Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel (28 page)

BOOK: Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel
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amuel was packing up the last things from the kitchen cupboards. He needed to keep busy in between course work and his classes, and packing up random things in Daniel’s house seemed to fill those hours up. He held up a glass bowl with leaves etched all around it and sighed. Daniel had so much crap hanging around, and Samuel had no idea why he would even have what looked to be a punch bowl, but there it was.

He placed it in a box for charity and would make Daniel look through it before he gave them away. Daniel had accepted an offer on the house. It was lower than he wanted, but still a good one. A cute couple bought it who fell in love with it as soon as they saw it. Samuel smiled when he remembered their faces as they walked around. He’d spent a good deal of time making the house feel like a home, even if it was just to sell it, and it showed, or it
. Samuel looked around him. Three huge boxes filled the kitchen, all with pans and pots and random things like pancake makers which he’d never seen before.

It meant they could place a really good offer on the house they wanted, the one near Milo’s mum and the one they all knew was for them. They would be able to move in a couple of weeks if everything went okay.

Daniel was at the gym, and Milo was finishing off his shift. Samuel always got calls from them while he was alone, but today he’d not really been home much to feel alone. All morning had been filled up with library visits and his first online mock exam in English and Math, which he passed. Samuel grinned to himself. Milo and Daniel had been so proud of him when he’d called them up. Milo’s mum Rekha called round for dinner, with cake to celebrate his results, and then they started packing. She’d left a couple of hours ago to visit her daughter and now Samuel was sitting in the middle of the kitchen, wondering what the hell to do with all the crap surrounding him.

“Hey, Princess.” Milo made him jump and he held his hand to his chest.

“Milo! You’re early.”

“Nope, right on time for once.” Milo looked around and lifted a brow. “My mum called, told me she’d kind of left you in the middle of this.” He grinned and held up his phone. “Look what arrived.”

Samuel took the phone from him and squealed. “Your sister had the baby.”

“She sure did. A boy. Say hi to Zain.”

“Oh my God, he’s beautiful. Is she okay? I didn’t know she was in labour.”

"Neither did she.” Milo laughed. “Mum did though. Got her to the hospital just in time. Daniel will be happy.”

Samuel kneeled and passed the phone back to Milo. “Your parents like him. I wish he’d see that.”

“He does. He just feels a bit out of place. I think he misses his own mum when he’s with mine.”

Samuel nodded. He understood Daniel found being without his own mum difficult. Samuel had years to get used to it but it still hurt. Having Milo’s mum nearby made him happy, but it also made him wish for his own mum to be with him. “You're so lucky to have your family close by. They accept your life and who you love, that’s amazing.”

Milo shifted the biggest of the boxes and bent down, laying a soft kiss on Samuel’s lips. “I know. I love them both for supporting me. And they love you two.”

Samuel sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind his ears. “Daniel has so much shit in here.”


They’d agreed to take most of Daniel’s furniture along with all of Milo’s because they had a bigger place and could fit it all in. Samuel was sure it would work out and put them on until they got around to buying new things together, but they didn’t need double pans and plates and all the other junk.

“How about we order food? Chinese good for you?”

“Oh, God. That sounds brilliant.” Samuel was starving. “Thank you. I’ll call Daniel up and tell him to come home.”

Milo helped clean up the kitchen, moving the boxes into the hall and wiping down the table while Samuel called Daniel up then had a quick wash upstairs to clean the dust from his skin. When he got back down, he found Milo and Daniel in the kitchen. Milo had him up against the wall, hands everywhere, kissing him breathless by the open door. Samuel smiled, just enjoying watching them move against each other.

Daniel broke off for air and sighed. “I missed you too.”

“Welcome home.” Samuel moved closer and they both turned to see him and smiled. “I missed you too. You look all buff and big.” Samuel ran his hands down Daniel’s chest. Like Milo, he appreciated the hard work Daniel put into his body and it turned him on seeing him fresh from his workout, smelling like shampoo and cologne, his hair still wet from his shower.

“Hmmm. Look at you.” Daniel dragged his fingers through Samuel’s messy hair. “You look sexy in these pants.”

Samuel sighed. He didn’t. He was wearing baggy stuff of Daniel’s which he’d found stored away in one of spare wardrobes. It was too big but it was comfy and he’d been moving around on his knees all afternoon on the tiles. “I look scruffy.”

“You look sexy as hell,” Milo whispered into his ear. "I wanted to ravish you when I came home and saw you bent over. This plump arse in the air, pants too low and showing off the sexy curve of your spine. You had me hard in a second.”

Samuel was pressed back into Daniel’s chest, his arms raised and pinned behind Daniel’s neck as Milo sandwiched him between them both. He could feel their hard, excited bodies pressing into him and he immediately reacted, his cock filling out and his breathless moans spilling out as they both kissed his neck, running their hands over his body.

“Did we order the food yet?” Samuel panted out.

“Not yet,” Milo whispered into his ear. “You want something else more?”

“Hmm, tell me you do, Baby,” Daniel groaned into his other ear.

“I want you.” Samuel arched his back, pushing his cock into Milo’s and grabbing Daniel’s hair in his fists. “I want you now.”

“Good answer.” Daniel chuckled, slipping his hands from Samuel’s body and turning the key in the door.

“Very good.” Milo lifted Samuel up, and sat him on the kitchen table. “I’d much rather eat you anyway.”

Samuel blushed as they both began to strip his clothes off, leaving him naked and sitting there with his thighs parted, cock hard and flushed, breathing hard and biting his lip as he watched them swiftly strip naked in front of him.

Samuel took in every muscle and line on both of the men standing before him. They were so beautiful, it made him ache everywhere when he saw their toned bodies next to each other, the way they looked at him, so hungry. Samuel arched his back, opening his thighs and letting his hair hang behind him, cascading down onto the table, offering up his creamy flesh to them to feast on.

“So beautiful.” Daniel moved first, running his hand up Samuel’s thigh and gently working his balls in his palm.

Milo was next, his mouth on Samuel’s nipples, sucking and nibbling, grabbing his hair in his fist and exposing his throat, biting him and leaving a mark which Samuel would have to hide in the morning.

They worked his body like a finely tuned instrument, one they knew all the keys to and pressed them perfectly. Samuel was so out of it with pleasure he couldn’t focus on anything. His cock was in Milo’s mouth, he had three of Daniel’s fingers inside him and he was trying to pull them both as they did it. He ached with desire. He needed more. He pushed back onto Daniel’s fingers.

They hadn’t moved on further than this yet, but Samuel wanted to. He asked one of them every time they touched him to do it. He opened his bleary eyes and looked at Milo.

“Princess… don’t.”

“Milo, I want you.” Samuel then turned to Daniel. His fingers had paused in their movements and it made Samuel hurt even more. “Please, Daniel. I want you inside me. I want it now.”

Daniel was so thick and hard. “You know I want to.” He ran his fingers down Samuel’s chest. “I thought we were waiting until we got our test results back?”

They’d decided to do things right and get checked out so they could stop wearing condoms. Samuel liked the idea of waiting, but then it was another week before they would get them back and right now….

“I can’t wait.”

Milo chuckled. “Danny?”

Samuel knew Daniel could be broken first, so he wriggled his arse and moaned more, looking into his eyes and pouting. “Don’t you want to fuck me, Daniel?”

“Yeah, I want to fuck you,” Daniel growled out. “I've wanted to fuck you since I first laid my eyes on you. I want you on your back and my cock deep inside you while I pound you into the mattress.”

Samuel lost his speech and just groaned.

“Is that what you want, Princess,” Milo whispered against Samuel’s neck before kissing him. “You want his cock inside you, filling you up and making you scream for us?”

Samuel nodded frantically. “I want both of you. I want it now.”

Daniel slipped his fingers from Samuel with a groan. “We’re not doing it on the kitchen table.” He took a deep breath and smiled at them both. “I'm not fucking you either.” Samuel’s face fell and he frowned. “I'm going to make love to you.”

“We can fuck later,” Milo teased him.

Samuel didn’t care what they called it right then. He just knew he had to have one of them inside him and they’d obviously agreed between themselves it was going to be Daniel first.

“Okay,” he whispered out, closing his thighs and shuddering as his aching cock brushed against his leg. “Just… don’t make me wait too long.”

“We won’t.” Milo kissed him. “We promise.”

Daniel swung him over his shoulder and slapped his arse. Samuel loved his fireman lift. It came in handy for times like this. He was so strong, he could even carry Milo, not that Milo liked being carried, but they’d made a bet, and Daniel had to prove it to himself he could do it. That had been a fun night.

He was laid carefully on the bed, both of the men who he loved and desired more than anyone in the world on either side of him, looking at him like he was the most important thing in their world. Samuel ran his fingers through their hair, pulling them to his lips so they could share a kiss together.

They’d all waited so long for this moment to come that Samuel couldn’t quite believe it was going to happen. He felt butterflies take flight in his stomach with the excitement and nerves running through him, then he looked between them both and smiled.

He knew this was right where he should be. Where he belonged. Where he wanted to be.

“Make love to me,” he whispered against their mouths.



aniel took the lube from Milo, watching as Milo glided his fingers inside Samuel’s body. His cock was thick and heavy, aching to be inside Samuel’s hot, slick passage waiting for him. So many times he’d thought of this moment, but now it was here, it felt very different.

He’d always been lost in the excitement, even on his own in the shower as he jerked off to the thought of Samuel beneath him. It had been just a fantasy, one which he wanted so badly every other emotion went out of the window. But here they were, and the moment was happening right now, and all Daniel felt was the overwhelming feeling of love he had for them both. It overtook him and made his eyes tear up.

Milo was behind Daniel, holding him in those big arms of his. They all knew the moment was special, more so than any other time they’d been together.

There would be countless other times ahead, but this time, this one night, this one moment, it was the beginning of those times.

“You okay?” Milo brushed his lips against the back of his neck and Daniel nodded slowly.

“Yeah, I'm just…” Daniel looked at Samuel lying before him, eyes dreamy, thighs spread open, cock hard and leaking against his stomach. Daniel wanted him so badly it hurt his bones. They ached with need. It felt like he was being ripped in two with it. He caught his breath in his chest and held it there as Samuel ran his fingertips down his chest and stroked his cock. Daniel stiffened, his body taut and rigid with desire.

“Let’s get this on you, Danny.” Milo slipped a condom slowly over his hard length, making Daniel wince.

Samuel curled his arms around Daniel’s neck and pulled him down, wrapping his long legs around Daniel’s ribs and offering himself. Milo took hold of Daniel’s cock, rubbing his head over Samuel’s opening before holding still and letting Daniel push. Samuel’s eyes were on his the whole time as they joined.

Both of them stopped breathing. Stopped moving. Just stopped.

“Daniel,” Samuel eventually breathed out.

“Push in him, Baby.” Milo stroked Daniel’s arse, gently pushing him a little and he slipped in deeper.

Daniel bowed his head, growling through his teeth as the tight hold of Samuel’s body captured him and held him prisoner. “Fuck! You feel so good.”

Samuel half smiled through his pants, his body welcoming Daniel’s cock inside and massaging him with soft flutters and pulsing. “So do you.” He laid his head back, closing his eyes. “You're so big.”

“You okay, Princess?” Milo gently rubbed Samuel’s thigh and watched him nod in response. “Move, Danny.” Milo wrapped two fingers around Daniel’s cock, feeling him move his cock and the skin he was stretching around Samuel’s body. “That’s it, nice and slow.” Milo was pulling his own cock as he felt them join and it turned Daniel on even more, his cock stiffening inside Samuel and making him moan louder.

Daniel lost himself in the sensation of the moment, just feeling and reacting to Samuel. He moved slowly, taking his time to fill his tight body up with his whole length. He wanted this to be a pleasant experience, one which wouldn’t hurt, one Samuel would remember and want more of.

He wanted to wipe clean any memories of Samuel’s past experiences and just leave good ones behind.

Samuel wasn’t a shy virgin, Daniel knew that. He hated and loathed it, but he understood Samuel’s body had been through a lot, that he could put up with Daniel taking him rough and not complain, but neither Milo or Daniel would ever be that person.

This was Samuel’s first time. The first time he’d even given himself to anyone, ever wanted to be with someone and share his body in this way. It was an honour to be with him like this.

“Thank you,” Daniel whispered softly, kissing Samuel’s cheek as his balls lay flush against his cheeks.

Samuel smiled, not able to talk but understanding how much this meant to him.

Daniel gritted his teeth as he pulled out, feeling Samuel’s tight ring hold his head before filling him again. Milo moaned with them, moving to lay beside Samuel, wrapping his hand around Samuel’s dripping cock and kissing him as they worked him into a boneless wreck.

“He’s coming,” Milo moaned.

Daniel felt it. Samuel’s arse was clamped onto him, squeezing him hard as he began to peak. He looked beautiful, skin all rosy and flushed, panting and sweating, hair all over, his body lifting and arching. “Come, Baby.”

Samuel opened his eyes and stared at Daniel, calling his name out as his body froze, cock shooting out over his stomach and Milo's fingers, pulsing cum over them both as Daniel fought to keep moving his cock inside him. Seeing him finish made it even harder to hold back and Daniel bit down on his lip as he moved one last time.

“Samuel!” Daniel threw his head back and came. “Yes!” He grabbed the sheets beneath him and shouted out as he shot again.

He fell forward, breathing hard, resting his head beside Milo and Samuel’s, both of them kissing him and touching him softly. Milo gently helped him roll off Samuel, making sure he slipped his cock out nice and slow before lying beside him. Samuel lifted his head and smiled at him before rolling on top of Milo and laying over him. Daniel lazily lay there, watching Samuel sneak his hand between Milo’s thighs, fondling his thick cock and lifting his hips over his length. Milo stopped him.

“Don’t, Milo.” Samuel gave him a firm look and lifted up, positioning his cock at his opening before slowly sitting down. “Milo!” Samuel paused, Milo’s wide head stretching his body open more than Daniel had done.

“Argh, shit!” Milo grabbed hold of Samuel’s hips, stilling him and taking a deep breath.

Samuel shifted on top of him then bobbed up and down, spreading himself open before slipping further down the long length. “Oh, Milo.”

Daniel moved behind Samuel, holding him in his arms, running his fingertips up and down his chest and cooing soft words into his ear as he held him tight. Samuel relaxed, letting more of Milo inside him. Daniel looked down at Milo, his dark skin gleaming with sweat, chest heaving, fingers ripping the sheets by his sides as Samuel’s tight body took him deeper.

Daniel rubbed Samuel’s cheeks, massaging him, rocking his hips into Samuel and keeping a nice rhythm for them both. Samuel gasped as he took Milo’s last couple of inches. He was sat flush on his hips, every hard inch Milo had buried inside him. Samuel leaned down, holding onto Milo’s chest as he began to rock on top of him.

Milo reached for his hip, holding him tightly as he lifted up. Daniel kissed Samuel’s neck, slipping his fingers over the stretched skin around his hole and feeling them both join. He grinned at Milo. He was painfully hard.

“Ride him, Samuel.”

Samuel braced himself on Milo’s chest and began to ride his cock, slowly at first, but soon picking up the pace.

“Is that good, Baby?” Daniel moaned out.

“Yes!” They both shouted out and Daniel grinned.

“You're taking him so good, Samuel.”


“Give me your arse, Samuel. I need it,” Milo growled out gruffly.

Daniel shifted back as Samuel began to ride Milo hard, their bodies colliding against each other’s deeper and faster. Milo was growling, fighting hard not to be too rough. He was heavy handed and this was soft for him, but much harder than what Daniel and Samuel had just done. Samuel wanted different things from them, they all understood this. This was obviously what he wanted from Milo.

Milo offered Samuel his hands and Samuel grabbed them, holding on and riding him harder. “That’s it, Samuel.” Milo lifted his hips, unable to stop the flood of lust filling him. Daniel sat back, watching Samuel take Milo’s cock inside him, running his hands over his own cock as he enjoyed the show before him.

Samuel was loud now, throwing himself on top of Milo and begging for more. Daniel grabbed his hips and began to lift him on top of Milo, making him ride him harder and faster, watching as Samuel’s cock stiffened, bouncing between him and Milo.

“I'm coming.” Samuel tried to slow down, his body tightening, but Daniel continued to lift him, making him ride Milo’s thick cock just as fast. Samuel lost it, screaming out, grabbing his hair, shooting over Milo’s chest as he came for them both. Milo arched his back, crying out as Samuel ripped the orgasm from his body.

“Fuck!” Milo grabbed Samuel’s hips and stopped him from moving while he shot again. “Jesus Christ. Don’t move.”

Daniel grinned. “Sensitive?”

Milo managed a short smile then threw his head back and breathed hard. Daniel lifted Samuel off him, carefully, and laid him in the middle of the bed. Both he and Milo encased Samuel in their arms and showered him with kisses while he drifted off to sleep.

BOOK: Manchester Ménage 01 - Saving Samuel
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