, maneuvering the powerful GranCabrio deftly through city traffic.  


“I’m just dropping you off…”


“Oh no, you are not! Our dates are awaiting us…” Cian’s angry expletive had Max finally looking up from his phone, all wide-eyed innocence. “Why are you cursing at me?”


“I’m not being set up on a blind date…”


“She is not blind.” Max proclaimed reaching over to turn on the radio, which Cian promptly shut back off.  Cian hissed a breath out between his teeth, appearing ready to explode.


“Don’t play stupid with me, Asshole! You know damn well what a blind date is!” Cian bellowed at him.  Max shrugged with a grin.


“I am not up on all the American slang.  My English is not so good…”


“You’re English is fine, you lying mother…”


“You are starting to hurt my feelings with all this cursing at me and name calling…”


“I’m gonna hurt more than your damn feelings…”


Max tsked. “You are absolutely no fun whatsoever anymore.  When was the last time you went out?”  Cian groaned in frustration.


“We went to dinner two nights ago…”


“With a woman!” Max huffed out an irritated breath.  “Try to do someone a favor…” he muttered under his breath.


“I have no desire to go out with one of your skanks…” Max’s gasp of outrage had Cian rolling his eyes.


“You dare to criticize
taste in women?” Max inquired in disbelief.  “After
?”  Cian punched him hard in the shoulder. “Ouch! Damn, you did not used to be so violent…”


“Just shut the fuck up or I swear to God I will pull over and put you out of the car.” Cian mumbled angrily, turning the radio back on and cranking up the volume until the car rocked from the bass.  He was sure he heard Max laughing before the music drowned out the sound. 


Within a few minutes, they were pulling up to the gates of the team owner’s sprawling estate and after passing the security checkpoint, were swiftly ushered inside.  Lights shown from every window of the enormous Greek revival mansion when Cian stepped out of the car and handed the keys to a waiting valet.  Max had finally put his phone away and was straightening his tie when they started up the steps.  Several of their teammates were milling around the entrance being greeted by Tate and his much younger trophy wife, Corinne.  After making it through the greetings, they pushed through the crowd to join some teammates at the bar.  Cian refused champagne from a passing waiter and ordered a scotch.  He was chatting with their starting goalie, Ty O’Malley and the rookie right winger on his line, Rory Locke, when Max interrupted.


“Ah…there is my date.” The pleasure in Max’s voice had Cian turning to see what had his friend grinning like a loon.  Cian’s gaze settled on a shapely woman with long coppery-brown hair in a figure-hugging emerald green cocktail dress heading in their direction.  He had turned back around before it registered.  He did a double take and found himself looking into the smiling hazel eyes of Macy Talbot who was being greeted effusively by Max.  Max moved to stand at Macy’s side, sliding his arm around her waist to grin at Cian.


“I believe you already know my lovely date…” before Max could finish his words, an all too familiar woman stepped out from behind them, her blue eyes watching him apprehensively.  His mouth fell open in astonishment.  Ava looked gorgeous as ever, her dark curls pinned up with loose tendrils artfully arranged, diamonds dripping from her ears and neck and a little black dress that displayed her lush figure to full advantage.  His eyes ate up the sight of her for long seconds, wanting nothing more than to reach out and pull her against him.  But the momentary surprise wore off quickly and the memory of their final meeting came back like a slap in the face.   The hungry look he had been wearing turned to one of contempt and Cian tore his eyes from her to glower at his backstabbing best friend.  Max was smiling at him as if he had done him a favor; Cian changed it to backstabbing
best friend.


“What the hell have you done?”




Chapter Forty-Six




Nerves were killing her.  Ava held onto her composure by a slim thread when Cian’s velvety dark eyes settled on her with a hungry look that had her heart racing.  Her eyes ran over him just as hungrily, relishing the sight of him.  The charcoal suit, black shirt and pale blue tie fit him perfectly, showing off his powerful physique in a way that had her hands itching to divest him of it all.  Her eyes met his again to find the hungry look replaced with open hostility.  He and Max were arguing in low tones, the two large men they had been with following the conversation with interest and throwing speculative looks in her direction.  He was in Max’s face, spitting out his words, his anger apparent for anyone who cared to look.  Max didn’t appear to care Cian was furious; in fact, Max seemed to be equally as angry, talking fast and gesturing to Ava on occasion.


“Well, this is going well.” Macy muttered in aside to her, her eyes worried.  Ava found that her nerves were fading and instead, a slow-burning anger was replacing it.  She was a proud woman and she was not going to stand around waiting for Cian to stop throwing his temper tantrum. 


“Come on.” She murmured, turning to push her way through the crowd.  With one last glance over her shoulder, Macy hurried after her.


“Ava…we came here for a purpose…”


“Yes we did, and that purpose didn’t have anything to do with making spectacles of ourselves while Cian has his fit.”  She snorted in disgust. “I’m surprised he didn’t lay down in the floor and kick and scream.”  Macy snickered at Ava’s words while they maneuvered as far from Cian and Max as they could get without leaving the party.   They located another bar with a group of very large men, obviously Cian’s teammates, waiting for drinks as well.  A big handsome blonde with piercing blue eyes smiled down at Ava, his gaze admiring.


“May I get you a beverage?” he inquired politely, motioning to the bartender.  Ava hesitated before smiling back and nodding.


“Yes, thank you, I would like that.” She responded.  After she had received her drink, he managed to charm her into having conversation with him.  His name was Stephane Beliveau, he was originally from Ontario and played defense for the Blaze.  He was also an outrageous flirt but not offensively so.  Macy was busy chatting with another player with dark Italian looks so when Stephane asked her to dance, she agreed.  She had been keeping an eye out for Cian or Max, but neither had come into her line of vision in the twenty minutes she had been conversing with the handsome Canadian and frankly, she was beginning to think her decision to surprise Cian might not have been the best.  Stephane moved pretty well for a big man and she found herself enjoying his light flirtation.  He was asking her how she happened to be at the team party when she was literally yanked from his arms.  She stumbled back into a hard body that kept her from hitting the floor. 


“She’s here with me.” Cian’s tightly controlled voice sounded from behind her. “That’s how she
to be here.” Without another word, he latched onto her hand and began dragging her through the crowd behind him.  In four-inch heels, it was hard to keep up with him.  She glanced back over her shoulder; Max was speaking with an irritated Stephane, obviously explaining the situation to him.  Cian was rudely shoving his way through the crowd, garnering way more attention than she was comfortable with; people pointing and whispering in speculation was not her idea of a good time.  She felt her face heat with embarrassment and pulled against the iron grip he had on her hand.  He turned on her swiftly; his face tight with anger and leaned down until his lips were against her ear. “You can either walk out of here or get carried.  Right now I don’t give a damn one way or the other so which will it be, Ava?”  His harsh whisper pissed her off.  Her blue eyes glittered with anger as she tossed her head and looked at him with contempt.


“You try to carry me out of here and you will live to regret it.” She snarled at him before forcefully removing her hand from his grip.  Amusement lit his eyes for a second at her audacity, but only for a second.  The anger was back as if the amusement had never been but when he reached for her hand again, his grip was much gentler and he led her through the crowd instead of dragging.  He seemed to know where he was going; traversing from one corridor to another until the noise from the party couldn’t be heard at all.  He opened a door, glanced inside and finding it unoccupied, flipped the light switch and shoved her inside.  He slipped in behind her and locked the door, leaning back against it.  It was obvious he was trying to get his warring emotions under control before he spoke.  She glanced around to find they were in a small powder room.  Leaning back against the countertop, her arms crossed, she decided the best course of action was to go on the offensive. 


“So you hate me now?” One supercilious brow rose up her forehead.  He continued to regard her in silence. “You don’t love me anymore?” His eyes narrowed in warning.


“I don’t want to love you.” His words sounded like they were forced out between gritted teeth.  Crossing his own arms across his chest, he studied her as if she were some kind of puzzle. “What do you want from me, Ava?”  She opened her mouth to respond and closed it just as quickly finding it was hard to tell someone looking so hateful that you loved them.  His next words had her as riled as he. “Did you wanna fuck with my head some more or is this strictly a social call?”  Her hands on her hips, she took an aggressive step in his direction.


“That’s right.  I came all this way to
with your head some more.” Sarcasm dripped from every word.  “There weren’t enough people back home that despised me to keep me entertained so here I am.”


“I don’t despise you.” He grumbled, not looking the least happy with his admission.


“Really?” Her mocking tone had him shifting uncomfortably. “Then you’ve chosen the wrong career.  You should have been an actor, Cian.”


“Why did you come here?” Before she could answer, he moved his hands to his hips and took a step closer to her, his look accusing. “And what the hell were you doing with Beliveau?”  She gaped at him in surprise.


“I was dancing and having
conversation; something you apparently know nothing about.” She shook her head in disbelief at his jealousy.


“You looked mighty cozy…”


“You found me out, you brilliant man!” she exclaimed sardonically. “After a mere twenty minute acquaintance with Stephane, I completely forgot I had come here to see you and have already pledged my eternal love to Mr. Bellevue.”


“Beliveau.” He corrected a spark of amusement in his gaze again.


“Names aren’t important when one has found the love of their life…” He smiled ruefully at her heated words.  He moved until he was directly in front of her and laid his index finger over her lips.


“You’ve made your point, Ava; don’t belabor it.” He said softly, the expression in his brown eyes regarding her uncertainly.  Her anger deserted her and she gazed back at him with all the love she felt for him there for him to plainly see. “Damn…I’ve missed you, Baby…” His hand settled on the back of her neck and pulled her mouth to his.  Her lips met his eagerly in an openmouthed kiss, their mouths slanting against each other for better access.  Her arms went around his waist, needing something to hold onto as the hot, wet kiss quickly burned out of control.  She wasn’t sure which one of them moaned; maybe it was both but the mating of mouths and his body rubbing against hers was everything she had recalled on all the lonely nights of the last two months.  The hand on the back of her neck had slid into her hair to better control the angle and she felt his other hand slide under the short skirt of her Chanel cocktail dress to grasp her buttock bared by her thong.  Their mouths still joined, she pulled back far enough to push his suit coat from his shoulders, yank his tie free and tore at the buttons of his shirt until his thickly muscled chest and rippling, washboard abs were bare to her caressing hands.


“Cian…” she groaned.  He tore his mouth from hers to work his way down her throat, his hands pushing the straps of the dress off her shoulders to bare her breasts.  His head bent to her breasts, sucking a nipple between his lips while his hands slipped under her skirt to slide her thong down her legs.  His teeth gently nipped at her nipple and she felt his fingers slide into the warm wetness between her legs.


“Ava…you’re so wet for me…” his deep growl sent a shiver down her spine as her hands clutched him closer.  He dropped to his knees and pushing her skirt out of his way, put his mouth to the most tender part of her while her hands grasped his shoulders to stay upright.  When his mouth fastened on the knot of nerves to suck hard and he plunged two fingers inside her, her orgasm ripped through her, forcing a loud groan of pleasure from her.  Before she could recover, he had her lifted to the marble countertop and somehow managed to undo his belt and fly, freeing the long, thick part of him she knew was going to make her scream.  She reached down to grasp him in her hand, her fingers not quite meeting around the thick shaft, stroking him.  She tasted herself on him when his mouth met hers for another blazing kiss.  He grasped the hand stroking him and moved it up behind his neck.  His hands spread her legs wide and wrapped them around his hips before grasping her buttocks in his hand and joining their bodies in one hard thrust.  Her body bowed back at the feel of him inside her after such a long absence.  She braced her hands behind her for leverage and met him thrust for thrust until she felt her orgasm building inside of her.  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with everything she had as he made her come so hard she thought she would literally black out.


“Cian!” she gasped as she felt his release start while hers continued. “Oh God…I love you...I love you…I love you…”she chanted.


“Ava…I love you.” He groaned, burying his face against her neck.  Finally the tremors shaking them both came to an end and they clung to each other trying to regain their senses and calm their erratic breathing.  He raised his head from her neck and placed a long, lingering kiss on her lips before easing out of her.  He glanced around and she could see when the realization of what had just happened hit. “Dear God…I can’t believe we just had sex in Tate’s bathroom…”


She giggled and slid off the countertop and caught her reflection in the mirror. “My hair…” she groaned when she witnessed the mess he had made of her hair.  His eyes met hers in the mirror and he grinned sheepishly.


“Sorry…I got a little carried away.”  She grinned back at him as she removed the pins from her hair and set about fixing it back into the messy up-do.


“You don’t have to apologize.  I like it when you get carried away.” His arms slid around her from behind, pulling her back against him.  He kissed the side of her neck and looked into her eyes.


“Oh yeah?” he asked, his gaze the warm and loving one she had thought she would never see again.


“Yeah.” They smiled at each other for a long moment.  He placed another quick kiss on her cheek and gave her a squeeze before stepping away to let her work on her hair.  When they both had cleaned up and had everything back where it was supposed to be, he led her back to the party, his arm wrapped securely around her waist, keeping her close to his side. 


“What do you say to finding my newly reinstated best friend and Macy, making our excuses and letting me take you home with me where I plan to let you take shameless advantage of me?” His low voice rumbled in her ear as they negotiated their way through the throng.  She smiled up at him through her lashes.


“I say you are not only a handsome man, but a brilliant one as well.”  He grinned at her words, kissing her upturned lips.  They located their friends a few minutes later at the bar.  Max smiled like a cat that had just snacked on a fat canary when he saw Cian and Ava with their arms around each other.


“We’re gonna head out.” Cian stated, his smile sheepish as Max continued to silently gloat.  “Can you find your own ride home?”


“We’ll take my limo when we’re ready to go.” Macy answered, her smile as satisfied as Max’s. “You two go on and we’ll talk tomorrow.”


“But before you go…is there not something you would like to say to me,
best friend
?” Max raised an inquiring brow in mock hauteur, his eyes sparkling devilishly.  Cian sighed and rolled his eyes.

BOOK: Melting The Ice
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