Read Marked in a Vision Online

Authors: Mary Goldberger

Marked in a Vision (17 page)

BOOK: Marked in a Vision
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“We will work on that,” Jay said confidently as he got off the bed to grab a brush from the dresser.  He sat back down behind her as he began to brush her hair.  They sat there in silence as he brushed her hair and Emily enjoyed the feeling of him taking care of her.

Once done with the brushing, he got up, “I will get you something to wear.”

Emily continued drying herself as he kept his eyes averted while he got her some fresh pajamas.

“Here you go,” he said handing her the pajamas.  “I am going to take a shower while you get dressed.”  He heard her laugh quietly as he went into the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Once he returned to the room twenty minutes later, Emily was dressed and
ing at the window looking out
.  He could tell that it took some effect for her to get there, but he did not comment.

“Are you okay?” he asked walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her.

“I am fine.  I am just glad that I woke up before
made another attack on you,” she admitted and Jay was shocked at what she said.

“How did you know about
?” he asked turning her into his arms so he could look down at her.

She laughed as she looked up at him with her eyes shining, “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

His eyes narrowed, “Try me.” 

She looked at him for a few minutes before she sighed leani
ng her forehead against his shoulder
, “Okay, but let us go back to the bed before my knees give out.”

He shook his head as he swung her up into his arms and carried her back to the bed where he made them both comfortable laying down facing each other.

Once they were settled, Emily began to tell him about her meeting with “
the Old One” and Jay listened without interrupting her.  When she was done, they just laid there in comfortable silence as Jay thought about what she said.

He had to admit that it sounded crazy but he believed her.

“I believe you,” he said pulling her tighter into him.

“Thank you,” she said before yawning.  “I cannot believe I am already tired when I have only been awake for maybe four hours.”

Jay pulled her even closer as he reached over and turned out the lamp on his side of the bed.  Emily had turned it on once she was dressed
and turned off
the main light.

Jay yawned as Emily settled against him and he
his cheek against her hair, “
We will begin training the day after tomorrow after you spend time with your family if that is what you would like to do.”

“I would,” Emily replied tiredly.  She felt Jay’s smile against her hair and a smile curved her lips as she fell into sleep so her body would be prepared for tomorrow.


The next day was a happy occasion as Jay helped Emily down the stairs for breakfast.  When they walked into the kitchen everyone stopped what they were doing for a moment before
they jumped up.  Jacob and Stacy enclosed Emily in their arms as they cried and they eventually let her go when Sasha said she wanted a chance to give her sister a hug too.  They laughed as they released her so Sasha could hug her then Mark followed by Cass and Stan until Emily laughing said she was hungry.  They sat down for breakfast talking and laughing as Jay kept an eye on Emily to make sure she did not over do it.  Emily smiled at him and placed a hand on his before she turned her attention back to the conversation.  Nobody mentioned
and her daily visits, and Jay turned to Sasha before she left the room.

He quietly whispered, “Please make sure that
does not see Emily.”  Sasha nodded her head at his request and he gave her a kiss on her cheek before he headed out.  He was going to let his mate spend the day with her family while he finished some much needed work.  After today, he would be focused on his mate to help her get her
muscles and body back in shape.


Emily spent the rest of the day with her family including Cass.  They caught her up on what was going on while she had been in her coma.  They talked and laughed as Emily rested on the loveseat and the others sat around her.  When
called in the afternoon, Cass and Stacy were the ones who dealt with her as Sasha and Emily went into the garden.

Once they were settled, Emily laughed, “I know that
has been calling for the last few weeks, Sasha.”

Sasha rolled her eyes as she admitted, “Jay asked me to make sure that
did not meet you.”

Emily leaned her head back as she said, “It is a good idea because right now I am too weak to stand up against her.”

Sasha looked at her and she debated whether she should say anything or not about what Mark told her
last night.  She knew that he had talk to his father after breakfast to let him know their decision.

Emily watched her sister’s face and she smiled as she read it then she said quietly, “I know, Sasha, about Jay handing the Alpha position to Mark.  I stand behind Jay in this and I think you and Mark will make a great Alpha and Alpha Female of the pack.”

Sasha looked at Emily in astonishment then she laughed tearfully.  “Thank you,” she whispered as tears fell down.  “I missed you, Emily, because I had no one to talk to when you were in your coma.”

“Sorry, Sasha, but I am awake now so talk to me,” Emily said looking at her.  Sasha giggled as she wiped a hand across her face to get rid of the tears.  Then she began to talk and Emily listened to Sasha’s words as she read the emotions on her face.  They spent the rest of the day out in the garde
n as Cass and Stacy joined them, and after school, Michaela joined them thrilled that Emily was awake.
  For dinner, they all gathered around the table talking, laughing and they celebrated when Stan told them about Mark accepting the position of Alpha.  The ceremony
for him to take the r
ole would be held in six weeks
.  Everyone stayed up later then normal and it was while they were heading to bed that Jay informed everyone he was going to start training Emily the next day. 

As Emily and Jay settled down in their bed for that evening, Jay like the night before pulled her closer as she snuggled into his warm body.

“Get some sleep for you will need it, sweetheart,” he said into her hair.  Emily nodded her head as she settled her cheek against his shoulder and her last thought before she d
rifted off to sleep was that
be able to handle the training that Jay was going to put her through.  Jay felt her fall asleep and he tightened his arms around her as he sighed in contentment before he drifted off to sleep with her.

Chapter 20

“Do it again,” Jay ordered and Emily panting lifted narrowed eyes to him.  Jay met her eyes calmly and said, “Again.”

She muttered something harsh under her breath
but she ran the ten laps again.  Her body was trembling when she was done that she collapsed where she stopped.

“Here,” a masculine voice said handing her a bottle of water.  Emily looked up into brown eyes and she smiled politely as she said, “Thank you” taking the bottle from the young man.

She let her eyes travel to Jay as she took a large gulp of the water.  When Jay suggested they train, she had thought they were going to do it at the house.  She was surprised when the next morning; Jay woke her up early and told her to get ready.  They had left an hour later and sometime that afternoon they arrived here.

She continued drinking her water as she noticed Jay with some other men, but she knew he was keeping an on her.

She smiled as her eyes continued observing the area around them.  She never knew a place like this existed. 
It looked like the ideal vacation getaway with mountains and trees as far as the eye could see; the only thing missing was the snow.  Jay had told her when they arrived the first day that this was a camp were the Alpha’s of each pack sent their best to be trained as he and Mark had been.  Emily had been stunned for she had thought all their training was done with other wolves in their pack.  Jay had told her before they settled in, “We do train with our pack, but for a year we trained here.  It was a tradition for each male of Alpha blood to be sent here.  Over the years, though, the camp allowed any werewolf who could handle the intense training.”

Although he said they would start training that day, they merely toured the “camp” as he acquainted her with it.  The next day they started and she had wanted to cry, or kill him, before it was long over.  Jay had not been joking either when he said the training was intense. 

Jay was a task master but she had to admit he knew her limitations better than she knew them herself.  She was startled from her thoughts when she thought she saw a light ahead.  She narrowed her eyes to see it better when it disappeared.

“Are you okay,” a vo
ice said catching her attention.  She glanced over realizing that she forgot the brown-eyed man who stood a little closer to her then she was comfortable with it.

“Fine,” she answered capping the water bottle as she stepped away from him.

He frowned which Emily caught and she sighed soundlessly.

The man, Garret Sands, met her their second day they were there while she had been outside relaxing a
fter a
grueling training session and waiting for Jay.  At first, he seemed polite as he sat down but Emily’s power had changed along wit
her body.  With one look into his eyes, she sensed the turbulent emotions going through him.  They had talked for a little while until Jay arrived soon after his green eyes narrowed with jealousy and Emily had been amazed.  She told him later that night as they were getting ready for bed, “You were jealous.”

He looked at her with that same narrowed look, “You are my mate.  I will not let some other werewolf put his hand on you i
f I can help it.”  Emily had done
what was normal in the circumstances, she kissed him deeply.

“Thank you for being jealous,” she had whispered breathlessly as they had pulled apart.

Jay had just smiled and tucked them into bed.  Although they slept together every night and Emily was more or less recovered, they still had not mated.  The weird thing was that both of them knew it was not time as if they were waiting for something.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts and turned her attention back to Garrett.

“Emily,” Garrett began but he was interrupted by Jay as he headed over to them.

“Ready, Emily,” he asked.  “We need to do some laps in the pool to build up that upper body strength,” he added and she groaned.  She waved a hand and said a quick “goodbye” to Garrett as
they walked away.

Her body shivered with ple
asure when J
ay slid his arm around her waist and pulled her into his side.  She giggled, “I am all sweaty and probably in need of a long shower.”

He kissed her temple, “You smell great to me.”
She elbowed him lightly in the stomach, but laughed.  Another thing that changed about her besides her increase in strength and speed although she was still working on those; her eye sight, smell and hearing had enhanced. 

They did do some workout in the pool, but it was more for fun than anything as Jay joined her.

They had a quiet dinner for two in the dining room and went to back to their room where they proceeded to watch a movie.  Emily lasted only about twenty minutes before she was out like a light.  Jay chuckled as he went to go say something a
d noticed it.  He kissed her on the forehead as he pulled the blanket up around her and then he turned his attention back to the movie.  The movie was forgotten momentarily when she snuggled tighter against him and he gritted his teeth as his body flared with passion and his wolf was howling in agony, but they both knew it was not the right time.

his wolf panted to him as he pulled him back in and Jay nodded his head in agreement for he sensed it too.

“Soon,” he whispered turning his attention with much difficultly back to the movie again.


“Very good,” Jay complimented her.  Emily flashed him a smile as her eyes begin to return to normal.

Thank you,
she said through their mate link as she strolled towards him.  It had shocked her when Jay had first contacted her through the link
week ago
.  H
e had laughed at her reaction as
he had explained that as mates they had a personal connection.
  She had wondered why he waited until then to use it and he had kissed her before replying, “You had too much thrust at you at once.  I did
want to frighten you.”

“Dumb ass,” she had muttered as she hit him in the arm for that would not have frightened her, and Jay could tell that as her eyes shined which led to him giving her another kiss longer and more passionate.

BOOK: Marked in a Vision
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