Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) (27 page)

BOOK: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)
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Feeling sorry for him I swing my legs off the edge of the bed and grab the ends of the jeans. Pulling with what little strength I have left, I get them loose enough for Max to get them off. He stands up with the towel still wrapped around his waist but as soon as he tries to pull his boxers up, it falls loose. I get a glimpse of his impressive dick before he covers it with his boxers. He pulls on a t-shirt covering his rock hard body and I feel slightly disappointed. The naughty dream I had about him last time floods through my mind and I remember the feel of his muscles beneath my finger-tips. I also remember how good it felt when he was inside me. Not that I’d admit that to him.

I must have been staring for a while because all of a sudden Max lets out a deep chuckle.

“If I wasn’t so hungover and so pissed off with you right now, I’d be getting you on your knees with my dick deep in your throat. Or maybe I’ll fuck you on the dresser. You seem to have a thing for desks,’’ he rasps huskily.

My eyes widen in shock. He couldn’t possibly know about my dream or where I fantasised having sex with him. In the dream we had sex in Maverick’s office. It was rough, it was fast, but mostly it was so fucking good.

“Don’t look so innocent, you begged for it,’’ he winks and climbs over me to slide into bed.

“What? We had sex? It was real?’’ I choke out.

“My ego can’t take the hit right now. I already got arrested having the worst case of a shrivelled up dick because of spending the night in the freezing cold.’’

“About that,’’ I begin, going back to him being naked. “Why were you there? And why is it my fault?’’

“You really don’t remember?’’ he asks, looking into my eyes carefully. Most likely for any signs that I’m lying to him.

“No, and how are you not so hungover? And how do you remember everything when I don’t?’’

“Well, shit. Now I’m going to see if we can use Maverick’s office for twenty minutes to re-enact the best sex of my life,’’ he grins.

I roll my eyes. “Only twenty minutes?’’ I tease.

“Babe, I just said my ego was bruised. Now it’s fucking crushed.’’ He fakes hurt and I smile. We both turn to our sides so we’re facing each other.

“So? How do you remember everything? And explain about the whole naked thing and why you weren’t near your clothes.’’

“Because I only had one of Gavin’s fucking
. That stuff is fucking lethal. It seemed you girls were drinking it before we arrived.’’

I remember the fruity drink I had last night. It was yummy and didn’t taste of alcohol so I drunk more than I normally would.

“Okayyyy,’’ I nod, wanting him to continue.  

“Anyway, all this happened after we had the best sex ever and you told me some nonsense, but I’ll go into that when I’m not sporting the worst headache ever. We were dancing and I asked you out. You told me if I made your fantasy come true you would. So I did.’’

“What was my fantasy?’’ I ask, unsure if he’s pulling my leg. I yawn, feeling really tired all of a sudden.

“To fuck under the stars against a tree. I found the tree but you never arrived. You told me where to go, what to do, the lot. I could have woken up to being raped by an animal.’’

I choke out a laugh. “You did not just say that.’’

“I fucking did,’’ he growls. “I woke up to a fucking dog licking my face. It could have been my dick.’’

“Oh my God, stop,’’ I laugh, holding my sides. The room still feels like it’s spinning and laughing isn’t helping the nauseous feeling in my stomach.

“I must have thought I had gotten the wrong tree and moved on, leaving my clothes behind. I don’t remember. I was too cold and fucking tired by that time. I won’t be surprised to find my junk on Facebook or Twitter. I had to walk down the main road,’’ he growls.

I’m still laughing. I can’t help it. It’s fucking hysterical. If what he’s saying is true, and I did indeed say it, I can’t believe he followed through just to go out with me.

“I can’t believe you did that,’’ I laugh.

“Told you last night and I’ll tell you again since you’re having a case of amnesia; I’m not letting you go now. You’re mine.’’

“Max,’’ I say softly but stop. It’s not that I don’t like him, I do. We’ve grown closer than I’ve ever been to anyone but he doesn’t know the real me. He doesn’t know what I did.

“Nope. Not listening to your bullshit. You got me arrested. I had to face my granddad and tell him what happened and
I was buck naked. To make it worse, Malik and Mason went along for the ride and took loads of pictures of me.’’

I laugh, putting away that timid bit of information so I can remember to get copies from Malik.

“Now sleep. I woke up with bark and leaves in places they shouldn’t be and pains in places I never knew existed,’’ he growls.

“Okay,’’ I giggle, rolling over so my back is to him. Not seconds after his arms wrap around me, pulling me snug against his chest.


*** *** ***


Waking up, my bladder screams in pain, needing to be relieved. It doesn’t help that I have a huge, muscled arm wrapped around my waist, pressing heavily down on my bladder.

Not wanting to wake him I silently slide out from under him. He grunts when I’m free and rolls forward so he’s lying on his stomach, his arms curled around the pillow I’d be using.

He looks different sleeping. I’ve thought this before. His lashes are ones girls would cry for: long, dark and brushing across his cheeks. His full lips make even myself envious. They’re full, plump and have a natural redness that beckons even the strongest of women to want to kiss them.

He really is beautiful. Not that I’d ever tell him that. I’d never live it down. He’d never see it as a compliment either, just another hit to his massive ego.

Stumbling out into the hall, I make my way over to the toilet, bumping into a hard body on my way.

“Fuck. Sorry,’’ I croak out hoarsely, looking up to find an amused Malik in front of me.

“You look worse than Denny,’’ he chuckles.

“Thanks,’’ I mutter dryly, causing him to chuckle more.

“Is Max still passed out? I’ll go give him a Carter wake up call,’’ he says, grinning evilly.

Before I can stop myself I reach out and grab his arm. “Please don’t. I can’t deal with him just yet. Please let the beast sleep,’’ I plead.

Malik laughs, throwing his head back. “Just this once, Lake. And only because I know how hyper the little fucker can be, even with a hangover.’’

“Tell me about it,’’ I groan. “I think my headache is more from him blabbering on this morning.’’

“The arrest?’’ he asks.

“Yeah. Can you believe he blamed me?’’ I ask shocked. I’m bouncing from one foot to the other now, desperate to empty my bladder. Malik looks at me with amusement and steps to the side.

“I’ll see you later. Let me know when he’s up, I want some payback,’’ he winks before moving off to his and Harlow’s room. I don’t even wait around to question him about the payback. It could be over anything with these brothers. They fight and prank each other on a daily basis just for funsies.

I moan as I empty my bladder. Once I’m done I wash up, cleaning my hands, face, neck and other parts of my body before brushing the God awful taste out of my mouth. My morning breath is deadly on a normal basis, but having hungover morning breath? It’s enough to wipe out the entire population of Coldenshire.

The worst is my hair and makeup, though. My mascara and eyeliner are smudged down my face in an unattractive way and my hair looks like it’s been in a tornado and dragged through a bush backwards. It’s horrendous.

Walking back to my room I begin to shiver. The door below slams shut and everything in the house turns silent. I rush into my room, jumping in my bed, forgetting about Max for that split second.

“I’m up; I’m up,’’ he grumbles sitting up in the bed. The blanket falls from his chest and I enjoy staring at his ripped muscles. It’s another thing women would kill Max for. He has a tendency to eat twice his body weight but still doesn’t put on an ounce of fat.

I’m glad I’m not one of
those girls
. If I get big, I get big. We only live our lives once so we shouldn’t waste it by suffering through diets. Be who you want to be is what I say.

“Jesus, what time is it?’’ Max rasps, looking at my outfit. I look down and blush. I didn’t realise I was still wearing the skimpy outfit from last night.

I groan, realising Max had seen me dressed like this, my hair wild and my makeup a complete disaster.

I look over on the nightstand as I snuggle into the blanket. “It’s after one.’’

“I feel like I’ve had no sleep,’’ he groans, scrubbing his hands down his face. “Be back. I need to piss.’’

“Classy,’’ I grunt, watching his fine ass jump out of my bed, loving how his ass looks in those boxers. I can’t help myself. I bite my lip and gasp when he turns around, showing me his impressive package tenting in his boxers.

Coughing, I look up to find his amused eyes concentrating on me. Blushing, I narrow my eyes but he just chuckles.

“What?’’ I snap, picking at the blanket.

“Nothing, Babe. Nothing at all,’’ he chuckles, amusement laced in his tone. “Be back in a few. Need to wet the whistle while I’m up.’’

I fall back on the bed with a sigh when he finally leaves, shutting the door behind him. I should probably get up and get changed but my body feels too weak to move.


I’m thinking about what superpowers I’d pick if I had a choice when Max walks back into the room holding two glasses of fresh orange juice.

“Please tell me one of them is for me,’’ I moan, feeling parched.

“Sure is, Babe.’’

“Thank you,’’ I grin, grabbing the juice from him. It’s gone within a second of the glass reaching my lips. It feels like heaven having the cold liquid pour down my sore, dry throat.

“Thirsty?’’ he rasps out and my eyes shoot to his. They’re dilated and his eyes are transfixed on my throat. My throat bobs, swallowing the last gulp of orange juice. Neither of us looks away, not until Max takes my glass from my shaking hands, putting it on the bedside table.

“W-what?’’ I stutter, pausing when he reaches for me. He places a hand on either side of me on the bed, his eyes molten as he appraises every inch of my body. Well, of what he can see anyway. The blanket is covering my bottom half but it doesn’t make a difference. I can feel everywhere his eyes are looking as if he were touching me instead. Wetness pours between my legs and I have to clench my thighs together. He notices. I can tell. His grin turns into a mischievous smirk, his eyes darkening, the colour almost black.

“I think it’s time I show you exactly what we did last night, play by play. Show you how hot you were for me and how hard I was for you. I’m going to have you screaming my name and trembling with pleasure beneath me. I’m not going to let you come up for air until you beg me and only then, I may let you,’’ he rasps out, his voice hoarse. Tingles shoot between my legs, pooling in my belly like a thousand butterflies fluttering inside me.

I may have had a mini orgasm from just his words.

“I... I,’’ I start, shaking my head when nothing comes out. I feel like a teenager having sex for the first time. But this isn’t my first time and the promise in Max’s eyes tells me this won’t be my last either.

“Oh, babe,’’ he whispers huskily before capturing my mouth in a heated kiss. I moan into his mouth, my arms reaching up and grabbing onto his large shoulders.

Lord, he can kiss. Fuck, just his kiss is driving me wild. I’m scared at what the rest of him will do to me.

His knees hit the bed, his body looming over me. When he pulls my wrists a whimper leaves my mouth leaving me breathless.

I can’t seem to control my body. My eyes stay glued to his and another whimper escapes me when he presses my wrists to the mattress above my head.

There’s a gleam in his eyes when he takes in my new position, his eyes lingering a little longer on my chest.

“Fuck! You’re so fucking beautiful.’’

“Did you say this last night?’’ I ask breathless.

“If I didn’t then I’m a fucking wanker.’’

“That you are,’’ I grin. But lose it as soon as his lips tenderly pepper kisses across my neck. The feel of his full lips against my skin snaps the last bit of control I had.

My hands fight loose from his hold and I run my fingers through his hair, pulling at the strands, bringing his mouth to mine.

He kneels between my spread thighs, his body moving over the top of me. When he pulls at my top I lift my arms in the air, shivering at the cold air hitting my chest. My bra is next and I hear Max suck in a sharp breath.

I’m surprised when he doesn’t immediately touch me. He just stares down at my chest with a pained expression. If it wasn’t for the tent in his boxers I’d think he was repulsed.

Then he surprises me, he kisses me again with more force. He tastes like mint and Max, the taste powerful and addictive. I feel like I’m high right now, I’m so drunk on him. His bare chest presses against mine causing my nipples to throb almost painfully. Letting out a curse, I rake my nails down his back, loving the groan he makes when I do.

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