Marie Sexton - Between Sinners And Saints (23 page)

BOOK: Marie Sexton - Between Sinners And Saints
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Levi took him to an Indian restaurant with an all-you-can-eat buffet. Jaime tried not to look dismayed as he eyed the unfamiliar selection.

“Do you want to go someplace else?” Levi asked him.

“No,” he said. He forced himself to meet Levi’s eyes, even though it made his cheeks burn to do it. “I’ll try it.”
Levi smiled at him, then leaned in close to whisper in his ear, “I kind of like how you blush every time you look at me.” Which, of course, only made Jaime blush more. Levi turned away and began to load his own plate with food. “You’ll like the curry,” Levi assured him. “And the tandoori.” He picked up a piece of flatbread and put it on Jaime’s plate. “And everybody loves naan.”
Levi also ordered a glass of plum wine for him. It was syrupy sweet and unbelievably good, and the first glass went down a bit too fast. “I don’t want to be sick again,” Jaime said when Levi ordered him another glass.
“Don’t worry,” Levi said, and the hungry look in his eyes made Jaime blush again. “I’m cutting you off at two.”
He felt amazingly good by the time they got back home. He took Dolly for a long walk, then they sat on the couch watching TV as they usually did until Jaime started to fall asleep, and Levi dragged him off to bed.
He didn’t think about much of anything as he brushed his teeth and got ready for bed, but when he walked into the bedroom and found Levi undressing, he was suddenly nervous. He really hadn’t thought forward to what it would be like now, sleeping together in Levi’s bed.
Levi smiled at him as if he could read his mind. “We don’t have to do anything.”
Jaime debated as he watched Levi finish undressing. He was afraid to give Levi full rein just yet, but he also had to admit his first taste of sexual freedom had him wanting more. He thought about the day on the couch, touching Levi as he slept. He thought about being on the bike, and how exhilarating it felt to touch Levi without the threat of Levi touching back.
“If I asked you to do something, would you?”
Levi grinned wickedly at him. “Is this some new form of torture?”
Jaime laughed. “It might be.”
Levi reached out and took Jaime’s right hand. He turned it over and kissed the old scars on the inside of Jaime’s wrist. “Your wish is my command, my sadistic Boy Scout master.”
“Get undressed and lie down on the bed.”
Levi stripped out of his briefs as Jaime had instructed, but he didn’t lie down on the bed. Instead, he looked up at Jaime with hopeful eyes. “Let me undress you.”
The simple request made Jaime blush, as it had earlier in the day, and he laughed nervously. “I’ll do it.”
Levi obediently went to the bed, sat and leaned back on his elbows. Jaime tried not to be self-conscious as he slowly removed his clothing, folding each piece as he went. He kept his back to Levi as he bent to remove his boxers, and he heard Levi groan.
“You’re embarrassing me,” Jaime said.
“Come over here,” Levi said, “and I’ll make you forget all about being embarrassed.”
Jaime turned to face him, and the look in Levi’s eyes took his breath away. Levi was looking at him with so much heat, so much longing, so much naked desire in his eyes, and suddenly Jaime didn’t feel embarrassed anymore. Self-conscious, maybe, yes. But he also felt…
Attractive. He actually felt sexy for the first time in his life.
“Turn over,” he said, and Levi obeyed, rolling onto his stomach. Jaime sat across his ass, and without even thinking, he started to massage Levi’s shoulders and neck, until he felt Levi relax. Levi’s hair was spread everywhere, and Jaime pushed it up and back, off his neck and off his face. He leaned down against Levi’s back and kissed the back of his neck.
“I wanted to do this to you in the motel room in Charleston,” he said.
Levi laughed. “I won’t tell you what I wanted to do to
in that motel room. You’d turn ten shades of red.”
Which, of course, was enough in itself to make Jaime blush. He was glad Levi couldn’t see his face. He continued to kiss Levi’s neck, letting his hand wander down Levi’s side. He came to Levi’s ass. It was like the rest of Levi’s body—not large, but firm and muscular—and he gripped it in his hand.
“I can’t wait to do that to you,” Levi said, and Jaime smiled with his lips pressed against Levi’s shoulder. His cock was lying against Levi’s ass, wedged against his crack, and he thrust against him. His erection slid against Levi with a tantalizing friction, making him moan, and Levi moaned in response, his hands whiteknuckled in the comforter on either side of his head. Jaime did it again, reveling in the feel of Levi’s ass under him. The next time he thrust, Levi’s hips rose up to meet him. He gripped Levi’s hip and thrust against him again.
Levi let go of the comforter with his right hand and it slid down the bed. “Let me show you…”
His hand slid between them. Jaime lifted his hips to accommodate him. Levi didn’t grab his cock exactly, but he nudged it down, shifted his own body in relation to Jaime’s, lifting his own hips up, and then he let go, and Jaime sank down into a warm softness unlike anything he’d felt before. He still wasn’t
Levi, of course. Just as before, he was wedged into his crack, but now his cock was angled down, pointing toward the bed, sliding between Levi’s cheeks and the tops of his thighs, rubbing against his perineum. Now Jaime could feel the wonderful friction of Levi’s skin all around his glans, and God, it felt good. He rode that spot for a while, until Levi moaned.
“Jaime,” he said, “please let me turn over.”
“I don’t want you to touch me.”
Levi sighed in frustration, but he didn’t argue. “Fucking sadist,” he said. The words themselves might have seemed like a jab, but there was laughter in his voice, and Jaime found himself smiling.
“I think I’m going to make you pay for that comment,” Jaime teased as he moved enough to allow Levi to roll onto his back.
“I can’t wait,” Levi said, and there was no mistaking the husky arousal in his voice.
Jaime sat again, straddling Levi’s hips. Their groins pressed together, their erections side by side. Jaime wasn’t sure exactly where this would end but, for the moment, he was happy just to look at Levi. He’d seen Levi’s body before, but looking down at it now, with Levi lying between his legs, was incredibly arousing. Levi’s skin was smooth and tan. He was gripping the comforter tight with his hands in an effort not to reach for Jaime, and it made the muscles of his chest and arms taut and firm.
Jaime put a finger on Levi’s clavicle and ran it slowly down his chest. Levi’s skin seemed to jump at his touch. He continued down to Levi’s navel. He slowed then, but didn’t stop. He continued downward, and Levi moaned, arching up against him. A drop clung to Levi’s tip, and Jaime touched it, spread it around, circling his finger over the head of Levi’s cock, and Levi moaned again.
Jaime leaned down, letting his chest rest against Levi’s, and he felt Levi tense as he fought his impulse to touch him or embrace him. Levi’s eyes were closed, his breathing ragged, and Jaime looked down at him, amazed he could be this close to somebody as beautiful as Levi and not be paralyzed with self-doubt. Jaime let his hands wander over Levi. These were muscles he knew, by name and by touch. The psoas and the obliques. Pectorals and deltoids. But nothing had prepared him for how good it felt to explore them like this, with Levi tense and trembling beneath him.
He kissed Levi’s shoulder and his neck, letting his lips and his tongue wander. He kissed Levi’s jaw, which was prickly with stubble. Once, he tried to kiss Levi’s soft, full lips. He loved the way Levi’s open mouth seemed to invite him in. However, the moment their tongues made contact, Levi lost some of his selfcontrol. He reached for Jaime, and Jaime pulled back. He grabbed Levi’s arms and pushed them away from him, back against the bed.
Levi groaned in frustration, but didn’t fight him. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Jaime couldn’t be mad at him, though. It was true he wasn’t ready to let Levi touch him, but the fact Levi
to touch him was an incredible aphrodisiac. “Eventually,” he said to Levi. “Not yet, though.”
“I know,” Levi said. “I’m trying to be good.”
Jaime laughed and bent to kiss him again, although not on the lips this time. He kissed his neck again and his clavicle. He moved down to his chest. He came to Levi’s nipple, dark pink against Levi’s tan chest. He remembered how surprised he’d been when Levi had touched him there earlier. He hadn’t expected it to feel so good. He brushed his thumb over Levi’s and was thrilled at his response. His breath hissed out between his teeth, and his arm tightened in a way Jaime knew was an attempt to keep his grip on the comforter. Jaime looked up at Levi’s face. Levi was looking down at him, his eyes burning, and when Jaime rubbed his thumb over Levi’s nipple, he saw the pleasure of it wash over Levi’s face.
“Jaime,” he whispered, “you’re killing me, here.”
Jaime bent his head to Levi’s chest, touching his lips to the small bud of flesh, and Levi moaned. Jaime licked it, teased it with his tongue, and was exhilarated by the way Levi writhed underneath him, moaning and begging. “Oh God, Jaime, more, more, more.”
He locked his mouth around Levi’s nipple, almost biting, sucking hard. Levi cried out. His cries went right to Jaime’s groin, and he heard himself groan, too. He’d never known anything like this feeling of providing pleasure and gaining pleasure simply from his partner’s labored breath and frantic moans. It had never occurred to him giving might be as gratifying as receiving. He moved to the other side, and Levi responded the same way, pushing toward him, groaning, panting his name. He felt that bit of firm skin against his tongue and he rolled it between his lips. Levi arched against him again, and he felt Levi’s cock thrusting against his stomach. He knew exactly what he wanted to do next.
He released Levi’s nipple, moving back to the center of his chest, and Levi moaned in frustration. But as he moved down, his lips and tongue brushing over Levi’s stomach, he could sense Levi’s growing anticipation. He could feel him shaking beneath him, lifting up, pushing his hard cock up toward Jaime’s face, even as he fought to maintain his grip on the comforter. Then Jaime was there, staring down at drops of moisture on Levi’s tip. He breathed in Levi’s scent. It was at once the same smell he’d always associated with Levi—sunlight and the sea—but something else, too. Something thick and musky, like the smell of Levi’s bed, but so much stronger, and Jaime couldn’t believe how much it turned him on. He couldn’t believe how something as simple as scent could make his head spin and his groin ache.
He put his head down, his nose in Levi’s hair, and breathed deep. His own cock was against the bed and he ground himself against it as he drank in that beautiful smell. He thought he could work himself to climax simply rubbing on the bed while he reveled in the scent of Levi’s sex, but he knew he wanted to do more.
He looked up again at Levi, who was watching him again with heavy-lidded eyes. Levi’s cock was against his chin. He wanted so much to taste it, to feel what it was like to give this to Levi, but he was afraid of doing it wrong. “I don’t know how,” he said.
Levi smiled at him. “There’s not much to it. Just watch the teeth.”
Jaime put his tongue on the underside of Levi’s shaft and slowly moved up. Levi fell back against the bed again. Jaime’s tongue reached his frenulum, and Levi moaned, a deep, low sound Jaime had never heard before. His tongue reached Levi’s tip, and lapped up the drop clinging there. He was surprised at the saltiness. Levi didn’t just smell like the ocean. He tasted like it, too.
Jaime closed his mouth over the head of Levi’s cock, letting his tongue explore Levi’s flesh. If he’d thought Levi’s reaction when he’d teased his nipples was arousing, it was nothing compared to this. Levi cried out. He didn’t let go of the bed, but his hips rose up. His cock pushed farther into Jaime’s mouth. He pulled back, then thrust up again, and Jaime gripped his hips as he sucked Levi in deeper. He shoved his own erection against the bed as he did, moaning, and Levi thrust upward again, crying his name.
It felt amazing. Levi’s cries, his smell, and the way his cock felt against Jaime’s tongue. The way his hips arched up as he pushed deeper into Jaime’s mouth, the way he tasted, the way he panted Jaime’s name. The way it felt to grind his own aching erection against the bed as Levi lifted and pressed against him. It was more than arousing. It was intoxicating. Before Jaime knew it, he was lost, caught up in something strong and unbelievably primal, swept away in a flood of pleasure and longing. Then there was no thought at all, only the sensation of rubbing against the bed, gripping Levi’s ass, trying to suck him in and taste him and smell him, while Levi arched into him again and again.
Suddenly, Levi gripped his arm, calling out, “Jaime, stop,” and Jaime pulled away, panting. Levi released his arm and collapsed back on the bed. “I’m sorry,” he said, between panted breaths. “Didn’t know if you’d want me to come.”
Jaime realized how caught up he’d been in the sensations of what he’d been doing. He foolishly hadn’t thought ahead to what the end result would be and was glad Levi had stopped him. He moved back up, sliding his body along Levi’s until he could look down at his face. “I liked that,” he said.
Levi laughed. “I like that you liked it.” His smile faded, replaced by something sexy and suggestive. “Let me do it to you,” he said. “You’ll like that even more.”
The only thing Jaime could picture was being pinned beneath Levi, as Levi had been pinned under him, and it scared him. “Not yet,” he said. He glanced down their bodies, pressed together. “I could do it again. Just tell me before—”
Levi was shaking his head. “If you do it again, you’ll have to tie my hands down, Jaime. I was having a hell of a time following your rule.”
“I don’t want to tie you down,” Jaime said, smiling, “so I guess we’re at an impasse.”
“I guess we are,” Levi said, smiling back. “Looks like we might have to compromise.”
“What do you suggest?”
“Kiss me again, and I’ll show you.”
As Jaime kissed him, he felt Levi’s hand brush his hip. He jumped at the contact, but Levi didn’t grab him. Instead, he worked his hand between them. Jaime lifted his hips to give him access, and Levi wrapped his hand around both of their shafts at once and started to stroke.
Levi’s hand on him earlier in the day had felt good, but this was even better. There was something incredibly erotic about feeling Levi’s cock against his, feeling their heads rub together at the top of each stroke, and knowing Levi was enjoying it, too. There was something beautiful about the way their bodies fit together, the way their cries merged and their moans overlapped. There was something amazing about the way their hips pushed together at the same time, as they both thrust in tandem through Levi’s fist.

BOOK: Marie Sexton - Between Sinners And Saints
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