Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) (22 page)

BOOK: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)
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“Ants,’’ Myles shouts, roaring with laughter.

“Fucker,’’ Maverick growls as we all throw ourselves down on the floor.

“I’m going to need some back physio after tonight,’’ I groan, waving my legs and arms around.

“You should be used to being on your back,’’ Lee comments snidely.

“Nah, your mom likes me on top,’’ I shoot back.


People are careful not to step on us. A few of them even stop to stare down at us as if we’re fascinating creatures on display.

“What? You never seen an epileptic ant before?’’ I shout.

Getting up off the floor I wipe off the back of my jeans, groaning when I feel the back of my jeans are wet.

“Great,’’ I moan and Mason and Maverick turn in my direction.

“What?’’ they ask simultaneously.

“I’m soaked. I landed in a drink,’’ I tell them, turning around for them to see.

When they begin laughing I turn back around to face them. “What? Please tell me it’s beer and not some other bodily fluid.’’

“At least you’ve lived up to your name, Senator Pantstain,’’ Maverick laughs. I groan, not finding the fucker funny.

“Where do you think the girls are now? Harlow hasn’t texted me back,’’ Malik shouts, ignoring Maverick and Mason laughing at my suspense.

“You going to be pussy whipped all night?’’ Lee asks.


He didn’t just say that.

“Shut the fuck up,’’ Malik growls. One thing you should never do and that’s make snide comments about his relationship with Harlow. Yeah, he’s pussy whipped to fuck, but for Malik, it’s love and he’s proved over and over that it is. He’d do anything for her. Has been like that since the day he met her.

“Hey, just asking,’’ Lee laughs, holding his hands up, not realising how close to death he just got. “Hey, a shot, girl. Let’s grab a few shots and head to the next bar.’’

“Yeah, it’s getting on. Didn’t realise how long Mason took to raise some money,’’ Maverick laughs.

Now Malik has mentioned the girls, my mind turns to Lake. Grabbing my phone from my back pocket I unlock the screen. One message pops up and I grin when I see it’s from Lake.

A picture downloads of Lake and Kayla and my eyes pop out of my head.

What the fucking hell!

Why are we here and not with the girls?

Do the lads know what the hell they’re wearing? Or not wearing shall I say.

Holy fuck, her tits. Her legs. Fuck me, her hair. It’s wild and down, falling to her luscious ass. Not that I can see her tight ass in the picture, but the picture is grabbing at my imagination. The shorts look like they’re painted on her, they cling that tight to her body.

“What has you looking like you’re about to blow your load?’’ Myles grins, staggering up to me. He looks quickly down at my phone but then from the corner of my eye I see his head snap back down. His hand shoots out snatching the phone from my hand as he inspects the picture at a closer range.

“Holy fucking Christ,’’ he shouts, his eyes bugging out. “Did you know what they were wearing tonight?’’ he asks Malik.

“What?’’ Malik asks panicked and grabs the phone from him. He looks at the screen and turns awfully pale. For a second I think he’s going to pass out like good ole Adam. But instead, he hands Mason the phone and gets his own out. He pulls the phone to his ear and curses when he doesn’t get an answer.

“He really wants to fuck her right now doesn’t he?’’ I muse loudly, earning a growl from Malik. “What? I’m hard from just a picture,’’ I laugh.

Myles slaps me. “That’s my fucking girlfriend.’’

“Huh?’’ I wince, rubbing my sore head.

“Kayla,’’ he deadpans. “In the picture.’’

“Like I give a fuck. My eyes were on the prize, bro,’’ I wink and he just shakes his head.

“Come on. We need to move on before the bouncers come and kick sleeping beauty out,’’ Maverick laughs. He’s bent over helping up a sleeping Adam.

“I’m up, mom,’’ Adam slurs and we all look at him laughing.

The atmosphere in the club turns light again and we all laugh trying to help Adam up.

“Shouldn’t this be me you guys are carrying?’’ Mason wheezes, tucking his shoulder under Adam’s.

“Oh, give it time. Give it time. The night is still young,’’ I warn and follow them out.



“Hey, isn’t this Maverick’s club?’’ I ask the girls when we pull up outside MC5. Max had mentioned the clubs his brothers own a few times during conversations.

“Yeah. It’s above VIP, the strip club,’’ Kayla giggles. Bless her. Her face is all red and everything and she only said, ‘strip club’.

“I thought they were two different clubs,’’ I think aloud. It’s pretty impressive. Getting out of the limo I take in the scenery. Queues of people line the street, waiting to be let in. Lights stream through the windows of the club and the music blares from the inside.

“This is amazing,’’ Nay squeals, stepping towards the club. Seems Nay is a squealer and a happy drunk. She’s been hilarious since we drunk our last drinks at ‘The Fire Inn’.

“It’s impressive,’’ I agree, grinning. Grabbing my arm, Kayla pulls me towards the front of the queue. Denny and Harlow are already stood at the front doors, laughing and joking with one of the doormen. I hear him congratulate Harlow on the pregnancy just as we arrive, so they must be familiar with him.

“You ladies stay out of trouble tonight,’’ the doorman winks.

“Oh, you can restrain me if I get into trouble,’’ Stace flirts, winking back at him.

Turning towards her, I burst out laughing. She’s eyeing him up like he’s something to be devoured.

“He’s not a pizza,’’ I whisper yell in her ear. Everyone laughs. The doorman just smirks, eyeing the tall, model beauty.

“Ohhh, but how I’d love to have a piece of him,’’ she breathes. My eyes fall on the tall, burly doorman again and I can see her appeal. He’s a good looking man if you’re into the whole scary looking, muscled man. And from the way he and Stace are eyeing one another, I’ll take a huge guess and say they’re both into each other.

“Have a good night,’’ he chuckles. He removes the red rope letting us step past. A few people in the queue protest but a deep growl from the doorman shuts them up right away.

Kayla and I giggle. We follow the girls into the club, both of us in awe as we take in the atmosphere and our surroundings. Everyone in the club is dancing, having fun and drinking. Just walking in I can feel the buzz coming from everyone else, the feeling contagious.

“Oh my gawd, this is amazing,’’ I giggle excitedly, my hips moving to the music as we follow Harlow. “Where are we going?’’ I shout.

“We’ve got a private area blocked off for us tonight. Mason handled it all,’’ Kayla answers, her head nodding to the beat of the music.

Holy cow!

Mason is the shit and has just become my favourite Carter brother. He’s cornered off the far end of the club for us. It’s roped off, a doorman standing near the makeshift entrance.

“Hey, Mason has had Tony prepare you some drinks. They’re on the table. He’ll be over soon, he just got called away,’’ the doorman rumbles to Denny.

“It’s fine,’’ she waves him off and we head into what is now our space. I feel special, like a celebrity, as we enter the roped up area. Nearby people begin to stare, most likely wondering the same thing, I’m sure.

As soon as we’re seated, Nay is pouring us drinks and handing us some shots. Tony even prepared Harlow some cool refreshments. A coke, water and an orange juice are all in a bucket of ice. Mason really thought of everything for his girl and her friends. He went all out.

Kennedy hands me another shot, I take it, knocking it back. Surprisingly I don’t cough, which is a first for the night, even the taste doesn’t bother me anymore: I’ve drank that many I’m immune to the strength of them.

“This is the best freaking night ever,’’ Denny screams over the music. “Thank you so much. I love you guys so much.’’ Her eyes begin to water and my own eyes start to soften.

“Aww, we love you too, babe. And we’re having a blast too,’’ Nay replies.

“And coming out isn’t exactly a hardship,’’ Harlow laughs.

“Nope, I’m having the time of my life,’’ I salute, holding my glass up. Don’t ask me what we’re drinking. I have no clue. All I can tell you is that it’s fruity and yummy as hell.

“You guys are going to make cry,’’ Denny pouts. We all laugh at the sulky expression she’s trying to pull off.

“Stop with all the emotional stuff. We’re here to have fun,’’ Harlow shouts over the loud booming music. “But just so you know, I love you too, bitch.’’

“Hell yeah,’’ Nay shouts, shaking her raven black hair.

“We’ve played the truth game but what comes with playing truth?’’ Harlow asks with a cheeky grin as she eyes us.

“Dares,’’ Stace answers, grinning like a fool. She looks excited at the possibility of getting down and dirty.

“I’m lost,’’ I declare loudly, my drink sloshing a little over the side of the glass. “Whoops.’’

“I’m with Lake,’’ Kayla laughs. “Literally.’’

I laugh at her goofiness. She’s so darn cute. “Thanks,’’ I grin.

“Truth and dare. We’ve played truth, now it’s time to get down and naughty and play dare,’’ Harlow giggles, her cheeks blushing.

“Did you practice that speech?’’ Denny teases.

“Every day in the mirror,’’ Harlow answers seriously. Giggling, I take another sip of my drink, readying myself for what Harlow has up her sleeve for dares. Because there’s no doubt that she has been planning the best dares her masterful mind could conjure up.

“Who’s up first?’’ Nay asks. Her ass is literally hanging off the edge of the seat and her hands are rubbing together excitedly.

“I’m out with this one. The place is too packed for me to join. Not only would Malik get pissed but I’m not willing to risk my babies.’’

“That’s okay. You’ll have fun watching us make fools of ourselves,’’ Kennedy giggles.

“True,’’ Harlow winks. “First up is the bride-to-be. And your dare is...’’ Harlow pauses. She grabs something out of her bag which looks like a box of nail filers.

“I don’t think now is the right time to do your nails,’’ Denny laughs.

“Oh, these aren’t nail filers. These are your dares,’’ she winks. “And yours, my friend, is to: photo bomb at least three photos, pulling some sort of face, or joining in.’’

The table erupts with laughter and Denny giggles, downing the rest of her drink. I’d die if that was my dare. Not only do I hate having my photo taken but I hate making nice with strangers. I just don’t have it in me. Then again, tonight, I am feeling overly friendly.

Standing up, Denny walks off with a swing in her hips.

“She’s going to do it,’’ Kennedy hoots.

“This one was one of the easiest. Wait till you see the rest,’’ Harlow laughs. Slowly, we all turn our heads in her direction, a worried look upon our faces.

“Please tell me no one has to get naked?’’ I plead. Not that us stripping would make much difference when we’re barely wearing anything anyway.

“No. Oh my God! What is she doing?’’ Harlow laughs, her hand covering her mouth. We all turn to look in the direction she’s looking and all crack up. Denny is standing at a pose, her hands on her hips and has accomplished the ‘duck face’ like she was born to do it. But what has us laughing is the fact she’s doing it behind some chick who is trying to pull off the same pose but failing miserably.

When she’s done she wanders off, her hips moving to the beat of the music as her eyes scan the rest of the dancers. When she catches someone, she moves quickly across the dance floor.

“She wouldn’t?’’ I laugh when she saddles up next to a couple taking a selfie of themselves kissing. She’s literally shoved her head in the picture next to them, like they’re not sucking face and smiling. The couple haven’t even noticed, or they’ve chosen to ignore her, because she’s gone before they have chance to separate.

“That is so fucking funny. I wonder when they’ll notice,’’ Stace laughs.

“I cannot believe she just did that. She went right up close to them,’’ Kennedy adds laughing.

“I thought she was going to join in,’’ Nay pipes in next, chuckling.

“Me too,’’ Kayla giggles drunkenly.

“Me three,’’ I say, waving my hand in the air. I soon stop when I nearly take out Kayla’s eye with my finger. “Sorry.’’

“It’s okay,’’ she giggles again, turning back around to watch Denny. She’s moved further into the club, so we’ve lost sight of her. We all stand up searching through the sea of people to find her.

When I see the orange writing on her top glowing in the dark, I laugh. “There she is,’’ I point.

“What on earth?’’ Kennedy squeaks. Even my eyes widen in shock. She’s managed to get a lad to lift her up onto the bar. I notice the bartender shouting something at her but Denny ignores her and leans to the side with one hand thrown in the air like she’s trying to pose like a starfish.

“She did it,’’ Harlow laughs.

“Uh-oh. The doorman is getting her down,’’ Kayla smirks, biting her lip.

“So jealous,’’ Stace sighs beside me. That’s when I realise it’s the doorman that we met outside.

“When Denny gets back it’s your turn, Kayla. Remember you don’t have to do any of them. Some of these can be a bit... I dunno. A bit much. Don’t feel bad if you don’t want to do one of the dares.’’

Kayla nods at Harlow looking kinda pale. “You okay?’’ I shout.

“Yeah,’’ she nods. “As long as it doesn’t involve a male I’ll be fine.’’

“It will be okay,’’ I assure her, praying like hell I don’t get a male dare now that she’s mentioned it. Now I’m thinking about it, the more nervous I become.

Denny finds her way back to the table, laughing. “I did it,’’ she sings happily. “I swear that couple were doing more than kissing,’’ she shudders, making us all laugh.

“Eww, that’s gross,’’ Kennedy chuckles.

“Who’s up next? This is so much fun.’’ Denny bounces up and down excitedly before moving around the table, taking her seat.

“Kayla. And she has to: pinch a guy’s ass and walk away. What will it be, Kayla, dare or shots?’’

Kayla stands up surprising me. I have to suppress a grin when I see the determined look on her face. She looks so freaking cute; her button nose all scrunched up and her fists clenched with a fierce look upon her face.

“Why not? I’m going to do this. Damn it, yes, I’m going to pinch some guy’s bum and love it,’’ she declares.

“Maybe not too much. Myles might get jealous.’’

“Oh,’’ she says, her facial expression falling. “Do you think he’ll be mad?’’

“It’s for my party. Of course not,’’ Denny answers shocked, but fighting a smile. When I’m around Kayla, I feel more worldly.

“Then I’m going to do it,’’ she says firmly and nearly trips over one of the chair legs when she starts to walk away. It doesn’t deter her from her mission, though. She marches right out into the sea of people with a look of determination, making sure to stay in the line of our sight.

She must have her eye on the target already because the next thing I see is her running back towards us laughing her head off. A bloke standing where she once was is looking around curiously but the only people that are behind him are a group of lads. When he walks off in a hurry it makes me laugh harder.

“Did you see? Did you see?’’ Kayla laughs bubbly. She looks so freaking pleased with herself like she just accomplished a life goal. Then again, from what I’ve learnt about Kayla over the months I’ve known her, I can see why this is such a big deal for her. She’s always so quiet. She keeps to herself and I know from what I’ve heard the others mention that she’s been through a lot.

“Well done. Did you see his face?’’ I ask, grinning from ear to ear. I’m so happy for her. She’s deliberately moved out of her comfort zone by doing this dare. Maybe that’s what I need to do for once. Just let loose.

“Of course I didn’t. I ran like a vampire was chasing me,’’ she replies.

“Have you seen the vampires now on TV? Why the fuck would you run? Damon Salvatore could bite me any day of the week,’’ Nay grins.

“Oh, I’m team Stephan,’’ Stace laughs.

“He’s a boring old fart,’’ Nay protests.

“I’m more of an Edward Cullen fan,’’ Kayla adds, earning nods from Denny and Harlow.

“Well, fuck you guys, I’m a werewolf fan. Jacob Black all the way,’’ I grin. God, he’s so gorgeous it hurts to look at him. All that golden brown skin, tight muscles and that smile is enough to make any girl melt.

“I’m more of a superhero fan,’’ Kennedy pipes in. “I love Thor.’’

We all laugh and agree.
Chris Hemsworth
is to die for.

“Okay. Settle down. Settle down. Nay, you’re up next,’’ Harlow grins. She’s already holding up one of the nail filer sticks so I reckon her grin has to do with what is written on it.

“From the look on your face I can tell mine isn’t going to be easy,’’ Nay whines but is smirking at Harlow.

“Damn right. Your dare is to: find a condom.’’

“Please tell me it doesn’t have to be used?’’ Nay pleads, looking as grossed out as the rest of us.

“Eww,’’ I add, hoping she doesn’t need to find a used one.

“No. The rules are, unused, and it says you’re not allowed to purchase one.’’

“I can do this,’’ Nay tells us. She pours herself another shot, knocking it back in one.

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