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Authors: Richard Rhodes

Tags: #History, #Holocaust, #Nonfiction

Masters of Death (63 page)

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Time, Inc.: Excerpts from “Eichmann’s Own Story: Part I & II” by Adolf Eichmann (
November 21 & 28, 1960). Copyright © 1960 by Time Inc. Reprinted by permission of Time Inc.

The University of Chicago Press and Christian Gerlach: Excerpts from “The Wannsee Conference, the Fate of German Jews, and Hitler’s Decision to Exterminate All European Jews” by Christian Gerlach (
Journal of Modern History
70:4, December 1998, pp. 759–812). Reprinted by permission of the University of Chicago Press and the author.


Page numbers below refer to photographic insert following text page 146.

Page 1: top and bottom, Bundesarchiv.

Page 2: top and bottom, Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 3: top left and right, Yad Vashem Photo Archives, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives; bottom, U.S. National Archives, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 4: inset, Courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives; top and bottom, Main Commission for the Prosecution of the Crimes against the Polish Nation, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 5: top right, Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden, Bundesrepublik Deutschland; bottom, Babi Yar Society, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 6: top, Bundesarchiv; bottom, Main Commission for the Prosecution of the Crimes against the Polish Nation, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 7: top, © Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin 2001; bottom right, Berlin Document Center.

Pages 8 and 9 (all): Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 10: top, Ullstein Bild; center, Berlin Document Center; bottom, Jerzy Tomaszewski, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 11: center, Library of Congress, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives; bottom, © 2000 by Richard Rhodes.

Page 12: top, Czechoslovak News Agency; center, William Gallagher, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives; bottom, Bundesarchiv.

Page 13: top, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives; center and bottom, Main Commission for the Prosecution of the Crimes against the Polish Nation, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 14: bottom, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 15: center, Stephen Davis; bottom, U.S. National Archives, courtesy of USHMM Photo Archives.

Page 16 (all): © 2000 by Richard Rhodes.

Richard Rhodes


Richard Rhodes is the author of nineteen books. His
Making of the Atomic Bomb
won a Pulitzer Prize, a National Book Award, and a National Book Critics Circle Award. He has received Guggenheim, Ford Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation fellowships, and lectures frequently to college and professional audiences. Rhodes and his wife live in California.


Why Τhey Kill
Visions of Τechnology
Deadly Feasts
Τrying to Get Some Dignity
(with Ginger Rhodes)
Dark Sun
How to Write
Nuclear Renewal
Making Love
A Hole in the World
Τhe Making of the Atomic Bomb
Looking for America
Sons of Earth
Τhe Last Safari
Holy Secrets
Τhe Ungodly
Τhe Inland Ground


Copyright © 2002 by Richard Rhodes

Vintage and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the Knopf edition as follows:
Rhodes, Richard.
Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the invention of the
Holocaust / Richard Rhodes.
p. cm.

1. Holocaust, Jewish (1939–1945)—Poland. 2. Holocaust,
Jewish (1939–1945)—Soviet Union. 3. Nationalsozialistische
Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. Schutzstaffel. Sicherheitsdienst.
4. World War, 1939–1945— Secret service— Germany.
5. Germany — History — 1933 –1945.
I. Title.
D804.3 .R53 2002

eISBN: 978-0-307-42680-2


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