Marked in a Vision (19 page)

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Authors: Mary Goldberger

BOOK: Marked in a Vision
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Jay spun around looking at where they had left Emily and his heart seized in panic.

he shouted through their link.  She did
not answer his call, but he was bombard with many emotions at once from her.

“Go to her,” a voice whispered and he did not have to
as he began to run shifting into his wolf.  Although he sensed no fear or panic in the emotions she was sendi
ng him, he wanted to be prepared
for anything.


“Sir,” the young man said coming to him as he watched Jay shift into his wolf.  “I did as you requested and put a spell around the area.  Once he enters, no
will be able to enter
they leave the area.”

The young man frowned, though, “But why them?  There is nothing special about them.”

The old teacher had a mental picture of
“the Old One” nodding her head and whispering, “Thank you”.

He shook his head, laughed and walked away with
young man following him still confused.


Emily could not help the feelings that overcame her as she looked around and she heard Jay calling her, but she could not answer him.  She walked to the middle of the field
looking around and she turned as he entered the clearing in his wolf form.

Shocked brown-amber eyes met his green ones as he shifted back into his human form and she swallowed as he stepped towards her.  The passion that they
both have been tightly restraining
flared out of control in that instant.

It is time
his wolf began to chant as Jay looked around the field.

“How…” he started and Emily just shook her head. 

“I don’t know,” she whispered huskily as he walked closer.  Her eyes widened slightly the closer he got and
his own narrowed as his wolf rose to the surface.

His wolf wanted to claim his mate and Jay knew that there was no stopping him.

He sto
pped an inch from her as her breath filtered across his bare chest from his shift as she lifted her head.

“This is not how it happened in my vision,” she croaked as he pulled her tight into him.

“No, it wasn’t,” was all he said before he crashed his lips to hers.  Emily moaned as she lifted up on tiptoe to wrap her arms around his neck allowing her hands to caress his back before settling in his hair.  The kiss turned passionate quickly as Jay ran his hands down her sides lightly brushing the sides of her breasts until they reached the bottom of her shirt.

He pulled back briefly, “You have too many clothes on.”  She laughed
as he pulled her shirt over her head and dropped it on the ground.  Then her laughter died as her sports bra she wore when training followed the same path as the shirt.  His mouth dropped back down to her lips to kiss her as hand ran down her breasts making himself familiar with her flesh.

“Beautiful,” he whispered pulling his mouth away to run his lips down her throat to were their mark sat although
it was beginning to fade.  He let his canines extend to graze the skin and Emily arched against him pushing her breasts into his chest.

Not yet,
his wolf howled.

”Not yet, Jay,” Emily moaned and he grazed her skin one more time before he ventured farther down to her breasts.  He kissed over and around them never touching the nipples and Emily moaned in frustration.

He laughed, “We have been waiting for weeks so I am not going to rush this.”

Emily swallowed her moan as she said teasingly, “Then make sure that it was worth the wait” as her hands ran down his back as she allowed her nails to lightly scrape at the same time.

Jay’s eyes narrowed until the green was so bright that she shivered at just his look and he smiled with complete male satisfaction, “Believe me, baby, it will be well worth it.”

Then he kissed her again as his hands wandered across her breasts to circle her nipples until they were points and then he allowed his thumbs to graze them and Emily arched her back pushing her breast
into his hands.  One hand stayed to play with her nipples as the other one traveled down
her stomach and danced around her navel before going lower to graze the waistband of the leggings she wore.  She sucked in a breath at his touch and he leaned back to look at her through narrowed eyes.  She was arching her back as his hand continued to play with her nipples her body flushed with arousal as passion coursed through her body.  His hand slipped lightly beneath the waistband to rest against her lower abdomen before he lowered both hands to push down both her leggings and panties.  Emily gasped as she felt the cool air brush against her naked body.  She opened heavy eyelids to see the flush of passion cross Jay’s face as he stared at her.

“You are so beautiful,” he breathed again before he leaned to take a nipple into his mouth and Emily let out a small cry at the sensation.  Without breaking the contact of his lips on her erect nipple, he lowered her to the ground.  There bodies crushed the flowers underneath them as he slowly pulled his mouth away from nipple to giving it a lavish lick before pulling completely away.

“Why…” she began, but he forestalled her question by finishing t
o undress her.  His hands slid
down her legs where the leggings rested at her feet where he pulled off her shoes and slid the rest of the clothes o
f her body.

He worked his way back up her body kissing her legs as his hands followed her.  At the apex of her thighs, he gave a sniff smelling her sweet arousal, but although he growled, he
would wait for that pleasure.  He continued up her body kissing her stomach before sliding back to her breasts and nipples going back and forward keeping them erect.  He licked one and then the other one last time before he raised himself over her and he saw the passion in her eyes although they were clouded with apprehension.

“It will be fine,” he whispered as he kissed her lips passionately and Emily, trusting Jay, as she ran his hands over his back and down his arms.  She caressed his chest playing over his nipples and he growled with pleasure.

They continued their love play until Jay leveled over her, “Ready, sweetheart?”

Emily unable to talk nodded her head as Jay made him self comfortable between her legs and she felt his erection at the junction where no man has touched before.

He kissed her hard on her lips before they traveled across her cheek and down into the notch of her neck.  Emily tilted her head as she did in her vision and she felt his canines extend before he hesitated for a moment and Emily tightened her arms around his neck in permission.

Her body tensed as his teeth bit into her neck and he penetrated her at the same time.  Emily felt no pain from either one and she moaned in pleasure as his teeth retracted and he licked the wound close.  Then he leaned up to kiss her lips deeply as he began to make love to her impaling himself deeply into her with each thrust and Emily tightened around
as she met his rhythm
.  Then Emily felt her body tighten as he plunged one last time and she screamed in pleasure as Jay growled his, and both of their bodies exploded as their orgasms ro
cked through them stealing their

Jay slammed his mouth to hers as their bodies shuddered in the afterglow of pleasure.  They collapsed against the ground crushing the flowers more.  Emily opened her eyes to look into the sky as Jay rested against her his face in her neck.

“That was definitely worth the wait,” she said hoarsely.

Jay chuckled huskily as he leaned up looking down
her with glittering green eyes.  He kissed her sweetly whispering, “Thank you”.  Emily blushed as she knew what he was thanking her for and she relaxed against the earth as he started all over again.


Miles away,
getting ready for her date felt a cold draft fill the room.  She frowned at the draft and yelled, “Turn up the damn heat”.

She did not think anything else about it, but off in the corner a light shimmered briefly before it disappeared.


Later that evening, Jay and Emily exited their field of wild flowers.  Jay loved the
that covered Emily’s cheeks at the looks they were getting from the other wolves.  Emily now carried Jay’s scent letting the other males
know that she was his and off limits.

They had dinner as they both were hungry, and as they were eating, her teacher came over.

“I hear that you are leaving tomorrow,” he stated as he sat down at their table.

“We were as there is something we need to do before we head home,” Jay answered.  Their teacher nodded his head before looking briefly at Emily who was focused on her food and did not notice the look.

“You need to seek answers,” a voice drifted through her head and Emily glanced up sharply to look at the teacher.  He nodded briefly to her, and then turned, and walked away.

Emily’s eyes followed him before Jay said, “Emily”.

She glanced over at him to see his eyes were narrowed, but not in anger and she swallowed as she felt her body heat up from his look alone.

They went up to their room and before the door was closed, one could hear Jay say, “I promised myself something while were out there.”

“Really,” Emily laughed, “What was that?”  

Before one could hear the answer, the door closed and no more was heard for the night
, or if it was, it was ignored

Towards dawn, Emily
shifted then
stilled in Jay’s arms.

,” she asked in surprise as she looked around
and noticed she was in the fiel
d of
flowers again.

“Is this…” she began and
“the Old One” laughed.

“No, merely visiting you in your dream world.  I picked a place that means something special to you for our little talk,” and her eyes twinkled as the blush crossed Emily’s face.

“Remember when we talked before about

Emily nodded; “Something about
using black magic…” she stopped there and paled.

“Is she a witch?” she whispered.

Myra shook her head, “No, she is a werewolf.  She is not a very strong one because she relies on her looks instead of working on her own strength.”

Emily nodded her head in understanding as
continued, “
does not know yet what is going
though she has continued to go to the pack house.  She knows Jay is not there but she believes that Stan likes her, and hopes to insinuate herself as Jay’s mate into the household.”

Emily frowned but did not say anything.

Myra said softly, “He was telling you the truth: you need to seek answers. You do not need to fear
.  While you help Garrett, seek the answers about
…” She disappeared and Emily said confused, “

Then she heard clearly, “
was from Garrett’s pack, and he knew her true mate.

Chapter 22

Jay looked over at Emily as they finished the last leg of their trip to Garrett’s pack.  He frowned as he focused on the road.  Since early that morning, Emily had been silent and thoughtful as if something was on her mind.  Jay disliked it when Emily did not talk to him although he could use their mate link to see what was troubling
he preferred that she told him.

Finally not able to take her silence any longer he asked angrily, “Okay, what is bothering you, Emily?”

When she threw him a confused look, he explained, “You have been silent all morning.  You have not talked to me the whole trip which tells me something is bothering you.”

Emily bit her lip as she looked at him wondering what he would think if she told him about her dream.

“Jay,” she began hesitatingly, “Can
ask you something without you getting upset?”

They stopped at a light that was red and he turned to her with a quizzical look.

“Go on,” he said quietly as the light turned green.

“You told me that you confused the lust you felt for
as the same sensations one feels for a mate.  Is it possible that
did the same thing as you concerning
?” she asked.

Jay was silent for a moment in shock as her question echoed in his head.

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